Sam and Lucifer have just entered the Survivor Colony. We have a view from above as Sam makes his way to Mary. They hug tenderly as Dean walks towards Sam, who he thought was dead.
"Sam? What happened?" Dean Asks
Mary pulls away, but continues to pat at Sam as if to confirm for herself that he is really there. His clothes are drenched in blood. Sam seems ashamed, unable to meet his brother's eyes as he addresses Dean.
"He, uh, he brought me back." Sam Says
Sam looks over his shoulder at Lucifer. The archangel looks smug and shrugs with false modesty at Jack, Cas, Corinna, Katherine and Gabriel who are standing nearby.
"It's what I do." Lucifer Says
"It is not what you... How did you get in here?" Castiel Asks
"VIP Pass. I'm with the band." