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Dean and Sam's weapons are on the table, Among them lies the gun with the white handle we've seen Dean use over the years, Dean picks up a clip, He and Sam loading weapons in dead silence but Something's on Sam's mind.
"We're just gonna let Ruby rot down there?" Sam Asks
"That's the idea." Dean Says
"Dean, what if, uh... What if Ruby's right? What if I can take out Lilith?" Sam Says As Dean looks up at him, Quit looking at me like that."
"What, are you gonna give her the Carrie-stare and Lilith goes "poof"?" Dean Says
"I don't know what Ruby meant. You know, maybe we should just go ask her." Sam Says
"Sam, you wanted the knife β I got you the knife." Dean Says, He walks over to another table.
"Dean, just listen to me for a second. Last time Lilith snapped her fingers and put thirty demons on our ass, and all we got's one little knife? I mean, like you said, we go in smart or we don't go in at all." Sam Says
"Well, this ain't smart." Dean Says
"We got one shot at this, Dean. Just one. So if there's a sure-fire way then maybe we should just talk about it." Sam Says
"Sam. We are not gonna make the same mistake all over again." Dean Says
"You said that but what does it even mean?" Sam Asks
"Don't you see a pattern here? Dad's deal, my deal, now this? I mean every time one of us is β is β is up the creek the other is begging to sell their soul. That's all this is, man. Ruby's just jerking your chain down the road. You know what it's paved with and you know where it's going." Dean Says As He turns around, sits down against a table and picks up the weapons again, Sam shakes his head a bit and walks around to the other side of the table.
"Dean, Sam sits down next to Him, looking at him as he continues to assemble the weapon,What do you think is gonna happen? This is me, I can handle it.
Dean stops what he's doing, looking at the floor and shakes his head.
"And if it'll save you..." Sam Says
"Why even risk it?" Dean Asks As He looks up at him, Sam looks away for sec and then back at him with the obvious answer.
"Because you're my brother. Because you did the same thing for me." Sam Says
"I know... and look how that turned out, All I'm saying..Sammy, all I'm saying is that you're my weak spot." Dean Says
Sam looks over at him
"You are. And I'm yours." Dean Says
"You don't mean that. We're... we're family." Sam Says
"I know. And those evil sons of bitches know it too. I mean, what we'll do for each other, you know, how far we'll go? They're using it against us." Dean Says
"So what? We just stop looking out for each other?" Sam Says
"No, we stop being martyrs, man. We β we β we stop spreading it for these demons, He picks up Ruby's knife and holds it up, We take this knife, and we go after Lilith our way. The way Dad taught us to. And if we go down, then, uh... then we go down swinging,
What do you think?" Dean Says
Sam looks down on the floor, thinking, then he looks up at Him.
"I think you totally should have been jamming "Eye of the Tiger" right there." Sam Says
"Oh, bite me. I totally rehearsed that speech, too." Dean Says As Sam smiles at that.
"So, Indiana, huh?" Sam Asks
"Yeah, where Lilith's on shore-leave." Dean Says
"Yeah, I guess." Sam Says
"Tell me something, The hell's a demon do for fun?" Dean Asks
There is an ice cream truck's melody as it passes Through town, It comes to a man, Tom Wepram he goes to his mailbox,Β another man, Pat Fremont and he goes to join Tom to collect his own mail, Tom turns to Pat as the camera changes angle to behind the mailboxes.
"Hey, Pat." Tom Say
"Tom." Pat Says
"How's that granddaughter of yours?" Tom Asks
"Home sick, poor thing. Darn bug that's going around now." Pat Says
"Aw, that's too bad. Well, you give her a big old hug from me and Judy." Tom Says As Pat has now collected his mail and is about to leave.
"You bet." Pat Says, He shakes Tom's hand as he's about to leave, Take it easy, Tom."
As Pat lets go of Tom's hand and turns around to leave Tom looks down at his hand that he just shook Pat with. There's a little piece of paper that he reaches up with his other hand to unfold.
"You too, Pat." Tom Says
Pat leaves and Tom unfolds the piece of paper. When he's unfolded it he looks at it and then over at Pat who's closing the door to his house. He looks down at the note again and we see that Pat has written "Help Us" on it.
Pat locks the door and turns around. As he's walking to the kitchen he steps over a body that is covered in bugs.
Pat comes in and we see a woman and a man in there. The woman, Mrs,Fremont, is putting icing on a cake. They all look worried and very scared.
"Where is she?" Pat Asks
"Upstairs, playing with Freckles." Mrs,Fremont Says
"We just sit here, we're dead." Pat Says
"She'll hear you." Mrs,Fremont Says
"It's her or us." Pat Says
"It's my baby girl." Mrs,Fremont says
"Not anymore. There's something inside her." Pat Says As They suddenly hear footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Shut your mouth. She's coming." Mrs,Fremont Says As They turn around as a little girl comes in. She's covered in blood but she acts as if it's just a little dirt on her dress.
