{7.13} πππ πππππ πΆππππ πΏπππ 3
Elena puts a towel over her body and steps out the guest bedroom, Corinna is watching a movie on the Tv.
"Hey I thought you were going to sleep?" Corinna Says
"I was but I couldn't." Elena Says
"What's with the towel." Corinna Says
"Well I realized that I haven't taken a swim in a really long and night swims are kinda therapeutic so I'm gonna go." Elena Says
"You want me to join you I'll get dressedβ" Corinna Says
"No No it's okay, I just wanna swim for a moment"
Elena Says
"Oh okay, I'll be in here." Corinna Says
"Okay." Elena Says
Corinna nods then Elena opens the back door, she walks towards the pool and puts her hand in the water to feel the temperature.
"Perfect." Elena Says
She takes off her robe and reveals her blue bikini she has on and dives right into the water, she swims around for a bit and begins floating on her back looking at the moon, she smiles a little.
"So what? I mean, so maybe she has another kid she didn't tell you about." Denny Says
"Nope, just the one. Emma. But that night, when I was with her, she didn't have any. And I was at her place, man. There was no playpens, no blankets, no rubber ducks." Dean Says
"Right. Like you would have been focused on that kind of thing." Sam Says
"Hey, dude, that's the first thing you notice. Red flags." Sam scoffs, Dean takes three beers out of the fridge. "Then, all of a sudden, boom β baby."
Sam opens the laptop, Denny pulls up a chair and sits at the table.
"Yeah, the one you thought talked." Denny Says
"Oh, it talked and not baby talk, either." Dean says
then hands Sam and Denny a beer.
"Now you know so much about child development?" Sam Says
"I know enough to know that they don't say, "Hey, Mom. Who's that guy?" So, cut to.." He closes the laptop and sits down at the table. " Lydia's handing this kid who's calling her mommy over to these two women, right? But this is not a baby. No, no, this kid's got to be five. And same name β Emma." Dean Says
"You know, George Foreman named all his sons George." Denny Says
"Are you deliberately messing with me?" Dean Says
Denny shrugs with an upside-down smile as Sam laughs.
"Dude, I know weird. Okay? There is no non-weird explanation for this. This morning, Emma was a baby. By sunset, she's Hannah Montana. Early years." Dean Says As Sam's phone rings.
"Who is it?" Denny Asks
"It's the Professor." Sam Says
"Oh. Good. The Professor. Yeah, I'm sure he'll crack this wide open." Dean Says
"Shh!" Sam Says
Emma, looking older than she did in the afternoon, is wearing a white dress. The Woman in a black jacket addresses her and other girls.
"On this special night, you join an exceptional family. You are ready to take your places alongside us and learn our traditions." She Says
Another woman holds a tray with pieces of flesh out to the first girl in line. Another woman behind her holds a tray with glasses of milk.
"This is a tribute to the one who created and protects us." The women carrying trays move down the line of five girls. "We hunt for her. We kill for her. And now we consume that kill as a symbol of unity with those who have completed their blood missions and furthered the life of the tribe." She Says
Emma is still holding her piece of flesh. The other girls have all eaten theirs.
"Go ahead, Emma. You need to eat." She Says
The Professor is standing at the front of the room next to a projector screen, on which is the symbol carved into the mens' chests. Denny, Sam and Dean are in seats on opposite sides of the aisle, one row apart.
