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Joyce is sitting behind a desk, talking to Mr.Marshall, who is smoking a cigar.
"You know, Mr. Marshall, the block won't be the same. Most of your neighbors have already sold. Now, I've prepared an analysis report for you. George?" Joyce Says
She gets up and takes a piece of paper from George.
"Not this one, George. Mr. Marshall's. Hard to find good help these days." Joyce Says
George gives Joyce another piece of paper, which she hands on to Mr.Marshall.
"Anyway, as you can see, our offer is more than generous." Joyce Says
"Seems that way." Mr.Marshall Says
"And with that generous offer, you can pretty much go wherever and do whatever you please. You can get on with your life." Joyce Says
"You know, Miss Bicklebee, I came here tonight with every intention of selling. But what you just said, about getting on with my life β that store is my life. I can't sell." Marshall Says Then stands up and puts the piece of paper down on the desk.
"Look, we all feel attached to our past, but it's the future that's the real adventure, and β"Joyce Says
"Sorry, not sellin'. And I ain't buyin' that crap either, lady." Mr. Marshall Says
"Well, if that's your decision, what can I say?" She holds out a hand, He smiles and takes it. "I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your life... What little there is left of it." Joyce Says
The smile leaves Mr.Marshall's face as Joyce grips his hand tightly. He grimaces in pain and he stares in surprise as Joyce takes on Mr.Marshalls form. Joyce snaps Mr.Marshall's neck and he falls onto the chair, dead. Joyce, still in Mr.Marshall's form, signs the contract.
"See? As promised..." She transforms back into the female body and holds the form up to George. "On the dotted line...What?" Joyce Says
"Well... maybe you were a little quick on the trigger? First the woman at the antique shop, and now this. I mean, you know that Mr. Roman doesn't like us calling attention to ourselves..." She stares hard at him. "So, what should I do with the body?" George Says
"There. That's the attitude. Okay. Take Mr. Marshall and his stinky cigar home and put them in bed. Oh. And, George? Make sure the cigar is lit. You know, burning hot." Joyce Says
There are flashing lights and sirens outside the window.
"There goes Mr. Marshall. Should've quit smoking. Can be hazardous to your health." She laughs, then takes a sip of her coffee and coughs. "Do you know how many assistants I've had since taking this body, George?" Joyce Says
"Maybe three." George Says
"Five. I leave it to your imagination what happened to the first four." Joyce Says
"Was something wrong with the brew?" George Asks
"You tell me. What did I ask for?" Joyce Says
"A hot cup of coffee." George Says
"That's right. Got the coffee part. But did I say "hot," or, I don't know, "tepid". He hands George the coffee cup. "Four, George. Just saying. So go to that nice barista on Main and get me a Grande non-fat no-whip white mocha, one pump sugar-free, double-shot espresso, 'kay?" Joyce Says
"Sure. Um, t-that's all the way across town." George Says
"Okay!" Joyce Says
"I won't be back till 9." George Says
"See you at 8:45." Joyce Says
Sam is driving a pick-up truck. He yawns and turns on some loud rock music. His phone rings and he turns the music off before answering it.
"Hey, what's up? I'm on my way." Sam Says
Dean and Elena is sitting in a cafΓ©, they are using their laptops and drinking coffee, He puts the phone on speaker.
"Yeah, not sure we're taking the safe out of town just yet." Dean Says As a Waitress refills his coffee cup.
"Here you go." She Says
"Thanks, Um, so, it turns out that mama hoarder didn't just die and leave the store to Scott." Dean Says
"She didn't?" Sam Asks
"No, listen to this. The lady spends 40 years trying to keep that place, right? Then one day she wakes up and sells. Next day, drives her car off a cliff." Dean Says
"So, uh... What, you guys think somebody cut her brakes or something?" Sam Says
"No, we think the world is full of hilarious coincidences. Oh, and there's this new company β never even tasted real estate..." Elena Says
Elena's laptop screen shows the Bicklebee Realty web page.
"...just gobbled up a huge chunk of Main Street. Now, I could be off the deep end here, but doesn't that seem weird to you?" Elena Says
Sam doesn't respond, Dean and Elena share a look.
"Sam? Sam?" Dean Says
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, sounds good. Keep me posted." Sam Says
"Sounds good? Are you all right?" Elena Asks
"You know they say that, uh, sleep deprivation is an "enhanced interrogation technique"? Sam Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"Trust me, it's torture." Sam Says Then hangs up.
