ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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An athletic young woman is out for a run, running along the docks at night. She stops at a water fountain, checks her time, and takes a drink. She hears thunder and looks up, out over the water; sliding past not too far away is a ghostly old sailing ship. She removes her headphones and stares as it crosses into the harbor, then vanishes. She puts her headphones back in, still spooked, and jogs off.


Later, the same woman is showering. A dark figure approaches and places his hand on the glass of the shower door. She doesn't notice until he rubs at the glass, making a squeaking noise. She pokes her head out and looks around her well-appointed bathroom, but sees nothing. She goes back into the shower; moments later a man in a dry overcoat, who is in the enclosed shower with her, grabs her from behind and begins to strangle her. He slams her against the walls of the shower several times until she slides to the floor, apparently dead.


Dean is driving, Sam in the passenger's seat, Elena in the back, There is a tense silence in the car, which Dean breaks.

"So, I've been waiting since Maple Springs. You got something to tell me?" Dean Says

"You Talking to me?" Elena Asks

"No Not You Lena, I'm talking to Sammy" Dean Says

"It's not your birthday." Sam Says

"No." Dean Says

"... Happy Purim?, he laughs, Dude, I don't know. I have no idea what you're talking aboutβ€”" Sam Says

"There's a bullet missing from the Colt. You want to tell me how that happened? I know it wasn't me, I know it wasn't Elena. So unless you were shooting at some incredibly evil cans..." Dean Says

"Dean ..." Sam Says

"You went after her, didn't you? The Crossroads Demon. After I told you not to." Dean Says

"Yeah, well..." Sam Says

"You could have gotten yourself killed!" Dean Says

"I didn't." Sam Says

"And you shot her." Elena Says

"She was a smartass!" Sam Says

"So, what? Does that, does that mean I'm out of my deal?" Dean Asks

"Don't you think I might have mentioned that little fact, Dean? No. Someone else holds the contract." Sam Says

"Who?" Elena Asks

"She wouldn't say." Sam Says

"Well, we should find out who. Of course, our best lead would be the Crossroads Demon. Oh, wait a minute..." Dean Says

"That's not funny." Sam Says

"No, it's not! It was a stupid freaking risk, and you shouldn't have done it." Dean Says

"I shouldn't have done it? You're my brother, Dean. And no matter what you do, I'm gonna try and save you. And I'm sure as hell not gonna apologize for it, all right?" Sam Says while Dean is silent. Sam shakes his head in exasperation.

"Okay...Back In Silence It is, Wake me up when we get there" Elena Says



Sam, Elena and Dean are impersonating officers of the law to interview a witness. She is holding a framed photograph of the shower-drowning victim. The witness' name is Gertrude Case an elegant and well-groomed and approximately 70 year old woman. As the scene continues, she begins to flirt shamelessly with Sam.

"But I don't understand. I already went over all this with the other detectives." Gert Says

"Right, yes. But, see, we're with the Sheriff's Department, not the police department – different departments." Dean Says

"So, Mrs. Case..." Sam Says

"Please,Ms. Case." Gert Says as She looks at Sam

"Okay. Um, Ms. Case, um... you were the one who found your niece, correct?" Sam Asks

"I came home, she was in the shower." Gert Says

"Drowned?" Elena Says

"So the coroner says. Now, you tell me, how can someone drown in the shower?" Gert Asks

"How would you describe Sheila's behavior in the days before her death? I mean, did she seem frightened? Maybe she said something out of the ordinary, or ...?" Sam Says

"Wait a minute. You're working with Alex, aren't you?" Gert Asks

"Yep. Absolutely. That's Alex and us, we're like this." Dean Says

"Why didn't you say so? Alex has been such a comfort. But I'm sorry. I thought the case was solved." Gert Says

"Uh... Well, no. No, not yet." Elena Says

"I see." Gert Says

"So, anyways, we were talking about your niece." Sam Says

"Well, yes. Sheila mentioned something quite strange before she died. She said she saw a boat." Gert Says

"A boat?" Dean Says

"Yes. One minute it was there, then it was gone. It just disappeared right before her eyes. You think it could be a ... ghost ship? Alex thinks it could be a ghost ship." Gert Says As She is addressing all her comments to Sam, staring at him intently.

