ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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The scene is exactly as we left it at the end of 6.22 The Man Who Knew Too Much. Castiel stares at Dean, Elena, Corinna and Bobby, waiting as Sam staggers while standing behind him. After a beat, Bobby gets on his knees.

"Well, all right then. Is this good, or you want the whole "forehead to the carpet" thing?" He Kneels "Guys?" Bobby Says

Dean, Elena, Corinna and Sam start to kneel.

"Stop. What's the point if you don't mean it? You fear me. Not love, not respect, just fear." Castiel Says

"Cas..." Sam Says

"Sam, you have nothing to say to me you stabbed me in the back, Get up." Castiel Says

"Cas, come on, this isn't you." Dean Says

"The Castiel you knew is gone." He Says

"So what, then? Kill us?" Dean Says

"What a brave little ant you are. You know you're powerless, you wouldn't dare move against me again. That would be pointless. So I have no need to kill you. Not now. Besides...once you were my favorite pets before you turned and bit me." Castiel Says

"Who are you?" Elena Says

"I'm God. And if you stay in your place, you may live in my kingdom. If you rise up, I will strike you down. Not doing so well, are you Sam?" Castiel Says

"I'm fine...I'm...fine." Sam Says

"You said you would fix him - you promised!" Dean Says

"IF you stood down, which you hardly did. Be thankful for my mercy. I could have cast you back into the pit." Castiel Says

"Cas, come on, this is nuts! You can turn this around, please!" Dean Says

"I hope for your sake this is the last you see me." Castiel Says

He disappears. Bobby, Elena, Corinna, Dean, and Sam look around and at each other for a few seconds, until SAM's nose starts to bleed.

"Sam, you okay?" Corinna Asks

Sam sees a vision of himself burning in hell, he then falls to the ground and cuts his hand on some broken glass. He keeps seeing glimpses of his body on fire.


"Understand. If you followed Raphael, if you stood against me, punishment is certain; there is nowhere to hide. The rest of you, our Father left a long time ago, and that was hard. I thought the answer was free will. But I understand now. You need a firm hand. You need a father. And I am your father now. Be obedient, children. Or this will be your fate." Castiel Says

down on the ground there is a dead Angel, then pulls back to reveal Castiel standing in a meadow in heaven surrounded by dozens of dead Angels, evident by all of the scorched black wing marks.

"It is a new day. On earth, and in heaven. Rejoice." Castiel Says



Dean is seemingly crouched inside the crushed and upside-down Impala, with his boots pressed against the roof.

"Come on." the sound of groaning metal is heard as he tries to push the dented roof out with his feet. "Come on, baby!" Dean Says

The camera flips around to reveal the car is right-side up and Dean is on his back.

"So, you fixin' her or primal screamin'?" Bobby Says

Dean lifts himself up from the Impala and accepts a beer from Bobby.

"Ah, thanks. How's Sam?" Dean Asks

"He's still under. But alive." Sam Says

"Yeah? What about God part deux?" Dean Says

"I got all kinds of feelers out, so far diddly." Bobby Says

"And what exactly are you looking for?" Dean Says

"Exactly. What? Miracles, mass visions, trenchcoat on a tortilla? I don't know what I'm lookin' for." Bobby Says

"Ah, well, he'll surface." Dean Says

"So say we do suss out where "new and improved" flew off to..." Bobby Says

"Yeah?" Dean Says

"The hell we plan to do about it." Bobby Says

"I don't know, Bobby, I got no more clue than you do." Dean Says

"I don't even know what books to hit for this, Dean." Bobby Says

"Well, figure it out! I'm sorry. This ain't in no book. If you stick your neck out, Cas steps on it. So you know what I'm gonna do?" Dean Says

"What?" Bobby Says

"Imma fix this car. Because that's what I can do. I can work on her 'til she's mint. And when Sam wakes up, no matter what shape he's in, we'll glue him back together too. We owe him that." Dean Says

"I'm with you." Bobby Says

Dean lies back down in the Impala and begins to pound on the roof with a mallet.


Dean enters from the back door area, wiping his hands. Elena turns off the sink and they bump into each other, Corinna looks from the living room.

"Hey." Dean Says

"Hi." Elena Says

"Sorry I was trying to get a beer." Dean Says

"No it's okay I-I Uh was just leaving." Elena Says

"Oh Okay." Dean Says

"Okay." Elena Says

There's an awkward silence for a moment, Elena then walks upstairs and Corinna is confused yet intrigued so she follows her upstairs. Dean gets a beer from the fridge, Sam appears in the doorway from the living room.