Dean clicks on "Corporate Contact" on the Bicklebee Realty web page. A message pops up reading "We're sorry, the site you are trying to access has been blocked."
"Son of a bitch." Dean Says
"What's Up?" Elena Asks
"Turns out the sites blocked, how about you try." Dean Says
"Got it." She presses a few buttons, but nothing happens. "Damn it, What do we do now?" Elena Says
"I got an idea." Dean Says
He makes a call to Frank, Who is eating from a can in his trailer.
"This better be good." Frank Says
"Frank, hey, I don't mean to double-dip in your crazy sauce. No offense." Dean Says
"None taken, fudge pop." Frank Says
"But I think I found something." Dean Says
"My silence is your cue, Dean." Frank Says
"All right, so, there's this new company that's buying up a whole bunch of, uh, mom-'n'-pops in Portland, but I hit a firewall when I tried to access its site. Think you can crack it?" Dean Says
"Can a dog play poker?" Frank Asks
"I don't..." Dean Says
"The answer is yes. What's the company name." Frank Says
"Uh, Geothrive, Inc." Dean Says
On the laptop screen above the firewall message is the company logo, which reads: "Geothrive Inc. Innovative Technology for the Future."
Sam is driving while clearly very sleepy. He almost overshoots a bend, blinks several times, then nods off. A large truck is coming towards him and the driver honks the horn. He nearly collides with the truck before he wakes and veers sharply to the side.
The Barista puts two pumps of something into a coffee cup.
"Wait! I said one pump sugar-free, not two." George Says
"Extra pump's on the house." Barista Says
"That's very nice, but my boss is gonna be able to tell, okay, so please just make me a new one." George Says
"There's people in line, and I'm here all alone, so... enjoy the free pump." Barista Says
"How 'bout make me a new one?" George Asks
"How 'bout you eat me." Barista Says
"Don't tempt me. You're lucky I'm late." George Says
"So lucky. Next." Barista Says
"Can I get a, uh, a-a triple red-eye, please?" Sam Asks
"It's your funeral." Barista Says
George turns and looks at Sam, then hurries away.
Sam gets out of the pick-up truck, which is parked outside the antique store. Scott comes to the door of the store.
"What are you talking about, George? Where's my coffee?" Joyce Asks
George is watching from across the street. The scene alternates between the street and Bicklebee Realty.
"I am seriously not kidding." George Says
"And you're sure it's him?" Joyce Asks
"Of course I'm sure. Sam Winchester is going into that antique shop we just bought." Sam walks into the store, carrying a wooden box. "Y-you think they're here for us?" George Asks
"No. Trust me. If the Winchesters were here for us, we'd know." Joyce Says
"I am going to enjoy this." George Says
"Enjoy? Enjoy what, George?" Joyce Asks
"Well... eating him is pretty much what I was thinking." George Says
"What?! No!" Joyce Says
"No?" George Says
"Come back to the office. Now." Joyce Says Then hangs up.
"We have a chain of command here, George. You see a Winchester, you don't eat him. You tell me, and I eat him. What do you think, I'm gonna tell Dick, "I think he ate him, but I didn't see it"? What, I'm supposed to vouch for you, George? Like you're not one dumb move away from a bibbing already? Come on." Joyce Says
"But I β" George Says
"Oh, no!" Joyce Says
"But β" George Says
"No!" Joyce Says
She holds up her hand to forestall any further protests and makes little hand motions while soundlessly saying "No, no, no, no, no, no." George starts to speak, but Joyce cuts him off. She takes the coffee from George and takes a sip.
"Ohh! Two pumps. Really, George?" Joyce Says
Dean is looking at a pie in display container while talking on the phone. where Frank is sitting in front of his computers.
"Frank, tell me you got something." Dean Says
"No, I'm calling with the Lakers-Celtics score." Frank Says
"What?" Dean Says
"Course I got something. I figured out why you hit that firewall." Frank Says
Dean walks back to his table where Elena is sitting eating some pie.
"My silence is your cue, Frank." Dean Says
"Oh, touchΓ©. So, you were trying to access the Geothrive internal site, and the reason why you couldn't is 'cause, if you dig down deep, it's all Dick." Frank Says
"Yeah, well, that'd be helpful if you didn't say that about everything." Dean Says
There is a picture of Dick Roman on Franks computer screen.
