{7.15} ππππ πΌππ πΏπππ 1
A woman driving a station wagon pulls up behind the Impala, which is parked in a wooded area.
The woman walks to the front door of a house and Sam opens it.
"Ms Havelock, you shouldn't have come." Sam Says
As Ms.Havelock enters and he closes the door behind her.
"I needed to see it for myself β after all that tracking, all those hours we spent. I mean, it's one thing to study them in books. It's..." Ms.Havelock Says
Dean is sharpening a knife while Elena and Corinna stand near a possessed man with blood on his hands, arms and face is tied to a chair with leather cuffs.
"Do I smell menopause?" Sam and Ms.Havelock are standing in the doorway. "Well, if it isn't the Wiccan bitch of the west. Ms Havelock, I know you're the one that helped them find me." He Says
The camera pans to the body of a woman, covered with a tablecloth, on the kitchen table.
"My God..." Ms.Havelock Says
"Not in time to save our big girl here, but still, you get a merit badge." He Says
The chair in which the possessed man is tied is in a devil's trap on the floor. Ms.Havelock walks over to the possessed man and speaks close to his face.
"They caught you, you son of a bitch! No more murders! And you're going back to Hell." Ms.Havelock Says
"Oh, Nora, Nora... I'm gonna scoop you out like a pumpkin. You know that?" He Says
His eyes turn black and he growls threateningly. Nora Havelock jumps back and leaves the room with a shriek. The possessed man laughs.
"Yeah, your, uh, scooping days are over, Gomer. All you got to worry about now... is us." Dean Says
Elena and Corinna watches from the window as Nora Havelock drives away.
"You ain't the first demon we've tracked down on this safari." Dean Says
"That's right. As a matter of fact, I think you put us over half a dozen." Corinna Says
"Looking for Lilith in all the wrong places." He Says
"Well, you're gonna help us with that." Elena Says
"If things are about to get messy, maybe you should meet the owner of this fleshy temple. A puppy of a man. You'll like him." He Says
The Possessed man looks down, groans and then looks up with a grimace.
"Jeffrey? Jeffrey, is that you?" Sam Asks
Sam crouches down in front of the possessed man, Jeffery, He sees the body of the woman on the table.
"Oh God. No. You have to stop him." Jeffery Says
"We will. We're going to, okay? We're gonna send that demon back to Hell." Sam Says
"Okay. Please don't hurt me." Jeffery Says
"Jeffrey, before we can let him go... Look, the demon knows where we can find more of his kind, okay?" Sam Says
"See, we're hunting them β all of them. He's not gonna give up his Rolodex easy. Jeffrey, we're gonna have to cut in to him. That means you." Dean Says
"Oh, the things he made me do to those women. Whatever you have to do... You have to do it. Please just stop this evil piece of..."He chokes as the demon takes control of his body again. His eyes turn black.
"And on and on and on." Sam stands up. "Frankly, he can get tedious with this whole "good and evil" thing."
"You know, you were right. I like Jeffrey. He's a decent guy. In fact, he just signed off on his temple." Dean Says As he pours holy water on his knife.
"Uh..." He Says
Dean stabs at Jeffery with the knife and he cries out and sizzles from the holy water. Dean throws more holy water at Jeffery, then punches him. Sam also punches Jeffery, then Corinna empties holy water from a flask onto his head. Dean slashes at Jeffery with the knife.
"She's got other lieutenants. We already know that." Dean Says
"We want names." Corinna Says
Elena and then Corinna punch Jeffery again, Elena pours more holy water onto Jeffery's head as he screams. Dean holds up a branding iron.
"All right! All right! His name is Merrick! I swear! You'll find him in New Orleans!" He Says
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis!" Dean Says As Black smoke pours from Jeffery's mouth and he passes out.
"Jeffrey? Jeffrey, you awake?" Dean Asks
Dean is driving the Impala, Corinna is in the passenger while Jeffery is lying his head down on Elena's lap, Jeffery coughs and splutters.
"Hey, you passed out. You're in shock." Dean Says
"He's β he's gone?" Jeffrey Asks
"We exorcised him. Try not to move, okay? We're almost to the hospital." Elena Says
Jeffery moans. "Your... your brother?"
"My brother stayed back to clean us out of that crime scene. There's no reason to go down for a demon's murders, you know what I mean?"
The Impala pulls up outside the CDA Regional Hospital emergency entrance. Dean and Elena helps Jeffery out of the car and holds him upright.
