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A young mother is standing outside her house with a mix of worry and impatience. A car pulls up into the driveway a girl of about ten years steps out, as does her father. The girl runs to her mother and hugs her.
"Hey, sweetie. Hey." Mom Says
"Hey." Dad Says
"Thanks for driving her back here." Mom Says
"It's not like I had a choice. She pitched a fit." Dad Says
"Hey, sweetie. What's wrong?" Mom Asks
"Nothing. I missed you." Little Girl Says
"Okay, but tonight's your dad's night." Mom Says
"No. I don't like Dad's night. I don't want Dad to have a night anymore." Little Girl Says
"Since when? You used to love going to your dad's house. And, you know, he loves you, and he misses you a lot." Mom Says
"But I hate it there!" Little Girl Says
"You don't hate it." Mom Says
"Yes, I do! He's mean, and there are monsters there. I don't w-want to go back. Please don't let the monsters get me." Little Girl Says then her mom hugs her
"Okay, sweetie. Okay." Mom Says
The little girl's father is in his workroom; there are wood-carved object sitting about, and one of those circular table saws you really don't want to see show up in a horror movie. He prepares to leave, and as he's shutting off the lights by the door, the table saw turns itself on. Curious, he approaches it, crouching down at table-height to shut it off. As he starts to leave a second time, the saw turns on again. This time, when he leans over the saw, a sudden whooshing seems to rush over him, knocking him on his back ... and onto the table saw. On which he dies a horrible gruesome death.
A wooden rocking horse on the table starts rocking creakily.
Sam is sitting at a table in a generic diner, working on his laptop and talking on his phone, Elena is Across from him eating french fries .Dean is nowhere to be seen. Sam seems a bit frantic.
"What do you mean you don't think it will work, Bobby? It's a demon-dispelling ritual.
Dean, who's outside, raps on the front window and waves a packet of papers, Well, maybe we got the translation wrong. The door jangles in the background. Look, we can't just let Dean fry in hell while weβ pause, to listen to Bobby, his screen shows another translation in process... Well, there's got to be something that wβ. he sees Dean approaching the table, Oh, ah, yeah, no, ah, I I gotta go. Uh. Okay. Never mind." Sam Says As He hangs up the phone quickly Elena Chuckles at him
Dean enters, looking suspiciously at Sam.
"Hey. Who was that?" Dean Asks
"Ah, I was just ordering pizza." Sam Says
"Dude, you do realize that you're in a restaurant?" Dean Says
"Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I ... just felt like pizza, you know?" Sam Says, He smiles, tight-lipped and reeking of insincerity then Elena mouths Smooth at him.
"O-kay, Weirdy Mcweirderton. clears throat, So, I think I got something." Dean Says as he sits next to Elena and eats her fries
"Hey, I was eating that" Elena Says
"So?" Dean Says
"Yeah?" Sam Says
"Cicero, Indiana. Falls on his own power saw." Dean Says
"And? What, that's it? One power saw?" Sam Asks
"Well... yeah." Dean Says
"And you think that this is a case?" Elena Asks
"Well, I don't know. Could be." Dean Says
"I don't know, Dean. I β I β" Sam Says
"All right, there's something better ... better in Cicero than just a case." Dean Says
"And that is?" Sam Asks
"Lisa Braeden." Dean Says as Sam and Elena share looks
"Should I even ask?" Sam Says
"Remember that road trip I took, uh... gosh, about eight years ago now? You were in Orlando with Dad wrapping up that banshee thing." Dean Says
"Yeah. Yeah, the five states, five-day β" Sam Says
He Laughs, "Yeah. Well, kind of. Although I spent most of my time in Lisa Braeden's loft." Dean Says
"So let me get this straight. You want β you want to drive all the way to Cicero just to hook up with some random chick?" Elena Asks
"Yeah" Dean Says
"Okay Now Your Just Being Desperate" Elena Says
"She was a yoga teacher. It was the bendiest weekend of my life. Come on. Have a heart, huh? It's my dying wish." Dean Says
"Yeah, well, how many dying wishes are you gonna get?" Sam Asks
"As many as I can squeeze out. Come on. Smile, Sam! God knows I'm gonna be smiling after 24 hours with Gumby girl. He chuckles to himself, Sam and Elena laughs too, a little, Gumby girl. he frowns
Does that make me Pokey?" Dean Says
"No it makes you sound stupid" Elena Says while laughing then Sam high Fives her While Dean Looks at her
Pulling up outside a motel, Cicero Pines Motel, in Cicero, Indiana, Dean stops to let Sam and Elena out.
