ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Dean opens the door. Santa is sitting on the couch, holding a giant bong and a bottle of whiskey. Santa stands up and Dean, Elena, Corrina and Sam quickly hide their guns.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Santa Asks
As Dean looks around and realizes Santa's only watching TV.

"I'm really not interested, okay?" Man On Tv Says
"Mistle my toe. Roast my chestnut. Egg my nog." Woman On Tv Says, Dean looks at Sam, who shrugs.

"Ah, wβ€”" Sam Says

"Jingle my bells?" Woman Says
"S-silent night... Holy... " Dean Sings, He looks at Them, who follows him, shrugging, and smiling

...night. Santa chuckles and sits down to enjoy the show, All is well..." They All Sing

" ...all is dry." Santa Sings Along

"Bright..." Elena Says

"Round and round..." They try to sing although they don't remember the lyrics.

"The table... " Sam Says As he Puts a hand on Dean's shoulder to pull him away and they all leave the house

Silent Night" plays as a boy walks down the staircase to a room in which there is a large Christmas tree. Ashes fall into the fireplace from the chimney. The boy stands in front of the fireplace.

"Santa, you're early." The Boy Says

The boy jumps back as the fireplace grill falls in front of him. He stares in shock as a heavy-breathing, human-shaped creature walks through the living room, goes upstairs and enters the parents' room. A woman screams and a man makes muffled sounds. The creature drags a bag containing the struggling man downstairs. There is a loud thump and the sound of flesh tearing as the creature kills the man in front of the boy. The creature stares down at the boy, then grabs a cookie from a plate and eats it while he drags the bag away from the boy.



"So, that's how your son described the attack? "Santa took daddy up the chimney"?" Dean Asks

"That's what he says, yes." The Woman Says

"And where were you?" Dean Asks

"I was asleep and all of a sudden... I was being dragged out of bed, screaming." The Woman Says

"Did you see the attacker?" Sam Asks She Shakes her head

"It was dark, and he hit me. He knocked me out." The Woman Says

"I'm sorry. I know this is hard." Dean Says

"Yeah... um, Mrs. Caldwell, where, where did you get that wreath above the fireplace?" Dean Says Then looks around at the wreath, and blinks, a little puzzled.

"Excuse me?" Mrs,Caldwell Says As Dean looks at Sam, waiting for an answer.

"Just curious, you know." Sam Says

Sam and Dean Walk Away From The House

"Wreaths, huh? Sure you didn't want to ask her about her shoes? I saw some nice handbags in the foyer." Dean Says

"We've seen that wreath before, Dean." Sam Says

"Where?" Dean Asks

"The Walshes'. Yesterday." Sam Says

"I know. I was just testing you." Dean Says As Sam scoffs. They drive away in the Impala.



Sam is on the phone, Elena Is On Her Laptop While Corrina Sits Next to her

"Yeah, all right. Well, keep looking, would you? Thanks, Bobby, He hangs up, Well... we're not dealing with the anti-Claus." Sam Says

"What did Bobby say?" Dean Asks

"Uh, that we're morons. He also said that it was probably meadowsweet in those wreaths" Sam Says

"Wow! Amazing. What the hell is meadowsweet?" Dean Says

"It's pretty rare and it's probably the most powerful plant in pagan lore." Sam Says

"Pagan lore?" Elena Asks

"Yeah. See, they used meadowsweet for human sacrifice. It was kind of like a... Chum for their gods. Gods were drawn to it and they'd stop by and snack on whatever was the nearest human." Sam Says

"Why would somebody be using that for Christmas wreaths?" Corrina Asks

"It's not as crazy as it sounds, Guys, I mean, pretty much every Christmas tradition is pagan." Sam Says

"Christmas is Jesus's birthday." Dean Says

"No, Jesus's birthday was probably in the fall. It was actually the winter solstice festival that was co-opted by the Church and renamed "Christmas". But I mean, the Yule log, the tree, even Santa's red suit – that's all remnants of pagan worship." Sam Says

"How do you know that? What are you gonna tell me next? Easter bunny's Jewish?, They All Look At Him, So you think we're gonna dealing with a pagan God?" Dean Says

"Yeah, probably Hold Nickar, God of the winter solstice." Sam Says

"And all these Martha Stewart wannabes, buying these fancy wreaths..." Dean Says

"Yeah, it's pretty much like putting a neon sign on your front door saying "Come kill us"." Sam Says

"Great." Elena Says, Sam begins reading an article

"Huh... When you sacrifice to Hold Nickar, guess what he gives you in return." Sam Says

"Lap dances, hopefully." Dean Says Then Elena Slaps His Head, Ow"

"Mild weather." Sam Says

"Like no snow in the middle of December in the middle of Michigan." Elena Says

"For instance." Sam Says

"Do we know how to kill it yet?" Corrina Asks

"No, Bobby's working on that right now. We got to figure out where they're selling those wreaths." Sam Says

