It's night upstairs in a apartment building and a man name Charlie, walks out his bedroom towards the living room to check himself out in the mirror.
"This is definitely the shirt, huh Em what do you think?" Charlie Says, smiling.
He looks over at the counter where his laptop is, he's video chatting with his friend Emily.
"Are you sure you don't want to wear the black shirt?" Emily Asks
"No plus I need to wash it, besides I like the blue shirt." Charlie Says
"I guess it does bring out the blue in your eyes." Emily Says
"Thanks." Charlie Says
"So when is your date supposed to come?" Emily Asks
"Uh actually she should be here in about three minutes." He looked at his watch. "I'm gonna go downstairs and wait for her." Charlie Says
"Okay then I'll let you be, have fun and call me when you get home." Emily Says
"Sure thing Em, bye." Charlie Says
"Bye Charles." Emily Says
Charlie presses the red button and ends the call, he closes the laptop. And grabs his jacket then leaves his apartment, a few moments Charlie is seen waiting outside his apartment complex.
He looks out the corner of his eyes, he sees a black suv driving down the street. The car stops in front of him, the window rolls down and Charlie looks at the person driving.
"Hey you." Charlie Says
"Hey handsome, come on in." She Says
Charlie gets in the car and goes to kiss the mysterious woman, the two of them share a quick kiss but she pulls away.
"Wha-" Charlie Says
"Hold on there Charlie, let's save it for later." She Says
"Okay then, so where are we going?" Charlie Asks
"It's a surprise." She Says
The woman takes out a silk wrap and tied it over Charlie'a eyes.
"Okay now I'm even more excited." Charlie Says, smiling.
The woman starts the car and pulls off, the car is seen driving down the road. Until about a couple hours drive towards the mountains, the woman parks the car.
"Here we are." She Says
Charlie takes off the silk wrap, and he looks around the area.
"Whoa a cabin in the woods, this is very interesting for a first date." Charlie Says
"Yeah about that." She Says
Charlie looks at her confused but before he could say anything, the woman punched him in the face knocking him out.
A couple hours later Charlie gains consciousness, he opens his eyes and sees that he's in a room that has blood spilled everywhere, with other people who's chained up and unconscious. And starts pleading for help.
"What the-hey, somebody help me!" Charlie Says
He hears multiple footsteps coming down the stairs, three men all dressed in black enters the room and they look at Charlie and all the other prisoners.
"Wait what's going on?, please let me go please." Charlie Says, teary eyed.
"Does she want him yet?" He Asks
"Nope, she wants to save him for later..get that one right there."
One of the men unlocks a prisoner who's next to Charlie, he's bloody and beaten. He and the other guy takes the prisoner upstairs, as he struggles to get away.
"No please don't kill me please! NO!!!"
The three men leads the man upstairs, and the sounds of screams and crying can he heard and Charlie looks terrified.
Sam is sitting in the kitchen eating some cereal, Dean walks in with his robe on, he makes his way to the refrigerator.
"Morning." Sam Says
"Morning." Dean Says
"Hear anything from Cas yet?" Sam Asks
"Nope he's still in Syria, he updated me hears his voicemail." Dean Says
He takes out his phone and sits down, as he plays the message.
"Hello Sam, Dean..still searching for the tree of life I know it's been almost three weeks but this is harder than I thought. I'll keep you both posted, till then I'll be busy bye."
"Okay while he's working on getting the fruit, we can do something." Sam Says
"Like what?" Dean Asks
"Like a hunt, I found us a case." Sam Says
"Hm where, somewhere an hour from here?" Dean Asks
"No." He picks up his tablet, and puts it on the table.
"A man named Charlie Smith has gone missing about four days ago in Durham, New Hampshire." Sam Says
"Yeah and?" Dean Says
"And he's the eighth man to go missing in the span of six months." Sam Says, as Dean looks at him.
