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Dean is running frantically through the woods, fleeing from hellhounds. Suddenly he stops, confronted with a hellhound that has cut in front of him. He stands for a few beats, looking at it. The camera shifts and we're looking through the eyes of the hellhound that is just waiting to attack him. Dean suddenly turns on his heel and runs back the way he came from, the hellhound on his trail with the viewers still watching through its eyes. Suddenly it trips him, and gets him down on the ground and while he screams we see blood spatter on his face.
Dean wakes up. The previous scene was a nightmare of his, He is breathing heavily from the terror of his dream, He blinks a few times and then looks down on the book he had fallen asleep on. It's open to a page about the hellhounds, with a picture of them, and they're not the prettiest things you've seen. Faces made out of human bodies, Sam walks in.
"Dig up anything good?" Sam Asks As Dean closes the book and shakes his head a bit, not looking up on him.
"No. clears throat, Nothing good." Dean Says
"Well, Bobby has. Finally." Sam Says
"Yeah?" Dean Says
"Yeah. A way to find Lilith." Sam Says
"Oh. With just uh β Helooks at watch, thirty hours to go, Hey, why don't we just make a TJ-run, yeah? You know... some senoritas, cervezas, uh, we could... What's Spanish for "donkey show"? Dean Says
"So if we do save you... Let's never do that." Sam Says
"Yeah..." Dean Says As He looks down on the books as Sam sits down next to him.
"Hey Dean Look, we're cutting it close, I know. But we're gonna get this done. I don't care what it takes, Dean. You're not gonna go to hell. I'm not gonna let you, Dean looks over at him, I swear Everything's gonna be okay." Sam Says
As Dean's facial expression changes as he looks at Sam, He suddenly looks very scared.
"Yeah, okay" Dean says
The Map of the United States, Bobby places an old tracking device over it. The device has three wooden "legs" coming out from a glass or crystal ball at the top. The ball has a flat, metal piece going around it with symbols on it. Further down the legs there's another metal piece, only bigger. From the ball hangs pendulum device that is sharp on the end so that it can pinpoint a specific place.
"So you need a name, that's the whole kit and caboodle. With the right name, right ritual, ain't nothing you can't suss out." Bobby Says
"Like the town Lilith's in?" Elena Asks
"Kiddo, when I get done, we'll know the street." Bobby Says As He begins the ritual, starts the swing for the pendulum and then chants in Latin. As Elena Dean and Sam watches, the pendulum begins to search over the map until it suddenly stops, New Harmony, Indiana."
Dean looks up at him from the map.
"And we have a winner." Bobby Says
"Alright, he pushes the pendulum away and looks at Bobby, Let's go." Sam Says
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Let's all shut up there, Tex." Dean Says
"What's the problem?" Sam Asks
"What's the problem? Come on, where do I begin? I mean, first of all, we don't even know if Lilith holds my deal. We're going off of Bela's intel? Now when that bitch breathes, the air comes out crooked. Okay. Second, even if we could get to Lilith, we have no way to gank her. And third, isn't this the same Lilith that wants your giant head on a pike? Should I continue?" Dean Says
"Ain't you just bringing down the room." Elena Says
"Yeah, well, it's a gift." Dean Says
"I'm sorry, so then what are we supposed to do, Dean?" Sam Asks
"Just 'cause I gotta die doesn't mean you have to, okay. Either we go in smart or we don't go in at all." Dean Says
"Okay, fine. If that's the case I have the answer." Sam Says
"You do?" Dean Says
"Yeah. A sure-fire way to confirm it's Lilith and a way to get us a bona fide demon-killing ginsu." Sam Says
"Damn it, Sam, no." Dean Says As He turns his back to Sam and walks a few steps.
"We're so past arguing. Dean, I am summoning Ruby." Sam Says As Dean turns around, facing him.
