ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

{7.10} π™³πšŽπšŠπšπš‘πšœ π™³πš˜πš˜πš› π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 3


Rufus is putting ingredients into a bowl on BOBBY's desk. Bobby opens a closet, which seems to be empty.

"We still need gold ore, hemlock, and mace." Bobby Says

"Mm. So, pretty basic, then, huh?" Rufus Says

As Bobby walks through the house, the light goes out in the windows as he passes. He opens a kitchen drawer, which is full of odds and ends. Looking over his shoulder, he sees a younger version of himself talking on the phone in the main room.

"No, we didn't shoot rifles, as a matter of fact. We threw a ball around. He's a kid, John they both are. they're entitled. Yeah, I know I ain't their dad." Bobby Says

Younger Bobby hangs up and throws the phone down. Bobby looks down at the kitchen drawer, which is now empty.

"What the hell?" Bobby Says

Bobby opens the refrigerator and takes out a half-full jar of blood. He is finishing painting a symbol on the wooden floor in front of his desk. He joins Rufus behind the desk and picks up the cross.

"O theristes, kaleo se Kai deo." Bobby Says

Rufus lights a match and drops it into the bowl. There is a flash of fire and the Reaper appears.

"Cute. Got to admit – first time anyone's pulled one on me while actually unconscious." Reaper Says

"Well, get comfy." Bobby Says

"Not so fast." Reaper Says

"Yeah? Sorry. Other business." Bobby Says

"I'm trying to help you, Bobby. You're going to die. Think you can stop it by pinning me like a bug." Reaper Says

"Well –" Bobby Says

"You've seen the dark coming – people disappearing, things going blank. Look around. Cell by cell..."
Bobby looks around at photographs on the bookshelves. While His face in the photographs is clear, the faces of the other people are blurry and indistinct. "that bullet's killing your brain. You're running out of places to hide. So, understand – this trap won't hold forever, because this room won't hold, because you are going to die." Reaper Says

"You think." Bobby Says

"Come with me. Be done. You've earned it. Or fight me. Stay here. and you know the drill." Reaper Says

"I don't know, Bobby. I mean, you really want to get stuck, turn into some ghost?" Ruffs Says

"I know what I'm doing, Rufus." Bobby Says

"Yeah, yeah, you're thinking you can help Elena and those boys. But how many spirits you meet in their right mind? Some hunter's gonna cut you down." Rufus Says

"Whose side are you on?" Bobby Says

"Bobby... You've helped. You got handed a small, unremarkable life, and you did something with it. Most men like you die of liver disease, watching "Barney Miller" reruns. You've done enough. Believe me." Rufus Says

"I don't care." Bobby Says

"Why?" Reaper Says

"Because they're my boys, and my daughter needs her dad." He sees Young Bobby standing nearby.
"All right. The only way out is through so lead the way, nice seeing you again, old friend thanks for the chat." Bobby Says

Young Bobby walks away and Bobby follows him to the kitchen.



Mrs.Singer is on her knees cleaning up the plate that Mr.Singer knocked to the floor.

"It's fine. It'll just take a second." Mrs.Singer

Mr.Singer pours another glass of whiskey. "You just gonna sit there? Get a broom or somethin'."
Young Bobby leaves the room. Mr.Singer stands up.
"You know why he's like that? Because you let him do whatever he wants." Mr.Singer Says

"It's okay. See? I'm almost done. You just relax a-and have another drink." Mrs.Singer Says

Bobby Sighs "Don't tell me what to do." Mr.Singer Says

Young Bobby is watching from the doorway. "No. Wait. Wait." Mr.Singer strikes Mrs.Singer across the face, knocking her down. When she looks up, there is blood at the corner of her mouth.

"I– no! Why do you always provoke him?" Mrs.Singer Says

"Because he's a bad kid – that's why." Mr.Singer Says

"Well, that's a load of crap. Who the hell were you to say?" Bobby Says

"I'm your father. And you show your father respect." Mr.Singer Says

"The day he deserves it, you drunken..." Bobby Says

"Shhh..." Mrs.Singer Says

"... bully. Punching women and kids – is that what they call fatherhood in your day?" Bobby Says

"Oh, you deserved it. Believe me. You were nothing but ungrateful." Mr.Singer Says

"I was a kid! Kids ain't supposed to be grateful! They're supposed to eat your food and break your heart, you selfish dick! You died, and I was still so afraid I'd turn into you, I didn't want to even had kids of my own." Bobby Says

"Good. You break everything you touch." Mr.Singer Says As Mrs.Singer starts to cry

"Uh-huh. well, as fate would have it, I adopted two boys, and even had a kid of my own they all grew up great. They grew up heroes. So you can go to hell!" Bobby Says



Elena walks into Bobby's room, She sits beside his bed and holds his hand.

