ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

{15.6} π™Άπš˜πš•πšπšŽπš— πšƒπš’πš–πšŽ π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 1


The hallway outside Rowena's apartment, the floor to either side of the door strewn with mail, a woman approaches the door and knocks.

"Mrs. MacLeod? It's Jessie, from 3C? Haven't seen you in a while. Everything okay?" Jacinda Says

She crouches down and whispers next to the lock, and the door opens.

"Aperiatur." She looks around Rowena's apartment, "Okay. Game on. Come on! Where is the good stuff?" Jacinda Says

Jacinda proceeds to ransack the apartment, tossing books and smashing bottles, until she leans across Rowena's desk and her nose and eyes begin to bleed. She realizes she's been cursed, tries to stagger toward the door, but it's too late and she falls dead
to the floor.



In the bunker kitchen Sam sits at the table on his laptop. He feels a chill breeze, and looks around the kitchen only to see nothing. Dean then strolls in wearing his hotdog pajama pants and his robe and holding an empty cereal box.

"Hey." Dean Says

"Hey." Sam Says

"You know they still put, um, jokes on the backs of these things. Listen to this one...what's round and bad-tempered? "A vicious circle." 'Cause it's..." Dean smiles

"Yeah, I... I...wait a second, did you eat the whole box?" Sam Asks

"Yeah. Yeah. Because I'm a champion." Dean Says

"You know that's Marley's favorite cereal." Sam Says

"Eh the kid will be alright." Dean W

SAM: Wait a second. So I've been looking for signs of... of God or... or Lilith, and you've been in your room, eating cereal.

"And marathoning "Scooby-Doo". Which thanks to me, Wren's obsessed with it. Man every-time Scooby appears on the screen, a bright smile comes across her face," Sam half smiles, as he's listening, "It's adorable kid is so cute, anyways did you find anything?" Dean Says

"No, not yet." Sam Says

"Shocker." Dean Says

Dean eats cereal out of a fresh box of Muesli, spits it out, and instaed grabs another box of Cocoa Crunch.

"Hey, did you notice anything weird just now when you came in?" Sam Asks

"No. Why, did you have another one of your visions?" Dean Asks

"No. I haven't had a vision since Colorado. I think maybe they stopped." Sam Says

"Oh, I doubt it. Not until Chuck gets his end game, you know? The Winchester Bowl. Cain and Abel 2.0. This is God we're talking about. G-O-D. Wouldn't be too worried about finding him. He'll find us." Dean Says


Simmzy's Bait and Tackle Shop. Cas walks up to the front door, but it's locked. The owner, Andy, walks up and greets him, opening the store.

"Hey, Clarence." Andy Says

"Morning." Castiel Says

"Come on in, early bird. Well...what can I do for ya? Bait working out good?" Andy Says

"Oh, yeah. The...Bait's good. I think it's the fish. They've begun to anticipate me." Castiel Says

"Yeah, fish can be smart. I'd switch up spots. Maps are over there." Andy Says

Cas browses through the map rack and picks up a tourist map of the lake, while Andy pours whiskey into his coffee cup.

"I had a friend who always praised fishing for its meditative qualities. Wish I found it more relaxing. Andy... is everything all right?" Castiel Says

"Oh, uh...I'm, uh, volunteer fire department. We pulled a body out of the lake this morning. Missing kid. Shane Coogan." Andy Says

"I'm sorry." Castiel Says

"Yeah. You know, not my first dead body, but..ah, the way he looked, I guessed he drowned. Except he was juiced." Andy Says

"Juiced?" Castiel Says

"Mm. Like drained, like, of his blood. Weird, huh? Is that everything for you?" Andy Says

"Yeah." Castiel Says


In the library Elena is chasing after Wren who's running around in her diaper.

"Wren, hey get back here." Elena Says

Wren falls to her knees but gets back up, giggling running past Dean who's eating out of a cereal box.

"Woah, what's the rush?" Dean Asks

"Little miss quicksilver over here, once she heard bath time then started running away from me." Elena Says, as Dean laughs.

