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A teenage boy, Chris, is telling a story to a group of his friends around a campfire.
"Long ago, in these very woods, lived an old woman by the name... of Jenny Greentree." Chris Says As He shines the flashlight onto his face from under his chin.
There are four people around the campfire β Chris, the Girl sitting next to him, and another teenage boy, Ray, and girl, Chloe, sitting close together on the other side of the fire.
"Forced out after her family was killed in a fire. She lost everything. Some say, even her humanity." Chris Says
"That is so sad." Ray Says
"Shut up!" Chloe Says
"It's a true story, Ray. Look." He shines a flashlight onto the letters "JG" carved into a nearby tree.
"She carved her initials into that tree... right before she died." Chris Says
"Those are not her initials." She Says
We see the scene from a distance, as if through someone else's eyes.
"So, how'd she die?" Chloe Asks
"One night, a blizzard hit. She's cold, she's hungry, nowhere to go, no one to turn to. Jenny Greentree froze to death... right beneath that tree. And her evil spirit has haunted these woods ever since."
Chris shines the flashlight onto his face from under his chin and grins creepily. Ray gooses Chloe and she jumps as Ray laughs.
"Don't do that!" Chloe Says
Suddenly a bottle smashes against the tree. The Girl screams and everybody jumps. Another teenage boy, Trevor, staggers up, laughing drunkenly. Chris rolls his eyes.
"You guys should have seen your faces!" Trevor Says
"What the hell, Trevor? That's not funny, man!" Chris Says
"To you!" Trevor Says
"Yo. You drive here, man?" Ray Asks
"Oh, please. Look, why β why don't you take β take my phone, okay? Call Dad and bust me, why don't you?" Trevor Says
"No, I'm just saying, you're wasted. You can't just drive..." Ray Says
"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I heard ya. What was that?" Trevor Says
"What? No. Trevor, let's just sit down, okay, we'll β" Ray Says
"Shhh. You β you don't hear that?" Trevor Asks
"Trevor, there's nothing there, all right? Let's just sit down, and we'll..." Ray Says
"What the...? You gotta run. You gotta run!" Trevor Says then runs away.
"Trevor!" Ray Says
"I'm sorry, but what is your brother on?" Chloe Asks
Then There is a scream in the distance, they all jump.
"Trevor!" Ray Says
He runs after Trevor, moments later Ray is walking in the woods, looking for Trevor.
"Trevor! Trev, come on! Stop being a tool!" He sees Trevor sitting against a tree. "Come on, Trevor, let's head back. Dude." Ray Says
Ray approaches Trevor and see's that he is dead, His face is cut and bleeding and there is a large hole in his abdomen.
Bell Biv DeVoe's "Poison" plays as a vehicle pulls up outside "Burger Heaven." Garth gets out, wearing sunglasses, and walks slowly to the restaurant.
Chloe and the teenage girl are talking outside the restaurant.
"Ladies." Garth Says
"What do you want, Top Gun?" She Says
"For starters, I'd like a little respect." Holds up a badge
"Sorry, Officer. We didn't realize." Chloe Says
"All's forgiven. Take a seat. Tell me about Trevor McAnn. Other night up at Widow's Peak." The girls speak simultaneously "Whoa. You." Points to the Girl "Go." Garth Says
"It was Jenny Greentree." She Says
"Shut up! Okay? She's just a dumb legend." Chloe Says
"Hold up. Who?" Garth Asks
"Jenny Greentree. My dad says she really died in the woods. And she's buried in the town cemetery." She Says
Garth is digging in front of Jennifer Greentree's headstone.
"All right, Jenny G." He pours salt into the grave. "Your ganking days are over." He lights a match and tosses it into the grave. "You've been Garthed."
Garth walks back to his vehicle in slow motion as "Poison" plays.
Ray is sitting in a car with a bottle of alcohol beside him. He pushes a button on his cell phone.
"Ray, where are you?" Ray drinks from another bottle. "You should be with your family right now. Don't do anything stupid. Please." Chloe Says
He hits a button to stop the message and takes another drink. He gets out of the car, carrying a rifle.
Ray walks through the woods with his rifle. He sees a long-haired woman in a white dress through the trees and runs towards her. He pauses and looks around, then screams as he is dragged upwards. His legs shake and there is the sound of flesh tearing. Blood runs down his legs and onto his boots and the ground. He goes still.
Garth is talking on his phone in front of a food van that reads "Guanaco Salvadoran Cuisine."
"Yeah, I clocked out. Put it to bed. Problem solved. And I'm headed your way, so, uh... fire up that hot tub." He Chuckles "No, I heart you more."
Garth gets into his vehicle and opens a take-out container.
"Abandoned vehicle out by Widow's Peak. Uh, we got another body up here. Guy's torn to shreds."
