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Dean walks in first and switches on the light and Sam and Elena follows right behind him.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Dean Asks
"What?! What the hell was I thinking?" Sam Says
"What The Hell Were Both Of you thinking?" Elena Says
"What, She's a demon, Sam. Period. All right? They want us dead, we want them dead." Dean Says
"Oh, that's funny; I remember that demon chick in Ohio, Casey? You didn't want her dead." Sam Says
"Demon Chick In Ohio?" Elena Says
"A Story for another time" Sam Says
"Yeah, well she wasn't stringing me along like a fish on a hook." Dean Says
"No one's stringing me along! Look, I know it's dangerous, that she is dangerous, but like it or not, she's useful." Sam Says
"No! We kill her before she kills us." Dean Says
"Kill her with what? The gun she fixed for us?" Sam Says
"Whatever works." Dean Says
"Dean, if she wants us dead, all she has to do is stop saving our lives." Dean Says As He turns away from Sam and Elena and goes to the sink turning on the water.
"Look, we have to start looking at the big picture Dean, start thinking in strategies and β and moves ahead." Sam Says As Dean splashes water on his face. It's not so simple, we're not β we're not just hunting anymore. We're at war."
Dean turns off the water and looks at Sam in the mirror above the sink, grabs a towel to dry off his face and turns back around to Sam and Elena.
"Are you feeling okay?" Dean Asks
"Why are you always asking me that?" Sam Says As He sits on the foot of one of the beds in the room Elena Sits on the left side of his bed, and Dean moves back toward Sam.
"Because you're taking advice from a demon, for starters. And by the way, you seem less and less worried about offing people. You know, it used to eat you up inside." Dean Says
"Yeah, and what has that gotten me?" Sam Says
"Nothing, but it's just what you're supposed to do, okay? We're supposed to drive in the freakin' car and freakin' argue about this stuff. You know, you go on about the sanctity of life and all that crap."Dean Says As He rubs his stomach uncomfortably Elena looks at him
"Wait, so β so you're mad because I'm starting to agree with you?" Sam Says
"No, I'm not mad, I'mβ I'mβ I'm worried, Samβ he moves and sits down on the foot of the other bed in the room, I'm worried because you're not acting like yourself." Dean Says
"Yeah, you're right, I'm not. I don't have a choice." Sam Says
"What is that supposed to mean?" Dean Asks
"Yeah, You Know You always have a choice Sam" Elena Says
"Look Alright, Dean, you're leaving β right? And I gotta stay here in this craphole of a world. Alone. So the way I see it, if I'm gonna make it, if I'm gonna fight this war after you're gone, then I gotta change." Sam Says As Dean has been looking increasingly uncomfortable during Sam's last speech, and is now clutching his stomach in discomfort and leaning forward slightly.
"Change into what?" Dean Asks
"Into you. I gotta be more like you." Sam Says
As Dean shakes his head, then tightens his face in pain, and leans further over, still clutching his stomach and side with his left hand.
"Ah!" Dean Says
"What's going on with you?" Elena Asks As Dean moves around in pain, still clutching his stomach, and he can barely force words out.
"I don't know. Ohβ Sam, Lena something's wrongβ bunch of knives inside of meβ" Dean Says
"Dean?" Sam Says As He and Elena Moves off the bed and kneels in front of Dean who is now leaning all the way forward with his head almost between his legs.
"Son of a bitchβ" Dean Says
"Dean, hey." Sam Says
"The coven man, it's gotta be the coven." Dean Says
"Don't worry, Elena Help Me" Sam Says As He and Elena gets up and rushes into the bathroom opening the cupboards below the sink looking for the hex bag as Dean yells in pain and lies back on the bed, his face still twisted in pain. Elena pulls things out of the cupboard throwing them aside.
Dean leans forward again falling to his knees in front of the foot of the bed, spitting out blood, choking and sputtering. They are is still looking for the hex bag, in another cupboard pulling out pillows and when he finds nothing, he moves to the bed while Dean is still choking on blood and spitting it out of his mouth. Sam pulls off the covers to the bed tearing back the sheets and slices the mattress open with his knife and still cannot find the hex bag.
"Dean, I can't find it." Sam Says As Dean falls over sideways and looks weak and hurt and still in pain Elena goes over to him holding him
"No." Elena Says As Dean continues to cough blood more weakly now, Sam rummages through his bag and pulls out the Colt and opens it to make sure there are bullets in it.
"Sam, what are you doing?" Elena Asks As Sam gets up and moves toward the door.
"Sam!" Dean Says As Sam leaves closing the door behind him.
"Sam!" Elena Says As Dean continues to groans in pain.