"All right. All right, take it easy. All right, you're good to make it from here, right?" Elena Asks As Jeffery nods.
"Okay, Jeffrey, no demon talk in the E.R., you understand me? You were mugged." Dean Says
"Okay." Jeffery Says
"Okay." Dean Says
Elena pats his shoulder gently, Dean takes his hands away and they gets back in the car.
"All right. Um, uh, thank you." Jeffery Says As he gives a brief wave and stumbles forward.
Dean and Sam open the door and look inside, Dean turns on the light. They go inside and his phone rings.
"Night Girls." Sam Says Then Closes the door
"Classified server"? Got to be Devereaux, right?" Sam Says
"Hello?..Thank God Frank." He takes a radio receiver from Sam. "Frank, what do you got for me?"
Sam's hallucination of Lucifer, Hallucifer, is in the room.
"It's nice." Hallucifer Says
"Frank, you're breaking up." Dean Says
"Kind of like a men's room with beds." Sam takes folders out of his bag. Hallucifer peels a green mark off the wall. "Hmm, avocado grime." Sam opens a folder, which contains a bloody photo of flesh and autopsy report, and puts it on top of another open folder on a bed. "Takes years to build up a patina like this."
Hallucifer puts the grime in his mouth, Sam presses hard on his left palm with his right hand and Hallucifer flickers and disappears.
"What do you mean you can't find him? It's Dick Roman. Turn on CNN. Didn't you see him at that, uh, press conference in Phoenix? The bastard's everywhere....You sure? No, I-I-I don't..." Sam
continues to lay out folders on the bed. "I don't care that they've infiltrated the luxury boat industry, Frank Great Call Kanye." Dean Says
"Frank's still stumped on Roman?" Sam Asks
"Yeah. All right, let's do this." Dean Says
"Okay, um, look at the victim profiles." Sam Says
There are crime scene photos from the folders of two bloodstained women's bodies.
"Same age, same hair color, body type. The ritual mutilations line up exactly." Sam Says
"Who down there would've let our demon out of the can? He squealed on his superiors. We made sure of that. I mean, he should be down under until, uh, trumpet day." Dean Says
"But two women killed in the last two weeks, same parts missing, I mean, same old hunting grounds, even." Sam Says
"All right, well, we can take a swing at it. But you know it's all about the Leviathans now, okay? They're the ones we need to be hunting." Dean Says
"Yeah, but, no β I mean, not right now. This one's ours, Dean. It's unfinished business, apparently." Sam Says
"All right." Dean Says
We see a close-up of a radio receiver. The screen lights up. This is Unit 32. Repeat, Unit 32.
The camera pans out. The radio receiver is on the desk in the motel room, and Sam and Dean are asleep under the covers in the beds. "We've got another one." Sam opens his eyes. "That's a 187. Female Caucasian..." Dean opens his eyes.
"...maybe late 30s, at the Henley Auto-Wash."
"Unit 32, assistance is en route." Sam turns on the light between the beds. "We got a real mess here, dispatch."
A body mostly covered with a bloodstained sheet lies on the ground and a police team works around it. Sam, Elena, Corinna and Dean, dressed in their FBI suits, hold up their badges and an officer lifts the "Do Not Cross" line for them to duck under.
"Thanks." Sam Says
"Nothing like the smell of death early in the morning." Corinna Says
"Yeah." Elena Says
"You know, every time we do this, I wonder if today's the day. We walk up, flash our tin to a bunch of chompers pretending to be policemen." Dean Says
"I hear you." Sam Says
A Detective grabs Sam by the shoulder and Sam turns to face him. Hallucifer is leaning against a coroner's vehicle behind the Detective.
"Thought you guys might show up. It's the agents, uh, Bonham, Watts, Jones and Ambrose right?" He Says
"Yeah." Sam Says
"Yeah, absolutely." Dean Says
"Hello There Sir." Elena Says
"Uh, it's a pleasure to see you again, Detective..." Sam Says
"Sutton." Hallucifer Says
"You know what? Pardon me. Uh, what was it, Detective..." Sam Says
"Sutton." Halluicfer Says
"Oh, no problemo β Detective Sutton." He Says shaking hands with Sam
"Sutton." Sam Says
"Sutton, yeah." Dean Says
Detective Sutton Shakes Hands with, Dean, Elena and Corinna.
"Hi." Corinna Says
A police photographer takes a picture of broken glass in the back of a 4WD vehicle near the victim's body.
