A woman walks around the store, looking at the speakers displayed. Pop Tart Heart by Louden Swain plays on the radio. Radio Shed Clerk smiles at her and she smiles back.
"You're listening to Jimmy Jack and the Ros, traffic and weather together, after the news. Take it, Ros."
"Thanks, Jimmy Jack. Negotiations resume at the U.N. today as world leaders work to restore the Paris Agreement. The revamped agreement would represent an historic victory in the fight against climate change."
The Radio Shed Clerk continues to smile at the Woman until, She frowns and leaves the store.
"Come again." He Says
"In other news, President Hillary Clinton is in Iowa, as she officially kicks off her re-election campaign..."
The Clerk turns off the radio. The bell on the shop door rings, and Chuck enters the shop.
"Hello, sir! Welcome to Radio Shed, "where superstore inventory meets swap-meet prices!" Oh, um..I take it you're unsatisfied with your viewing experience at home?" He Says
Chuck walks over to the display of TVs, "You have
no idea."
"Okay. Well, we've got everything the big-box stores have..4K, 8K, HD, LED, OLED, HDMI 2.1. 48-, 55-, and 65-inch, freestanding or wall-mounted. And to bring it all together this universal remote... a Radio Shed exclusive." He Says
The Clerk takes out a remote from his back pocket, as Chuck turns away from the TVs to face him.
"Sorry. Not really what I'm looking for." Chuck Says
"Oh? Uh, then, what are you looking for?" He Asks
"An audience." Chuck Says
"An audience?" He Says
"It's monologue time." Chuck Says
Chuck raises his hands and the TVs start to display all the alternate versions of Earth. The Clerk looks between the remote and TVs in confusion.
"In the beginning, it was just me and sis. And it was fine. But I wasn't satisfied. So I made more. I created the world." Chuck Says
One TV switches to Dean and Castiel talking in the bunker's kitchen.
"But I didn't stop there. No, no, no. I got the bug! So, I...I kept creating. I made...other worlds." Chuck Says
The TVs start to change to the alternate versions of Sam, Elena and Dean.
"Different combinations, scenarios, characters. Different versions of the same characters. You know, "my other toys". Is that where I screwed up?" Chuck Says
"Sir, this is a Radio Shed." He Says
"Dean says I'm not gonna get the ending I want. I don't know. Maybe I...I...I mean, that shouldn't matter, right? I've gotten what I want from hundreds of Sam's, Elena's and Dean's. I could get what I want from a hundred more. And I don't care. Those other toys, they don't...they don't...spark joy. But Sam, Elena and Dean...the real Sam, Elena and Dean... they do." Chuck Says
Chuck continues to watch Dean, Castiel and now Sam and Elena in the bunker's kitchen.
"They challenge me...they disappoint me...they surprise me. They're...the ones." Chuck Says
"How about a stereo?" He Asks
"I don't need more!" Chuck yelled at him, the clerk backed up a little.
"Okay." He Says
"More things, more distractions? I need less. It's time to clear the board." He waves his hand and all the TVs go back to the Radio Shed logo, "All the other worlds, alternate realities, the subplots the failed's time to start cancelling shows." Chuck Says
Lights of a police car flash as Jody stands over a dead cow, looking at the blood with a flashlight.
"Oh, yikes." Jody Says
Her phone rings and she stands up to answer it, moving away from the cow.
"Oh. Hey, Alex." Jody Says
"Lasagne's getting cold." Alex Says
"Yeah. Who made or Patience?" Jody Asks
"I did. It's vegan." Alex Says
"You know, actually, tonight, I'm grateful for that. I assumed we had a monster on our hands, but it's looking like human-on-animal cruelty. Poor Bessie was clubbed to death." Jody Says
"That's sick." Alex Says
"Yeah. Keep the lasagne in the oven." Jody Says
"Will do." Jody Says
Jody ends the call. She turns towards the barn and sees a hooded figure run inside. She enters the barn with her gun raised and flashlight on, she walks around, shining her flashlight over everything inside.
"Hello?" Jody Says
Jody sees nothing in the barn. She puts her flashlight down, just as something jumps down behind her. She turns and is knocked out by the hooded person.
Sam, Elena and Castiel stand in front of Dean, who sits at the table with a beer in front of him.
"I still don't like it." Sam Says
"Which part... Jack's deal with Death? Or the part where she's got him eating Angel hearts?" Dean Says
"Both." Sam Says
"Ugh. The hearts were disturbing." Castiel Says
"So, what's next? We're just supposed to trust her?" Elena Says
"Well, apparently Billie's got Jack on a need-to-know, which not a shock. We've made deals with cosmic players before... "cards up" ain't their style." Dean Says
"Jack still doesn't have a soul. And now he's been in the Empty for months. I mean, we have no idea where his head is right now." Sam Says
In the library Jack walks past the table and looks at the initials carved into it. He runs his fingers over "MW."