"Well, um ... Could be." Sam Says

"Well. You let me know if there's anything else I can do for you. she traces a finger slowly along Sam's Shoulder, Sam looks uncomfortable While Dean clears his throat, and He and Elena starts smirking,Anything at all." Gert Says Then An Attractive Man Comes Walking In

"Hey Aunt Gertie" He Says Then He Hugs Her

"Oh Hey, Um Detectives This is My Nephew Stefan" Gert Says

"Hello" Stefan Says

"Hello, I'm Detective Smith,Johnson and Williams" Dean Says

"Nice To Meet You" Stefan Says as he shakes all their hands and he looks Elena up and Down and Elena Notices

"So Was Sheila Your Sister I presume?" Sam Asks

"No She Was My Cousin, But She was like a sister to me" Stefan Says

"Oh We're Um We're So Sorry For your loss" Elena Says

"Thank You" Stefan Says as he gives Elena a half smile

"Um Ms, Case We're Gonna leave you two alone we have to get back to work okay we'll see you later" Dean Says

"Oh Okay" Gertrude Says as they Wave then proceeds to leave


Dean, Elena and Sam walk along the docks. The water is crowded with pristine, moderately sized boats.

"What a crazy old broad." Dean Says

"Why? Because she believes in ghosts?" Sam Asks

"Look at you, sticking up for your girlfriend. You cougar hound." Dean Says

"Bite me." Sam Says

"It's Okay Sammy, I thinks it's adorable I think she's quite the catch" Elena Says

"So, who's this Alex? We got another player in town?" Dean Asks

"Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't change our job." Sam Says

"And what looked like a ghost ship, right?" Dean Asks

"Yeah. It's not the first one sighted around here, either." Sam Says

"Really?" Elena Says

"Yeah. Every 37 years, like clockwork, reports of a vanishing three-mast clipper ship out in the bay. And every 37 years, a rash of weirdo, dry-land drownings." Sam Says

"So, whatever's happening is just getting started." Elena Says

"Yeah." Sam Says

"What's the lore?" Dean Asks

"Well, there are apparitions of old wrecks sighted all over the world. The S.S. Violet, the Griffin, the Flying Dutchman – almost all of them are death omens." Sam Says

"So, what happens? You see the ship and then a few hours later, you pucker up and kiss your ass goodbye?" Dean Says

"Basically." Sam Says

"What's the next step?" Elena Asks

"I gotta I.D. the boat." Sam Says

"That shouldn't be too hard. I mean, how many three-mast clipper ships have wrecked off the coast?" Dean Says

"I checked that too, actually. Over one hundred and fifty." Sam Says

"Wow." Elena Says

"Yeah." Sam Says

"Crap." Dean Says

"Mm-hmm." Sam Says As They approach an empty parking space, Dean looks around confused.

"This is where we parked the car, right?" Dean Asks

"I thought so." Sam Says

"Where's my car?" Dean Asks

"Did you feed the meter?" Elena Asks

"Yes, I fed the meter. Guys,where's my car? Somebody stole my CAR!" Dean Says

"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down. Deaβ€”" Sam Says

"I am calmed down! Somebody stole my caβ€”" Dean Says As he begins hyperventilating, bending over to clutch his knees to calm down, after looking around, hears Dean gasping and runs over to him

"Whoa. Dean. Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy." Elena Says

"The '67 Impala? Was that yours?" Bela Asks

"Bela." Sam Says

"I'm sorry. I had that car towed." Bela Says

"You what?!" Dean Asks

"Well, it was in a tow-away zone." Bela Says

"No, it wasn't!" Dean Says

"It was when I finished with it." Bela Says

"What the hell are you even doing here?" Elena Asks

"A little yachting." Bela Says

"You're Alex. You're working with that old lady." Sam Says

"Gert's a dear old friend." Bela Says

"Yeah, right. What's your angle?" Dean Asks

"There's no angle. There's a lot of lovely old women like Gert up and down the eastern seaboard. I sell them charms, perform sΓ©ances so they can commune with their dead cats." Bela Says

"And let me guess, it's all a con, none of it's real." Elena Says

"The comfort I provide them is very real." Bela Says

"How do you sleep at night?" Sam Asks

"On silk sheets, rolling naked in money. Dean visualizes, nods slightly, Really, Sam. I'd expect the attitude from him, but you?" Bela Says