"Ah I see she's entering the "I don't want to bath faze"." Dean Says

"Yeah well she better fizzle out of that, because she needs a bath..since someone forgot to bathe her last night after I specifically told you to." Elena Says

"Hey, don't get mad at me I was in the zone." Dean Says

"You call binge watching Scooby doo is being in "the zone"?" Elena Says

"Yeah." Dean scoffed

"Whatever. Look I've been chasing her, now it's your turn to get her while I get her bath ready." Elena Says

"But Lena, I was planning on-" Dean Says

Elena gives him a look rising her brow, "I'm sorry planning on what?"

"Uh..nothing, I-I'll go get Wren." Dean Says, putting the box of cereal down.

"Thank you." Elena Says

Wren renters the library and runs around Dean in a circle, with his Scooby doo underwear in her hands giggling.

"Scooby." Wren Says, laughing.

"Wait is that my, Wren no, no, no that's daddy's underwear give those back!" Dean Says, as he chased after the young toddler.


Sam jogs along a path through the forest, past a lake, when his breath fogs over and he stops, looking around for something supernatural. Eileen materializes just off the trail.

"Eileen?" Sam Says

"Hi, Sam." Eileen Says


A few minutes later Sam arrived back at the bunker, explaining to Dean and Elena what's going on.

"So, you were in Hell? You didn't make a deal. You were innocent." Dean Says

"So wait Eileen you've been down there this whole time?" Elena questioned

"Mhm the Hellhound that killed me kind of dragged me there." Eileen Says

"Damn." Dean Says

"Yeah, um, she escaped when, uh, Chuck blew all the doors open, and then..." Sam Says

"I hauled ass. Far as I could." Eileen Says

"So by the time we got the barrier up, you were already gone." Elena Says

"Been trying to get you guys to see me for a while now. This whole ghost thing doesn't really come with a handbook. Look, I don't know how all this works, but I know how it ends. We go crazy. We hurt people. I can't stay here, and I won't go back down there. So I guys know angels. Maybe if you put in a good word, you know, up there..." Eileen Says

"Eileen, even if we did, it wouldn't matter. Souls from Hell can't go to Heaven. A friend of ours just found that out. I'm sorry." Dean Says

"Yeah. Me too." Eileen Says

In the distance Wren is heard crying, Elena groans out.

"Are you kidding, I just put her down." Elena Says

"Don't stress it, I got her." Dean Says

He stands to his feet and leaves the library, as Sam follows behind him. Elena looks over to Eileen.

"Yeah, forgot to mention...we had a baby." Elena Says

"Yeah I know, earlier I saw her running around with his underwear in her hands," She and Elena laughs, "That was weirdly adorable." Eileen Says

"I guess it was." Elena Says

Meanwhile in the bunker hallway, Sam follows after Dean.

"Nice, man. Real sensitive." Sam Says

"What you want me to sugarcoat it?" Dean Says

"No, I don't want...of course not. But, Dean..." Sam Says

"There may be an Option B. Do we have any of those soul catchers, you know, like the ones we used in Harlan?" Dean Says

"You want to trap Eileen in a prison full of psycho ghosts?" Sam Says

"No, no, no. Not with them. We'd...we'd make her her own, you know? Look, it's better than where she was, and it's better than where she's going." Dean Says

"Dean, that's not exactly easy and it's not like Elena can-." Sam Says

"Yeah I know, but, you know, you're like, uh, Rowena's protΓ©gΓ©. You're a regular Ginger Jr." Dean Says

"Even if I could, I would need a crystal. I mean, those were Rowena's thing." Sam Says

"Okay. Look, man, this blows. I get it. I don't make the rules. A soul from Hell can't go to Heaven." Dean Says

"All right, look, if it's what Eileen wants, then... Maybe we can go to Rowena's place and look for a crystal, or something. I've been meaning to go there anyways after, know." Sam Says

"Great. Do that." Dean Says, as he continues to walk down the hallway.

