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A woman, Dede, adjusts a framed picture of herself and Missouri Mosley on the mantle. A bell rings in the shop and a man enters, she turns and appraises him.
"Hello? Jo." He Says
"Sorry, I was just closing up." Dede Says
The man looks disappointed and he turns to leave, she gives him a look.
"Oh, but, come in." The man looks unsure but turns.
"Seems like something's on your mind." Dede Says
"Yeah a lot, actually." He Says
Dede gestures for him to sit. They are both now seated at a table facing each other, Dede is dealing tarot cards.
"So, what can I help you with?" Dede Asks
"Shouldn't you know already? Sign outside says you're psychic." He Says
"I'm a psychic counsellor, not a mind-reader. I read energies, auras." Dede Says
"Can you read mine?" He Asks
"Close your eyes." Dede Says
He closes his eyes and leans forward and Dede holds her hands on either side of his head. The blue aura she sees turns red and the Wraiths true face is revealed. He stabs her hand, trapping it on the table and she screams.
"Can't let you run away, especially now that I know." He Says
The Wraith gets up and moves behind her, She struggles, crying and tries to beat him away.
"No, no, please no." Dede Says, he restrains her and kisses her head.
"You're the real deal." He Says
"Please no, please don't." Dede Says
The Wraith pulls her head back by her hair, Dede uncontrollably cries.
"Shut up." He Says, a spike comes out of his hand, and Dede trembles.
"Please, you don't have to. Please." Dede Says
The spike pierces the back of her neck and she screams.
Dean is sitting in his room on his bed with headphones on, there's numerous empty beer bottles are set on the floor near the bed. He adds another one to the pile. While Jack is in another room in the bunker, he turns to the door as someone knocks on it.
"Who is it?" Jack Asks
"Hey it's me. Uh, Sam." He opens the door slowly carrying a laptop. "Hey. Just checking in. You haven't come out since we set you up. That's fine, I mean it's all been...pretty insane I'm sure. But, um... Anyway, I brought you something. Please, have a seat." Sam Says
"Okay." Jack Says, Sam enters the room and he sits on the bed.
"Before you were born, your mom left you a message. I know you have a bunch of questions and hopefully this is the start." He hands over the laptop and a pendrive to Jack, he stares at the pendrive in confusion. "Right, yeah. Here I'll um... There you go. Just push this button, right here, whenever you're ready." Sam Says, he plugs in the pendrive and moves to leave.
"Thank you." Jack Says
Sam waits in the doorway as the video begins to play.
"Hi Jack, it's uh...I'm your mom. I guess I should tell you, um, I always wanted to be a mom. I'd play with dolls. I was that kind of girl and daydream about my baby." Kelly Says
Jack starts to get emotional on viewing his mother; Sam then receives a call and moves away from the doorway where he has been watching Jack.
"Hello." Sam Says
"Sam Winchester?, It's good to hear your voice." Missouri Says
"Missouri. Wow, it's been uh..." Sam Says
"I know, a long time. Sorry to be a stranger." Missouri Says
"That's alright, how are you?" Sam Says
"Honestly? I could use some help." Missouri Says
Missouri is revealed to be outside the Psychic Office, there are police and emergency service vehicles outside. A gurney is being taken into the house.
Jack is still watching the video Kelly left for him.
"Jack, don't let anyone tell you who you're supposed to be. Because who you're supposed to be isn't fate, it isn't me, it isn't your father. You are who you choose to be. And I know you're going to okay. You are going to be amazing. You have an angel watching over you." Kelly Says
Inside the library Sam is sitting at the table on the phone. Dean walks in with a questioning look.
"Yeah, yeah, no I hear you. Yeah, thank you Jody, Yeah." Sam Says, he hangs up the phone and looks bemused.
"What's up?" Dean Says
"You'll never believe this. I got a call from Missouri Moseley." Sam Says
"Wow. What's it been, like a decade?" Dean Says
"More." Sam Says
"How is she?" Dean Asks
"Not great. She said that she got out of the life for a while but something happened and she needed help with a case, so I put Jody on it." Sam Says
"Why would you do that?" Dean Asks
"Because we need to stay here. We need to help Jack learn how to control his powers. Jody can handle this." Sam Says
"Yeah, maybe she can. Or maybe she ends up dead because you wanted to skip out on her to babysit the antichrist." Dean Says, they exchange a look and Sam looks exasperated.