"Hey Dad, I know that you can't hear me right now but I'm gonna say this okay. I know what I am okay, I know that I'm going to live a long life and you weren't." She Sniffles. "And I always knew that I would lose you one day but I am not ready to Lose you now." Elena Says



Bobby and young Elena are in the park, she's on her bike but she seems scared.

"It's okay Elena, your going to be alright." Bobby Says

"What if I fall Daddy." Elena Says

"And if you do, you get back up okay now come on I got you." Bobby Says

"Okay." Elena Says

Elena starts peddling on her bike, Bobby's right behind her.

"Dad I wanna stop." Elena Says

"If you stop then you'll never learn Elena." Bobby Says

"I don't want to learn." Elena Says

"Yes You do." Bobby Says

"I can't do it Dad." Elena Says

"Just Peddle Okay." Bobby Says

Elena is still peddling but Bobby slowly let's go of her, she's doing it by herself.

"Dad I'm gonna fall." Elena Says

"I'm holding you up, you got this." Bobby Says

"I'm scared, I want my training wheels back on" Elena Says

"Go on Elena." Bobby Says

"Don't let go Daddy." Elena Says

"I won't, until your ready." Bobby Says

"Don't let go I'm not ready." Elena Says

Bobby watches as Elena rides her bike all by herself, He smiles.

"Yeah you are." Bobby Says

"Look Daddy I'm doing it, I did it." Elena Says

"You did." Bobby Says

Elena doesn't hit the brakes on time and she falls off her bike, Bobby goes to his bag and grabs a first aid kit. Elena sits up and looks at her knee which is bleeding.

"Okay I got the band aids and peroxide." Bobby Says

"Don't laugh, It feels like your making fun of me." Elena Says

"No Kiddo I'm making fun of me, there is no greater first then watching your kid ride without training wheels, and their worst first is watching them bite the dust." Bobby Says

Bobby cleans Elena's knee cut, She winces at the pain and puts the band aid on the cut.

"Alright, there you go all better." Bobby Says

"Daddy?, am I gonna die." Elena Says

"Well I would say your chances of living are really up there considering what you are." Bobby Says

"Are you and mommy gonna die?" Elena Asks

"Well...Elena everyone dies eventually, but not for a long long time." Bobby Says

"But what if you guys die and I'm still here." Elena Says

"Well then you'll be all grown up and you won't need me anymore Kiddo." Bobby Says

"I think I'll always need you." Elena Says

Bobby wipes Elena tears away, Elena gets up and hugs Bobby he kisses her head.


"This can't be it dad, your supposed to be here. we're supposed have more birthdays, more holidays to spend together, hell I wanted you to at least see me get married or hopefully have kids one day. I want all of that, Dad I need you to live for me...and I know that selfish but it's the truth....Please Come back to me." Elena Says

Bobby starts moving in his bed, He starts struggle with his breathing tube.

"Oh my god, Nurse Nurse!" Elena Says

The Nurse and a second nurse are walking towards Bobby's room.

"Keep the head of the bed up for transport. IV can run off the pump. Just run a TKVO. We'll have to wait for respiratory." Nurse Says

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. What's happening?" Sam Asks

"He's showing signs of responsiveness. We're taking him up for surgery. If you want to see him, I'd squeeze in there quick." Nurse Says

Sam and Dean walk towards Bobby's room.


Mrs.Singer is still on the floor and there is now blood coming from her nose as well as her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I said that I'm – I'm sorry." Mrs.Singer Says

"Yeah, yeah, you say that every time." Mr.Singer Says

"Please just stop." Mrs.Singer Says

"No! This time, you listen!" Mr.Singer Says

"Stop it." Young Bobby Says

Young Bobby is standing in the doorway with a rifle. As his parents watch, he cocks the rifle. Mrs.Singer laughs.

"You're kidding, right? You're not half enough man to use that thing. You leave the adults to sort this out... and I will deal with you later." Mr.Singer Says

Mr.Singer grabs Mrs.Singer by her hair and drags her partway to her feet.

"Ohh! Aah! Bobby, just go. Do what he says. Just go." Mrs.Singer Says

"No." He points the rifle at his father. "Leave her alone." Bobby shoots his father in the head.