"What?! No way. How is that possible? I Garthed her!" He Said
Dean is talking on the phone in the passenger seat, Sam is driving and Elena is asleep in the backseat.
"All right, well, call us if he wakes up or, you know, anything Yeah, fine Thanks for your help, Meg."
He hangs up. "What a bitch." Dean Says
"So, Cas is the same, then?" Sam Asks
"Yeah, down to the drool." Dean Says
"Huh." Sam Says
"By the way, how is your custard?" Dean Asks
"It's all right. It's getting better. Just wish it wasn't like the damn tape from "The Ring." I mean, I feel like I'm okay 'cause I passed on the crazy." Sam Says
"No, you didn't. You heard what Cas said." Dean phone rings.
"Let's β let's not. You know what?" Sam Says
As Dean answers the phone.
"Hello." Dean Says
"Hey, Dean. It's Garth." He Says
"Wait. W-who is this?" Dean Asks
"Garth. Garth Fitzgerald the Fourth. We worked together on that demon thing? You owe me one?" He Says
"Oh, yeah. Yeah, how you doing, Garth?" Dean Asks
"I'm ready to cash in that chip, Bra. There's something brewing in Junction City, Kansas." Garth Says
A Coroner leads Dean, Elena and Sam in their FBI suits into the room.
"Well, this is it.... this is Corporal Brown." Coroner Says
Garth, wearing an Army uniform, is standing next to the body.
"Corporal James Brown. I'm shipping off to the AF maΓ±ana. I'm here to pay respects to my cousin as I will not be able to attend the funeral." Garth Says
"That must be terrible for your family. Losing two brothers so fast." Coroner Says
Dean looks at Sam & Elena and then they look at Garth, to whom this is obviously news.
"Yeah. Yeah. My aunt β she's, uh... she's real broken up about it." Garth Says
"Hey, Doc, can we see both files, please?" Sam Asks
"Mm-hmm." The Coroner's phone rings. "Ah." He Hands Sam a file "My wife. I'll, uh, be in my office."
"Great." Dean Says As The Coroner leaves the room.
"Corporal James Brown? Are you serious." Elena Says
"You didn't say they were brothers." Sam Says
"Dude, I just found out about the other corpse, and... started moving quick. I'm sucking up info as I go." Garth Says
"What, are you allergic to a suit?" Dean Asks
"No. I just... look good in a uniform." Garth Says
Sam reads the file. "Yep. Same cause of death."
He walks over to a computer.
"Right, uh, gutted at night in the woods, where legend says that the ghost of Jenny Greentree roams." Dean takes out an EMF meter. "Oh, uh, I already scanned for EM..."The EMF reader makes noise."F. Oh. Um... I guess mine must be broken again." Garth Says
"All right. I'm reading your mail. Uh, ghost of Jenny... whatever?" Dean Says
"Greentree. That's just it. I torched her bones." Garth Says
"Yeah, well, maybe she's got something still laying around." Elena Says
Sam is searching online for "Junction City, Ray, Trevor McAnn." He opens a web page for the Midwestern Brewing Company, which lists Thighslapper Ale, Headspinner Amber Ale and Hardhead Imperial Stout.
"Highly doubtful. Chick was homeless." Dean and Elena looks under the sheet at the body and makes a face. "Plus, is it me, or is this less evil spirit, more monster chow?" Garth Says
"A werewolf?" Elena Says
"Except, uh, the witness said that whatever was chasing victim numero uno was invisible." Garth Says
"Uh...So, invisible ghost werewolf?" Dean Says
"Why'd you think I called for backup." Garth Says
"Hey. Either of you guys ever heard of Thighslapper Ale?" Sam Asks
"Is that a stripper or a beverage?" Garth Asks
"Beverage for douchebags." Dean Says
"Uh, number one microbrew in the Pacific Northwest." Sam Says
"But we're in Kansas." Elena Says
"Yeah, I rest my case. What's your point?" Dean Asks
"The owner is the dad to the dead brothers." Sam Says
"Right. I'll can the uniform, go Fed. See you at the brewery in 40." Garth Says
Garth leaves and they all share a look, Elena shakes her head and covers the dead body
"He grows on you." Dean Says
A Woman walks through the brewery and opens the door for Sam, Dean, Elena and Garth, who are all wearing suits.
"Agents. I'm Marie. I'm a manager." She Says
"Thanks for coming in on a Sunday." Dean Says
"We want to help. Anything we can do." Marie Says
Then leads them inside.
"Oh. So all this is your dad's, huh?" Dean Asks
"And his friend β Randy Baxter. They own the place together now." Marie Says
"Uh..."now"?" Sam Says
"Well, since Dale died." Marie Says
"Hold on, hold on, hold on. You think I just come in late..."