"Wait, wait. You're not coming with?" Sam questioned

"It's a milk run." Dean Says

"You' know what, Dean, ever since God got back, you've been acting like there's nothing we can do, like nothing matters, but we can do this. Man, this matters." Sam Says

"And that's why you and Lena are gonna kick it in the ass." Dean Says



Castiel walks into the sheriffs office, and approaches the front desk to speak with the secretary.

"When will the Sheriff be back?" Castiel Asked

"Five minutes? An hour? It's Tuesday, Agent. He gets his hair cut on Tuesday." She Says

"He gets his hair... I see." Castiel Says

Castiel sighs and walks over to the bench and takes a seat, a woman, Melly moves closer to him.

"You're FBI? I thought you were renting the Doweling cabin. Uh, small town..." Melly Says

"Uh... I'm, uh... I'm on vacation." Castiel Says

"But you're looking into that missing boy, the one that they found in the lake?" Melly Says

"Do you know him?" Castiel Asks

"Uh, no, but I...I think my son's missing, too. Um
I...I let him camp out last night, and he was supposed to be back first thing this morning." Melly Says

"Honey, it's only a few hours. He'll turn up." She Says

"She thinks I'm overreacting because this town, it's like a postcard, but now, with that other boy, I just... I...I need to find my son." Melly Says

"Right." Castiel Says

"Please, um, Agent, um..." Melly Says

"Um...Worley." Castiel Says

"Can you help me?" Melly Asks

"Of course." Castiel Says


At the SureGas station, Sam fills up the Impala's tank as

"I... I'm sorry. I wish there was more we could do. I hate this for you." Sam Says

"Whatever that crystal is, I'll take it. At least I won't know." Eileen Says

"Yeah. I've been there, too...uh, Hell. A long time ago. You try and forget, but it gets inside you. Talking helps." Sam Says

"I can't. Not yet." Eileen Says

"I understand." Sam Says, now speaking in sign language.

"Not bad. I'm impressed." Eileen Says, replying in sign language as well.

"After we met, I started practicing again. I guess some of it stuck." Sam Says

"I can see that," She smiled, she cleared her throat, "So a lot's happened since I've been gone I see, your brother and Elena had a baby, got married..and you have a girlfriend." Eileen Says

"Huh? Oh yeah," He chuckled, "Yeah I do, her name is Corinna Stark. She's an old friend, well used to be..but uh yeah we've known each other for long time now, and now here we are, a year later." Sam Says

"That's good, I'm really happy you've found someone Sam." Eileen Says

"Yeah I am too, I mean whenever things get's just nice to have someone." Sam Says

"Mhm, do you love her?" Eileen Asks

"Yeah I do, I love her very much." Sam smiled, as Eileen nodded her head.

"Good." Eileen Says


At Rowena's apartment Sam and Eileen discover it's been ransacked and find Jacinda's body on the floor. The mirror on the wall seems to shimmer.

"Who's she?" Eileen Asks

"I don't know." Sam Says

Meanwhile a moving van marked "Keep 'er Movin', you GO we PACK". Inside, the van is decorated lavishly, and two witches spy on Sam and Eileen via the mirror in Rowena's apartment.

"Well, look at you." She Says

Upstairs in the apartment, Sam crouches down to examine Jacinda's body, and notices a tattoo on her neck.

"Wait a second." Sam Says

"She was goth?" Eileen questioned

"No, close. I recognize that. It's from the "Ordo maleficarum"." Sam Says

"A witch." Eileen Says

"Yeah. Looks like she tore this place apart. I mean, maybe she got into something she shouldn't have." Sam Says

"Great." Eileen Says

"Okay, let's just find what we're looking for and get out of here." Sam Says


Back at the Sheriff's office, Cas is finally meeting with Sheriff Roy.