"Yeah, except I'm operating on hard fact now, wise-ass." Frank Says
"So you're tellin' me that Geothrive is part of Roman, Inc.?" Dean Asks
"It's a conglomerate within a subsidiary within a conglomerate. It's all tied together, Dean." Frank Says
"So, what, Leviathans are β are Walmart-ing mom-'n'-pops?" Dean Asks
"And bingo was his name-o. Ahh!" Frank Says
"So, we've got a big ol' field in Wisconsin and a bunch of friggin' shops in Portland? What the hell are they up to?" Dean Asks
Elena and Dean sees Sam pulls up and parks outside the cafΓ©.
"Beats me. All I know is it's corporate and smelly as the day is long. If I were you, I'd get out of Dodge, pronto." Frank Says
"People are dying here, Frank." Dean Says
"Sure, every second. Check the obesity stats. That town ain't nothin' special." Frank Says
"Well, we're not done here, okay, and, hey, we might get some answers." Dean Says
"Fine. Call me if you don't die." Frank Says
Sam joins Dean and Elena at the table.
"So?" Sam Says
"Well, that'll work." Dean Says
"Um, how's it going?" Sam Asks
"Not Good." Elena Says
"Yea I just got off the phone with Frank. Apparently, we have a bit of a Leviathan issue in this town." Dean Says
"Leviathans, here?" Sam Says
"Yeah. We're lookin' at a big, old giant nesting doll of Dick, as far as property sales go." Dean Says
Sam looks away and sighs, Elena and Dean notices.
"Sammy?" Elena Says
"Hey, you hearing me?" Dean Asks
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry." Sam Says
"Okay, you know what? Enough with the insomnia crap. All right, Pacino? You need to crash. We'll keep working. You find a motel and get some sleep. Okay." Dean Says
"It doesn't matter what I do, Guys Lucifer will not shut up." Sam Says
"Even now?" Elena Asks
"He's singing "Stairway to Heaven" right now." Sam Says
"Good song." Dean Says
"Not 50 times in a row." Sam Says
"Hmm." Dean Says As Sam phone rings.
"Hey, Scott." Sam Says
"Please, Sam. Y-you got to help me." Scott Says
"What's happening?" Sam Asks
"I looked in one of my mom's old mirrors, and now I want to rip my face off! I think it was cursed." Scott Says
"All right, hold tight. Uh, we're on our way." Sam Says
"Let me guess. He touched something he was not supposed to." Dean Says As he puts some bills down on the table.
"Course he did." Sam Says
"Great." Elena Says
"Was, uh... was that okay?" Scott Asks
Joyce and George are in the store, standing with their arms crossed.
"Well, not exactly Oscar-worthy, but... I was convinced. Not that it matters, because you don't have any more lines." Joyce Says As She takes off her scarf and stuffs it into Scott's mouth.
"Now what?" George Asks
"Now we wait for meal service." Joyce Says
Later On, Scott is taped to a chair while George tapes his mouth shut.
"So... one more body we're gonna have to spirit away, huh?" George Asks
"Actually, no. As you so helpfully pointed out earlier, Dick doesn't like making the papers." Joyce Says
"Right, so what's the plan?" George Asks
"Well, we can't have Scott here running his mouth. Loose lips, yada, yada, yada. We will kill him." Scott makes a noise. "But that doesn't mean anyone ever has to notice he's dead. Pack your bags, Georgie. You are turning into one Scott Freeman..." She crouches down next to Scott and strokes his cheek. "...for the next, oh, 30-some-odd years. Right, Scotty?" Joyce Says
Sam, Elena and Dean pull up outside the store in the pick-up, with the U-Haul attached. Sam is driving. They hurry inside but stops right in their tracks.
"So much for the cursed mirror." Dean Says
"Sam, Dean and Elena, It is such a pleasure to make your acquaintances. Now, just so you can put names to the faces that'll be eating you, I'm Joyce, and this is my assistant, George." Joyce Says
"Oh, you're the β you're the lady from the real-estate signs." Dean Says
"Yes. You like my photo?" Joyce Asks
"Oh, you might want to lay off the whitening strips." Dean Says
"Oh, Dean. I am gonna enjoy picking you out of my teeth." Joyce Says
Her face transforms, She grabs Dean and throws him into a glass cabinet. George throws Sam over a desk. Elena then punches him in the face but her hand starts hurting, George headbutts her then throws her into a glass table knocking her out. Sam punches George and Dean hits Joyce with an urn. George grabs Sam around the throat.