"What were you guys talking about?" Lilith Asks
"Just how much we love you." Pat Says
"What... wha? What happened to your dress?" Mrs, Fremont Asks
"Oh, Freckles was mean to me." Lilith Says As Mrs,Fremont doesn't what to say she turns to Par, who hangs his head. She turns back to Lilith, shocked and afraid.
"That's... that's nice, dear." Mrs,Fremont Says
"Daddy, will you push me on the swing?" Lilith Asks
"Oh... sure, honey,He walks over to her, But don't you wanna change first? I mean, you don't want the neighbors to see... all that blood." Mr,Fremont Says
"Oh, you're so smart. I love you, Daddy." Lilith Says
As She goes over and hugs him while smiling. Mr,Fremont looks over at Mrs, Fremont and Pat, not sure what to say or do. They all still look scared.
"I love you too. Hey, sweetie? You think... after a while... do you think you could... He looks over at Mrs, Fremont and she shakes her head "no" at him.
Let us go?" Mr, Fremont Says
Lilith backs away from him, the smile completely gone from her face. She looks up at Mr,Fremont with a serious, close to angry look.
"Why?" Lilith Asks
"I uh... I don't know" Mr,Fremont Says
"Don't you wanna be here? Don't you love me?" Lilith Asks
"Well, sure I do!" Mr,Fremont Says
"We all do, honey. We all love you so much." Mrs,Fremont Says
"Don't be mean to me, Daddy. Like Freckles or what's-her-name, that mean old babysitter." Lilith Says
Mr,Fremont looks over at his Wife, scared and wide-eyed. He looks back down at His Daughter
"I'm sorry." Mr,Fremont Says As After a few seconds Lilith suddenly breaks into a smile.
"That's okay, silly. Now let's go and play." Lilith Says
Sam and Dean are in the Impala about to leave. Dean tries to start up the car but it won't start up. Both he and Sam look a bit worried. Suddenly Bobby and Elena shows up outside Dean's door, scaring the boys with his sudden appearance.
"Where do you think you're going?" Bobby Asks
As Dean looks at him and the distributor cap he holds in his hand,Β he and Sam gets out of the Impala and walks up to Bobby and Elena who's not looking happy, But then neither is Dean.
"We got the knife." Dean Says
"Oh Great" Elena Says
"And you intend to use it without me." Bobby Says
Sam comes from around the car and stands in the middle next to Dean and Bobby, watching them.
"Do I look like a ditchable prom-date to you?" Bobby Asks
"No, Bobby. Of course not." Sam Says
"This is about me... and Sam. Ok? This isn't your fight." As Bobby walks up to Dean, furious by those words.
"The hell it isn't!" Bobby says As Dean looks at him, taken aback by this.
"Family don't end with blood, boy. Besides, you need me and Elena" Bobby Says
"Bobby." Dean Says
" Shut It, You're playing wounded Dean, Tell me, how many hallucinations have you had so far?" Elena Asks As SamΒ looks at her, a bit confused by this. He looks over at Dean who turns to look at him, tilts his head one time and then turns back to Elena .
"How'd you know?" Dean Asks
"Because that's what happens when you've got hellhounds on your Ass, And because I'm smart." Elena Says As Bobby Looks Impressed and Dean looks down on the ground, as Sam watches him, Then Bobby hands Dean the distributor cap.
"I'll follow." Bobby Says As He and Elena walks away from the boys, over to his own car. After a moment Dean walks over to the hood of his car, ready to put back the part.
"Don't be stopping to pee every ten minutes either." Bobby Says As Dean stops in his tracks, shakes his head a bit with raised brow. He turns around looking back at Sam who looks at him and sighs.
The boys are driving down the road, on their way to Indiana.
"Hey, Dean?" Sam Says
"Yeah?" Dean Says
"You know if this doesn't uh... this doesn't go the way we want, I want you to know β" Sam Says
"No. No, no, no, no." Dean Says
"No what?" Sam Says
"No, you're not gonna bust out the misty good-bye speech, okay? And if this is my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward." Dean Says
Sam looks down and out the window and Dean turns back to the road.
"You know what I do want?" Dean Says As He reaches down to the radio and starts up Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive". Sam looks at Him
"Bon Jovi?" Sam Says
"Bon Jovi rocks, on occasion." Dean Says
He looks over at Sam, Sam looks away Dean turns back to the road and begins to sing along with Bon Jovi.