"Sad to say, case looks to be open again." Sutton Says
"Are you sure?" Dean Asks
Detective Sutton, Dean, Elena, Corinna and Sam walk towards the body.
"Same tools." Behind them, Hallucifer pokes out a forked tongue. "Same cuts. Same crazy." Sutton Says
The victim's face is cut and the little finger on her left hand and part of her palm are missing. Sam walks to the front of the vehicle.
"Makes sense. I mean, we didn't catch the critter last time, did we?" Sutton Says
"And no suspects?" Elena Asks
"Same as before. Very thorough." There is blood and broken glass in the back of the 4WD vehicle. "Cold-blooded." Sutton Says As Sam looks in the driver's side window of the vehicle.
"Thank you, Detective." Dean Says
"Any time." Sutton Says
Sam nods to them as he rejoins him and they look in the back of the vehicle. Along with the blood and broken glass, there is yellow powder.
"Hey." He touches a finger to the yellow powder and smells it. "Sulfur." Sam Says
"Damn it. Better go check on Havelock." Corinna Says
A large sign in the store reads "WICCAN'S WEB" with a devil's trap between the two words. Below the name is the website: www.wiccansweb.com.
"This is it." Nora Says
She opens the door from the outside and she and the four hunters enter.
"Wiccansweb dot com." Sam Says
"Internet mail order. White magic only β herbs and talismans." Nora Says
She opens the doors to another room. A devil's trap is painted on the floor in the doorway. Nora walks around it.
"You sure about that?" Corinna Asks
"Careful, it's still drying. I have a friend at the sheriff's office. I know about all the new murders. I'm doing what I can to protect myself." They all skirt the devil's trap. Nora walks behind a desk and hands Sam some pieces of paper. "I'm also translating some very old banishments." Nora Says
We see a close-up of the banishments, with Latin above and English below. The English section begins "Recite the following invocation aloud."
"Wow, uh, these are β these are good." Sam Says
"Thanks. I've got an affinity. But back then, that night in that farmhouse, I was in over my head. I know that now, believe me. I will leave all that to the pros." Nora Says
"Well, you helped track it down. I mean, it was some solid legwork." Dean Says
"When it came down to it, all I really knew was somebody who knew somebody who knew the right number to call. And your number is not working, by the way." Nora Says
"Right, we, uh, we've had some technical difficulties β phone issues." Sam Says
"It's a monster problem, really." Elena Says As Sam and Dean gives her a look.
"So, uh, you haven't had any contact?" Corinna Asks
"With the demon? No, thank God. I have one or two things to finish in town, and then I'm leaving." Nora Says
"Good choice." Dean Says
"Have you found Jeffrey yet?" Nora Asks
"Who?" Dean Says
"The man who the demon possessed. The one you almost beat to death." Nora Says
"Yeah, Jeffrey. That poor bastard." Dean Says
"Some demons tend to be sentimental, don't they? Always go back to the same host if they can." Nora Says
"It's a start." Sam Says
Nine men are seated in a circle. One man raises his hand.
"I want to talk about Cinemax. We're grown men. We pay rent. Why can't we get Cinemax?" He Asks
Others laugh and voice agreement.
"The halfway program advisers have already weighed in on that, Carl." Facilitator
"Fine, fine." Carl Says
"Bringing it up in group is not going β" Facilitator Says
"I said fine!" Carl Says
"Jeffrey, you have something pretty big going down later this morning." Facilitator Says
"That's right, I guess. Um, I'm picking her up today. I'm getting a dog β a rescue. I had to get her spayed and shots and stuff, but they said she's ready." Jeffery Says
"Jeffrey and I talked about this. He understands that pet ownership is a privilege, not a right. He's gonna have to show the whole house that he can handle the responsibility." Facilitator Says
"And that's what it's all about, right, Alan? Handling it." Jeffery Says
Jeffery exits the building carrying a small dog with a cone around its neck.
"You okay there? Huh? Surgery's a bucket of laughs, huh? You look good. I'm sorry for the cone of shame, but we got to keep these stitches in." He sets the dog down on the ground. "Okay. Okay. Come on. Come on." Jeffery Says
He walks along the street, leading the dog on a leash. Jeffery has a limp. He pauses and looks down an alleyway. He sees no one and walks down it. Dean grabs Jeffery from behind and holds a knife to his throat. Sam holds up a flask in front of him.
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