"Don't wait up for me, Sammy and Lena" Dean Says
As Hs starts to drive off as Sam is still pulling his bag out of the car, teasing Sam.
"Wait, Dean. Dean, you... Dean!" Sam Says
Dean drives off. Sam and Elena are left standing there
"Come On Sam" Elena Says as they walk toward the hotel
Dean drives through a suburban development, past houses being newly constructed and a sign for the "Morning Hill" neighborhood that notes "Sold Out!".
Outside a nicely kept suburban house, with festive balloons, Dean rings the doorbell. The door opens to reveal Lisa: late twenties, brunette, very fit; she is gorgeous. Dean smiles awkwardly, She stares at him in confusion for a moment, then recognizes him.
"Dean!" Lisa Says Smiling
"Lisa. How's it going?" Dean Says
"Wow. So, uh, how long has it been?" Lisa Asks
"Eight, going on nine years now. Crazy, right?" Dean Says
"Yeah. So, what are you doing here?" Lisa Asks
"Oh, I was just β I was passing through, and, uh, I couldn't resist. I remember that you love surprises." Dean Says
"Yeah.Dean Winchester. Wow. Just... wow. I'm β I'm sorry. You kind of came at a bad time. We're having a party." Lisa Says
"A party? Well, I love parties." Dean Says
Cut to the party, in the back yard. Children are running around in the back yard, which is decorated for a kid's birthday party.
"So, uh, who's the party for?" Dean Asks
"Ben. My son." Lisa Says
"Oh. You have a β" Dean Says
"Yep." Lisa Says As She gestures across the yard to a young boy wearing a black jacket and jeans. He is opening presents,That's him."
A young kid is opening a gift to reveal a CD.
"Yes! AC/DC rules!" Ben Says
"How old β"'Dean Asks
"Eight. she sees the Mom from the teaser enter the yard, Oh, Dean, could you excuse me a minute?" Lisa Says
"Yeah, sure. Don't mind me." Dean Says As he turns back to watch Ben, who's eating a sandwich with gusto, Lisa walks over to the other mom and they embrace.
Dean is looking at the birthday cake, which has a racecar theme. Two women are sitting in lawn chairs, watching Dean from behind. They're whispering to each in gossiping tones.
"Did you hear Lisa call him "Dean"?" Woman 1 Asks
"Yeah. Why?" Woman 2 Says
"You don't know about Dean? The Dean. Best-night-of-my-life Dean?" Woman 1 Says
"No! Tell me." Woman 2 Says
"Oh, my god, so, they had this crazy, semi-illegal β"
She cuts off as she sees Dean approach, Woman 2 gasps. He seesΒ them staring at him
"Hi." Dean Says As The women continue to stare at him with a certain intensity.
"Hi." Woman 1 Says
"Hello." Woman 2 Says As she crunches a piece of celery
Dean looks very uncomfortable, smiles nervously, and flees. The women look at each other. Dean finds Ben watching a bounce-house and eating a piece of cake.
"What's up?" Ben Says
"What's up with you?" Dean Asks, Then A woman and her little girl walk by; in unison, Dean checks out the mom as Ben checks out the girl. Then they each take a bite of cake.
"So, it's your birthday." Dean Says
"Guilty." Ben Says
"It's a cool party." Dean Says
"Dude, it's so freakin' sweet. And this moon bounce β it's epic." Ben Says
"Yeah. It's pretty awesome." Dean Says
"You know who else thinks they're awesome? Chicks. It's like hot-chick city out there."Ben Says As he smacks Dean on the chest bro-to-bro.
Dean watches bemusedly as Ben sets his cake down and follows a girl into the moon bounce.
"Look out ladies, here comes trouble!" Ben Says
Dean watches him, rolls his eyes up in his head as he does mental math, then darts inside the house, knocking things over as he goes.
In The Kitchen Lisa is talking to the Mom, who is looking very frazzled.