"You know, identifying the scroll was no day at the beach. Lesser scholars would have crumbled." He Says
"Professor... the symbol?" Sam Asks
"Yeah. Yeah. It's ancient, regional. Very difficult to identify. But I managed to find a match." The picture on the projector screen changes to one of an ancient Greek building. "It's a variation of a symbol associated with the Greek Pantheon, the temple of the goddess Harmonia. According to myth, the coupling of Harmonia and Ares, the God of war, produced the Amazons." He Says
"The Amazons?" Sam Says
"Like Wonder Woman?" Dean says
"Woah that's cool." Dean and Sam looks at him. "Or not." Denny Says
"No, like β like a tribe of warriors. They actually existed. The comic books β they're just silly perversions. The symbol β" The screen now shows a symbol of two women kneeling around a large urn, below someone on horseback. "I believe it originated with the Amazons. Pictographs meant to pay homage to Harmonia β occult talismans, if you will. They had an exclusively female culture. No use for men whatsoever, except procreation." He Says
"All the vics were male." Sam Says
"So you said β with this symbol carved in their chests." He Says
The screen now shows a diagram of two composite parts of the symbol that was carved into the men's chests, added together to give the symbol itself.
"And their hands and feet cut off." Denny Says
"Now, that is interesting." He Says
"Got our attention." Dean Says
The screen now shows naked women hunters with crossbows pointing arrows at men hung upside down over a fire.
"After they were impregnated, they killed the male β first cutting off certain body parts." He Says
"I couldn't check their I.D.s because everything they have is fake. I've been digging for hours. And one thing's for sure β they ain't FBI." Charlene Says
"And who are they?" She Asks
"They're after us, is what they are."
Sam and Dean's pictures are on her computer screen Along with a police file of Denny, overlaying a map of the US with several locations marked.
"Remember that cross-country murder spree those crazy brothers went on a couple months ago?" Charlene Says
"That's them?" She Asks
"Barely scratches the surface, they're thugs
Vigilantes. But, look, we've dealt with hunters like this before." Charlene Says
"Well...The one is already scheduled to be taken care of. We'll just simply add the other two to the agenda." She Says
Dean is looking through boxes of books. "I know Bobby's got a Grecian encyclopedia of weird in here. I saw it last time I was looking through this stupid... Would it kill him to have a system?"
Sam and Denny is at the table using their laptops and drinking a cups of coffee.
"He has a system. His files are set up like his brain." Sam Says
Dean takes his flask out of his back pocket and drinks from it. "You guys got anything?"
"Uh, yeah." He presses a button and brings up a website titled "Greek Mythology β The Amazons" from a search engine. "There's this whole crazy side to Amazon lore that Professor Morrison didn't even mention."
"That's 'cause he doesn't believe in it, which is a real handicap when you're trying to deal with it." Dean Says Then sits down on a bed and opens the book he's holding.
"Right. Um, apparently, there was this long, bloody war. The Amazon population was decimated, so they made a bargain with Harmonia to replenish their ranks and make them stronger." Sam Says
"Well, I'd say throwing grown men through walls was stronger." Denny Says
"Yeah. Well, basically, they became more than human. Harmonia turned them into monsters." Sam Says
"Can you kill them like humans? Or is there some kind of trick?" Denny Asks
"Uh, doesn't say. No idea. I guess it could go either way." Sam Says
"Well, that's helpful. What else?" Dean Asks
"The lore says they reproduced quickly β as in, after mating, they gave birth within 36 hours." Dean stops turning the pages of the book and listens intently.
"The babies grew incredibly fast, then the aging process became normal. Which is one way to make an army, I guess. The mating cycle is every two years. They send out all the women who have reached child-bearing age." Denny Says
"Which lines up, 'cause this happens every couple of years in different towns, right?" Dean Says
"Yeah. And we know for sure that at least some of the vics hooked up with strange women days before being killed Amazon style." Sam Says
Dean closes his book and puts it down. "Hooked up in the same bar I met Lydia, right?"
"Yeah." Sam Says
"And then suddenly...she's got a little baby in like fruit-fly time. That baby turns into a little girl just as fast." Dean Says
"Wow. So maybe you're β you're, uh..." Denny Says
"Don't say it." Dean Says
"Look, if that kid's yours β" Sam Says
"I said don't say it!" Dean Says
"Fine. I won't. But, Dean... Dude, seriously, a one-night stand, you're just gonna... roll the dice? You don't even β" Sam Says
"Of course not... Sam. What, do you think I'm brain-dead? Accidents happen. If one even did, which I-I-I don't think..." Dean pauses and seems to be considering what happened. He gives a little smile.