"Aah!" Mr.Singer falls to the ground dead. "Bobby, what did you do? God is gonna punish you." Mrs.Singer Says

"Hey." He walks over to Young Bobby. "You did what you had to do. This is where you learn that... they pretty much never say thanks when you save 'em. Now go get a shovel. Bury the old man out behind the woodshed." Bobby Says Then Young Bobby leaves.

"You got the only genetic case of bullet in the brain I've ever seen." Bright light appears in the kitchen window. "Not so fast, Singer." Reaper Says

Bobby hurries to the kitchen door, opens it and looks out into the bright light.



Sam, Elena and Dean are at Bobby's bedside.

"Sorry. we need to get moving." Nurse Says

"Right. Yeah." Sam Says

Sam looks at Dean and Elena, and then down at Bobby.

"Hey, um... Bobby, um, hey..." He takes Bobby's hand. "Just... thanks... for everything." Sam Says

Sam lets go of Bobby's hand and gives it a pat.

"All right. Please step back." Nurse Says

"Yeah." Dean Says

Bobby raises his hand and opens his eyes.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop. His eyes are open Dad." Elena Says

"Bobby?" Dean Says

"Hey." Dean Says

Elena puts a hand on Bobby's shoulder. He removes the respirator covering his mouth and nose. Elena takes Bobby's hands.

"What – don't talk. Don't talk. A pen – I –" He grabs the pen and chart at the end of the bed. "Here. Here, here, here." Dean He hands the pen to Elena, who hands it to Bobby.

"What is it?" Elena Asks

Bobby writes "45489" On Elena's hand while breathing heavily with the effort. He smiles slightly at Elena, Sam and Dean, who lean closer to him.

"Idjits." Bobby Says

Bobby's head falls back onto the pillow and his eyes close. The monitor he is attached to starts to beep.

"Bobby? Hey!" Dean Says Then The monitor shows flat lines.

"Dad! Please, No please...Dad!" Elena Says

"Call a code – trauma room." Nurse Says

Sam, Elena and Dean are standing outside Bobby's room as medical staff hurry towards the room and attempt to revive Bobby. We see a long close-up of Elena's face, she's crying.


Bobby is walking through the house. "You microbrewing in there, or what? Come on we got a lot of Chuck Norris to get through. Let's go." Dean Says

Bobby opens the refrigerator and takes out four beers."Nice move, waking up like that." Reaper Says

"Motivation's a mother." Bobby Says

"You know why it's dark out there, don't you? This house – it's your last island, everything else melted by that bullet – gone. This is your last chance to come with me and move on. For your own good, Bobby, let go. They'll be okay without you." Reaper Says

"Last memory, huh?" The Reaper nods. "Glad I saved the best for last." Bobby Says Then walks away.

Dean, who is holding a remote, sits down on the two-person couch next to Sam, who is eating popcorn while Elena sits in a chair.

"All right, scoot, jerkface. Show your elders some respect." Dean Says

"You scoot, ass-hat." Sam Says

Sam flips a piece of popcorn at Dean. Bobby walks in and hands the beers to Elena.

"Mm." Elena Says

She sets one of the beers on the table in front of Dean and Sam. Dean is taking more snacks out of a plastic bag.

"Did we get licorice?" Dean Asks

Bobby sits down and watches Sam, Dean and Elena.

Sam with a mouth full of popcorn "No, we did not get licorice. We got good snacks. Licorice is disgusting."

"Oh Sam Licorice isn't that Bad." Elena Says

"Oh Says the girl who likes pineapple on her pizza." Sam Says

"What it's actually good." Elena Says As Bobby is smiling slightly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't quite understand that, uh, Mr. Peanut-Butter-and-Banana Sandwiches?" Dean Says

"You know what? I stand by that sandwich. Nobody likes licorice. I-it's – it's made of dirt." Sam Says

"It is a classic movie food. It's right up there with popcorn." Elena Says

"Popcorn? Really?" Sam Says

"Yes." Dean & Elena Says

"You guys are out of your mind." Sam Says

Sam, Elena and Dean are fading. "What – it's like little chewy pieces of heaven." Sam, Elena and Dean disappear.

"Oh, chewy pieces of heaven if you're a girl." Sam Says

"What's that supposed to mean!" Elena Says

"Well, Bobby? Stay or go – what's it gonna be?" Reaper Asks As his watch is open and ticking.

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