"Dean, we need him." Sam Says
"No, don't." Dean Says
"Mom..." Sam Says
"Don't. You...If you want to stay here and Mr Miyagi this kid, knock yourself out. I didn't sign up for that. So I'm going to go to work." Dean Says, he walks off and Sam looks dismayed.
The Impala is seen driving down the road, meanwhile Jody is talking to an agent standing in front of a police car.
"I appreciate the favor. Thank you very much." She walks towards Missouri. "I talked to him, everything's okay. So the victim, Dede, was a
friend of yours?" Jody Says
"My protΓ©gΓ©, she was like a daughter to me. The closest of kin I had in my life these days." The Impala drives up to where they are standing.
"I always did love that car." Missouri Says
Dean gets out of the Impala and walks towards the two women.
"Dean Winchester!" Missouri Says
"Missouri. Jody. I'm not sure which one to hug first. Hey." Dean Says, then hugs Missouri.
"Oh honey, I'm sorry for your losses." Missouri Says
"Ah leave it to a psychic to cut right through the small talk huh?" Dean Says
"Come here." Jody Says
"Hey." Dean Says, they both share a hug.
"How're you doing?" Jody Asks
"Dandy." Dean Says
Dean, Jody and Missouri enters inside the office and looks around the room.
"So What'd the sheriff have to say?" Dean Asks
"Victim was found with a hole at the base of her skull and her brain's... Sorry." Jody Says, glancing over apologetically at Missouri.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Missouri Says
"Wraith?" Missouri nods "No forced entry." Dean Says
"Excuse me, dears." Missouri Says
Missouri walks to the front door and places her hand over the door knob and her eyes are closed.
"Missouri reads objects. It's kinda her thing." Dean Says
Missouri sees a vision of a shadowy man which focuses into the Wraith, she opens her eyes and walks back the room.
"He pretended to be a customer, said he needed help. Dede always was a soft touch." She closes her eyes again. She sees a vision of the Wraith with his spike out. "He is a wraith, but he's picked a up a taste for our kind." Missouri Says
"He feeds on psychics?" Jody Says
"Yes, he does." Jody Says
Her eyes open now, she runs her hand over the table and brushes a blood stain on it. Her eyes close again and she sees a vision of a house. As she concentrates harder she sees Dean at a gas station and the Wraith.
"Oh, oh." Missouri Says
"Missouri, Missouri, you okay?" Dean Says
Missouri continues to see visions and she sees the Wraith and then a man, James, lying dead with his throat slit.
"James!" Missouri Says
Sam and Jack are in the library, Jack is seated while SAM walks towards him with a pencil in hand.
"Train me. To what?" Jack Asks
"I've seen what you can do, Jack. You're powerful, but you have to learn to control it. You know, to focus." Sam Says
"So I don't hurt anyone, anymore." Jack Says
"Exactly. See this pencil? I want you to move it. With your mind." Sam Says, he places the pencil on the table in front of Jack.
"That's it?" Jack Says
"That's it." Sam Says
Jack looks at the pencil intensely while Sam appraises him. He glances at Sam and he nods towards the pencil encouragingly.
Inside the office Missouri is holding a phone, she calls a number. Over at James's house his phone rings and he picks up the phone.
"Hello?" James Says
"James? Baby?" Missouri Says
"Mom?" James Says
"I know. I'm not supposed to call, but this is important." Missouri Says
"Let me guess. You had a vision." James Says
"Yes, you have to believe me. James something bad is coming. It's coming for you and Pai...." Missouri Says
James hangs up the phone and Missouri sighs and returns to where Dean and Jody are waiting. She hands them a slip of paper.