"And I walk these streets
A loaded six-string on my back
I play for keeps, He turns to Sam nudging him,
Come on, "Cause I might not make it back I've been everywhere" Dean Sings
"Oh yeah" Sam Sings
"and I'm standing tall" Dean Sings As Sam laughs and sing along with him
"I've seen a million faces
And I rocked 'em all
'Cause I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted" Sam & Dean Sings
Dean looks over at Sam who's really getting into it.
"WANTED!" Sam Sings As Dean looks back on the road and Sam smiles as he sings with him.
"Dead or alive" Sam & Dean Sings
"Dead or ALIVE" Sam Sings
Dean begins to lose the will to sing and his smile is beginning to fade, Sam just continues to sing, laugh and smile, not noticing how Dean is suddenly taking in the lyrics, realizing how much they actually fit him and what is about to come, his smile completely vanishes, as he's staring out on the road.
"Dead or alive
Dead or alive
Dead or alive" Sam Sings As The music takes over and Dean'sΒ smile is completely gone now
Elena Is Looking Out The Window, While Bobby Drives but he looks Over At Elena
"Okay What's The Matter?" Bobby Asks
"What Uh..Nothing" Elena Says
"Elena I'm Your Father And If it's one thing I know about my kid is that I know when you've got something on your mind, so out with it" Bobby Says
"It's Just...I'm Literally Watching One of my closes friend slowly die before my eyes and apart of me has this gut feeling that Dean may die tonight dad, But this other part of me wants to save him really badly" Elena Says
"Yeah I feel like that to Kiddo" Bobby Says
"Dad...I Don't Want Him To Die, It's Just Not Fair" Elena Says As Tears Start to form in her eyes
"Elena We Are Gonna Try Okay, We're are gonna save Dean tonight I don't care how long it takes" Bobby Says
"Whatever It Takes Huh" Elena Says
"Damn Right" Bobby Says Then Elena's Phone Rings
"Hey Corrina" Elena Says
"Hey, Um Where are you?" Corrina Asks
"We're on our way to find Lilith and hopefully put and end to her" Elena Says
"So Todays The Day Huh, Dean's Time is catching up with him" Corrina Says
"Sadly Yes, Corrina I'm Worried That We Might not win tonight" Elena Says
"Listen, Don't Be scared Elena okay You guys have been looking for her for so long and now you have her, I believe in you guys no Listen even though Dean Can be annoying at times he's still a good friend and I don't want him to die either So Do the best you can tonight okay"'Corrina Says
"I Sure Will" Elena Says
"Now Go Kill The Demon Bitch" Corrina Says She Then Hangs Up
The Impala is driving by the camera on the road as the camera pans along with it and then goes down to a police car, with an officer inside who sees them pass.
The Boys hear the siren behind them and the boys react to his, Dean looks up in his rear view mirror as Sam looks over at him. The flashing lights from the police car is now reflecting inside the car and over their faces.
"We getting pulled over?" Sam Says As Dean looks in his side view mirror.
"I've got a busted tail-light. It's not like we're in a hurry or nothing." Dean Says
Dean Pulls Over with the police car stopping behind it, He rolls down his window as Sam hands over the licence and registration. The police officer walks up to his window, flashlight in hand.
"Problem officer?" Dean Asks
"License and registration, please." The Officer Asks
Dean, not looking at him, hands out the needed papers. The Officer takes and looks at it as he's talking to Dean
"Do you realize you have a tail-light out, Mr Hagard? " The Officer Says As Dean looks up him and his face falls as he's looking at him, The Officer tilts his head and shines the light on him.
"Yes... yes sir. Uh... you know I've been meaning to... take care of that." Dean Says As He slowly turns his head back towards the road in front of him, his eyes dodging back at the Officer, As a matter of fact... "
He suddenly opens his door fast, hitting the Officer in the stomach with it, Dean rushes out the car at him.
"DEAN!" Sam Says As He opens his door, surprised by Dean's action, Dean punches the Officer three times in the face as Sam tries to run around the car to stop him. He quickly reaches down and takes out the knife from his belt and thrusts it into the jaw of the Officer, Then Bobby and Elena pulling up behind the police car, the Officer begins to flash with light, showing that Dean just thrust the knife into a demon, He pulls out the knife and lets go of the Officer, who falls dead to the ground, Dean stands over him, arm behind him, panting after the fight. Sam is hocked, moves up behind him. Bobby and Elena quickly runs over to them and looks down at the dead Officer/demon, They looks back up at Dean and Sam, surprised and shocked.
"What the hell happened?" Elena Asks
"Dean just killed a demon. How'd you know?" Sam Asks
Dean still breathing heavily looks around on the ground and then turns to Sam who's still looking shocked, Dean looks worried.
"I just knew." Dean Says
He turns back and looks down on the Officer.
"I could see its face. Its real face under that one." Dean Says As Elena who was looking down on the Officer looks up at him by these words, Dean looks up at Elena and meets her gaze for a second
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