"You shot me!" Sam Says

"I barely grazed you. Sam looks exasperated, while Dean and Elena shrugs in mute acknowledgement of Bela's point,Cute. But a bit of a drama queen, yeah?" Bela Says

"You do know what's going on around here. This ghost-ship thing, it is real." Dean Says

"I'm aware. Thanks for telling Gert the case wasn't solved, by the way." Bela Says

"It isn't." Dean Says

"She didn't know that. Now the old bag's stopped payment and she's demanding some real answers. Look... just stay out of my way before you cause any more trouble. I'd get to that car if I were you... before they find the arsenal in the trunk. She turns around Ciao." Bela Says As She leaves.

"Can I shoot her?" Dean Says

"Not in public." Sam Says


A man in his thirties is washing his face at the bathroom sink. A dark figure passes behind him, and he turns.

"Hello?" The Man Says, He turns back to finish washing his face. When he turns around again the bathtub is nearly filled with murky water. Confused, he kneels down beside the tub and fiddles with the drain. Suddenly a hand shoots out of the water, grabs him by the neck and strangles him. Veins pop on his forehead and his eyes roll back in his head.


The last victim's house has become a crime scene. Bela, impersonating a reporter, is interviewing a distraught man who is the victim's brother.

"No. The police said that he drowned, but ... I don't u-understand how..." Mr,Warren Says

"I am so sorry for your loss, Mr. Warren. Now, if you could just tell me one more time about the ship your brother saw." Bela Says Then Dean, Elena and Sam approach, wearing suits and flashing badges.

"Ma'am, I think this man's been through quite enough. You should go." Dean says

"But I just have a few more questions." Bela Says

"No, you don't." Elena Says then Smiles

"Thank you for your time." Bela Says

"Sorry you had to deal with that. They're like Roaches" Dean Says As his voice raises so that Bela walking away, can hear; she turns and looks back at him

"So, we heard you say your brother saw a ship." Sam Says

"Yeah, that's right." Mr,Warren Says

"Did he tell you what it looked like?" Elena Asks

"It was, uh... like the old Yankee clippers. A smuggling vessel. The rakish topsail, a barkentine rigging. Angel figurehead on the bow." Mr,Warren Says

"That's a lot of detail for a ship your brother saw." Dean Says

"My brother and I were night diving. I saw the ship, too." Mr,Warren Says As Sam, Elena and Dean look at each other.

On the other side of the parking lot, Bela is talking to the real officers and pointing in Dean, Elena and Sam's direction. Sam notices first and nudges Dean They wrap up.

"All right. Well, we'll be in touch." Dean Says

"Thank you." Elena Says


Dean, Elena and Sam are loading shotguns at the trunk of the Impala. Bela approaches from behind.

"I see you got your car back." Bela Says

"You really want to come near me when I got a loaded gun in my hands?" Dean Says

"Now, now. Mind your blood pressure. Why are you even still here? You have enough to I.D. the boat." Bela Says

"That guy back there saw the ship." Sam Says

"Yeah? And?" Bela Says

"And, he's going to die, so we have to save him." Sam Says

"How sweet." Bela Says

"You think this is funny?" Elena Asks

"He's cannon fodder. He can't be saved in time, and you know it." Bela Says

"Yeah, well, see, we have souls, so ... we're gonna try." Dean Says

"Yeah, well, I'm actually going to find the ship and put an end to this. But you have fun." Bela Says
As They Are About to get in their car, They Pause.

"Hey, Bela, how'd you get like this, huh? What, did Daddy not give you enough hugs or something?" Dean Asks

"I don't know. Your daddy give you enough? Don't you dare look down your nose at me. You're not better than I am." Bela Says

"We help people." Dean Says

She Scoffs, "Come on. You do this out of vengeance and obsession. You're a stone's throw from being a serial killer. Whereas I, on the other hand, I get paid to do a job and I do it. So, you tell me – which is healthier?" Bela Says

"Bela, why don't you just leave? We've got work to do." Sam Says

"Yeah. You're 0 for 2. Bang-up job so far." Bela Says
Then She leaves.

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