"Eighth guy, what the hell's going on in Durham. Any leads?" Dean Says
"Yeah one of the men who was missing, body was just found in an alley way." Sam Says
"Which means he's in the morgue." Dean Says
"Yep." Sam Says
"Alright let's go check it out, first I need some bacon." Dean Says, then gets up from the table.
Sam and Dean in their FBI suits, are talking with the doctor. While they look over at the victim's body on the table.
"So what exactly happened here?" Sam Asks
"The Victims name is Jaylen Dempsey, age 34. Guy was veterinarian, when the cops found him he was already dead. But based on the marks and cuts, they still look fresh." He Says
"So what you think he might have gotten away from his captor?" Dean Says
"Possibly, because based on these bruises and cuts he was definitely running from someone." He Says
"Thanks Doc, we've got it from here." Dean Says
The doctor nods and hands Sam the file, he leaves the bothers in the room. Dean lifts the blanket covering the victim, he notices something.
"Sam come take a look at this." Sam walks over, he looks at what he's pointing. "Is that what I think it is." Dean Says
"Sulfur." Sam Says
"Yep, who the hell was this guy running from." Dean Says
The Impala pulls up in front of the department, he parks the car and the brothers exit the vehicle. Sam and Dean walks in, taking out their FBI badges.
"Excuse me sir I'm Agent Hicks this is my partner Agent Ripley FBI, we're here to look at the missing persons case." Dean Says
"Looks like your not the only one, apparently one of your guys are already here." He Says
"What?" Sam Says
"Yeah she's in there." He Says
Sam and Dean share a look then walks towards one of the conference room, they walk inside and sees no one other than Corinna.
"Corinna?" Sam and Dean Says
Corinna turns around to face the brothers, she smiles at them.
"Agents, nice seeing you again." Corinna Says
"Corinna Wha-" Sam Says
"What are you doing here?" Dean Asks
"What's it look like I'm on a case." Corinna Says
"You could have gave us a heads up or something." Dean Says
"Well to be honest I thought I could handle this one, but this case is very interesting to me." Corinna Says
"How come?" Sam Asks
"Well I was at the morgue earlier and I guessing that's where you guys just came from. The Vic's body had sulfur in all of its wounds." Corinna Says
"Yeah we saw that." Sam Says
"And my first thought lead to Demon." Corinna Says
"Us too but why would a demon kill a random guy." Sam Says
"Why wouldn't they, maybe this guy Jaylen is some how connected to Charlie Dempsey." Dean Says
"Could be, I was actually thinking of going to ask questions to one of Charlie's friends." Corinna Says
"Got a name?" Sam Asks
"Yeah a girl named Emily Malinos." Corinna Says, as they leave the office.
"Let's roll." Dean Says
Sam, Dean and Corinna walks down the hall, and turns a corner approaching an apartment complex.
Dean knocks on the door, seconds later someone answers it and it's Emily.
"Yes?" Emily Says
"Emily Malinos, hi I'm Agent Ripley these are my partners Agent Hicks and Stone. We're here to ask questions about the disappearance of Charlie Dempsey." Sam Says
"Look I've already talked to the cops okay, why are the FBI involved?" Emily Asks
"Well because your friend makes the eight man missing in six months, that's why." Dean Says
"Look Emily we just want to help all that we can, hopefully to find who's doing this." Corinna Says
Emily looks between the three of them, she sighs then opens her door wider welcoming them in.
"So Emily since you were the last person to speak with Charlie, is there anything you can remember about that night?" Sam Asks
"Yeah he and I were talking about his date that night." Emily Says, as she sits in her arm chair.
"Date?" Corinna Says, as they sit on the couch.
"Yeah on New Year's Eve he and I went to a bar downtown, some of our college friends wanted to hang there after a party we went to. But anyways he met this chick at the bar we were at." Emily Says
"He give you a name?" Dean Asks
"Yeah that her name is Malia, on new years that hooked up and she left the next morning. But about a week ago Charlie ran into her again about last week and he asked her out and she said yes." Emily Says
"Emily did Charlie happen to tell you where he was going on this date?" Corinna Asks
"No he told me that it was supposed to be a surprise." Emily Says, as they sighed.