The Impala speed down a dark country road and Sam is at the wheel with a look of determination on his face.
Elizabeth, Renee and Tammi are around the coffee table again with the altar set up, chanting.
"KihΓ©r tolic echranmuk, madan fiΓ©rΓ©, marc oh don duer kianave-" They All Say The Sam kicks in the door and the women scream out of fear getting up from the altar raising their hands in surrender. Sam enters the room with the Colt drawn.
"Let him go." Sam Says
"Let who go? What are you doing? You're insane, get out!" Renee Says
"Look, if you know about me, then you know about this gun. You're killing my brother. Now let him go. Get away from the altar." Sam Says
"What?" Renee Says
"Now!" Sam Says As They all move away from the altar with their hands still up as Sam keeps the Colt trained on them.
Elena is Still Holding Dean his blood is all over her pants, he is still spitting out gasping and coughing blood still. There are quick footsteps outside and the door is kicked open and Ruby steps in and finds Dean and Elena who looks up and sees her.
"You wanna kill me? Get in line bitch." Dean Says
As Ruby goes over to Dean and Elena and pulls him up by the collar tossing him on the bed, leans over him and forces his mouth open with her left hand as Dean tries to push her away.
"What The Hell Are You Doing?" Elena Asks
"Helping Him" Ruby Says As She sprays a dark brown liquid into his mouth from a bag at her side with her right hand while Dean still struggles under her hold. Ruby stands up as Dean chokes on the liquid and spits some back out.
"Stop ... calling me bitch." Ruby Says
Sam is still aiming the gun at Elizabeth , Renee and Tammi.
"Go." Sam Says As Elizabeth, Tammi, Renee move over in front of the fireplace with their hands still up in the air.
"Whatβ weβ we weren't hurting anyone." Elizabeth Says
"Please, we don't even know your brother." Renee Says
"Stop the spell, or die. Five seconds." Sam Says
"What?" Renee Says As Sam cocks the gun and points it back at them.
"Four." Sam Says
"No, please, please don't kill us." Renee Says
"We were just getting Renee a lower mortgage rate!" Elizabeth Says As Sam looks confused but still holds the gun ready.
"Next time you point that gun at me, I'm not gonna just disappear, understand?" Ruby Says As She tosses a sawed-off shotgun over to Dean who is back to sitting on the foot of the bed. His face is somewhat cleaned off from the blood and liquid 'cure' that Ruby gave him.
"You ... saved my life." Dean Says
"Don't mention it." Ruby Says
"What was that stuff?" Elena Asks
"God, it was ass. It tasted like ass." Dean Says
"It's called witchcraft, short bus." Ruby Says
As She turns and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her and leaving Dean and Elena on the bed, he slightly feels offended.
"You're the short bus ... short bus." Dean Says
"Ooo Great Come Back" Elena Says
"Shut Up" Dean Says As She Smiles at him
"Okay, maybe it's not youβ be points the gun at Elizabethβ or you, He points the gun at Renee this time, Maybe it's you." Sam Says As He points the gun at Tammi who sobs, upset and scared.
"I don't even know what he's talking about. What aβre you even talking about?" Tammi Says
"I mean, all of you, everyone in your little coven, you've all had runs of good fortune. Newsworthy good fortune. Except for you, Tammi. Now tell me, why is that? You didn't want anything for yourself? Or is it because you're already getting what you wanted β like these women's souls." Sam Says
"I can't- I-I'm not- I-I-I don't..." Tammi Says As She sighs and puts her hands down, going from looking frightened to calm and her eyes change to black revealing that she is the demon Ruby warned him about. The other women gasp, looking shocked.
Nice dick work, Magnum."
"Let. My brother. Go." Sam Says
"What's wrong? Couldn't find my hex bag? Sorry, sweetheart, but your brother's lungs should be on the floor by now." Tammi Says As She shoots the Colt. The bullet slows as Tammi lifts up her hand. The bullet loses momentum, slows, stops, and falls to the floor. Elizabeth gasps, You're in a lot of trouble, Sam."
Tammi motions her arm at Sam and he is thrown against the wall behind him, and pinned there.
"Tammi, what's wrong with your eyes?" Elizabeth Asks As Tammi turns her head and attention on the other two women, making her eyes look human again. Sam is still pinned helplessly to the wall.
"Tammi, what are you doing?" Renee Asks
"Renee, shut your painted hole." Tammi Says
"What? I-I willβ You can'tβ Not in my house, Tammi Fenton." Renee Says As Tammi becomes annoyed, waves her right hand at Renee and Renee's head snaps to the right so far it almost turns completely backwards, killing her instantly. Her body falls to the floor as Elizabeth shrieks in terror, covering her mouth.