"What" Denny Says
"No. You know what? We're β stop. We're not gonna talk about this anymore because my skin's starting to crawl!" Dean Says
"All right, fine. But if it's true, if it happened..." Denny Says
"I know. I got to hang on to my hands and feet." Dean Says
"Yeah but not just from them...Elena as well." Dean sighs." If she finds out she's gonna kill you." Sam Says As Dean takes another drink from his flask.
The Amazon leader is standing in front of a cauldron in which a flame is burning. She is wearing a necklace with the design that was carved into the men's chests.
"We are so pleased with your progress." Five girls, now teenagers, are lined up in front of her. "You are absorbing the traditions of our mothers..." The Leader takes a branding iron out of the cauldron.
...and you are close to fulfilling your tribal destiny, and taking your place alongside your sisters. Today, you are a warrior." She Says
The leader presses the brand to the inside of the first girl's right wrist.
"Though you may walk among others, your heart is only with the tribe. Soon, you will take the final, glorious step into adulthood." The brand is the same design that was carved into the men's chests.
"Today, you will learn how to endure pain and how to inflict it. Fight it, Emma. As with all you do, courage is everything." She says as Emma cries in pain
Denny walks out the store, he's carrying a bag full of snacks and beer. He gets inside his car and answers his phone.
"Yeah." Denny Says
"Hey You." Corinna Says
"Oh hey Corinna, what's up?" Denny Says
"Nothing much, I'm cooking dinner over here while Elena headed out on a beer run but how's the case going?" Corinna Asks
"We'll it's going swell, we're dealing with Amazons." Denny Says
Corinna stops cooking and pauses. "Am-Amazons as in like the amazons...no way there real."
"Wait you knew about them?" Denny Asks
"Yeah, I mean I thought they were just a myth but you can't be to sure when it comes to things like this but there actually really real, this is awesome." Corinna Says
"Yeah but there out here getting impregnated by men and killing them by chopping off their legs and feet." Denny Says
"Geez, alright so you guys got any leads?" Corinna Asks
"Yes but it's not the greatest lead we got on them." Denny Says
"Well you guys are lucky, because your not the ones who impregnated an Amazon." She Chuckles, Denny doesn't saying. "That's not what your trying to tell me right?" Corinna Says
"Well-" Denny Says
"Oh my god, that's what happening right....so which Winchester did it?" Corinna Asks As Denny sighs
"I don't know if I can say." Denny Says
"Why Denny just tell me." Corinna Says
"Corinna." Denny Says
"Dennis Anthony Bryan Russo you better tell me now or I swearβ" Corinna Says
"Okay okay...it's Dean he Uh, the other night he met some woman named Lydia in a bar then they you know had sex and somehow 36 hours later Dean has a daughter." Denny Says
"Oh my god." Corinna Says
"Yeah I know, look you can't tell Elena." Denny Says
"And why not?" Corinna Says
"Because telling her this would make things worse, she's grieving about Bobby and now if she finds out that Dean slept with another woman and has a kid it wouldβ"
"Kill her." Corinna Says
"Exactly, look just hold off telling her." Denny Says
"Denny I don't knowβ" Corinna Says
"Look I gotta go Sam and Dean needs me okay I'll call you later and please don't tell her." Denny Says
"Alright Denny I won't tell Elena well not yet." Corinna Says
"Tell me what?" Elena Says
Corinna turns around and sees Elena standing near the refrigerator with a beer case in her hand, Corinna hangs up.
"Elena." Corinna Says
"What we're you not going to tell me?!" Elena Says as Corinna sighs
Dean, Denny and Sam are standing next to a bed covered with research.
"Looking through Bobby's files is like dumpster diving." Denny Says
"Yeah, tell me about it. So, it makes sense why, uh, why..the Amazons all want to hook up with decent-looking, successful guys." Sam Says
Dean puts a picture of part of a Greek building down on a large leather-bound book on the bed, on top of a picture of an Amazon woman on horseback.