"Emily do you remember the name of the bar you guys went to?" Sam Asks
"Yeah it's called La Domain." Emily Says
The Impala is parked outside the bar, Sam opens the door and Dean and Corinna enters first. Sam nods over to the bartender, the three of them approaches the bar.
"What can I do for you three?" He Says
"Excuse me sir, FBI we're in the middle of a case have you happen to see this man?" Sam Asks, showing a photo is Charlie.
"Uh yeah that's Charlie, he and his friends come here sometimes. Why did something happen to him?" He Says
"Yeah he went missing a couple days ago, a friend of his said that he met someone here..a woman named Malia." Dean Says
"I don't know anyone by that name sorry man." He Says
"So you wouldn't mine if we use look thorough your security system." Sam Says
"No go ahead." He Says
In the back of the back, Sam, Dean and Corinna are looking at the screen of the video footage.
"There's Charlie." Corinna Says
"Yeah." Sam Says
In the footage Charlie is seen walking back from the bathroom, he accidentally bumps into a woman.
He's seen apologizing, and the woman brushed it off and starts flirting with him.
"Come on come on." Dean Says
The woman turns around and her face is shown in the camera, her eyes flare in the video and they see a flash of red eyes.
"You guys saw that?" Corinna Asks
"Yeah." Sam Says
"That ain't black eyes." Dean Says
"Yeah but her eyes flashed red, so what is she a crossroads demon maybe?" Sam Says
"Could be, only one way to find out." Dean Says
Corinna and Dean finishes up making the devils trap, Corinna tosses the spray paint to the side as Dean wipes his hands.
"All right you're up." Dean Says
"Daemon, esto subiecto voluntati meae." Sam Says
The three of them look around as a crossroads demon appears behind them in the Devil's Trap.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me." She Says
"Nice to see you too." Dean Says
"I'm out of here-" She tries moving, but looks down at the devils trap. "You freaking Winchester's." She Says
"Sorry looks like you ain't going anywhere." Corinna Says
"What do you want?" She Asks
"We want to ask you some questions." Sam Says
"Of course, you hunters and your questions." She Sighs
"We want to you tell us about a fellow demon named Malia?" Sam Asks, as the demon scoffs.
"What?, I don't know anyone named Maila." She Says
"Oh really.." he takes out the demon knife, he walks closer to her. "Look we ain't got time to play games, tell us who Malia is or-" Dean Says
"You'll kill me ooh like we haven't heard that before from the all mighty Dean Winchester." She Says
Dean gets annoyed and gets in the crossroads demon's face, he holds the knife to her throat.
"Dean!" Sam and Corinna Says
"Wait!" Sam Says
"I ain't gonna ask you again, who the hell is Malia!" Dean Asks
"Ugh I don't know anyone by a Malia." Dean goes to stab her, but she stops him, "Wait wait look I'm just a crossroads demon okay, ever since Asmodeus took over he's been very strict okay. So I've been on the outs, just collecting souls I swear..but I think you might be talking about a Mala." She Says
Dean looks at her, Sam and Corinna exchange looks.
"Who's she?" Sam Asks
"She's a demon, I think I know where you might find her. One of my friends are currently working with her, they've been out here..in where are we?" She Says
"New Hampshire." Corinna Says
"Yeah they're definitely here." She Says
"But where.." She looks at the ground, he threatens her with the knife, "Where are they?!" Dean Says
"There's this cabin up in the mountains, that's where they are." She Says, as Dean looks over to Sam and Corinna.
Downstairs in the basement, Charlie unconscious and is bleeding from his forehead and has a bruises all over his face. The door opens and footsteps are heard, he wakes up as the three men goes to uncuff his chains.
