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Sam, Elena and Dean comes out through a door, probably just leaving Bobby's room. They walk the hallway.
"So how do we find our homicidal sandman?" Dean Asks
"Could be anyone." Sam Says
"Yeah?" Dean Says
"Yeah"Sam Says
"So Anyone who knew the doctor, had access to his dream shrooms." Elena Says
"Maybe one of his test subjects or something?" Sam Says
"Possible. But his research was pretty sketchy. I mean.. I don't know how many subjects he had, or who all of them were." Dean Says As Sam scoffs and Dean and Elena looks at him.
"What?" Elena Says
"In any other case, we'd be calling Bobby and asking him for help right now." Sam Says As Dean looks like he just thought of something. He grabs Sam by his arm to stop him and he looks up at him.
"You know what? You're right." Dean Says
"What?" Sam Says
"Let's go talk to him." Dean Says
"Sure. I think we might find the conversation a bit one-sided." Sam Says
"Not if we're tripping on some Dream Root." Dean Says
"What?" Sam & Elena Says
"You heard me." Dean Says
"You wanna go dreamwalking inside Bobby's head?" Elena Asks
"Yeah. Why not? Maybe we could help." Dean Says
"We have no idea what's crawling around in there." Sam Says
"Well how bad could it be?" Dean Asks
"Bad, Look we might see something we might not wanna see" Elena Says
"Guys, it's Bobby." Dean Says
"Yeah, you're right." Elena Says
"One problem though. We're fresh out of African Dream Root, so unless you know someone who can score some ..." Sam Says
"Crap." Dean Says
"What?" Sam Says
"Bela." Dean Says As Elena Rolls her Eyes
"Bela? Crap, You're actually suggesting we ask her a favor?" Sam Asks
"I'm feeling dirty just thinking about it, but yeah." Dean Says As He starts walking again. Sam sighs and he and Elena walks after him.
Sam is sitting doing research on his laptop when a knock on the door sounds. Sam closes the lid on the computer, sighs and then walks over to the door. He cautiously only opens it a few inches and then when he sees who it is, sighs, and opens it up completely, holding it open. Bela walks in in a trenchcoat.
"Hey, Sam" Bela Says As Sam closes the door as Bela stops in the room, turns around, and then faces him.
"Bela, I didn't think there's a chance in hell you'd show up." Sam Says As He stands across from her, putting his hands on his hips. She just smiles at him.
"Well, I'm full of surprises. Though, truthfully...She takes hold of the belt of her trenchcoat, and advances slowly towards Sam, You wanna know why I'm here?" Bela Says As Sam takes a few steps back as Bela comes up in front of him.
"Okay." Sam Says As She opens and takes off her coat, revealing lacy lingerie
"Because of you" Bela Says As Sam looks to the side, unsure and a bit embarrassed, as the coat falls to the floor, revealing that she's wearing a slip.
"Uh.. What are you doing?" Sam Asks As He looks down at her and she puts her hand on his cheek, her eyes on his lips.
"I can't stop thinking about you." Bela Says
"What?" Sam Says As She leans in and kisses him. He responds and puts his hand on her arm. They breath in with the kiss and she puts her other hand on his waist, Are you sure?"
They Move Onto the bed where Sam lands on his back with Bela on top as they continue to kiss. They roll over as Bela moans and Sam ends up on top of her. Bela continues moaning Sam's Name enjoying Him.
"Mmmm.... Sam. Sam. Sam. Oh!" Bela Says
"Sam! Wake up." Dean Says
Sam is sitting at the desk, sleeping bent over with his head on his arm. Drool covers his hand and he's got a smile on his face. In the background, Dean is sitting in a chair and Elena is Laying On the bed across from him, Dean is looking up at Sam and holding papers that he'd apparently been reading through.
Sam smiles a little more and then realizes it was just a dream. His smile disappears and he sits up, wiping his face with the back of his hand. The same hand he had drool on, which he discovers. Dean and Elena chuckles, watching him. He wipes his face with his other arm.