"So... how you holding up?" Lisa Asks
"Fine." Mom says
"Really?" Lisa Says
"Well, you know. ... I just... never mind." Mom Says
"What?" Lisa Says
"It's just ... I'm worried, about Katie. I think there might be something ... wrong with her." Mom Says
"Of course there is. The poor girl just lost her dad. She's devastated." Lisa Says
"No. That β that's not what I'm talking about. There is something really ... wrong ... with her. she looks out at her daughter, I'm not sure that Katie is... Katie." Mom Says
"What?" Lisa Says
"I'm not sure that's my daughter." Mom Says
"I know you're grieving, but you can't talk like that. Katie needs you right now." Lisa Says
"No, you don't understand β"Mom Says
"Seriously. We're gonna get you help. It'll be okay." Lisa Says As The Mom shakes her head and runs outside to her daughter.
"Katie? Come on, we're leaving." Mom Says
Then Dean enters the kitchen.
"Hey. So, I, uh ... met Ben. Lisa, distracted, looks at him, nodding absent-mindedly, Cool kid." Dean Says
"Yeah." Lisa Says
"Yeah. ... You know, I couldn't help but notice that, uh, he's turning eight. You and me ... you know." Dean Says As She chuckles, as she finally gets what Dean is getting at
"You're not ... trying to ask me if he's yours?" Lisa Asks
"No. Nah, of course not, He's not, is he?" Dean Asks
"What?,No." Lisa Says
"Right. He watches Ben outside, Yeah..." Dean Says
Outside, Katie's Mom is talking to her.
"Katie, sweetheart, we got to go. Okay. Come on." Mom Says
Katie and her Mom walk past the kitchen on their way out.
"Come on, Katie." Mom Says
"Something wrong with your friend?" Dean Asks
"She's been through a lot. Her ex just died in this horrible accident." Lisa Says
"Oh, yeah. Didn't I just read about that? The, uh, the power saw." Dean Says
"Yeah. Guess there's been a lot of bad luck in the neighborhood lately." Lisa Says
"What kind of bad luck?" Dean Asks
Sam and Elena are sitting in a diner again, with his laptop open, again Elena Eating a burger with fries. A young woman sits down across from them it is Creepy Stalker Girl from last week.
"Hello, Sam, Elena " Ruby Says
"Uh...Hi" Elena Says
"You've been following me since Lincoln." Sam Says as she closes his laptop
"Not much gets by you, huh?, she takes one of Elena fries,Mmm. These are amazing. It's like deep-fried crack. Try some." Ruby Says As Elena scoffs.
"That knife you had. You can kill demons with that thing?" Sam Asks
"Sure comes in handy when I have to swoop in and save the damsel in distress." Ruby Says
"Where'd you get it?" Elena Asks
"Skymall." Ruby Says As she takes a plate and squeezes ketchup onto it
"Why are you following me?" Sam Asks
"I'm interested in you." Ruby Says
"Oh Boy" Elena Says
"Why?" Sam Asks
"Because you're tall. I love a tall man. And then there's the whole antichrist thing." Ruby Says
"Excuse me?" Sam Says
"Okay, Is there real reason why your following my friend here?" Elena Says
"Yea, generation of psychic kids, Yellow-Eyed Demon rounds you up, celebrity death match ensues. You're the sole survivor." Ruby Says
"How do you know about that?" Sam Asks
"I'm a good hunter. So, Yellow Eyes had some pretty big plans for you, Sam." Ruby Says
"Had" being the key word." Sam Says
"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right. Ding-dong, the demon's dead. Good job with that. It doesn't change the fact that you're special ... in that Anthony Michael Hall E.S.P. visions kind of way." Ruby Says
"No. No, that's stuff's not happening anymore. Not since Yellow-Eyes died." Sam Says
"Well, I'm thinking you're still a pretty big deal. I mean, after all that business with your mom." Ruby Says
"What about my mom?" Sam Asks
"You know, what happened to her friends. You ... don't know. You've got a little bit of catching up to do, my friend. So, why don't you look into your mom's pals...she writes a number on his hand
...and then give me a call and we'll talk again?
It Was Nice Meeting you to Elena, she gets up to leave, And, by the way, you do know there's a job in this town, right?" Ruby Says as she turns to go again
Sam's phone rings.
"Who Is that?" Elena Asks
"Don't Know, He answers the phone,Hello." Sam Says
Dean is in his car outside Lisa's.
"Dude, there is a job here." Dean Says
"Really?" Sam Says as Elena Looks At Him
"Yeah. You know that one freak accident we read about in the paper? Turns out there's four more that never even made the paper, all in this ... Morning Hill gated community. People falling off of ladders and drowning in their Jacuzzis all over the neighborhood." Dean Says
"That is weird." Sam Says
"Yeah, something's up. Something these nice, big gates can't protect them from." Dean Says
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