In the bunker library, Sam and Dean are researching.
"Any sign of him?" Sam Asks
"No, nothing yet. Chuck's probably trashing a few dozen universes outside of CNN's range." Dean Says
There's a loud noise in the background surprising the Winchesters. They follow the noise through the depths of the bunker and runs into Marley and Elena holding Wren.
"You guys okay?" Dean Asks
"Yeah, I was just feeding the kids and-" Elena Says
"What the hell was that?" Marley Asks, as Elena looks to her.
"We don't know." Dean Says
"I think it's...coming from down there." Sam Says
They walked down the hall, stopping at room #28.
They can see a light that shining goes out, from under the door.
Sam, Elena and Dean look puzzled and suspicious as the noise continues until it fades away. Then the rumbling stops, Sam and Dean approach the door as hey hear music playing, Savage Garden's "I Want You" plays.
Sam, Elena and Dean exchange a look, they both nods in the direction of the door and opens it. They're all dumbfounded, as there's a shiny, new, mint green Fiat 500 in the room, with Kansas plate 403 S9T, and someone inside. Just behind the car is an AU rift/portal about to close, both car doors open and three people step out.
The camera zooms to the left of the car, showing a man's foot in a black shoe, no sock, from under the door, stepping off.
On the other side, a foot in a leather shoe and wool paisley sock sets foot on the ground, and a black heeled boot as it sets foot on the ground.
Both men and woman stepping out from the car and standing, looking around the room. On the right of the car, to an arm dressed in fine swede and bearing a shiny golden watch.
It's AU Sam on the left, and AU Dean and Elena on the right both dressed in smart fine clothes. AU Sam in dark magenta top and blazer, with scarf and matching pocket handkerchief, and boasting a man bun.
AU Elena is wearing a dark brown pencil skirt, long sleeved black shirt with her hair curled, makeup done and sporting a bang. AU Dean in a light brown swede jacket, and pristine white collared shirt. The three of them look at each other.
"Guys, we did it." AU Sam Says, then he and Dean bump fists over the very small car, all the while being watched by the bewildered Sam, Elena and Dean.
AU Sam, Elena and Dean finally see this Earth's Sam, Elena and Dean and, of course, they are all confused.
"Dean?" Sam Says
"Sam?" AU Dean Says
"Sam?" Dean Says
"Dean?" AU Sam Says
"What the Hell?" Sam and Dean Says
"What the Heck?" AU Dean and Sam Says
"Oh my.." Elena Says
"Sweet Lord." AU Elena Says
They all stare in shock at one another, as the rift flickers.
"Aw, nuts." AU Dean Says
The rift flares to life, and sucks Alternate Universe Sam, Elena and Dean and their car back through, out of the bunker, leaving Sam, Elena, Dean and Marley wondering what just happened.
"Awesome." Marley smiles, as they all looked to her.
In the war room, Dean, Elena and Sam struggle to explain what happened to Castiel.
"So, this rift is open in the middle of the armory, and theβand these two guys and girl climb out of a car, and they look just like us..." Sam Says
"Yeah exactly like us." Elena Says
"Except not, and don't even get me started about the car." Dean Says
"Okay, I am not understanding." Castiel Says
"Yeah, well, welcome to the club." Elena Says
"It's like they were us, but I guess from another world?" Sam Says
"But how did they get here?" Dean Says
"They were running." They turn to see her, "Because God was destroying their reality. He's almost done wrapping up those other worlds. And when he is..." Billie Says
"It's our turn?" Elena Says
"Looks like. So we need to be prepared. I have the next step. For Jack." Billie Says
Jack comes in, eating a sandwich and nods to everyone. "I'm ready. Feeling, um, good about it."
"The first quest was meant to strengthen Jack's body. Step two is more spiritual in nature." Billie Says
"Can you be more specific?" Castiel Asks
"Jack needs to find the Occultum." Billie Says
"The Occultum? Occultum, that's, uh, Latin for "hidden." Where do we find it?" Sam Asks
"I don't know, it's hidden. Missing for centuries. Sacred, potent." Billie Says
"Is it a weapon? Uh, how does it work?" Dean Asks
"Not a weapon per se. But it's powerful." Billie Says
"Okay. Thanks. Big help." Dean Says
"So, are you ready? Truly?" Billie Says, looking to Jack.
"I am." Jack Says
"Good to hear. Because we need to be ready and vigilant...and not stupid. God, if he catches on to what we're doing, everything comes crashing down." Billie Says
A few minutes later in the library, Sam pores through books while Elena twiddles her thumbs, and Dean meditates on the stretchiness of a rubber band.