"Hey Dean." Sam Says

"Ah, you're walking and talking." Dean Says

"Yeah. I, uh, put on my own socks, the whole nine." Sam Says

"Well, that's uh... I mean you, uh, you sure you're okay?" Dean Says

"Yeah. My head hurts a little, but...basically." Sam Says

"Seriously?" Dean Says

"Look man, I'm as surprised as you are but, yeah, I swear." Sam Says

"Good! No reason putting a gift horse under a microscope, right." Dean Says

"Yeah. So what happened with Cas?" Sam Asks

"Why don't you come help me with the car, I'll fill you in?" Dean Says

"Okay." Sam Says

Dean leaves through the back door, Sam starts to follow him but hesitates as he hears the faint sound of chains jingling. He nervously looks around but seems to see nothing out of order.


The sign identifies the church as "Lady of Serenity Church," and says "BELIEVE IN GOD HE WALKS AMONG US"

A Reverend is preaching about homosexuality being wrong.

"Plenty speak for them and their so-called lifestyle. Media, Hollywood, Lady Gaga won't shut up for love or money." Reverend Says

The Congregation chuckles.

"Yeah, funny, but that's why we raise our voices! And picket their so-called weddings, and their funerals. Someone has to speak for God." Reverend Says

"And who says you speak for God?" Castiel Says

The Congregation all turn and look at Castiel, who stands at the other end of the aisle.

"You're wrong, I am utterly indifferent to sexual orientation. On the other hand, I cannot abide hypocrites like you, Reverend." Castiel Says

"Okay, fun's over friend." Reverend Says

"Tell your flock where your genitals have been before you speak for me." Castiel Says

"And who the heck are you?" He Says

"I'm God." Castiel Says

The Congregation murmurs. A parishioner stands and tries to speak, but after a look from Castiel he falls back unconscious, breaking the church pew.

"And he who lies in my name shall choke on his own false tongue, and his poisonous words shall betray him." Castiel Says

The Reverend begins to choke and foam at the mouth; he falls to his knees and then collapses to the floor, dead.

"For I am the Lord, your God." Castiel Says

Castiel starts to walk out of the church but stops when he hears a whispering voice in his head.


Castiel grasps the back of a pew.


W turns and looks at an image of Jesus in a stained-glass window. He collects himself and resumes walking out the church, but leaves a singed patch of wood on the back of the pew where his hand was; also revealing that the image of Jesus in the window has changed to that of Castiel in his trenchcoat.



Elena is moving around some things in the extra spare bedroom, Corinna comes in the door way and knocks on the door.

"What are you doing?" Corinna Asks

"Dad asked me to look for something on angels going to the dark side, I don't know just something we could poβ€”" Elena Says

"What's going on with you?" Corinna Says

"What?" Elena Says

"I saw that downstairs and I'm pretty sure that something might have happened between the two of you....because now your awkward around each other." Corinna Says

"How do you know?" Elena Says

"Because I can read people, plus I did graduate with a bachelors degree in human psychology, now spill what's going on?" Corinna Says

"You wanna know what's going on fine, you see I've been friends with the guy for 20 years and he & Sam became my family, We've hunted and grown up together. I date the most amazing guy that I didn't deserve and suddenly I start having feelings that I've never felt before ever!." Elena Says

"Uh huh." Corinna Says Then Shuts the door

"And now I'm in a position where I like two guys, but Stefan made his decision and broke up with me.
Now flash forward to the other night I see that he's obviously upset so what did I do, I try to be there for him because that's just who I am Elena Singer the dedicated friend who's always there to see if her friends are okay." Elena Says

"Yeah So?" Corinna Says

"So...He Kissed Me." Elena Says As Corinna's Eyes Widen

"What? Dean Kissed You!" Corinna Says

"Yes." Elena Says

"Oh my god." Corinna Says

"I know." Elena Says

"When did it happen?" Corinna Asks

"Right before I was about to put the key in the door, he stops me" Corinna Nods " Then he looks at me for just a moment and next thing you know he grabs my face and kisses me." Elena Says

"Wow, On a scale of one to ten how good of a kisser was he?" Elena looks at her "It's just a thing I've always wondered." Corinna Says

"Honestly it was a ten and now for the past 40 hours I can't stop thinking about him and the kiss...I mean all I wanna do is talk about it but I don't know if he will talk about it." Elena Says

"Well make him talk about it, you know if you want something done you have to do it yourself." Corinna Says

"Coriβ€”" Elena Says

"Just go talk to the darn man." Corinna Says

"Fine I Will." Elena Says

"Good." Corinna Says

"Later." Elena Says As Corinna sighs


Sam is looking through tool drawers, He suddenly hears the faint jingling of chains as well as ominous laughter. He sees nothing and goes back to his task, finding the wrench he was looking for. He turns around and is shocked to find the basement bathed in an eerie red light. Many chains hang from the ceiling, as well as meathooks with bits of flesh and hair still attached.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"No, no, this can't be happening." Sam Says

"Sam!" Lucifer Says

"Hey Sam! What are you, taking a nap down here?" Corinna Says

Corinna comes down the stairs, and the basement is now back to normal. A terrified Sam wields the wrench like a weapon, pointing it at her.