"I want you to go to Buckhead, Georgia. This is the address. My son James, he lives there with my granddaughter, Patience. This wraith, he'll be coming for them. That's what I saw." Missouri Says
"Alright well, let's go." Dean Says
"No, I'm... It... I just complicate things. James won't have anything to do with me." Missouri Says
"Why not?" Jody Asks
"He has his reasons. I'll just stay behind, say my farewells to Dede." Missouri Says
"No, I don't like that at all." Dean Says
"You don't have to like it. You just have to do it. You save my family, you hear me, Dean Winchester?" Missouri Says
She's pointing at Dean and Jody glances at him, He looks at Missouri and nods.
"Yes ma'am." Dean Says
"Good. And thank you." Missouri Says
Jack has his hand over the pencil on the table and is concentrating hard, trying to move it, Sam is watching him.
"I can't. Nothing. I'm useless." Jack Says
"Alright. Jack, when you did use your powers, what was it like?" Sam Says
"I don't... It was like, breathing, blinking. It just happens." Jack Says
"Even with Asmodeus, that just happened?" Sam Says
"No, he made me. It was like, like he was in my head." Jack Says
"Okay um, then uh...Imagine him doing that." Sam Says
"No!" Jack Says
"No? Why not?" Sam Asks
"Because I don't want to! It's just... I can't do this! And you keep staring at me, waiting!" Jack Says
Jack is flustered and Sam looks at him and places his hand on the table.
"You know what, let's take a break." Sam Says
Sam gets up and walks out of the room, Jack looks surprised. He turns in his chair to face Sam's back.
"Really?" Jack Says
"Yeah, I'll get some food. Just. You stay here, try to relax. When I get back, we'll try again." Sam Says
Sam leaves the room and Jack turns back slowly to look at the pencil, immobile on the table.
A man, Wraith, walks towards the house in the dark. Inside, Missouri is standing near the mantle, looking through Dede's things. She takes some stones out of a roughhewn pouch.
"My thematic gems." Missouri Says
The door to the office opens and closes and a bell rings in the shop and the Wraith enters. Missouri looks resigned and then scrunches her face up as the Wraith comes to a stop a few paces behind her.
"Hello." She turns to face the Wraith and walks towards him. "You can spare me. I know what you are and why you're here." Missouri Says
"Oh. And why is that?" He Says
"You're going to kill me." Missouri Says
They both look into the mirror on the wall next to them, The true face of the Wraith is seen.
"Well then, I guess it's time to, you know...scream." He Says
"No, there'll be none of that. I've seen how this turns out. I run, you catch me, I die. I stay, I die. But this way my people, they're going to murder your ass." Missouri Says, The Wraith lifts his hand up, brandishing his spike.
"You sure about that?" He Says
"I am." Missouri Says
"You know this would be a lot more fun if you screamed." He Says
The music reaches a crescendo and the camera zooms into Missouri's face.
"Tough." Missouri Says
The Wraith lunges forward and we see the exterior of the Psychic Office and hear the sound of something being stabbed.
We hear a whistle from the gym, a girl, Ronson, carrying a volleyball leaves the gym, looking disgruntled. She sees Patience, carrying some books, coming up the hallway.
"Oh hey!" Ronson Says
"Hey." Patience Says
"Where are you coming from?" Ronson Asks
"Library." Patience Says
"Why'd I even ask?" Ronson Says
"How was practice?" Patience Asks
"Uh, heinous. Coach kept riding my serve, says we, oh and I quote, suck, this year." Ronson Says
"Ugh." Patience Says
"Yeah." Ronson Says
"Inspiring." Patience Says
"Oh yeah. If only we had a killer setter on the team, some, some secretly athletic bookworm, to carry us to victory." Ronson Says
Patience has reached her locker and is rummaging around in it. After saying her bit Ronson gestures grandly at her.
"Ronson, I was twelve." Patience Says
"And the best volleyball player I've ever seen." Ronson Says
"It's senior year, I have five AP classes plus volunteering, I do not have time." Patience Says
While Patience is talking Ronson moves back slowly. She throws the ball at her. Patience turns and catches it, looking exasperated, Ronson is astounded.
"See?!" Ronson Says
"Really?" Patience Says
"You're freaking, Wonderwoman!" Patience cocks her head and smiles. "It's such a waste." Ronson Says
Patience throws the ball back to Ronson and laughs. She shoulders a bag. She looks disappointed.
