ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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A Man is sitting at a table, watching a suggestively-dressed Woman talking to a man outside. A waitress, Marlene, tops up his coffee.

"Thank you." He Says

"Sure. You've been here a couple nights in a row now." Marlene Says

"What can I say? I like the ambience." He Says

"Get you anything else?" Marlene Asks

The Man sees the woman outside lead the man away with her arms hooked around one of his.

"No, thanks." He Says

The Man takes money from his pocket and we see that he is carrying a knife.

"Thanks. Keep safe out there." Marlene Says

The Woman and the man she is with walk between trucks parked outside the diner. The Man with the knife follows them, knife drawn. As he walks slowly between the trucks, Marlene appears behind him.

"Hey, there. You lost?" Marlene Asks

"What?" His vision is blurry. "Excuse me..." He Says

"Ooh-hoo. You're looking a little Cabo Wabo, there." Marlene Says

"No. No, I'm fine." He Says

"No. You're not. I slipped a little special sauce into your coffee while you were watching the skirt. You do know we're venomous, right?" Her pupils become almost vertical. "Looks like I didn't dose you quite hard enough. That's okay. There's more where that came from." Marlene Says

She smiles, revealing pointed, snake-like teeth. She throws the Man against a truck. He falls to the ground, dropping the knife.

"That's for the crappy tip." Marlene Says




Sam, Elena and Dean are sitting silently in dim light in Rufus' cabin, Sam in a chair and Dean and Elena on the couch. They all have their hands in their laps and Sam is clenching his hands together. Sam looks over at Dean and Elena, then away. When Sam is no longer looking directly at him, Dean looks at Sam, then he looks over at Elena then away.


Dean is drinking whiskey and looking at a clipboard holding a pad of paper on which is written "45489", the number Bobby wrote on Sam's hand in 7.10 Death's Door. Sam is washing dishes at the sink.

Sam takes an address book out of a drawer and opens it, Dean has added a list below the numbers.


Dean pins an article titled "Biggerson's Recalls Contaminated Meat: Customers Report Illness After Eating Turducken Slammers" to a board holding their research. Also on the board are several articles about Dick Roman. Sam puts two duffel bags on a table and takes a beer out of the refrigerator.

"Dean, you know, um... I wonder if – if we... I mean, should we be telling people? I mean, people he knew." Sam Says

"How long ago did I give Frank these numbers? It's been a few weeks, right? What, is he nuts, or is he just being rude." Dean Says

"Probably both. Dean, I-I got to ask you a question." Sam Says

"Unless, of course, something happened to him. He can't get to the phone because a Leviathan ate his face." Dean Says

"Yeah, also a possibility." Sam Says

"We should go check on him." Dean Says

"Dean, do you want to call Bobby's people or not?" Sam Says

"W-why is – why is that our job?" Dean Asks

"Because who else is gonna do it?, Not Elena after what happened last week she's still not okay." Sam Says

"I'm not calling anybody. If you want to, you go right ahead." Dean Says

"I don't want to call anybody. You kidding me." Sam Says

A phone in one of the duffel bags rings.

"Well, I'm not getting it." Dean Says

Sam takes out the phone. "Hello?"

"Is Bobby Singer there?" She Asks

"Uh, no. He's, uh... I-I-it's not, but I'm a friend of his." Sam Says

Dean picks up a flask that was in the duffel bag, sniffs it and puts the lid back on.

"My dad asked me to call Bobby Singer specifically." She Says

"He's... not here, but, look, if you need s–" Sam Says Then the girl hangs up.

"Who was it?" Dean Asks

"Just some kid." Sam Says

"For Bobby? Girl scout cookies?" Dean Says

"I think maybe..." Dean picks up a full bottle of beer from the table. "Maybe a-a hunter's kid? I mean, she sounded pretty scared. You know, I have a caller ID. Maybe we should go find her. We – we can check on her." Sam Says

"What about Frank?" Dean Asks

"Well, Dean, I think we should go find this girl first." Sam Says

"Sam, Frank's been working on the numbers that Bobby spent his last breath on, and you want to back-burner that?" Sam looks silently at Him.
"Fine. You go check out girl scout. I'll find Frank." Dean Says

"Fine. But you know what? On one condition – if Frank is just spinning his wheels, then you bail out on crazy and come meet me." Sam Says

Dean looks at the beer bottle in his hand, which is now empty. "And thanks for drinking my entire beer."

"I didn't touch your beer. Mine's right there. You probably drank it without noticing." Sam Says

"Right." Dean Says


A sign reads "Clarke Manor Furnished Apartments – Month to Month Rentals". Sam knocks on an apartment door.

"Hello? Um, we...spoke on the phone earlier?" The door opens to the length of a chain lock. "Hi. Uh...I'm Sam. You sounded like you needed help, and I was in the area."

"How'd you find me?" She Asks

"Your dad is in Bobby's address book." Sam Says

"So where is he?" She Asks

"Bobby? He, uh... He's passed away. Look, um –" Says Says

"Krissy." She Says

"Krissy. I get it. You don't let strangers in. But if your dad said you could trust Bobby, then you can trust me, too." Sam Says

Krissy shuts the door, undoes the chain and opens the door again. "Just so you know, 911's on speed-dial. One button."

"Yeah, sure. Note taken." Sam Says Then she lets him in

"So... you're a salesman, too." Krissy Says

"Yep. So your dad's on the road right now? Been gone a while?" Sam Says

"He usually calls every night." Krissy Says

"How long has it been?" Sam Asks

"Five days." Krissy Says

"It's just you and him, huh? I know how that is. Look, um... Sometimes on the road, crap happens. So I'll help you track him down." Sam Says

"Really?" Krissy Says

"Course, Did he happen to say where he was going?" Sam Asks

"Said he had a couple leads near Dodge City." Krissy Says

"And does he have a desk or something where he keeps his stuff?" Krissy leads Sam into another room."Do you mind making some coffee? Thanks."