"The hell you are! We have enough problems as it is." Dean Says
"Exactly, he walks up to him, And we've got no time and no choice either." Sam Says
"Come on man, she is the Miss Universe of lying skanks, okay. She told you that she could save me, huh β lie. She seems to know everything about Lilith but forgot to mention, oh right β Lilith owns my soul!" Dean Says
"Okay, fine. She's a liar. She's still got that knife." Sam Says
"Dean." Sam Says
"For all we know, she works for Lilith." Dean Says
"Then give me another option, Dean. I mean, tell me what else." Sam Says
"Sam's right." Elena Says
"I'm Gonna Have to agree with them Dean" Bobby Says
"NO! DAMN IT!" Dean Says As Bobby looks at him, surprised. They all look at each other for a few seconds, Just no We are not gonna make the same mistakes all over again, they look at him, shocked, You guys wanna save me, find something else."
Elena, Sam and Bobby look at him as he walks back to the table he was sitting at before, and sits down with a contemplative look As Sam looks at him, sighing, Bobby grabs his jacket So Does Elena
"Where are you guys going, Bobby?" Sam Asks
"I guess to...find something else. " Bobby Says
"We'll Be Back Sam" Elena Says She Then Leaves
Sam sighs, looking into space.
Sam is on his knees and has drawn a triangle on the floor with symbols in every point and put candles outside every point. In the middle is a circle with a bowl of a green, dry substance in it.
"Ad construgendum ad ligandum eos pariter Et solvendum." Sam Says As He turns around but there's no one there. He turns back, looking up at the roof, sighing, Et ad congregantum eos coram me.
He takes up a box of matches and strikes one. He watches the flame for a beat and then throws the match into the bowl. The content ignites and fire flares up and then it calms down and burns out. Sam gets up off the floor and slowly turns to look behind him as the floor creaks. There's still nothing there.
"You know, phones work too." Ruby Says As Sam turns back and sees Ruby leaning against the doorway. She smiles at him,Hey, Sam. How's tricks?"
Sam doesn't look happy to see her, instead he looks angry.
"How do you get around so fast?" Sam Asks
"I got the Super Bowl jet pack, So You called?" Ruby Says
"Did you know?" Sam Asks
"Um β gonna need a tiny bit more." Ruby Says
"About Dean's deal. That Lilith holds the contract."
Sam Says
"Yes, I did." Ruby Says
"And... what? You didn't think that was important?" Sam Asks
"You weren't ready." Ruby Says
"For what?" Sam Asks
"If I told you, you three yahoos would have just charged after her half-cocked and Lilith would have peeled the meat from your pretty, pretty faces." Ruby Says
"Well, we're ready now, I want your knife." Sam Says
As She looks at him for a moment and then begins walking around him, slowly.
"You're right about one thing. You are ready. And now's the time, too. Lilith's guard's down." Ruby Says
"Is that so?" Sam Says
"She's on shore-leave. A little R&R." Ruby Says
"The hell's that mean?" Sam Says
"Trust me, you don't wanna know. You didn't lose those hex bags I gave you?" Ruby Asks
"We've got 'em." Sam Says
"Good. Then she won't sense that you're coming." Ruby Says As Sam turns around and looks at her as she's gotten behind his back while walking around him.
"So you'll give us the knife?" Sam Says
"No." Ruby Says
"But you just saidβ" Sam Says
"You wanna charge in with one little pigsticker? It's a waste of a true-blue window. Like getting Hitler with that exploding briefcase. Forget it." Ruby Says
"Okay, then how?" Sam Asks
"I know how to save your brother, Sam." Ruby Says
"No, you don't! You told Dean you couldn't! You've been lying to me all along, so just give me your damn knife!" Sam Says
"You're not the one I've been lying to." Ruby Says
"Oh, so you can save him?" Sam Says
"No. But you can." Ruby Says
"What?" Sam Says
"Sam, you've got some God-given talent. Well, not "God"-given but you get the gist." Ruby Says
"All that psychic crap? That's gone ever since Yellow-Eyes died." Sam Says
"Not gone, dormant. And not just visions either. Why do you think Lilith is so scared of you?" Ruby Says
"Right... she's scared of me." Sam Says
"If you wanted, you could wipe her off the map without moving a muscle." Ruby Says
"I don't believe you." Sam Says
"It's the truth." Ruby Says
"And you decided to tell me this just now?" Sam Says
"Um... demon. Manipulative's kinda in the job description. Fact is, is that you would have never considered it. Not until you were β" Ruby Says
"Desperate enough?" Sam Says As They exchange a look, and she shrugs as he looks away.