"Need a lift?" Patience Asks
"Nah." She sniffs her shirt and makes a face. "I am ripe. Gotta hit the showers, later!" Ronson Says
"Later." Patience Says
Patience is smiling and she closes her locker as Ronson jogs down the hallway. She adjusts her bag as the lights flicker, she turns towards the hallway.
"Hello?" Patience Says
The lights continue to flicker and Patience looks around in apprehension. She begins to walk slowly down the hallway. She looks down and sees a blood trail on the floor. They lead to a dead Missouri who is sitting with her eyes closed. Suddenly she opens her eyes and looks at her.
"Patience." Missouri Says
Patience is shocked and she opens her mouth to scream and the Wraith grabs her from behind, his spike extended.
Inside her room Patience sits upright as she wakes up from the dream. She is breathing heavily. An alarm, set for 6:00 begins beeping. She turns it off and tries to shake off the dream.
"Okay." Patience Says
Downstairs in his office James is sitting at a desk in front of a computer. Patience, dressed for the day and with a bag walks into the room.
"You're working from home?" Patience Asks
"Yeah, I have a client call in a few. How'd you sleep?" James Says
"I had a nightmare, actually. Grandma was there." Patience Says
"Oh, it's just a dream." James Says
Patience gives a small smile and leaves the room, James is then lost in thought.
Dean sets down a six-pack of beer, some chips and snacks on the billing counter. The news is playing on a television behind the counter, he indicates the Impala outside.
"And uh, twenty on the pump." Dean Says
"There have been two murders in the last twenty-four hours, both at the same local business. The latest victim has been identified as Missouri Moseley. She was found dead at the scene. Now, we'll have more information as soon as we get it but investigators are on scene."
Dean exits the gas station and meets Jody outside to inform her with the news.
"And you know what, she knew it. She, I mean we could've protected her." Dean Says
"Do you want to head back?" Jody Asks
"No. No, Missouri wanted us to save her family. That's exactly what we're going to do." Dean Says,
moments later the Impala drives away from the Gas-N-Sip.
Dean and Jody are outside James' door, Dean knocks and Jame opens the door.
"James Turner. We need to talk." Dean Says
"Look, whatever you're selling I'm not interested." James Says, he tries to close the door but Dean holds it open.
"It's about... It's about your mom. Missouri sent us, she's..." Jody Says
"Dead." Dean Says
"Dead." James Says
"A wraith got her." Dean Says
"Look whatever game you're playing here, I talked to my mother yesterday." James Says
"She died last night. Nine pm, according to the coroner's office." Dean Says
"I... No, I... I hung up on her." James Says
"James, I need you to listen to me. Missouri sent us because the thing that killed her, it's still out there. It's coming for you and your daughter." Jody Says
Ronson and Patience are walking down the hallway; the scene is reminiscent of Patience's dream.
"Not even Amed? I've seen him drooling all over you in chem lab." Ronson Says
"He's cute..." Patience Says
"No, no, no, he's hot. Crazy hot." They reach her locker and stop, she opens it. "Okay, he's hot but when am I finding the time to deal with some high school boy's crush? Besides, that boy is failing chemistry." Patience Says
"Like that matters." Ronson Says
"Matters to me." Patience Says
Ronson sighs and then sniffs her shirt. She makes a face and walks away from Patience down the hallway.
"Where're you going?" Patience Asks
"Ugh, I am ripe. I gotta hit the showers, later!" Ronson Says
"Later." Patience Says
Patience looks perplexed and she continues to look inside the locker when she hears a whisper calling her name, she looks up.
"Hello?" Patience Says
She hears Ronson's dialogue about hitting the showers and remembers her dream. The screen flashes between her walking down the hallway in real time and in the dream.
The place where she saw Missouri is empty but she hears her voice calling her name again. She looks back and breathes out, deciding it is nothing. She returns to her locker and continues to put her books back. We see her in front of the open locker door.
"Okay." Patience Says
She takes a single book out and shuts the locker door. Behind it the Wraith is waiting with his spike extended.
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