"You think they're selling them on purpose? Feeding the victims to this thing?" Dean Asks

"Let's find out." Sam Says



Sam, Dean, Elena and Corrina enter. "Deck the halls with boughs of holly" is playing

"Can I Help You?" The Shop-keeper Asks

"Uh, hope so. Uh, we were playing Jenga over at the Walshes' the other night, and, uh... well, he hasn't shut up since about this Christmas wreath, and I don't know, you tell him." Dean Says

"Sure, It was yummy." Sam Says

"I sell a lot of wreaths, guys." Shop-Keeper Says

"Right, right, but – but you see, this one would have been really special. It had, uh, it had, uh, green leaves, um, white buds on it. It might have been made of, uh... meadowsweet?" Sam Says

"Well, aren't you a fussy one?" Shop-Keeper Says
As Sam looks taken aback, embarrassed.

"He is... "Elena and Corrina laughs and Sam looks at them, annoyed

"Anyway, I know the one you're talking about. I'm all out." Shop-Keeper Says

"Huh. Seems like this meadowsweet stuff's pretty rare and expensive. Why make wreaths out of it?" Corrina Asks

"Beats me. I didn't make them." Shop-Keeper Says

"Who did?" Dean Asks

"Madge Carrigan, a local lady. She said the wreaths were so special, she gave them to me for free." Shop-Keeper Says

"She didn't charge you?" Sam Asks

"Nope." Shop-Keeper Says

"Did you sell them for free?" Elena Asks

"Hell no. It's Christmas. People pay a buttload for this crap." Shop-Keeper Says

"That's the spirit." Dean Says


Dean opens the door and turns on the light. Sam follows him in.

"Well Be Next Door Guys" Elena Says

"Okay" Dean Says

"Goodnight Dudes" Corrina Says, Her and Elena Walk in their room and Sam and Dean in theirs

"How much do you think a meadowsweet wreath would cost?" Dean Asks

"A couple hundred dollars, at least." Sam Says

"This lady's giving them away for free? What do you think about that?" Dean

"Well, sounds pretty suspicious." Sam Says
As He and Dean take off their jackets and sit on the edge of their beds.

"Remember that wreath Dad brought home that one year?" Dean Asks

"You mean the one he stole from, like, a liquor store?" Sam Says

"Yeah, it was a bunch of empty beer cans. That thing was great. I bet if I looked around hard enough, I could probably find one just like it." Dean Says

"All right. Dude... What's going on with you?" Sam Asks

"What?" Dean Says

"I mean, since when are you Bing Crosby all of a sudden? Why do you want Christmas so bad?" Sam Asks

"Why are you so against it? I mean, were your childhood memories that traumatic?" Dean Says

"No, that has nothing to do with it." Sam Says

"Then what?" Dean Asks

"I-I mean, I-I just... I don't get it. You haven't talked about Christmas in years." Sam Says

"Well, yeah. This is my last year." Dean Says

"I know. That's why I can't." Sam Says

"What do you mean?" Dean Asks

"I mean I can't just sit around, drinking eggnog, pretending everything's okay, when I know next Christmas you'll be dead, I just can't." Sam Says

Dean nods, realizing the sadness in Sam's voice. Both of them are silent.


Sam is on the couch reading a comic book. Dean walks inside the room, holding a bag of groceries.

"Thought you went out." Sam Says

"Yeah, to get you dinner. He Tosses Sam packaged food, Don't forget your vegetables." Dean Says As He Tosses him another bag of snack food, Funyuns

Dean takes off his jacket, sits down on his bed and opens a drink can. Sam sits on the other bed.

"I know why you keep a gun under your pillow." Sam Says As Dean Lifts his pillow and sees his gun

"No, you don't. Stay out of my stuff." Dean Says

"And I know why we lay salt down everywhere we go." Sam Says

"No, you don't. Shut up." Dean Says As Sam turns around and grabs something under his bed. It's John's Journal. Sam tosses it onto the nightstand between the beds.