"The Occultum, " He Scoffed, "There's barely even a mention of this thing. And nothing on where to find it." Sam Says
"Mm-hmm." Dean Says
"And what's this thing supposed to even do? It's "spiritual"? What does that even mean?" Elena Asks
"I dunno, Dean?" He taps on the table when Dean doesn't reply, "Dean." Sam Says
"Hmm?" Dean Says
"What are you doing?" Sam Asks
"I'm just thinking. I mean, this whole thing is crazy, right? I mean, uh, Death is our Obi-Wan, and you, Elena and me, we're theβthe "messengers of God's destruction" whatever the Hell that means and Jack is supposed to kill God. But if he does...that still leaves you know who." Dean Says
"Amara." Elena Says
"So I'm thinking maybe he kills her, too." Sam scoffs, "Seriously. 'Cause listen, if we just take Chuck off the board, that still leaves her, okay? That throws things out of balance, and if things are out of balance, then the world pretty much." Dean Says
"Yeah, ends. Right." Sam Says
"But if Jack kills her...Kind of a family plan. Then there's no God, there's no Darkness. Nothing out of balance. World saved." Dean Says
"Okay, yeah, but then who takes over? Uh, Jack?" Elena Says
Jack enters the library, chewing gum. He blows a bubble and pops it, grinning proudly.
"Marley just gave me a piece, and I just learned how to do that." Jack smiled
"Probably not." Dean Says, as Sam chuckles.
"Jack, listen, uh, about Billie's plan, uh, she hasn't been real specific on the details." Sam Says
"Yeah, when you when you go up against Chuck, uh, you're gonna what, bob and weave? Or do you go straight in for the full smite?" Dean Asks
"Yeah, you know, um, something like that." Jack Says
Castiel enters, talking on the phone with Sergei.
"Okay, yeah. Fine. I owe you." He ends the call,
"Well, I have information on the Occultum from
the shaman Sergei." Castiel Says
"Him? Are we that desperate?" Dean Says
"I think so." Castiel Says
"So, what did he say?" Elena Asks
"The Occultum is divine in its origin. It was housed for hundreds of years in an ancient temple before it was-" Castiel Says
"Plundered by pirates." Dean cuts him off
"No." Castiel Says, furrowing his brows.
"It was dug up by tomb raiders." Dean Says
"No." Castiel Sighed
"It was seized by the King of the Dead and his warlords. Am I close?" Dean Says
"Looted by invading Mongol hordes for trade on the black market." Castiel Says
"Black market. Yeah, that's what..I was gonna say that next. That was the next one." Dean Says
"Yeah." He Clears his throat, "So, uh, where is it now?" Sam Says
"Until a few years ago, it was owned by the Jacobson family, until Hyram Jacobson's son fell gravely ill. And he was told nothing could be done. And in desperation, he turned to a faith healer. She saved the child, but she would only accept the Occultum in payment." Castiel Says
"Hm, Do we have a name?" Elena Asks
"No, just a description. She was attractive. And she healed the child by laying on hands. Which glowed." Castiel Says
Ominous music plays as they all realize who it must be.
At Sister Jo's healing center, she's counting her money when Sam, Elena and Dean arrive.
"Sam, Elena and Dean. You just keep turning up. My three bad pennies." Sister Jo Says, turning to face them.
"Looks like, uh, business is still good." Sam Says
"Well, the healthcare system sucks, so I pick up the slack." Sister Jo Says
"Making house calls?" Dean Says
"Sorry?" Sister Jo Says
"Oh, maybe Hyram Jacobson recommended you to a few of his rich friends. I mean, one gazillionaire trumps a hundred sad sacks in a Kiwanis hall, am I right?" Dean Says
"Well, I really can't talk about that. Patient confidentiality." Sister Jo Says
"Right. Of course. Sure. In that case, uh, why don't you tell us about the Occultum?" Elena Asks
"What about it?" Sister Jo Says
"We need it." Elena Says
"Why?" Sister Jo Asks
"To kill God." Sam Says
"Hmm." Sister Jo Says
"Turns out that Hail Mary that you and Cas tried, it worked. God's back, he's pissed, and he's gonna murder the world." Dean Says
"Unless we stop him." Elena Says
"So you want me to be on your side...against God." Sister Jo Says
"I mean, we are better-looking." Dean Says
"No. I'm not going to make God my enemy, because he's God." Sister Jo Says
"Okay then." Sam Says
He nods then he, Elena and Dean pull out angel blades and make their way toward Sister Jo.