"Dude, you were out. And making some serious happy noises." Dean Says As Sam looks very uncomfortable and doesn't look over at Dean.
"Yea Whoever she was really rocked your world huh" Elena Says Chuckling
"Who were you dreaming about?" Dean Asks
"What? No one. Nothing." Sam Says
"C'mon, you can tell me. Angelina Jolie?" Dean Says
"No." Sam Says
"Brad Pitt?" Dean Says As Elena Looks At Him and Sam turns around, almost looking at him.
"No. No! Dude, it doesn't matter." Sam Says
"Whatever." Dean Says
"Whatever." Sam Says
"I called Bela." Dean Says As Sam gets still at this, a smile quickly flashes by. Trying to cover his voice when answering.
"Bela? Yeah? She- What'd she.. you know, say? She.. gonna.. help us?" Sam Asks
"Shockingly, no, which puts us back to square one. I've been trying to decipher the doctor's notes. Unfortunately, he has worse handwriting than you do. Sam is still in his chair, back to Dean and Elena, looking around a little.
"You gonna come help us with this stuff?" Elena Asks As Dean and Elena looks over at him. Sam looks around, and then down to his lap. He shifts uncomfortably and looks up, still keeping his back to Dean and Elena Smirks at Sam
"Yeah, yeah. Just give me a sec." Sam Says
He moves around a bit in his seat, stretching. Suddenly a knock on the door sounds. They both turn in its direction. Sam stays in his chair as Dean gets up to open the door. He opens the door just inches, just like Sam did in his dream. When he sees who it is, he looks annoyed and opens up the door, walking with it.
"Bela. As I live and breathe." Dean Says as Bela enters, wearing a similar trenchcoat to the one in Sam's dream, only this one is black and the other one was tan. Sam reacts to her right away due to the dream, and tries to cover up his "situation".
"You called me. Remember?" Bela Says
"I remember you turning me down." Dean Says
"Oh That's Not the first time that's ever happened Dean" Elena Says As She Pats his shoulder
"Well, I'm just full of surprises." Bela Says As She turns to Sam, who is still in the chair. He lifts one hand at her, waving awkwardly over his shoulder, staying half-turned away from her with his other hand in his lap. He doesn't look her in the eyes.
"Hey, Bela. What's going on?" Sam Says As Dean and Elena looks from her to Sam, and she just continues on.
"I brought you your African Dream Root." Bela Says As She hands over a jar of it to Dean.
"Nasty stuff, and not easy to come by." Bela Says As She puts her bag on the TV and starts to open her coat, with her back to Sam. He sits up, alertly, breathing in anticipation ...
"Why the sudden change of heart?" Elena Asks
"What? I can't do you a little favor every now and again?" Sam tenses up in anticipation as her coat slips off ....
"No. You can't." Dean Says As The coat falls away and reveals her in a regular long-sleeved blue shirt, and not as naked as Sam had been half-anticipating. He lets out a breath silently, visibly relaxing a bit more.
"Come on, I wanna know what the strings are before you attach them." Dean Says
"You said this was for Bobby Singer, right?" Bela Says As Dean nods.
"Well, I'm doing it for him. Not you." Bela Says
"My Dad, Why?" Elena Asks
"He saved my life once, In Flagstaff." Bela Says
As Elena and Dean Share a look then Dean throws a look Sam's way and Sam just shrugs. He looks back at her, still not responding to her statement, I screwed up and he saved me, okay? You satisfied?"
"Maybe." Dean Says As She looks at Dean, who's now looking at the jar, and at Sam.
"So when do we go on this little magical mystery tour?" Bela Says
"Oh, you're not going anywhere. I don't trust you enough to let you in my car, much less Bobby's head. No offense." Dean Says As Sam looks a bit disappointed. Dean walks over to the closet. He turns on the lights and opens up the safe, where the Colt is, and he puts in the jar of Dream Root with it. Elena, Bela and Sam watch him.
"None taken." Bela Says As Sam looks up at her quickly and Dean closes the safe, locking it. He walks into the room again, where Bela is looking a bit annoyed now.