"Where'd you get that? That's Dad's! He's gonna kick your ass for reading that." Dean Says

"Are monsters real?" Sam Asks

"What? You're crazy." Dean Says

"Tell me." Sam Says As Dean Hesitates

"I swear, if you ever tell Dad I told you any of this, I will end you." Dean Says

"Promise." Sam Says

"Well, the first thing you have to know is we have the coolest dad in the world. He's a superhero." Dean Says

"He is?" Sam Says

"Yeah. Monsters are real. Dad fights them. He's fighting them right now." Dean Says

"But Dad said the monsters under my bed weren't real." Sam Says

"That's 'cause he had already checked under there. But yeah, they're real. Almost everything's real." Dean Says

"Is Santa real?" Sam Asks as Dean Smiles and shakes his head

"No." Dean Says

"If monsters are real, then they could get us. They could get me."Sam Says

"Dad's not gonna let them get you." Dean Says

"But what if they get him?" Sam Asks

"They aren't gonna get Dad. Dad's, like, the best." Dean Says

"I read in Dad's book that they got Mom." Sam Says

"It's complicated, Sam." Dean Says

"If they got Mom, they can get Dad ,and if they get Dad, they can get us." Sam Says

"It's not like that. He Moves and sits next to Sam Okay? Dad's fine. We're fine. Trust me. Sam looks sad and worried, You okay?" Dean Says

"Yeah." Sam Says

"Hey, Dad's gonna be here for Christmas. Just like he always is." Dean Says

"I just want to go to sleep, okay?" Sam Says

"Yeah, okay." Dean Says As Sam lies down on the bed and cries quietly. Dean stays sitting on the edge of the bed. It'll all be better when you wake up. Sam cries harder, You'll see. Promise."



Elena Is in her pajamas, she's brushing her teeth in the bathroom, Corrina is Looking for her socks

"Hey" Corrina Says

"Yeah?" Elena Says

"You Got A Pair of socks I can borrow, I can't find my red socks my favorite pair" Corrina Says

"Oh My God Them Red Socks that you've had since Sophomore Year, good riddance there gone" Elena Says

"Hey Those socks are the best, I have so many memories with those socks, I had my first kiss in them, got my first kill, hell I even lost my virginity in them" Corrina Says

"Corrina" Elena Says

"They Have Sentimental Value to me" Corrina Says

"Yeah Okay, Look it's time to let go of certain things okay especially if you have them for over 10 years" Elena Says

"Maybe You should take you own advice huh?" Corrina Says

"Excuse Me" Elena Says

"Elena Look What Your Wearing, your wearing his T shirt to bed" Corrina Says

"So, it was my favorite shirt of his" Elena Says

"Yeah But, Elena don't you think if you keep his things you'll never move on" Corrina Says

"Corrina It Hasn't even been a year yet, it's only beenΒ  "Elena Says

"10 Months" Corrina Says

"Yeah, but I'm still grieving Corrina" Elena Says

"Look I'm Sorry, Okay I'm just Saying in about two months it would have been a year he's been gone, You don't have start dating soon, but you and I both know that Nate would want you to be happy" Corrina Says

"I know, it's just I'm still dealing with it, I grieve differently I kind of never get over the death part" Elena Says, she sits down on her bed Corrina sits next to her

"I Understand" Corrina Says

"I Know your just trying to get me back to where I once was and I'll get there in time but-" Elena Says

"You Need Time, I know Lena" Corrina Says

"Thank You" Elena Says

"No Problem, Lena Now let's go to sleep we got a long day with the Winchester Sisters tomorrow" Corrina Says as she gets into bed

"Brothers" Elena Says then giggles as she lays down

"Yeah Exactly What I Meant" Corrina Says

"Goodnight" Elena Says

"Night" Corrina Says


Sam, Dean, Elena and Dean walk up to a big white house with Christmas decorations on the lawn.

"This is where Mrs. Wreath lives, huh? Can't you just feel the evil pagan vibe?" Dean Says, He knocks on the door and Madge greets them.

"Yes?" Madge Says

"Please tell me you're the Madge Carrigan who makes the meadowsweet wreaths." Dean Says

"Why, yes I am." Madge Says As Dean Turns to Them

"Ha! Bingo." Dean Says

"Yeah? Uh, well, we were just admiring your wreaths in Mr. Sylar's place the other day?" Sam Says

"You were? Well, isn't that meadowsweet just the finest-smelling thing you ever smelled?" Madge Asks

"It is, it sure is. But the problem is, is that all you wreaths had sold out before we got the chance to buy one." Sam Says

"Oh, fudge!" Madge Says

"You wouldn't have another one that we could buy from you, would you?" Elena Asks

"Oh, no, I'm afraid those were the only ones I had for this season." Madge Says

"Aww..." Elena & Corrina Says

"Tell me something, why did you decide to make them out of meadowsweet?" Corrina Asks as Mr. Carrigan comes down the staircase inside the house. He has an old-fashioned pipe and a cardigan.

"Why, the smell, of course! I don't think I've ever smelled anything finer." Madge Says

"Yeah... um, you mentioned that." Corrina Says

"What's going on, honey?" Mr,Carrigan Asks

"Well, just some nice boys asking about my wreaths, dear." Madge Says

"Oh, the wreaths are fine. Fine wreaths. Oh, care for some peanut brittle?" Mr, Carrigan Says Then He offers them peanut brittle, Dean reaches out to take some, but Sam slaps Dean's arm away.

"We're okay." Sam Says

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