ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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A police officer is making notes next to a police car. Sam, Denny and Dean are walking across the street.

"Ugh." Dean Says

"You look like crap." Sam Says

"Yeah, well, I feel worse than I look." Dean Says

"Where'd you go last night?" Denny Asks

"The Cobalt Room Which I do recommend by the way, awesome night although I think I'm getting too old for this." Sam and Denny chuckles. "Did you guys, uh, figure out that symbol?" Dean Says

"No. Um, we're gonna need an expert." Sam Says

"Expert? Our expert's dead." Dean Says

Sam, Denny and Dean hold up their FBI badges to a Police Officer standing outside an apartment building.



The Man's body is on the floor, The Forensic Officer and a Woman Officer are crouched next to it.

Denny, Dean and Sam enter and look around at the blood-splattered room.

"Well, nice decor. Very early slaughterhouse." Dean Says

"FBI.Guys, this is Charlene Penn. She's the lead on the case." He Says

"More of the same. Uh, no forced entry. Thrown across the room. Made to suffer. Both hands and feet cut off." Charlene Says

"Same symbol in the chest." Denny Says

"Mm. Whoever the killer is, the guy's a monster." He Says

"Excuse me." Charlene Says Then walks away

"This guy's just like the last one. Early 30s, decent-looking?" Dean Asks

"Yeah. Just like the first three, you know? Fairly successful, no known enemies." He Says

"Hmm." Dean Says

"Here." He Says

The Forensics Officer points towards the kitchen and Dean and Denny follows him, Sam walks to the front door, where a Police officer is speaking to a neighbor.

"Excuse me. I got it, How can I help you?" Sam Asks

"I was just trying to find out what happened. Jerry was a friend." He Says

"I'm very sorry. Jerry was killed sometime last night. Do you live nearby?" Sam Says

"Yeah. Two doors down." He Says

"You, uh, you know anyone who would want to harm Jerry?" Say Asks

"No. He was the nicest guy in the world. Well, his – his wife wasn't real happy with him." He Says

"Why's that" Sam Says

"A few nights ago, he has a little one-night fling. Ann found out, took off. But... she would never do anything like..." He Says

"Yeah, Of course thanks." Sam Says

The Neighbor leaves, Denny, Dean and Sam duck under a police line.

"Who was that?" Denny Asks

"Neighbor, Said the vic's wife caught him cheating." Sam Says

"Yeah, but we're not thinking it's the wife." Dean Says

"Not unless she benches 350 and did the other guys as a warm-up." Sam Says

Dean reaches for his flask. "Shoot I left Bobby's flask over at Lydia's."

"Lydia?" Denny Says

"My workout partner from last night." He takes out his cell phone. "Now I've got to go get it." Dean W

"So, not only do you know her name, you're actually gonna call her?" Denny Says

"Bite me." Dean Says

"Oh, how sweet – she gave you her number." Sam Says

"They always give you their number." Dean Says

Dean dials Lydia's number and she's answers.

"Hello?" Lydia Says

"Lydia Hey, it's, uh, Dean from last night." Dean Says

"Uh-huh." Lydia Says

"Uh, listen, I think I left something over at It was an old flask. It doesn't look like much, but it has sentimental value. So, uh, have you seen it?" Dean Says

"No. But if I do, I'll call." Lydia Says

"You want my number?" Dean Asks

"My cell grabbed it. Uh...Sorry. I gotta go just real busy at the moment." Lydia Says

"Oh." He hears a dial tone as Lydia hangs up."She's real busy." Dean Says As Sam and Denny smiles.


Lydia puts the phone down and she looks down at her belly and she is heavily pregnant.

Later On, There's a room and it is lit by chandeliers and candles. Lydia is dressed in a white nightgown, is giving birth surrounded by women. A Woman in a dark jacket is instructing Lydia.

"Breathe." She Says

"Aah!" Lydia Screams

"Control, Lydia as in all things." Lydia nods and regulates her breathing. "One final push." She Says

"Aah!" Lydia Screams

"The pain is an honor." She Says

A baby cries are heard and another woman hands the baby to Lydia.