"It's 2 am. Where am I supposed to go?" Bela Asks
"Get a room. Ah, they got the Magic Fingers, a little Casa Erotica on pay-per-view. You'll love it." Dean Says
"You..." Bela Says As She takes her bag in a huff and walks to the door, retrieving her coat on the way. Sam jumps out of his chair calling after her.
"Nice to see-.. Seeing you...She slams the door behind her, ignoring him.... Bela." Sam Says
Dean who was smiling after her, Dean and Elena takes that in and they turns to Sam, a bit confused.
Later Sam and Elena walks over to the beds, Sam with two glass cups and Elena Has One of the liquid containing the Dream Root. Dean is sitting on the bed, waiting for him, As Sam comes over , he hands Dean one of the cups and then sits down on the other bed While Elena Sits Next To Dean
"Uh, should we dim the lights and synch up Wizard of Oz to Dark Side of the Moon?" Dean Says As Sam and Elena looks over at him, with a smile.
"Why?" Sam Says As Dean looks at him, disappointed.
"What did you do during college?" As Sam looks at him, Dean goes to drink the liquid but Sam stops him.
"Wait, wait, wait. Whew. Can't forget this." Sam Says
As DeanΒ puts down the cup and looks over at him as he pulls out a little envelope from his shirt pocket. He pulls something out and as Dean and Elena reaches out their hand, Sam puts it in it.
"Here." Sam Says
"What the hell is that?" Dean Asks
"Bobby's hair." Sam Says
"We have to drink Bobby's hair?" Elena's Asks
"That's how you control whose dream you're entering. You gotta ... drink some of their uh... some of their body." Sam Says
"Well, guess the hair of the dog is better than other parts of the body." Dean Says As They put it in and Sam and Elena exhales, getting ready to drink what seems to be a very disgusting drink. They All raise their cups a bit.
"Bottoms up." Dean says
"Yeah." Sam & Elena Says As They clink their cups together in a toast and then drinks it all up. They both grunt, trying to swallow, which seems to be a little hard. They smack their mouths a bit, due to the awful taste. They look quite disgusted and nothing seems to have changed.
"Feel anything?" Elena Asks
"No. You feel anything?" Dean Asks As Sam looks over at him as he shakes his head a little.
"No." Sam Says As He holds up the cup and looks in it.
"Maybe we got some bad shwag." Dean Says Then They hear thunder from outside and rain pattering on the window. Sam looks over, a little confused.
"Hey, when did it start raining?" Sam Says As Dean looks over at the window as well. He gets up and walks slowly to the window, drawing open the white curtain liners. The rain is actually not coming from the sky, but from the ground.
"When did it start raining upside down?" Dean Says
He turns around to Sam and Elena and as the camera follows his movement all the colors seems to have drained, they're now standing in the same house that Bobby was dreaming about. They looks around a bit and as the camera changes angle, we see that the window Dean was just looking out through, is gone and instead there's a fireplace. The entire motel room has turned into a living room.
"Okay, I don't know what's weirder β the fact that we're in Bobby's head ... or that he's dreaming of Better Homes and Gardens." Dean Says As Dean is looking at Sam and Elena while he just looks around the room a bit more.
"Wait. Wait a sec. Imagine the place, uh, without the paint job. Elena begins gesturing to everything he's talking about, More cluttered, dusty, books all over the place." Elena Says As They begin to move around the living room. through the window from outside, someone's watching them.
"It's Bobby's house." Dean Says
"Yeah." Sam Says
"Bobby?" Dean Yells As Sam and Elena walks to the opening of the living room, by the stairs, Sam feels someone watching him. He turns around and we get a shot through the window again and the camera moves to the side, as if someone's hiding to not be seen by him. Sam keeps watching and we get a shot of the windows from his angle and then we see from the outside again, the person outside is still hiding, but watching him through the curtains. Sam finally turns back around and walks slowly to the stairs and the person watching outside moves to get a better view again. Sam looks up towards the top of the stairs.