"Well... you don't have a choice." Sam Says
"You wouldn't." Sister Jo Says
"Try us." Elena Says
"I don't have it." Sister Jo Says
"Then who does?" Sam Asks
"An old friend of yours...Ruby." Sister Jo Says, looking over at Sam.
"Wait a second. Why would you give it to her?" Sam Says
"It's a long story. I was on the road near Topeka... Long days of providing relief to the weak and weary. Alone, yet warmed by the comfort I provided. When she found me." Sister Jo Says
We fade into a flashback to Sister Jo's meeting with Ruby years ago.
"Hey. Anything you want to tell me, Jo?" Ruby Asks
"Nice vessel. Suits you better than the blonde." Sister Jo Says
"Wait a minute. You were friends?" Elena Asks
"Oh, God, no. I mean, sometimes we'd pool our talents, run a job together if the opportunity presented itself." Sister Jo Says
"You've been holding out on me." Ruby Says
"Ruby, I respect our arrangement. Do I butt in when some sap wants his soul back and you agree to return it for a tidy fee?" Sister Jo Says
"And I'm good with your little bleeding-heart sideshow, but I'm talking way bigger than you usual take. The Occultum. You've got it. And I can get you a buyer...for a taste." Ruby Says
"And why would I agree to that?" Sister Jo Asks
"Money. Do you have any idea how much that thing's worth? Millions. Now, tell me that doesn't appeal to your label-whore heart." Ruby Says
"And then?" Dean Says
"I gave it to her. She said she had hid it, until she contacted the buyer. Which she never did because, well, you..." Sister Jo Says
Sister Jo clicks her tongue and mimes stabbing, and we flash back to Dean stabbing Ruby in 4.22.
"Okay, so where is it now?" Sam Asks
"Stashed. By her. In Hell." Sister Jo Says, as Sam, Elena and Dean all sighed.
In the bunker kitchen, Jack indulges in an array of fast foods. Marley enters the kitchen carrying a tablet, walking towards the refrigerator.
"Hey, Jack." Marley Says
"Hey." Jack Says, as Marley stops in her tracks.
"Woah, what's up with all the food?" Marley Asks
"Oh, Billie she told me that I need to get prepared for my fight with my grandfather." Jack Says
"O-okay, so by being prepared Death wants you to eat a whole bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and large fries to yourself, nice." Marley Says
"You wanna help me eat, there's a lot of food to
go around?" Jack Asks
Marley looks at the table and picks up a box of pizza, she thinks more then grabs the chili cheese fries and slushy drink. Jack looks to her, and she shrugs.
"What, it's that time of the month for me." Marley Says
"I-I didn't say anything." Jack Says, holding his arms up.
"Good, now if you'll need me I'll be in my room watching Breaking Bad." Marley Says
"Good to know." Jack Says
Marley walked out the kitchen saying hello to Cas, as he entered the room.
"Hey, Jack." Castiel Says
"Cas, you know what's good about being dead?" Jack Says
"Uh, as I recall, very little." Castiel Says
"Well, when you come back, you-you really get into all that life is. Hot, cold, sweet, spicy, funny, scary." Jack Says
"And are you? "Into it"?" Castiel Asks, sitting down across from him.
"I want to be. But I don't...feel things the way I used to. Before I lost my..." Jack Says
"Your soul." Castiel Says
"I used to feel things. In my bones. It was glorious, and sometimes unbearable. But I felt them. Now, I understand joy or sadness, but...I know those things aren't in me. I understand why Sam and Dean were angered by what happened to Mary..." Jack Says
"By what you did to Mary." Castiel Says
"Yes. I see that I've caused them pain. And it's clear that things have changed. Especially with-with Dean. Will he ever forgive me?" Jack Says
"You know, Dean, heβhe feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known. So it's possible he could work through this. One day, he may explode and let it all out and breathe deeply and move on." Castiel Says
"How long will that take?" Jack Asks, as Castiel sighed.
"I don't know." Castiel Says
The door to the bunker opens and closes, and Sam, Elena and Dean come down the stairs.
"You sure you can swing this again?" Dean Asks
"Well, we have Rowena's notes for the spell so..." Sam Says
"Okay, "Samwitch." Dean Says, as Sam and Elena looks at him.