"Oh, they're picky about the gene pool?" Dean Asks
Sam pins a newspaper article to a wall alongside other research.
"Right. So...what was Lydia doing with you?" Sam Asks
"Well, she may or may not have thought I was a rich investment banker." Dean Says
He takes a drink from his flask, Sam spreads his arms in mild exasperation, Denny rubs a hand over his face and turns back to the wall. Dean looks down at the research on the bed. The pictures of the Greek building and Amazon woman have moved, and the only thing now on top of the leather-bound book is a piece of parchment with writing.
"Denny, Sam." Dean Says
"Yeah." They Say
"These papers just moved." Dean Says
"What?" Sam Says
"I didn't touch them." Dean Says
Sam gets out the EMF reader, which immediately starts to flash red and make noise.
"Huh It's all over the place." Denny Says As Sam walks over to the bed.
"Redline. Redline." He walks towards the window.
"Oh, and... power lines by the open window, where there's a breeze..."He turns off the EMF reader.
...that could have moved the papers." Sam Says
"Did you guys feel a breeze?" Dean Asks
"It doesn't matter, Dean. The readings are useless." Sam Says
"Hey. Maybe, uh..." Dean Says As he holds up his flask.
"I don't know...maybe." Denny Says
"No We burned him." Sam Says
"So what?" Dean Says
"So, what are you suggesting?" Sam Asks
"I don't know. What are you?" Dean Asks
"Concentrate on something else." Sam Says
"Why?" Dean Asks
"Because it's not Bobby!" Sam Says
"Could be." Denny Says
"No, it couldn't be." Sam Says
"Why not?" Dean Says
"Because we want it to be." Sam snatches the piece of parchment from the bed.
"Maybe it's useful." Dean Says
"It's in a pile of "maybe it's useful." Besides, it's in Greek. Nobody reads Greek." Sam Says
"Yeah, except Greeks. Oh, and Bobby." Denny Says
"And Professor Morrison." Sam Says
"Really?" Dean Says
"Look Denny and I are going, Dean. You stay here, keep the door locked. Don't go anywhere. I mean it." Sam Says
"Fine." Dean Says
Sam and Denny grab's their guns and leaves the room.
Sam and Denny walks towards the doors of a large university building.
They enters the office, Professor Morrison is reading something.
"Oh, you have got to be kidding." The clock on the wall reads 11:25 p.m. "I have office hours tomorrow β" Morrison Says
"I'm sorry, Professor we need your help."
Sam puts the parchment down in front of the Professor.
"The FBI isn't paying me enough for this." He picks up the parchment and starts to read.
"All right. I'll sweeten the deal. We'll remove your wiretap." Denny Says As Professor Morrison looks up in alarm.
Dean is using the laptop. Someone knocks three times on the door. He closes the laptop, and picks up and cocks his gun. Someone knocks on the door three times again. After a moment of indecision, Dean removes the safety chain and opens the door. Emma is outside.
"Hi. You don't know me, but my name is Emma. I need your help. I think I'm in trouble, and you're the only person I can trust." She Says
"Why?" Dean Says
"Because you're my father." Emma Says
Dean is still holding the door open and Emma is standing outside.
"How'd you find me?" Dean Asks
"They've been watching you, ever since Mom got pregnant." Emma Says
"Well, if you're such a prisoner, you mind telling me how you escaped?" Dean Says
"I waited until lights out. The women who watch over us change shifts a little after 10:00." Emma Says
"Uh-huh. And you left because...?" Dean Asks
"They stick you in there, and you trust them. It's all you know. And you don't question what they want you to do β terrible things. That's why I had to leave. They tortured me." She holds up her branded wrist.
