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Dean sits at a table, a large burger in front of him. He's hanging up a cell phone and looking at it speculatively as if he was just trying to reach someone.
"Thanks, he returns to table with beers,You do realize there's red meat within striking distance, right?" Sam Says
"How many times i got to tell Richie, he's gonna get himself in trouble?" Dean Says
"Dean, you're assuming he's missing. I mean, maybe he just bailed." Sam Says
"He's a moron. I mean, he's a sweet moron, but he's not a coward. He wouldn't just bail. I got to go find him." Dean Says
"All right. Meanwhile I think I'm gonna trail this Trotter guy." Sam Says
"Yeah?" Dean Says
"Yeah. I don't know. Something about the way he looked at me last night.Maybe there is something going on here." Sam Says
Corrina Walks out the bathroom she's dressed now, she sits next to Elena on Her Bed
"Thank For the clothes Elena" Corrina Says
"No Problem Remember we always shared clothes back then" Elena Says
"Yeah But I stopped because I couldn't fit half of them anymore because my boobs got bigger" Corrina Says
"I See That" Elena Says
"So... What The Hell Is Going on around here, what was your dad working on?" Corrina Asks
"Uh Well Where Do I begin, So You Remember that John Died almost a year ago" Elena Says
"Yeah" Corrina Says
"Well After he died I started to hunt with Sam and Dean For Awhile Behind Nathan's Back, and eventually for a while it felt like old times scary yet nostalgic, but Nathan Eventually Found out the truth and he broke up with me and months later we got back together and it was fun and I was happy again then he was taken from me" Elena Says
"About That I'm So Sorry I couldn't be there for you I know you needed me" Corrina Says
"It's Okay You we're a prisoner for months it's okay Corrina I swear" Elena Says
"But What's happened since?" Corrrin Asks
"After Nathan Died You know I went back to hunting because I lost everything my job, my boyfriend, I left that apartment I moved back in with my dad, oh yea the Damn Devils gate opened" Elena Says
"The Devil's Like The Devils Gate?!" Corrina Asks
"Yeah, The Demon that killed The boy's mom, Sam's Girlfriend and John, Dean Shot him with the colt" Elena Says
"The colt it's real, you know I've heard stories about that gun but it's real huh" Corrina Says
"Yeah That's The gun that my dads trying to fix" Elena Says
"Damn All That Happened In A Year, So there's a lot of Demons out there now we gotta be extra careful" Corrina Says
"Yeah, We gotta step up our arsenal" Elena Says
"No I think I'm good, I've had my rifle since I was 15 best gift a girl can get" Corrina Says as Elena Laughs
"So Are You Gonna let your family know that your back in the states and let them know what happened to you?" Elena Asks
"Elena I don't know, I mean I left home on a sour note you know I had a fight with all my family members Mom, Dad, My Sisters and Brothers" Corrina Says
"Yea But that happened years ago, I think they should forgive and forget" Elena Says
"Yeah, But my family is my family they are stubborn sons of bitches Im Gonna need some time to go back home" Corrina Says
"I Understand, Come On Let's go see if we can help my dad with that gun" Elena Says
"Sure" Corrina Says
Outside Bobby is shooting at a target with the restored Colt, making adjustments after he fires.
"Hey Dad" Elena Says
"Hey Bobby" Corrina Says
"Hey" Bobby Says
"How's The Gun?" Elena Asks
"I Don't know could probably use some more adjustments" Bobby Says He Fires Again Then Suddenly, Ruby appears in from of the target.
"Cute piece." Ruby Says
"Who are you?" Bobby Asks
"Ruby." Elena Says As Elena Uses Her Powers to Pin Ruby Against a tree
"Nice Seeing you to" Ruby Says
"You Got A lot of balls coming here, I'd give you that bitch" Elena Says
"It won't stop a demon, if that's what you think." Ruby Says
"How the hell would you know?" Bobby Asks
"Oh, I don't know. She closes her eyes and when she opens them they are black, revealing she is a demon.
Call it an educated guess?" Ruby Says
"What The hell?, Who Is This Chick and why is she still breathing" Corrina Says
"We Can't Kill Her Yet, Sam Thinks She Can Help" Elena Says
"Sam What?" Corrina Says
"Yeah, I know" Elena Says
"You Wanna Let Me Go I'm not here to kill anyone." Ruby Says, Elena Hesitates then she lets Ruby Go
"Thank You, Now Back to that gun it ain't stopping no demon I'm telling ya" Ruby Says
"Well, ain't I lucky, then? Found a subject for a test fire." Bobby Says
"Luck had nothing to do with it. But, hey, by all means. Take your best shot." Ruby Says As She poses in front of the target, arms outstretched
Bobby hesitates.