"Don't." Elena shakes her head
"What it's funny, Sam-Witch." Dean Says
"No it's not." Elena Says
"Well I think it is." He mumbles, as Cas enters the war room, "Let's do this. Cas, hey, good news. We sorta know where the Occultum is. Sorta. What? What's wrong?" Dean Says
"Come with me." Castiel Says
Cas leads them back to Room 28 from the cold open, and we find Alternate Sam, Elena and Dean stuck in a wall like holograms.
"Cas, what are we doing? Whoa. What the Hell?" Dean Says
"They can't see us or hear us." Castiel Says
"What happened? Where are they?" Elena Asks
"I don't know. I-I think, if Chuck tried to destroy them as their world's rift was closing, it's theoretically possible that the blast could've trapped them between dimensions. I mean, they're...they're here and yet not." Castiel Says
"Are they in pain?" Dean Asks
"I don't think so." Castiel Says
"Good." Dean starts to leave, but Sam stops him
"Wait. Well, hold up, Dean. YouβWill..." Sam Says
"We'll handle it, okay? We'll deal with them, but right now, you and me, we got to go to Hell." Dean Says
"Whoa. You do?" Castiel Says
"Jo said that's where Ruby stashed the Occultum." Sam Says
"Ruby? The demon you were sexually intimate with?" Castiel Says, as they all raise a brow at him.
"Cas." Elena Says
"Sexually intimate"?" Dean Says
"Yes." Sam Says
"And you trust Jo now?" Castiel Says
"Well, Jo did help you out." Dean Says
"Yes, but Hell is a big place. You could be searching forever. We need more information, Dean." Castiel Says
"From who?" Dean Says
"What about Ruby?" Castiel Asks
"Ruby's dead, Cas. We have to work with what we have. So we'll go to Hell, you stay topside and keep that spell alive so we get back, alright." Dean Says
Sam, Elena and Dean arrive in Hell.
"Alright, next time we fly Air Abracadabra, we're upgrading to first class. I can't take the jet lag." Dean Says
"Okay so where do we start?" Elena Says
They walk around until they see a random demon walks up to them in the corridor.
"Hey. Hi." Dean Says
"You shouldn't be here." He Says
"Yeah we know." Sam Says
"We're, uh we're looking for your boss, Rowena." Dean Says
"She's hosting a reception. For newly condemned souls. Because that's a thing we do now." He Says
"Oh. Alright. But you could take us to her, right?" Elena Asks
"Yeah." He Says
"Good." Dean Says, as they follow behind the demon.
In the bunker library, Cas monitors the spell bowl as Jack and Marley comes in to check on him.
"So? They made it? Sam and Dean are in Hell?" Jack Asks
"Yeah." Castiel Says, as Marley and Jack shared a look.
"Why do I feel there's a "But" coming?" Marley Says
"But there are just so many holes in Jo's story. Who was Ruby gonna sell the Occultum to? Why didn't Jo try to get it back?" Castiel Says
"So you think she's lying." Jack Says
"I think we need to ask Ruby." Castiel Says
"The Demon who's dead right?" Marley Says
"Yeah. In the Empty." He looks to Jack, "I need your assistance." Castiel Says
"Uh, sure. Anything." Jack Says
"I need you to kill me. Almost." Castiel Says
"What?" Jack Says
"Can someone be almost dead?" Marley Asks
Castiel rummages in a file drawer and brings out a flask.
"Well, in theory...Aha....if I'm brought to death's brink, I should be able to put one foot in the afterlife and contact Ruby." Castiel Says
"Cas, the Empty doesn't exactly like you, remember?" Jack Says
"Yeah, I do. But our deal..I'm far from happy, so I should be fine. I need you draw out most of my life force, store it in here, and then keep a close watch. If it seems like I'm-" Castiel Says
"Really dying, not almost dying." Jack Says
"Then bring me back." Castiel Says, handing the flask.
"Cas, I-I may not have a soul, but, uh, I know killing you is wrong. What if I screw up?" Jack Says
"Well, then I'll be lost forever." Castiel Says
"Cas, are you sure about this..I mean this is idiotic." Marley Says
"I need more answers we all do, but I think you'll do fine. Oh, um, you both need to feed the spell bowl to keep the rift open for Sam, Elena and Dean, or they'll be lost forever. Let's do it." Castiel Says
"Are you really sure?" Jack Asks
"Not at all. Give me one hour. Then bring me back." Castiel Says
Jack looks to Marley then he opens the flask, lays his hand on Cas's forehead and extracts his life force into the flask.
The light goes out of Cas's eyes and he slumps over, mostly dead. Jack seals up the flask and looks torn.
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