"What what's happening-" Charlie Says
"Let's go, it's your time." He Says
The two men drags Charlie up the stairs, the man opens the door to the upstairs room. Charlie opens his eyes and he's met with a terrifying scene, there's blood splattered everywhere and dismembered parts.
"No No No please don't do this, please let me go..I swear I won't tell." Charlie Says, with tears in his eyes.
"Sure your will, cuff his ass down to the table." He Says
The other two men pins Charlie down, he tried getting free but the men were stronger than him.
"When is she coming, if this one keeps crying I'll kill him myself."
"No are you stupid, do you want to make her mad..she'll eat you too." He Says
"Eat!, wait what?!" Charlie Says
"Yeah she's been saving you for last."
"You're the dessert, she already had her dinner."
The three men starts laughing as Charlie tries breaking free form his chains, the sound of an engine is heard from outside.
"That's her, nice knowing you." He Says
"No No please don't kill me please..HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Charlie Says
Next thing you know the door gets kicked in, the three men and Charlie look at the door and instead it's Dean, Sam and Corinna.
"Oh god." Corinna Says, looking around at all the blood.
"Hunters." He Says
"'Hiya Fellas." Dean Says
"Get them!" He Says
The three men flash their black eyes, Charlie's eyes widen in shock at the three demons. Dean takes out a flask of holy water and splashed some on one of the demons.
"Ahhh!" He Says, as his face sizzles.
The other two demons rushed toward Sam and Corinna who started to fight back, Dean took out the demon knife and started swinging it towards the demon as he backed up.
Charlie watched on as the fights happened before him, Sam throws a few punches at the demon he's fighting then takes out an Angel blade and stabs it in the chest killing it.
Corinna gets picked up by the throat, she uses her thumbs to poke the demon in the eyes. He lets go, as she punches him in the face and kicks him down, then takes out her Angel blade killing him. Dean has the demon in a choke hold, he tries getting out his grasp but gives up.
"Last question asshole, where's Mala?" Dean Asks
"Eat me you prick." He scoffs "I'll never tell." He Says
Sam and Corinna looks at Dean, who looks angrily at the demon then stabs him in the chest. His vessel lights up, then falls to the ground dead.
"I swear these Demons are just-" Dean Says
"What the hell was that?!" Charlie Asks
"Charlie Dempsey?" Corinna Says
"Yeah, what were-" Charlie Says
"They were Demons." Charlie's eyes widen "Yeah I know, don't worry they're not going to hurt you anymore." Corinna Says
"Who are you guys?" Charlie Asks
"We're the guys that just saved your life." Dean Says
Corinna picks up the key, and starts to unlock Charlie's chains. She slowly helps him up, they all look around at the room.
"I can't believe it..she-she did this." Charlie Says
"Charlie do you know where she went?" Dean Asks
"No No I couldn't hear them from down there, it all sounded muffled...wherever she is I don't want to be here when she gets back." Charlie Says
"All right let's get you out of here." Corinna Says, as Sam helps Charlie up.
"Wait Wait there's someone else down there, in the basement..please help them." Charlie Says
"Alright I'll go get them." Sam Says
"Okay." Dean Says
"Alright come on." Corinna Says
Corinna leads Charlie out the door as Sam opens the door to the basement and goes downstairs, he turns on the light and looks around at the blood spilled on the ground and chains attached to the walls.
Sam grimaces at the horrible smell, he walks further in the basement until he sees a door. Sam opens the door to another room, which has a vault with Devil's Trap symbols on it. He takes out his gun, and slowly opens the vault and when he opens it his eyes widen at who's inside.
"Dean?, Dean!" Sam Says
"Sam." Dean Says
Footsteps are heard coming down the stairs, Dean sees the door and walks into the room where Sam is.
"What?" Dean Says
"Look." Sam Says
Sam steps aside as Dean approaches the vault, Dean looks inside the vault and there she was.
"Katherine?" Dean Says
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