"They told me I had to endure pain so I could be strong like them. But I don't want to be like them." Emma Says
"Okay. Come on in." Dean Says
Emma enters the room, he closes the door, replaces the security chain and puts his gun in the back of his jeans.
"Have a seat." Emma sits down on a bed. "Okay. Let's assume that you're not... like them. Yet.
What do you want me to do?" Dean Asks
"Get me away from here. You're a good man. My mother told me that." Emma Says
"I seriously doubt she said that. And if you knew me, you would seriously doubt it's true." Dean Says
"They told me you're a hunter. So maybe you'll understand about me. Maybe you can protect me. Just long enough so I can get away. Then I'll leave you alone. I know you don't want me." Emma Says
"All right, let's not... go there, okay? This isn't a matter of you get this isn't a normal situation, right?" Dean Says
"How would I know? Three days ago, I wasn't even alive. Now here I am. My mother threw me into that place. And my father... well... You get this is my last chance to have anything normal ever, right." Emma Says
The Professor is reading the parchment. Sam is sitting on the other side of his desk as Denny stands.
"It's fascinating." Morrison Says
"What's it say?" Sam Asks
"Oh, I haven't gotten there yet. The paper is handmade. A cellulose, rather like papyrus, which would explain its durability." Morrison Says
"Professor-" Sam Says
"Wherever did you get it?" Morrison Asks
"Uh... a β a crazy, drunk, old genius." Denny Says
"Yeah. They always have the good stuff. Well, it's in Greek." Morrison Says
"Yeah, yeah. w-we know that." Sam Says
"Not a common dialect. My God, what is it with you and Amazons?" Morrison Says
"Professor, it's important." Denny Says
"At 11:30 at night, it better be. Oh, here's a new twist. It repeats the conventional lore. Amazon warriors mate with males. The males are murdered. Yada, yada. But according to this... It's not the women who do the killing. Instead, a ritual of initiation requires that the child born of the mating process must kill her own father." Morrison Says
"What?" They Say
Dean is standing at the window. He walks across the room in front of Emma.
"You look exhausted." Dean Says
"And starving. It's been a tough sweet 16. So you believe me?" Dean crosses him arms and nods.
"You'll help me?" Emma Says
"If you really want help." Dean Says
Sam and Denny is walking fast while looking at his phone, Charlene steps out in front of them.
"Detective." Sam Says
"Agents You're here late." Charlene Says
"Yeah." Denny Says
"Listen, could we talk in the morning?" Sam Says
Sam and Denny starts to walk past Charlene, but she grabs Sam's arm.
"What's your hurry..." Sam looks down and sees the Amazon brand on her wrist."...Sam? Sam Winchester and Dennis Russo. Hm Let's see. I could run you in for impersonating a federal agents." Charlene Says
The skin around Charlene's eyes turns red. She grabs Sam and throws him into a wall, She then grabs Denny and hurls him down a short flight of stairs and into the exit doors. Denny lies unmoving on the ground, facing the doors. Charlene holds a knife that had been concealed in her sleeve. As she raises the knife, Denny turns over and shoots her in the chest. Sam gets up with a groan, Denny gets up and sees Charlene is lying on her back, dead. Sam picks up his phone from the stairs. The screen is smashed.
Dean is still standing in front of Emma with his arms crossed.
"Well, now, what happens when they find out you're missing?" Dean Asks
"They may have already found out. And they'll hunt me down." Dean nods and walks across the room.
"Look, I know this is gonna be hard, but if I'm gonna get out, I have to do it now." Emma Says
Dean opens the refrigerator. "We got cheese and a leftover burrito."
Emma stands up. "Doesn't make a difference."
A knife drops into Emma's hand from her sleeve. Dean closes the refrigerator and points his gun at Emma.
"You were asking if I believed you." Dean Says
Sam and Denny are in a car, he is driving fast. Sam swerves around a car in front of him and the driver honks the horn.