"Are you gonna stand there like a pantywaist, or are you gonna shoot..." Ruby Says Then Bobby shoots her in the chest, Ruby looks down at the wound in the center of her chest.
"Ouch! That smarts a little." Ruby Says
"What do you want?" Elena Asks
"Peace on earth. A new shirt. Now ... do you want me to help you out with that gun or not? Hmm?" Ruby Says
Sam is in a corridor outside Trotter's office, where Trotter is talking his henchdude. Sam's phone rings, startling him.
"Dean." Sam Says
"Sammy." Dean Says
"Yeah. Hey. I can't talk right now." Sam Says
"You okay? Dean Asks
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, uh ... meet me at the bar in 20 minutes, okay?" Sam Says As He hangs up.
"Sam!" Dean Says
The henchguy comes out of Trotter's office and looks around for a moment, but Sam is nowhere to be seen.
A woman's shiny nails trail along the bar.
"I got to tell you β every woman in this place? They want to eat you up." The Woman Says
"Well, hey. Anybody could have tackled that guy ... and wrestled the gun away ... prevented mass murder." Dean Says
"Here's what I'm gonna do. He smiles in anticipation.Normally, I charge $400 a night." The Woman Whispers In Deans Ear,Why don't we call it an even deuce and get the hell out of here?"
"What do I look like?" Dean Asks
"What do I look like?,as she walks away,Cheapskate." The Woman Says
"Did I just see you strike out with a prostitute? How's that work?" Casey Asks
"Well, I just told her I had a thing for the bartender. It was pretty easy." Dean Says
"Who says the bartender's available?" Casey Says
"That's a good question. You got something going with some guy, you know, about yea tall, wears a sweatsuit ...?" Dean Says
"Who?" Casey Asks
"Naw. My mistake. What do you say you and me grab a drink after your shift?" Dean Asks
"I say why wait ... when we can go right now?" Casey Says As Dean smiles.
Dean and Casey are leaving together.
Trotter and his Henchdude walk out of Trotters office. Sam watches for a second from the hallway, then heads into the office. He starts rifling through the desk, looking at calendar, keys ... Suddenly the Henchdude is there, taking a swing at Sam. Sam punches him hard, repeatedly, when he feels a gun to his neck, Trotter Hold Up A Gun
"What are you doing here?" Trotter Asks
"I think maybe you know." Sam Says
"Yeah? Well, I think I'm calling the cops!" Trotter Says
"Cops?" Sam Asks
"Breaking and entering, assault β you're in a peck of trouble, my friend." Trotter Says
"Uh, wh-, uh ... I think I could probably explain it" Sam Says The He suddenly twists around, grabs the gun from Trotter, and points it at both men.
All right, back up! Get back."
"Money's in the safe! Take it and go." Trotter Says
"I don't want your money. I just got to be sure." Sam Says as he splashes both men with holy water. They flinch and sputter from the sudden spritz of cold water, and look outraged, but nothing else happens.
"What kind of psycho are you?" Trotter Asks
"Oh, god. Uh ... I'm sorry. He shrugs, Heh ... I ... think this was just a minor misunderstanding? continuing to smile nervously, Yeah, okay, ummm .... How 'bout I just ... i just leave, 'cause ...
He removes bullets from gun, I'll take these.
places gun down, Okay, I'll, uh, I'll leave this for, uh ... you, uh ... ... Have a nice day?" Sam Says
As He turns and walks rapidly out of the office, grimacing in embarrassment, and leaving Trotter and his henchman staring in bewilderment.
The Imapla is parked outside Casey's house.
"Looks like the maid's day off." Dean Says As Casey seems surprised at something.Everything okay?"
Casey Kisses Him
"Make yourself comfortable." Casey Says
"Oh, I forgot to mention ... Richie was a friend of mine. When I realized I could track the GPS in his cellphone, I swung by earlier. Give him a proper burial. It's better than rotting in some skank's basement." Dean Says as Casey launches herself at Dean but is stopped by an invisible barrier,Oops."
Dean kneels down, and peels back the corner of the rug, which is covering a devil's trap he has drawn.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Isn't that a buzz kill?",Sorry, sister, but you're going back to where you came from." Dean Says
"i don't think so." Casey Says As Dean takes out a book and begins to read in Latin.
"Spiritus immunde, undolara. Pasonitote ..." Dean Says As Casey closes her eyes as if meditating, and suddenly a breeze is blowing into Dean's face, and spinning the chandelier above Casey. Dean recollects himself, and begins reading again. Spiritus immunde, undoβ
The pages from Dean's book are pulled off by the mystical breeze. As he looks down at the book all the pages fly off and the book as well. Casey opens her eyes and smiles. Underneath the book, now on the floor, a giant crack forms. Suddenly the bricks around the door cave in. Dean looks shocked and turns to look at Casey, who looks pleased.