"Bobby?" Sam Whispers
"Dad?, Dad Where Are You?" Elena Yells As Sam looks towards the door, while Dean and Elena is still in the living room.
"Dean?, Elena" Sam Says As They turns around to Sam, I'm gonna go look outside."
"No, no, no, stay close." Elena Whispers
"Look, I'll be fine. Just, look around in here. Look, we gotta find him." Sam Says
"Don't do anything stupid." Dean Says As Sam nods and walks to the door. The windows show that it's still raining outside.
Sam is coming out of the door he just opened, and now β instead of a dark rainy, color-drained day, we see everything in bright technicolor and the sun is shining. The house is bright blue, with flowers all around, and birds chirping can be heard. Sam walks out on the porch, a confused look on his face. We pan over the yard, and down to Bobby's car, that looks completely new and we pan up the walkway, which is well-manicured, and neatly lined with all kinds of bright, beautiful flowers, to Sam. While He takes this in, the door suddenly slams shut behind him. Sam turns around at the sound and goes back and tries to open it but it's locked.
"Dean!" Sam Says As He walks over to the window next to the door and bangs on the wall while looking in. Dean!"
Through The Window Is Dean and Elena, They are still looking around the house with their backs to Sam, but They doesn't seem to react to neither Sam calling his name or him banging on the wall. Sam walks down the porch out of view.
Dean open the doors to the kitchen, where we saw Bobby in the beginning. He walks in Elena is behind him, looking around cautiously. They moves through the kitchen towards the hallway on the other side.
""Bobby?" Dean Says As They walks out into the hallway, where there's two doors. One across from the kitchen and one on the left.
"Dad?" Elena Says As Dean and Elena turns around as if they heard something and looks down the hallway in the other direction, where there's another closed door
"Who's out there?" Bobby Asks As Dean turns back to the door that was on his left when he entered the hallway. He walks over to the door Elena As Well, and there are long scratchmarks on it. Dean touches them as he goes for the doorknob.
"Bobby, you in there?" Dean Asks
"Dean?" Bobby Says
"Yeah. It's me. Open up." Dean Says As Bobby opens the door and looks behind Dean and Elena.
"Hey." Dean Says
"Dean, Elena?" Bobby Says
"Hey Dad, Thank God your okay" Elena Says as she hugs Bobby, He Then moves into the kitchen, looking scared and looking around to make sure the screaming woman isn't there. He has scratches on his cheek and nose. Dean walks up next to him.
"How in the hell did you find me?" Bobby Asks
"Sam, Elena and I got our hands on some of that Dream Root stuff." Dean Says
"Dream Root? What?" Bobby Says
"Dr. Gregg, the experiments?" Elena Says As Bobby who's still looking around, throws him a glance. He's terrified.
"What the hell are you talking about?, The lamps begin to flicker,Hurry." Bobby Says As He runs for the closet again. Elena turns around and grabs him, trying to figure out what's going on.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on?" Elena Asks
"She's coming." Bobby Says
"Okay, you know this is a dream, don't you?" Dean Says
"What are you, crazy?" Bobby Says
"It's a dream, Dad! None of this is real!"Elena Says
Then suddenly the woman from his dreams earlier opening the door on the other side of the hallway, behind Dean and Elena, Bobby points to her.
"Does that look made-up?" Bobby Says As Dean and Elena turns around and we see the woman coming out into the hallway. She's wearing a white dress and there's blood on it, coming from wounds on her neck and chest. Suddenly the closet door slams shut and Bobby turns around, rattling the doorknob to make it open. Dean looks at him and then when Bobby turns around, Dean and Elena looks back at the woman. We now see she looks rather normal except for the bleeding wounds on her chest and neck. Even her hair is styled in a regular fashion. She doesn't look happy though.
"Dad,who is that?" Elena Asks Bobby Who has tears in his eyes now, but not from being terrified.
"She's... She's my wife." Bobby Says As She's just looking back at Dean, Elena and Bobby. Elena looks from Bobby to her and back again.
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