"It's Cas, we think. Come on." Corinna Says

"Yeah. Coming."


Elena, Dean, Bobby, Sam and Corinna are in the kitchen watching the news.

"Breaking News - CBA News, The sudden deaths of some 200 religious leaders are currently under investigation. The Vatican has yet to issue a statement, but some are already calling this an act of God."

Now, a woman is being interviewed outside the church.

"We all saw him. No beard, no robe. He was young...and...and sexy. He had a raincoat." She Says
Then Dean shuts off the TV.



Dean is in the Impala, working on a window, while listening to a radio announcer.

"Believed to be target hits high up in white-supremacy organizations. The FBI now believes the Ku Klux Klan has been forced to disband."

"Can't argue with that one." Dean Says

Dean is now working under the Impala's hood.

"A freak lightning strike on the heels of the fire that burned down the Center for Vibrational Enlightenment earlier today. Said a spokesman, "this tragedy represents the largest loss in New Age motivational speaker history".

"Motivational speakers?" Sam Says

"Yeah, I'm not sure new Cas gets irony any better than old Cas. Of course, old Cas wouldn't smite Madison Square Garden just to prove a point. He is off the deep end of the deep end. And there's no slowing down." Dean Says

"So, what? Try to talk to him again?" Sam Asks

"Sam." Dean Says

"Dean, all we can do is talk to the guy." Sam Says

"He's not a guy. He's God and he's pissed, and when God gets righteous, you get the hell out of the way haven't you read the Bible?" Dean Says

"I guess..." Sam Says

"Cas is never coming back. He's lied to us, he used us, he cracked your gourd like it was nothing. No more talk; we have spent enough on him." Dean Says

"Okay." Sam Says

"Hand me that socket wrench." Dean Says


Close-up of the front of a trailer and it's Tennessee license plate.

Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Were Made For Walking" plays. Wide shot of the outside of the trailer, and we see there are Enochian Sigils on the windows.

Inside the trailer, Crowley pours a glass of whiskey and sits down in front of a TV.

"...since biblical times. Leprosy was once so prevalent that colonies were found around the world. Today we are witnessing the unprecedented shutdown of India's leper colonies after what many are calling a miracle healing. Here with us, health correspondent Rob Lewinsky."

"Educate me, Lewinsky." Crowley Says Then The TV suddenly goes dark.

"Hello, Crowley." Castiel Says

Castiel has silently appeared in Crowley's trailer.

"You look stressed." Castiel Says

He sighs" Bollocks. So, the jig is up. You found me." Crowley Says

"I never lost you." Castiel Says

Castiel looks at the Enochian sigils scrawled all over the walls.

"These scratches, they're all useless." Castiel Says

"Still.. Can't blame a girl for trying...fancy a drink before you smite me" Crowley Says

"No." Castiel Says

"You like to bend them right over, do you? Let's go." Crowley Says

Then outstretches both arms and cringes and nothing happens.

"I'm not going to kill you, Crowley. I have plans for you." Castiel Says

"What's it?" Crowley Says

"Here's our new arrangement; I let you live, you return to your post as king of hell." Castiel Says

"but?" Castiel Says

"I choose where each soul goes. I control the flow, and you take whatever I give you." Crowley Says

Crowley turns his back on Castiel and moves in front of the sink.

"I take it you intend to keep the live share? So, what you're saying is hell's being downsized? I would have done away with it completely, but I need a threat to hold over my enemies, and we need to keep Michael and Lucifer's cage." Castiel Says

"Right. I gather this is not a, uh, negotiation." Crowley Says

"No." Castiel Says

"Then I graciously accept, boss." Crowley Says

Crowley tips his glass to Castiel and turns to pour another glass. Castiel looks down to discover sores boiling on the top of his hands.

"I'll be in touch." Castiel Says

Crowley turns to look at Castiel to see he has already vanished.


Sam is reading a book. He is startled by a strange noise and looks behind himself.

The ceiling panel begins to crack and a long chain falls down through the hole and wraps itself around Sam's neck and drags him to the ceiling. alaughing voice can be heard in the background. Suddenly Sam wakes up to realize that he was hallucinating.

"Guys..?" Sam Says

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