"Look. You got me β let the girl go." Sam Says
"Wait your turn, young man." Tammi Says As Elizabeth makes another scared noise bringing Tammi's attention back to her.
"Shhh, Lizzie, it's okay." Tammi Says
"You're not Tammi." Elizabeth Says
"No, but I'm wearing her meat. I had to break the ice with you girls somehow." Tammi Says
"You killed Renee." Elizabeth Says
"Renee, Amanda ... That's what happens to witches who get voted off the island." Tammi Says
"Who are you?" Elizabeth Asks
"Funny story, actually. You remember all those dark demonic forces you prayed to, when you swore your servitude? Just who did you think you were praying to?" Tammi Asks
"This-this isn't β it can't bβ" Elizabeth Says
"What did you think it was? Make-believe? Positive thinking? The Secret? No, it was me. You sold yourself to me, you pig." Tammi Says As Elizabeth gasps and continues to stare at Tammi in horror.
All I had to do was bring one good book to Book Club, and you ladies lined up to kiss my ass.
"No, no, we didn't knowβ" Elizabeth Says
"Oh, yes you did. You knew every step of the way, and now your ever livin' souls are mine.
Tammi turns back to Sam who is still pinned to the wall, Comments? Questions? Hmm, Sammy Winchester, wow! Right here in our little town. You know, my friends and I, we've been looking for you." Tammi Says
"Why? Oh, right, 'cause I'm supposed to lead some piss poor demon army." Sam Says
"No, not at all. You're not our Messiah. We don't believe in you. But, there's a new leader rising in the West β a real leader. That's the horse to bet on, Sam, the one who's gonna tear this world apart. Thing is, this demon? It doesn't like you very much. It doesn't want the competition. Tammi raises her hand and Sam slides up the wall, groaning, and is suspended against it, Nothing personal, it's a P.R. thing, so, buh-bye. Tammi keeps her hand raised, and Sam begins to be crushed into the wall, paint and plaster cracking as he is pushed harder into the solid wall. Elizabeth stands there watching, frozen in fear and the front door to the house slams open. Dean runs in with his shotgun drawn and Tammi turns around, easily throwing him over the sofa, and when he gets up, she pins him to the wall behind him, Two for one Lovely, Ruby's voice cuts in before Tammi can finish what she started.
"Wait." Ruby Says As She walks in with her hands raised in surrender.Please. I just ... came to talk.
She puts her hands down."
"You made it out of the gate. Impressive. That was a bitch of a fight, wasn't it?" Tammi Says
"Doors out of Hell only open for so long." Ruby Says
"What do you want, Ruby?" Tammi Asks
"I've been lost without you. She continues to advance, Take me back. That's why I led the Winchesters here." Ruby Says As Dean looks angry, and mouths "I told you so" to Sam, They're for you ... as a gift."
"Really." Tammi Says
"Let me serve you again. I've wanted it β I've wanted you β for so long." Ruby Says As Dean lifts his eyebrows at this hot-demon-chick on hot-demon-chick flirtation.
"You were one of my best. Ruby and Tammi look at each other, and Ruby pulls her knife out and tries to stab Tammi, but she catches it in mid-air. But then again, you always were a lying whore." Tammi Says
The knife is thrown sideways out of their hands across the wood floor. Tammi and Ruby fight, and Tammi throws RubyΒ into the TV, but she gets up and kicks Tammi and goes to run past her, and She clotheslines Ruby causing her to fall flat on her back. Tammi pulls Ruby up and throws her into a bookcase and gets a fireplace poker from the stand on the hearth, looking at Elizabeth who is still cowering from Tammi, before she walks back to Ruby with the poker in her hand, While Elena Sneaks In Through the back door of the house and Hears the commotion.
"You're really telling me you threw in your chips with Abbott and Costello here? Ruby, panting, tries to get up, and Tammi hits her across the face with the fireplace poker. Elizabeth runs to the altar and dumps a bunch of pins out of a bow onto the cloth with the demonic symbol on it But Elena Stops her
"Don't Kill Me Please" Elizabeth Says
"I'm not gonna kill you, I'm gonna buy my friends some time" Elena Says
"Come on. Get up." Tammi Says As Ruby is panting and not moving, with blood coming out of her nose.
,I said, get up!"
Tammi tosses the poker aside and crouches over Ruby grabbing her by the jacket and pulling her up.
"We've been here before, haven't we?" Tammi Says
As She chuckles to herself and looks over at Sam.
She didn't tell you?, Tammi turns back to Ruby and continues, Pretty mortifying, I guess. She was one of mine. I turned her out a long, long time ago. Ruby here was a witch. Of course, that was when you were human.