"I was told you'd be a challenge." Emma Says
"I figured you'd chat me up... try and catch me off guard. Almost worked. I was expecting your mother." Dean Says
"It's not her place. I have to kill you." Emma Says
"Is that what they told you?" Dean Says
"It's what I am." Emma Says
"Well, then, I should just kill you right now." Dean Says
"Sure. But you could have done that 30 seconds ago." Emma Says
Sam rounds the corner in front of the hotel, he stops the car and they run into the building. Sam and Denny runs up the stairs.
"It's weirdly hard, isn't it? It is for me." Emma Says
"Knock it off." Dean Says
"How could it not be? You're my father." Emma Says
"Hey! We're not gonna do that." Dean Says
"But it's true." Emma Says
Outside Sam and Denny approaches the room.
"You're the reason that we're standing here." Sam leans close to the door. "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. So now someone has to kill someone." Emma Says
Sam and Denny slowly opens the door a fraction and sees Dean with his gun pointed at Emma.
"You know what? So far, my childhood's been kind of disappointing." Emma Says
"You haven't killed anybody yet, Emma. Walk away."Sam is still leaning against the door. "Right now. I won't go after you." Dean Says
"I can't. I don't have a choice." Emma Says
Sam and Denny bursts into the room, guns drawn. Emma spins around to face them, the skin around her eyes has turned red. She turns back to Dean, her eyes normal.
"Please don't let them hurt me." Emma Says
She turns back to Sam and Denny, Sam shoots her in the chest. She gasps and falls to the ground. Sam and Denny lowers their guns and Emma is dead. Dean, Denny and Sam look at each other. Dean nods slightly and looks down.
Denny, Dean and Sam drive up and get out of the car. They walk up to the front door, which is ajar. Dean pushes the door the rest of the way open.
"Here's the mother ship." Dean Says As Sam cocks his gun.
"Let's get this done." Sam Says
Sam and Denny follows Dean into the building. It is deserted.
"They're gone." Denny Says
Sam is driving with a fixed expression.
"Hey, you know what? I don't like it, either. I wanted to torch 'em just as much as you. Yeah, but, hey... next time they surface, we'll be ready. If we live that long." Sam doesn't reply. "All right, fine. Just sit there and be pissed." Dean Says
"What did you say to me... when I was the one who choked? What did you say about Amy? "You kill the monster!" Sam Says
"I was going to!" Dean Says
"Oh, the hell you were! You think I'm an idiot?" Sam Says
"What, you think I am?" Dean Says
"Dean, you were gonna let her walk!" Sam Says
"No, I wasn't. That's ridiculous!" Dean Says
"Look, man, she was not yours. Not really." Sam Says
"Actually, she, uh, she was, really. She just also happened to be a crazy man-killing monster. But, uh, hey." Dean Says
"You know what? Bobby was right. Your head's not in it, man. When Cas died, you were wobbly, but now..." Sam Says
"Now what? Oh, what, you're dealing with it so perfect? Yeah, news flash, pal β you're just as screwed up as I am! You're just... bigger." Dean Says
"What?!" Sam Says
"I don't know." Dean Says
"Look... Dean, the thing is, tonight... It almost got you killed. Now, I don't care how you deal. I really, really don't. But just don't β don't get killed." Sam Says
"I'll do what I can." Dean Says
"Well, what's that supposed to mean?" Sam Asks
"It means I'll do what I can. All right? You can shut up about it." Dean Says
Elena steps out a car, she walks over to a bench and sits down looking at the moons reflection on the pond, She appears sad.
"Hey dad, look I don't know if you can hear me but if you can....give me something, look I know you've been gone for a month now but it already feels like forever. There's just so much going on in my head right now with you, Dick Roman and...Dean, yeah turns out that Dean he uh slept with someone else. Look I get it but....I just didn't expect it to happen so soon." She starts crying. " I really just wish you here right now, I need my father...I can't..I can't do this I can't move on and I don't want to. If that makes me weak then fine I'm weak but...I can't handle yβyou being gone I can't handle feeling like this anymore." Elena Says
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