Jack walks into his room and runs his hand over his backpack. He turns around and walks over to the mirror cabinet. Jack closes the mirror and sees someone standing him, Merle the reaper.
"You rang?" Merle Says
"I don't understand." Jack Says
"You made a silent prayer to Death. She's got her hands full at the moment, so she sent me. What's up, kid?" Merle Says
Back in the kitchen Castiel stands in front of Dean, as they still discuss Jack.
"Well, I have my concerns, but... Jack trusts Billie, and I trust Jack." Castiel Says
"But what about cosmic balance, Cas? I mean, Jack's gonna kill God? What about Amara?" Sam Says
Dean stands up from the table and picks up his
beer, "I don't know. I don't know. But I have seen Billie's library, and I have spent time with her. I... Well, "trust" is a strong word, but...I believe in her. There's no one more committed to the rules than she is. She's probably got it all figured out."
"Probably? Like she had the Mal'ak box figured out?" Elena Says
"Yeah, I dunno. I mean, she's still Death. She was right about Rowena." Dean Says
"Look all I'm saying is, I wish we knew more." Sam Says
"Yeah, I got questions too, but right now this is the only plan we got." Dean Says
"Right." Sam Says, then leaves the kitchen.
In his room Jack turns away from the mirror to face Merle.
"When the Grigori trapped me, I called out for her, but...She didn't come then, either." Jack Says
"She musta known you'd handle it." Merle Says
"But... I didn't. Cas saved me." Jack Says
"She musta known that, too. Relax. Just follow the rules. Lie low. Wait for instructions. And don't use your powers under any circumstances, 'cause...?" Merle Says
"If I do, God might find me." Jack Says, sighing.
"Mm-hmm." Merle Says
Sam walks down the hallway and hears Jack talking in his room. He stops in front of the closed door.
"Okay. I'll do it. Everything she asks." Jack Says
Sam knocks on the door, "Jack?" He opens the door and walks in, "Hey."
"Hey." Jack Says
"Uh, who were you talking to?" Sam Asks
"Uh, no one." Jack Says
"Hey, uh, I-I just, uh...wanted to check in on you, make sure you're settling in okay." Sam Says
"I am." Jack Says
"Good. Good. We're all just, uh...we're just...we're so glad to have you back. You know that, right? And... And you know could've come to us first, Jack. We would've helped you." Sam Says
"I know." Jack Says, Sam nods and leaves the room.
In Dean and Elena's room, she's busy folding some of her clothes until her phone rings and the caller reads Corinna.
Elena picks up and answers, "Hey you."
"Hey, I have an important question to ask." Corinna Says, as she holds Wren in her arms.
"Uh yeah sure, what's up?" Elena Says
"Can Wren eat peanut butter?" Corinna Asks
"What?" Elena Says
"I'm making the kids peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and I'm highly aware of how allergic people are to it. So I was just being cautious before feeding her one, can Wren eat it?" Corinna Asks, as Elena chuckles a bit.
"Yeah, yeah she's not allergic so yes she could eat a pb & j sandwich." Elena Says
"Okay good, so what's up?" Corinna Says
"I've got something to tell you." Elena Says
"Sure what?" Corinna Says
"Now you've got to promise me, you won't freak out." Elena Says
"Elena just tell me what it is." Corinna Says
"Jack's back." Elena Says
Corinna hears this and she stops and paused, there's a moment of silence and Elena looks at the phone.
"Hello? Corinna." Elena Says
"Sorry I just kinda..blacked out there. Did you just say Jack?" Corinna Says
"Uh huh." Elena Says
"And he's alive." Corinna Says
"Yeah, apparently he's been back for a while but had to keep it on the down low." Elena Says
"Cause of Chuck." She sighed, "Damn it." Corinna Says
"Mhm, and if he uses them Chuck finds him." Elena Says
"So Um, how is he doing is he alright?" Corinna Asks
"He seems to be doing okay, I mean it's only been a few hours." Elena Says
"Oh." Corinna Says
"Mom! I need your help with something." Eloise Says, walking into the kitchen.
"El could you hold on I'm on the phone." Corinna Says
"Please it's urgent, Marley and I need your help on this." Eloise Says
"Okay, look Lena I'm going to have to call you back later the kids need me." Corinna Says
"Yeah, go ahead." Elena Says
"Okay, so bye to mommy Wren." Corinna Says
"Bye bye." Wren Says, as Elena smiles.
"Bye bye Wren, mommy loves you I'll see you soon." Elena Says
She makes kissy noises at the phone, and hears Wren giggling then hangs up. In the library Dean and Cas sit in the chairs, each with a glass of whiskey in their hands.