Dean and Sam both look surprised even though they are still both pinned to their respective walls. Tammi throws Ruby back down onto the debris of the bookcase she crashed through and stands up.
"Didn't want your friends to know that all those centuries back, you sold yourself to me? Embarrassing, I guess. But don't worry love, no secrets where you're heading remember?
She begins to chant and black smoke rises out of Ruby's mouth curling and hovering inches above her mouth, MonyΓ© valack forsa, ulu iri regatt ruac, fieesh nieesh forthsa lΓ© inmist infirum forthsa por un betest a tΓ© un fornalles ecclaisee β" Tammi Says
Tammi begins to cough and Elena is chanting under her breath and She begins walking towards the living room and Tammi coughs harder Elena is now facing her, Dean is dropped from the wall and he falls forward. Sam also falls from the wall and drops to the floor as Tammi brings her hand up to her mouth. Tammi coughs up a handful of long pins into her hand, her mouth bleeding in the process. She looks at the pins and raises her right hand and clenches it into a fist. Elizabeth Still hides, While Elena Continues To Chant.
Dean comes up behind Tammi and stabs her in the back repeatedly with Ruby's discarded knife. Tammi dies as well as the demon that was inside of her and she falls to the floor. Dean looks at Ruby and Elena, He goes to help Sam up and they both move toward the door and stop to look at Ruby.
"Go." Ruby Says As She looks at them, slightly embarrassed, and wipes the blood away from her mouth, I'll clean up this mess."
Dean and Elena starts to walk toward the door, helping Sam.
"Come on." Dean Says As He, Elena and Sam stop and look back at Ruby one more time. Ruby turns her eyes black and glares at them.
"Go." Ruby Says As He and Sam walk out the door. Ruby leans over Tammi's body, takes her knife out of Tammi's back and holds it up. The knife is covered in blood, and is smoking.
Sam is splashing his face with water and looks in the mirror above the sink with a worried expression etched in his face.
Motel sign says: "Conquistador Motel"
Dean is walking outside of the motel. As the lights flicker, he looks around, and then around again to see Ruby standing there in the shadows of the hotel parking lot.
"So the devil may care after all, is that what I'm supposed to believe?" Dean Says
"I don't believe in the devil." Ruby Says As Dean walks toward her.
"Wacky night. So let me get this straight, you were human once, you died, you went to hell, you became a..." Dean Says
"Yeah." Ruby Says As She turns to leave.
"How long ago?" Dean Asks
"Back when the plague was big." Ruby Says
"So all of 'em β every damn demon β they were all human once?" Dean Says
"Every one I've ever met." Ruby Says
"Well, they sure don't act like it." Dean Says
"Most of them have forgotten what it means, or even that they were. That's what happens when you go to Hell, Dean. That's what Hell is β forgetting what you are." Ruby Says
"Philosophy lesson from a demon. I'll pass, thanks." Dean Says
"It's not philosophy. It's not a metaphor. There's a real fire in the pit. Agonies you can't even imagine." Ruby Says
"No, I saw "Hellraiser". I get the gist." Dean Says
As Ruby turns and starts walking away.
"Actually, they got that pretty close. Except for all the custom leather." Ruby Says As DeanΒ looks thoughtful and Ruby stops her departure, and turns back to Dean, The answer is yes, by the way."
"I'm sorry?"Dean Says
"Yes, the same thing will happen to you. It might take centuries, but sooner or later Hell will burn away your humanity. Every Hell-bound soul, every one, turns into something else. Turns you into us. So yeah. Yeah, you can count on it." Ruby Says
"There's no way of saving me from the Pit, is there?" Dean Asks
"No." Ruby Says
"Then why'd you tell Sam that you could?" Dean Says
"So he would talk to me. You Winchesters can be pretty bigoted. I needed something to help him get past theβ" Ruby Says
"The demon thing? It's pretty hard to get past." Dean Says
"Look at you. Tryin' to be all stoic. My god, it's heartbreaking." Ruby Says
"Why are you telling me all this?" Dean Asks
"I need your help." Ruby Says
"Help with what?" Dean Says
"With Sam. The way you stuck that demon tonight β it was pretty tough. Sam's almost there, but not quite. You need to help me get him ready β for life without you. To fight this war on his own." Ruby Says As She turns and walks away again.
"Ruby!, She Stops, Why do you want us to win?" Dean Asks As She turns back around to face him
"Isn't it obvious? I'm not like them. I don't know why. I β I wish I was, but ... I'm not. I remember what it's like." Ruby Says
"What what's like?" Dean Asks
"Being human." Ruby Says As Dean looks down lost in his thoughts, and when he looks up Ruby has disappeared leaving Dean alone in the parking lot.
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