The Man is standing in an office, lecturing a Teenage boy. Another man is leaning against the wall.
"...whenever I want?" He Says
"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again." He Said
"The, uh, "charming" Randy Baxter." Marie Says
"Mm." Dean Says
"Tell you what β congratulations. You're headed for the graveyard shift. Be one second late, and you're fired." Randy Says
"Yes, sir." He says
"He's actually a really nice guy. It's just not easy being the axman." Marie Says
"So true." Dean Says
"My comrades got you covered, so if you'll excuse me." Garth Says
"Uh, yeah, I'll go with you." Sam Says
Sam and Garth walk into the office, Dean, Elena And Marie walks away.
"Mr. McAnn? Uh, we'll be brief. I promise." Sam Says
"Mr. McAnn, is there any reason to believe your sons may have had enemies?" Garth Asks
"We were told they were animal attacks." Mr.Mccan Says
"We just need to explore every possibility." Sam Says
"They got lots of friends. No." Mr.Mccan Says
"Well, do they work here with you? Like Marie does. Uh, could someone have been jealous?" Garth Asks
"N-no. Marie's the only one. Oh β no. Thβ there's no... Uh..." Mr.Mccan Says
"Jim. It's okay. It's okay... Let him get some rest. I'll answer your questions." Randy Says
"Of course." Sam Says Then Jim leaves the room.
Meanwhile, Elena, Marie and Dean are walking through the brewery.
"I'm just worried about my Dad, He blamed himself when Dale died, and now this." Marie Says
"Why did he blame himself?" Elena Asks
"Well, Dale was sensitive. But what do you do β watch them 24/7? You can't blame Dale's friends." Marie Says
"But your dad still feels bad." Dean Says
"And it doesn't help Dale's wife is suing us." Marie Says
"Really? Why?" Elena Asks
"She's angry and grieving, and this is America." Marie Says
"Huh." Dean Says
"I knew Ray and Trevor. Hell, I'm godfather to all four of Jim's kids. Ray and Trevor loved their fun, but they'd never do anything crazy." Randy Says
"No rugrats of your own?" Garth Asks
"Just Jim's. They'd borrow my car, raid my fridge." Randy Says
"Now, the two of you started this company with a third partner. Right?" Sam Asks
"Yeah. Dale." On A Shelf there's two framed photographs of the three men. "He passed away a few months ago." Randy Says
"Passed away in the woods or...?" Garth Asks
"He took his own life." Randy Says
"Oh. Sorry." Garth Says
"Well, he had problems for a long time. Look, this is just a nightmare." Randy Says
Sam notices a wooden box with Japanese characters written on it next to a tray of drinks behind the desk.
"First Dale, now this. This was gonna be our big year. We're selling Thighslapper to one of the largest distributors in the US. It's been in the works for months. News is gonna hit public pretty soon." Randy Says
"Well, that's the brass ring, huh." Garth Says
"Given other circumstances, yeah, we'd be celebrating right about now." Randy Says
We see a close-up of a family photo of Jim Mccan, Ray, Trevor, Marie, another woman, Lillian, and a Young girl on Lillian's lap.
She is carrying a bottle of vodka in the kitchen. She pours some into one of two glasses of orange juice and takes a sip, then carries both glasses to the next room, where the Young girl is drawing at a table.
"That looks great, sweetie." Lillian Says
She sets both glasses on the table, There is a knock at the door.
"Hello?" Jim Mccan Says
"There's Grandpa. Hi." Lillian Says
She walks to the entryway and hugs Jim. The Young girl picks up one of the glasses of orange juice and takes a drink. From her face it is clear that she picked up the glass with the vodka.
"Oops." She Says
"I'll get some snacks. You should eat." Lillian Says
"Yeah." Jim Says
"Sit, Dad." Lillian Says As The Girl giggles.
"Hey, what you drawing?" Jim Asks
"My world." She Says
The Young girl giggles as she draws. She looks up and sees something move through the air and then a long-haired woman in a white dress walk into the entryway. She gets up and looks around the entryway, then walks into the kitchen. Lillian is making sandwiches. She can see the long-haired woman in the white dress standing behind Lillian and Jim walks into the kitchen.
"What is it, sweetie?" Jim Asks
The girl points and Jim can see only Lillian behind the counter.
"What is it?" Lillian Asks
The girl continues to point, Lillian turns and gasps as she sees the woman in the white dress. The girl screams as Lillian turns to try to get away. The woman in the white dress puts her fist through Lillian's back. Jim grabs the girl and turns her face away.
"Lillian!" Jim Says
Jim can only see Lillian, with her back arched and her arms outstretched. The camera angle changes to show Lillian from the front with the woman in the white dress behind her. She looks down to see a hand protruding through her body beneath her shirt. She falls to the floor.
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