"I knew it, Dean. When I was with Jack's mother, know, Kelly just had faith that Jack would be good for the world, and I felt it, too. I knew it. And then, when everything went wrong, and God took him from us...I was lost in a way I've never been before. Because I knew the story wasn't over. I knew Jack wasn't done. And I was right." Castiel Says
"Well, here's to being right." Dean Says
He holds up his glass and Cas clinks his glass against Dean's.
"And here's to payback. Hmm? Come on. What, revenge doesn't sound good to you?" Dean Says
"What sounds good to me is Jack fulfilling his destiny." Castiel Says
"Okay, yeah, but...icing on the cake? I mean, Chuck wanted Cain and Abel, we're going all Biblical on him. Killed by his own grandson. That sounds right to me." Dean Says
Dean'z phone rings and sees Jody is calling. He answers it and puts it on speaker phone.
"Heya, Jody." Dean Says
"Dean, I'm in trouble. Route 11." Jody Says
Inside a barn Jody is tied to a chair. A gloved hand holds her phone in front of her.
"Fletcher farm, the old barn. If you don't come, I'm dead." Jody Says, then the gloved hand ends the call.
Dean looks down at his phone, "Jody?"
The call ends, Dean and CAS look at each other worriedly.
The Impala pulls up outside the barn, next to Jody's sheriff's car. Sam is talking on the phone.
"She's gonna be fine. Just hang tight, okay? Bye." Sam Says
He hangs up. Sam, Elena and Dean take out their guns as they look over Jody's car. Dean walks in first, his gun raised. Sam and Elena follows behind him. They both sees Jody tied to a chair, a gag tied around her mouth.
"Jody." Elena Says
Sam, Elena and Dean walk over to her. Sam starts to untie her and takes her gag off.
"Hey. You alright?" Sam Asks
"Uh-huh." Sam Says
"Okay." She takes her hands out from the ties and sees someone behind Sam, "Look out!" Sam Says
Dark Kaia attacks Sam, she hits him and then hits Elena with her rod and attacks Dean, putting him into a chokehold.
"You have something that belongs to me." Dark Kaia Says
"What, the spear? Oh, that got broke." Dean Says
"You promised you'd get me back to my world." Dark Kaia Says
"Well, the way I see it, that promise expired the minute you hurt our friend." Dean Says
Elena gets Jody out the chair, and Jody breaks the chair over Dark Kaia's back. She falls to the floor. Dean gets up and takes out his gun, pointing it at Dark Kaia as Elena and Sam also points their guns
at her.
"Alright, whatever this is, it's over." Dean Says
"You promised. You said the boy could get me home." Dark Kaia Says
"Well, the boy's off limits." Dean Says
"I don't get it. Why? Why go back to that Hellhole? Why now?" Sam Asks
" world is dying." Dark Kaia Says, as the three of them share a look.
"Your world is dying?" Elena Says, as Dark Kaia nods then stands up from the floor.
"Yes." Dark Kaia Says
"How do you know that?" Elena Asks
"From my dreams." Dark Kaia Says
"Who you got eyes on over there? When you gave me the spear, you said that there was someone, someone you were protecting." Dean Says
"Her." Dark Kaia Says
Flashback to 13.10 Wayward Sisters. Kaia lies dead on the floor of the Bad Place as Dark Kaia stands over her.
Elena and the boys are still pointing their guns at Dark Kaia.
"We share our memories, our lives, our dreams. Even when I came here it never stopped." Dark Kaia Says
"Kaia?" Jody Says
"Wait the dream walker girl." Elena Says
"Yeah." Jody Says
"We've been connected my whole life. Born at the same time in different worlds." Dark Kaia Says
"Yeah, but you killed her. She's dead!" Jody Says
"I never meant to hurt... her." Dark Kaia Says
A flashback shows Dark Kaia heal Kaia.
"I thought I could leave her behind, but...she haunts me." Dark Kaia Says
Dark Kaia steps forward towards them.
"Kaia's alive." Dark Kaia Says
"Oh, my God." Jody Says
"What?" Dean Says
A flashback shows Kaia waking up in a hut, looking around. Jody stands between Sam, Elena and Dean.
"She's been stuck over there this whole time? We left her there for dead!" Jody Says
"I left her the tools she needed to survive. And she has. world is ending, and...I can see it through her eyes." Dark Kaia Says
In Dark Kaia's hut, Kaia picks up a bowl of food, as she sits in front of a fire and sings to herself.
"Miss Mary Mack, all dressed in black, black, black, with silver buttons, buttons, buttons, all down her back, back, back." Kaia Says
Thunder cracks above her. She walks out of the hut to see the dark skies and lightning flashing, as the wind picks up speed. Dean raises his gun again and points it at Dark Kaia.
"I need to get back there. That's why I need your help." Dark Kaia Says, as Jody looks between Sam, Elena and Dean.
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