"What are you laughing at, bitch? You're still trapped." Dean Says
"So are you... bitch." Casey Says
Later, Dean lights candles and examines the rockfall.
"Lose something?"Casey Asks
"All you demons have such smart mouths." Dean Says
"It's a gift." Casey Says
"Yeah, well. Let's see if you're smiling when I send your ass back to Hell." Dean Says
"Without your little exorcism book? Hey, go ahead." Casey Says
"Spiritus immunde ... un, guh ..." Dean Says
"Having a little trouble there, sport?" Casey Asks
clears throat, begins again, "Spiritus immunde, undolare, Pasonitote." Dean Says As He takes a breath, tries and fails to remember the next phrase
"Nice try, but I think ... you just ordered a pizza. Guess you should have paid more attention in Latin class." Casey Says
"Hey, I don't know what you're smiling about. You're not going anywhere." Dean Says
"And, apparently, neither are you." Casey Says
"Yeah, but I got somebody coming for me, and, uh... he did pay attention in class." Dean Says
"Oh, right β Sam. Everyone says he's the brains of the outfit." Casey Says
"Everyone?" Dean Asks
"Sure. You Winchester boys are famous. Not Lohan famous, but, you know..." Casey Says
"Well, that's ... flattering. I'll be sure to let Sam know when he gets here." Dean Says
"If he shows up first. What, you thought I was flying solo?"You shouldn't underestimate, Dean, it might be the death of you. You can give me hard eyes all you want, but the fact remains, we just have to wait and see who shows up first βThe cavalry ... she smiles, or the Indians." Casey Says
The sex worker who tried to pick up Dean earlier sits at the bar, smiling at Sam.
"You look kind of tense. Sam looks around to see if she's talking to him. You know, I know a surefire way to relax." Prostitute Says
"Maybe later.Excuse me. Hi." Sam Says
"What can I get for you?" Barman Asks
"Um, you remember the guy I was with last night? We sat right here. Umm...."Β Sam Says
"... The big hero who jumped on Reggie." Barman Says
"Yeah, yeah. The β the big hero. Right. Um, have you seen him around at all today?" Sam Asks
"Maybe. Depends." Barman Says
"D-depends on what?" Sam Says As Barman raises an eyebrow. Sam catches on. Oh my β ! Does everyone around here have their hand out?, He sighs, and pulls out some money and hands it to the Barman"
"He left with Casey about an hour ago." Casey Says
"Any idea where they went?" Sam Asks
"Her place... for Bible study." Barman Says
"All right, you got an address?" Sam Asks
"What's wrong with you? You think I'm gonna give you a co-worker's address, just so you can go over there and get your freaky peeping-tom rocks off? without pausing Sam hands more money over without pausing the Barman continues, Corner of Piermont and Clinton. Have fun." Barman Says
Sam sighs. The prostitute licks a cherry lasciviously. Sam walks around her, avoiding her gaze.
Dean is moving a wine cask over to an opening that daylight is apparently streaming in throughout . He holds out his cell phone to try to get a signal.
"Why don't you relax?" Casey Asks
"Why don't you kiss my ass?" Dean Says
"Why, Dean, you're a poet. I had no idea. Look, we won't have any effect on the outcome of this. We might as well be civil." Casey Says
"Civil, huh? Killing Richie β that was, that was civil? The guy was harmless." Dean Says
"That knife he pulled on me? Didn't look so harmless." Casey Says
"Ah, a knife wouldn't hurt you." Dean Says
"No, but it would damage this body. And Casey has such a fine body, I wouldn't want to see it ripped." Casey Says
"A demon with a heart. Wow, Well, you know, there's a bunch of dead people in town that might disagree with you." Dean Says
"Hey, I didn't pull any triggers." Casey Says
"Yeah? You did something." Dean Says
"You want to know what I did β what I really did? I had lunch." Casey Says
"Lunch?" Dean Asks
"Me and Trotter. He had a cheeseburger, I had a salad, and I just pointed out the money that could be made with a few businesses that cater to harmless vice. So Trotter built it, and, man, did they come. Supposedly God-fearing folk, waist-deep in booze, sex, gambling. I barely lifted a finger." Casey Asks
"That's it?" Dean Asks
"You don't get it. All you got to do is nudge humans in the right direction. Some whiskey here, a hooker there, and they'll walk right into hell with big, fat smiles on their faces. Your kind is corrupt, Dean. Weak. Our will's stronger. That's why we'll win." Casey Says
"And that's how it ends?" Dean Asks
"No. That's how it begins." Casey Says
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