"Melly Krokowski. From the day that woman graced us with her presence, it's always something..too much fluoride in the water, not enough vegan options at the 4th of July parade, that we even have the 4th of July parade." Roy Says

"Sheriff, her son is missing." Castiel Says

"And maybe if this were New York, I'd be worried. Here? A teenager stays out too long, he's probably with his buddies sobering up." Roy Says

"So people rarely go missing here?" Castiel questioned

"I mean, not locals. But it is a tourist town. Some years, we lose a hiker. Somebody drowns." Roy Says

"Like Shane Coogan?" Castiel Says

"No. Shane came out for last year's Bluegrass festival. Parents raised a big stink, but locals saw him holed up in the woods. Opioids. Wound up in the lake. O.D.'d." Roy Says

"I'd like to take a look at the body." Castiel Says

"Already on its way to Cheyenne. We don't have an M.E." Roy Says

"Well, any case work you do have will be fine." Castiel Says

"Which office you say you were from again, Agent Worley?" Roy Asked

"Special Agent. D.C." Castiel Says

"You got a supervisor I could talk to, make it official?" Roy Says

A phone rings in the war room, and Dean carrying Wren who's asleep searches through a tangle of charging cell phones for the one labeled FBI, and answers.

"This is Assistant Director Kaiser." Dean Says

"Uh...This is Sheriff Alden Roy. Just checking on Agent Worley." He Says

"Would you put my agent on the phone, please?" Dean Asked

Roy hands the phone over to Castiel, "He wants to talk to you."

"Mhm, Hello?" Castiel Says

"Cas. Sam's been trying to call you." Dean Says

"I know." Castiel Says

"Did you check his messages?" Dean Asks

"Nope." Castiel Says

"Right. Smart. Why would you? Look, I don't know if you care or not, but, back on the board, so watch yourself. And check your damn messages." Dean Says

Dean hangs up the phone, as Cas pretends to keep talking to him for a moment.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Castiel Says, then hands Roy back his phone.

"I'll get you those files." Roy Says

"Thank you." Castiel Says



In the apartment the portrait of Rowena on the wall, watches on as Sam and Eileen rummage through her stuff.

"This is just junk." Eileen Says

"Tarot cards, self-help books. Where's her real stash?" Sam Says

Eileen then notices something odd about a bookcase, and walks through the wall.

"Eileen?" Sam Says

"Sam? In here." Eileen Says

Sam pushes open the bookcase, a hidden door to Rowena's secret lab.

"Ta-da!" Sam is overwhelmed as he explores, and finds Rowena's books, "Sam?" Eileen Says

"Uh...she kept journals." Sam Says

"Rowena?" Eileen Says

"Yeah. Her spell work. All of it. Right up until the end." Sam Says

"You miss her." Eileen Says

"I killed her. Her idea. She, uh, sacrificed herself to save us. To...To save the world. You ever feel like you're the punchline to some cosmic joke?" Sam Says

"Are you kidding?" Eileen Says

Eileen reaches out and attempts to lay her hand on Sam's, but it passes right through.

"Rowena got it. I mean, she didn't know all the details, but she knew the game was rigged. So this... Magic. This is how she kept control." Sam Says

Emotional, Sam fumbles the pages of the journal he's holding, and bends down to pick them up.

"No way." Sam Says

"Sam. What's going on?" Eileen Asks

"Okay. When my mom was killed, uh, Rowena tried to bring her back, but she couldn't. She needed a body, which we didn't have. Turns out, Rowena was working on a way to bring her back, a way around that, a-a way to make the spirit flesh." Sam Says

"She didn't use it?" Eileen Asks

"We ended up finding out my mom was in Heaven already and happy, so...she never finished it. But...I think I can finish it." Sam Says

"So?" Eileen Says

"So... Eileen, we can bring you back." Sam Says, as Eileen's brows raise.


Castiel looks over the files, marking the locations of disappearances on his fishing map.


In the parking lot at Rowena's apartment, Sam loads Rowena's books into the trunk of the Impala.

"All right. That's everything." Sam Says

Sam shuts the trunk and begins coughing blood, and collapses to the ground. He crawls around the Impala, searching the wheel wells until he finds a hex bag.

"Sam? Sam? What's happening?" Eileen Asks

The two witches from the moving van close in on them as Sam's vision blurs.

"My brother, Elena.." Sam Says

One of the witches waves and hand and banishes Eileen with a spell.

"Umbra, abi. Hello, Sam." She Says

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