Sam looks through the desk and then inside a closet. Behind the hanging clothes, he finds a research board with missing person notices and an article titled "Monsters In Our Midst" and "Trucker Missing, Rig Found In Ditch".

"Krissy." He walks towards the kitchen. "Hey, listen, so I think I got an idea where to start. So I'm gonna go. Um...Can I borrow this?" Sam holds up a framed photograph of Krissy and her dad.

"Yeah." Krissy Says

"Thanks. Here. Here's a number, in case you don't hear from me in the next couple days. Don't worry. I promise I'll check in." Sam Says

"Don't say that. That's what my dad said." Krissy Says As Sam nods then he leaves



Dean drives up and gets out of the car, He walks through the mostly empty house with his gun drawn.

"This can't be good." He turns to the sound of a gun cocking and raises his own gun. Frank is pointing a shotgun at him. "Well... hi." Frank doesn't lower his gun. "Frank... we're amongst friends here. Okay, acquaintances." Dean Says

"That's just what a Leviathan would say." Frank Says

"Frank. I'm not a Leviathan." Dean Says

"Oh, sure. You're not a Leviathan. Dick Roman's not a Leviathan. Gwyneth Paltrow is not a Leviathan." Frank Says

"Yeah?" Dean Says

"Trust me." Frank Says

"Okay. You know what, Frank? I think you've been doing a little too much research." Dean Says

"They're anywhere, anyone. Who's to say this ain't the day they come for old Frank who knew too much?" Frank Says

"They bleed black goo, right? You want to see what I bleed?" Frank points his shotgun at Dean's foot.
"Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's take the guns out of it, okay?"

"Okay." Frank Says

Dean puts his gun on the table, takes a switchknife out of his back pocket and makes a cut on his forearm. Frank finally lowers his shotgun.

"See? Red-blooded American." He wipes his knife on his sleeve. "Now...your turn." Dean holds out the knife to Frank.

"Oh! Whoa. Look, I'm obviously not –" Frank Says

"Fair's fair, douchebag." Frank takes the knife, makes a cut on his palm and hands the knife back to Dean. "Yeah." He wipes the knife on his sleeve again.
"I'm glad we could share that together." Dean Says

"Grab your gun, come with me. For God's sake, don't make any noise." Frank Says

Dean and Frank pull up at a barn containing a trailer.


"Why the downsize?" Dean Asks

"You! "Hey, Frank, go dig up some dirt on Richard Roman." That night, I was burned off every IP I had. Ears on my phones, eyes on my house..." Frank Says

"Wait – Dick's got people watching you?" Dean Says

"Do I look like I know? You think it's easy to see this deep into what's real and also be bipolar with delusional ideation? There is no pill for my situation, sweetiepop, so, yeah, best guess – the bigmouths are onto me. Next question." Frank Says

"All right. Well, what's the word on the bigmouths?" Dean Asks

"Their tentacles are everywhere. I-I'm looking at bankers, military high-ups..." Frank Says

"This is why you didn't call me back." Dean Says

"Hey, cut me some slack you called me like four days ago." Frank Says

"I called you four weeks ago, Frank." Dean Says

"What? No. Really? Days, weeks – quit busting my chops." Frank Says

"What, are you kidding me." Dean Says

"You cool your heels, Buster Brown." Frank Says

"Frank, I paid you fifteen grand for this." Dean Says

"Yeah, I get that –" Frank Says

"No, you don't get that! Dick Roman is every card in my hit deck. You understand that? Those numbers, they got something to do with him, okay? Bobby died for those numbers." Dean Says

"Look, I'm sorry about Bobby. I really am. You know, this one time, we were in Fresno, and we got stuck –" Frank Says

"No. No, no, no. I'm not gonna play "this one time with Bobby" crap, all right? I'm not gonna get all warm and fuzzy with somebody else who barely knew him." Dean Says

"Just trying to make friendly conversation." Frank Says

"This is not a friendship, Frank. I'm paying you!" Dean Says

"Hey. You know what you need? A little LSD, a little shiatsu –" Frank Says

"I'm out of here." Dean Says

"Hey, you want to know what those numbers are? Bupkis. They're not lottery numbers, license –" Frank Says

"I know that, Frank. Thank you." Dean Says

"Which leaves us little else to do but probability generate." Frank Says

"Come again?" Dean Says

Frank sits down at a computer. "You run most reasonable possibilities for a Levi-related five-digit number written by a dying drunk, you come up flat. Know what you start to wonder? "Hey, maybe I'm missing a number."

"Well, how do you figure?" Dean Asks

"Oh, I don't know. Because Bobby was dying of brain trauma. I just had a tickle there was a reason nothing was popping out at us, so I set up a program to run possibilities for six numbers, seven, eight. But good news." Frank Says

"Good news?" Dean Says

"Never had to go past six, because this..." he types "454893" into the computer. "My little lamb, is coordinates." Frank Says

"You sure? To what?" Dean Asks

"A field in Wisconsin." Frank Says

"No. No, Bobby didn't give us coordinates to some patch of weeds in Cheeseville." Dean Says

"No, he gave you coordinates to a parcel recently purchased by Willman, Inc., a subsidiary of" He makes a trumpeting noise "Richard Roman Enterprises." Frank Says

"So what do we do?" Dean Asks

"Stay away. Or, if we're stupid... we go there and set up surveillance." Frank Says

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