"What will we call her?" Lydia Asks

"You'll call her Emma. Next." She Says



"Fascinating Truly and actually, rather accomplished draftsmanship." Professor Says

"Yeah, if you get past the fact that it was carved into a guy's body." Dean Says

"Professor Morrison, we're hoping you can tell us what the symbol means." Sam Says

"Ah, maybe." Professor Says

"Maybe?" Sam Says

"It's possible I could, even likely. Is the FBI offering suitable remuneration?" Professor Says

Dean and Denny looks at Sam. "The respect of a grateful nation."

"And a good word with the I.R.S." Dean Says

"Ah. Well, it appears quite ancient." Professor Says

"Well, that narrows it down." Dean Says

"A corrupted version of symbology associated with worship. Definitely an obscure regional script. Oh, this will require some research." Professor Says

"All right. Great. Well, uh, I guess we'll be seeing you tomorrow." Denny Says

"Tomorrow?, I've spent entire sabbaticals on a project like this." Professor Says

"Professor! We have a serial killer on our hands." Dean Says

"Your government needs you, sir." Denny Says

"Gentlemen. My housekeeper needs a green card." Professor Says

Sam, Denny and Dean leave the Professor's office and walk down the hallway.

"Good God, where'd you find this guy?" Dean Asks

"He's supposed to be a top expert in his field." Denny Says

"Yeah, well, when his field includes things that go bump in the night, he's gonna be worth the breath we just wasted." Dean Says

"So, what are we supposed to do, Dean? Spin our wheels?" Sam Says

"Sam, this is us spinning our wheels, okay?!" Dean Says

Sam stops walking and turns to face Dean and Denny.

"Dean, you know what? I want to call him, too, okay? Believe me. But Bobby's not here. So we're settling." Sam Says

"Yeah, We sure are." He looks at his phone. "Damn it, why hasn't she called?" Dean Says

"Who? Lydia?" Denny Says

"Yeah." Dean Says

"Wait, so some girl's actually dumping you the morning after." Sam Says

"This is interesting." Denny Says

"I think you guys are enjoying this a little more than you need to. Screw it. I'm going over there and getting the flask." Dean Says Then walks off.


Dean rings the doorbell then Lydia opens the door.

"Don." Lydia Says

"Dean. I guess you didn't get my messages." Dean Says

"No, I did. I've been busy." Lydia Says

"Oh. Anyway, I, uh, left that flask over here the other night." Dean Says

"Yes. I found it. It was so beat up and old, I almost tossed it." Lydia Says

"Yeah, well, guy it belonged to was beat up and old, too. But I was very close with him, and I'd, uh, I'd hate to lose it." Dean Says

"I'll get it for you." Lydia Says

Dean follows Lydia into the house.

"So, how you been? Other than "busy." Dean Says

Lydia opens a drawer in the main room and takes out the flask. A child perhaps a year old is standing up in a crib in the bedroom.

"Just that. Really busy. Here you go." Lydia gives the flask to Dean.

"Oh, wow. I can see why you're busy. You've been babysitting, huh?" Dean Says

"No." Lydia Says

"Yours?" Dean Asks

"Uh-huh." Lydia Says

Dean walks into the bedroom "You didn't tell me you had a little girl."

"There's probably all kinds of things we didn't tell each other." Lydia Says

"What's her name?" Dean Asks

"Emma." Lydia Says

"Hi, Emma. Your first?" Dean Says

"Yes." Lydia Says

"Well, I hear they grow like weeds." Dean Says

"You have no idea." Lydia Says

Dean's phone rings. "Oh. Sorry. I got to take this."
he walks into the main room. "Hello."

Sam swallows and puts down a cup of coffee.
"Mm. Hey. Where are you? It's a flask, not the holy grail."

"Hey, man, I'm a people person, all right? I'm engaging in some social skills. You and Denny get anything out of Morrison?" Dean Says

"No. Not yet. Look, would you get back here?
Uh, we're due at the crime lab." Sam Says

"Mom, get me out!" Emma Says

"Shh. Just a minute." Lydia Says

"Dean?" Sam Says

"Hang on." Dean Says

He lowers the phone and steps closer to the bedroom, where Lydia is leaning down close to Emma.