"There's a bucket of that stuff that you love throwing at us right there. Dunk me, before she sees." George Says
Joyce throws Dean onto a table, which breaks. Sam dunks George's head in the bucket. Joyce looks disgusted. He lifts his head and His face is burning.
"The sword." George Says
Joyce throws Dean through some glass doors.
"The sword!" George Says
Sam breaks a display cabinet holding a sword. As Joyce is advancing on Dean, Sam then uses the sword to cut off her head.
"Uh. Thanks." Dean Says
Sam helps Elena up as she gains consciousness,
Dean puts Joyce's head in a bag and puts the bag in the safe.
"Okay, I get that these things mean business, you know, but I can't just, like, uproot my life." Scott Says
"Sure you can. It's not as hard as you think." Dean Says
"Look, Scott. These big mouths don't like to leave loose ends." Sam Says
"So don't you look back till you get someplace where you don't speak the language." Elena Says
"All right. I'm going. Thank you, I guess." Scott Says Then leaves
"Don't mention it.One minute. That's how long you have to explain to us why you helped us." Sam Says
"Because I am dying to know what that bitch tastes like." George Says
"Wait, let me get this straight. You want to eat your boss?" Dean Asks
"You got a better way to make her stay dead." George Says
"So, what? So now you're β you're on our side or something." Elena Says
"Yeah. No. But if Joyce is alive, then I spend the rest of my life cleaning her messes. Or worse, I get eaten. Or bibbed. So, thanks... for chopping her head off for me. Taking her on solo β yikes. So, really, thanks for the assist there. And, of course, you're welcome... for saving you... before she ripped into your ass like a Christmas present. Win-win, right? So how 'bout that head?" George Says
"Yeah, not gonna happen, Georgie." Dean Says
Sam holds the sword to George's throat.
"Now... what the hell is Dick Roman building in Wisconsin?" Elena Asks
"I don't know. I barely know where Wisconsin is. I'm a West-Coast representative." George Says
"You gonna keep killing people who don't sign on the dotted line?" Sam Asks
"All right, take it easy." He touches the sword and tastes the blood it leaves on his finger. "Mmm. Killing people isn't part of the agenda. Joyce just kept getting impatient. You β you got nothing to worry about with me. Don't you get it? You guys are freaking out about the wrong thing." George Says
"Oh, you think?" Dean Asks
"A couple of real-estate deals? Come on. Big picture, guys. You β you think it's just here? It's everywhere. And it's a lot more ambitious than this little project. My advice β keep your heads down and stay down." George Says
"Listen to me, you gooey son of a bitch. You're gonna tell us what you're building here, or I'm gonna wash your mouth out with soap." Dean Says
"Hmm. I was hoping we could play nice. But if you must know... it's going to be a research center." George Says
"Research for what?" Dean Asks
"Disease. This, lady & gentlemen, is where we are going to cure cancer." George Says
"Wait. That doesn't make any sense. I mean, why would Dick Roman want to cure cancer?" Elena Asks
"Cause we're only here to help." George Says
Dean closes the door of the U-Haul, which contains the safe.
"Monsters cure cancer. A sentence I never thought I'd say. Why does it make me so nervous." Dean Says
"Yeah, I hear you. So, what do we do now?" Sam Asks
lYou are gonna sleep on it β all the way to Frank's. Capiche." Dean Says
"I wish I could." Sam Says
"Did you get any sleep last night?" Elena Asks
"Yeah. Yeah. A little. I-I don't know." Sam Says
"Well, we'll find you a soft-rock station. Always knocks you right out." Dean Says
Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Bad Moon Rising" plays, They get into the pick-up and drive away.
They pull up outside Frank's trailer and gets out.
"Hey, Frank!" He pounds on the door. "Devereaux!" Dean Says
"What the hell is he doing in there?" Elena Says
"Don't Know." He knocks on the door again. "Frank! Don't shoot! We're coming in!" Dean Says
There is bloody, broken glass on the floor. The trailer has been trashed and there is blood on the walls and the computer screens, one of which still displays Dick Roman's picture.
"Not good." Dean Says
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