"You don't like being different. You hate the way Dean looks at you sometimes. Like you're some kind of sideshow freak. But suck it up because we've got a lot of ground to cover, and we've gotta do it fast. But we can do it, Sam clenches his jaws, looking at the floor. After a beat he looks up at her, Look Call me a bitch, hate me all you want, but I have never lied to you, Sam. Not ever. And I'm telling you. You... can save your brother, and I can show you how." Ruby Says
"So that's you, huh? Our slutty little Yoda." Dean Says As He shows up behind her, not looking very happy.
"Dean." Ruby Says As She turns around, looking at him, Charming as ever."
Dean begins walking towards her and Sam.
"Aw, I knew you'd show up. Because I knew Sam wouldn't listen,Sam looks at him but looks away quickly,But you're not gonna teach him anything, you understand me? Over my dead body." Dean Says
"Oh. Well, you're right about that."Β Ruby Says
"What you are gonna do is give me that knife. And then you can just go crawl back into whatever slop you came from and never bother me or my brother again. Are we clear?" Dean Says
"Your brother is carrying a bomb inside of him and we'd be stupid not to use it." Ruby Says
"Dean, look, just hold on for one β" Sam Says
"Sam! Don't. Come on man, what, are you blind? Can't you see that this is a trick?" Dean Says
"That's not true." Ruby Says
"She wants you to give into this whole demonic psychic whatever, okay. I mean hell, she probably wants you to become her little anti-christ Super Star." Dean Says
"I want Lilith dead. That's all." Ruby Says
"Why?" Dean Asks
"I've told you why!" Ruby Says
"Oh, right, yeah. Because you were human once and you liked kittens and long walks on the beach." Dean Says
"You know, I am so sick of proving myself to you. You wanna save yourself, this is how. You dumb, spineless dick." Ruby Says
Then Dean looks at her, and then turns around as if to leave but instead comes back swinging his right hook and punching her in the face, looking pissed. Sam backs away a bit, surprised by the hit, Ruby takes a few steps back with the hit, looks up at him as she wipes blood from her lip and after a beat hits him once with her right fist and then her left.
"Ruby, hey!" Sam Says
She goes around, hits him in the back causing him to double over. She then knees him in the face, sending him into a beam and sliding to the floor. As she turns around to Dean he hits her in the face once with his left and as he's about to hit with his right she ducks out of the way and going with his momentum knees him in the stomach, Sam is on the floor holding a hand over his mouth he hears more punches being thrown, Ruby and Dean as she kicks him in the face causing him to fall to the floor. He tries to get up but she walks over and kicks him hard in the stomach sending him rolling over the floor. He starts to get up and she comes over and takes hold of him, helping him up face to face only to head-butt him so he falls backwards to the floor again. As she stands looking at him, he grins and slowly rises to his feet.
"The hell are you grinning at?" Ruby Asks
"Missing something?" Dean Says As He pulls up her knife in front of his face. She looks at him angrily
"I'll kill you, you son of a bitch." Ruby Says As She rushes towards him but midway there she is stopped by an invisible wall. She tries to walk past it once as Dean just looks at her. She looks at him and then looks up at the roof, Showing the roof where Dean painted a Devil's Trap, Sam who takes his hand from his mouth, surprised by this, Ruby looks at Dean again, pissed. He smiles a little, looking at the trap and then he looks at her, still holding up the knife.
"Like I said...knew you'd come." Dean Says As He walks away from her, towards the staircase. She follows him with her eyes.
"Wait! You're just gonna leave me here?" Ruby Says
Dean stops, waiting for Sam and ignoring Ruby.
"Let's go, Sam." Dean Says As Sam comes over he takes a deep breathe, blinking hard and then he starts up the steps followed by Sam.
"Oh, oh you β so you're just too stupid to live, is that it? Then fine! You deserve hell! I wish I could be there, Dean. I wish I could smell the flesh sizzle off your bones! I WISH I COULD BE THERE TO HEAR YOU SCREAM!!" Ruby Says
"And I wish you'd shut your pie hole, but we don't always get what we want." Dean Says
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