"Who's that guy in the other room?" Emma Asks

"Shh." Lydia Says

"Who is that?" Emma Asks

"Shh! Don't talk. We'll discuss it later." Lydia Says

"Hello!" Sam Says

"Let me call you back." Dean Says Then hangs up.


Sam, Denny and the forensics officer are standing on either side of a body that is mostly covered by a sheet. Its severed legs are visible. They flip the sheet over the legs and walk across the room.

"So, again, we got a guy weighing about two bills, thrown into a wall so hard, he's got pieces of plaster lodged in his skull." He Says

"What triggered the Feds' involvement in this case? I always think you boys have bigger fish to fry." Charlene Says

"No. Actually, we – we – it's –" Sam Says

"I just figured it was the similarity to the other cold cases? If it's the same killer, then he crossed state lines – that would bring you guys in." He Says

"Well, that's exactly right. Uh, what he said." Denny Says

"Yeah. Whatever. You're gonna have to wrap this up. Your case isn't the only one we're working on." Charlene Says

Sam and Denny nods then Charlene leaves.

"You get used to her." He Says

"Uh, so, Eddie, by the way, we didn't bring the cold-case files with me. Is there a chance you have a copy?" Sam Says

"Yeah." Eddie Says

"Great." Sam Says

Denny looks down and he picks up a receipt in an evidence bag

"The Cobalt Room." Denny Says

"Mm! Yeah, it's pretty well known. Looking to hook up, it's a pretty good place to go." Eddie Says

"I've heard." Eddie Says

"Vic number two was there." Eddie Says

Stakes a file Eddie is holding. "And according to his security guard, he left with a hot girl. Two days later, he's an obituary."

Sam is reading the file. "Same with Jerry Price."

"Mm-hmm. And, uh, as far as we can tell, at least a couple of those in there." Eddie Says

"Same thing in Chicago." Denny Says

"Yep. A lot of busted marriages, flings with unknown women, that kind of thing, all just before they got offed." Eddie Says

"Thanks." Denny Says


Dean is watching from his car on a cross street. A car containing three women, one of whom is the woman who instructed Lydia while she gave birth, pulls up and parks. The driver remains in the car while the other women walk to Lydia's door and ring the bell. She opens the door.

"Is Emma ready?" She Asks

"Yes. Come in." Lydia Says

"Thank you." She Says

Dean's phone rings. "Yeah."

"Dude, You never showed." Sam Says

"I'm outside Lydia's." Dean Says

"Oh, come on, man. What, are you obsessed or something?" Sam Says

"No, I'm telling you. I have been eating at the buffet of strange all afternoon." Dean Says

"Meaning what?" Sam Says

"I'll tell you the second I know. But something ain't right." Dean Says

"Or you're obsessed." Sam Says

"Shut up. I'm serious." Dean Says

"Okay, uh, you – you need backup or..." Sam Says

"No, not yet. What's up on your end?" Dean Asks

"Apparently, there was an identical murder fest two years ago in Chicago, and again in Miami two years before that. all the victims were young, successful...
...a lot of them went to the same bar. It lines up. The trails always went cold fast." Sam Says

"Yeah?" Dean Says

"Yeah. Oh, and by the a personal kicker, here, at least some of the vics hooked up in that bar you went to, the, uh, the Cobalt Room. So, just saying, man, you – you dodged a bullet." Sam Says

The door to Lydia's house opens. The Woman is leaving the house with someone behind her.

"Got to go." Dean Says Then hangs up.

"Nice talk." Sam Says

Dean watches with binoculars as the two women who called at Lydia's house leave with her following them. The second woman is carrying a pink case.

"Emma, hurry up. Come on, Emma. Time to go."

A little girl about five years old runs out of the house. Lydia takes off her own necklace, kneels down in front of the little girl and puts the necklace around her neck.

"Emma. You be a good girl. Make us proud." Lydia Says

"I will, momma." Emma Says then gets into the car with the two women.

"Bye, Emma." Lydia Says

The car drives away and Lydia goes back inside. Dean starts his car.

"I hate when this happens." Dean Says

Dean follows the other car to an alleyway. The two women and Emma get out and enter a building. her door was opened by a third woman who was presumably waiting for them. The car drives away.

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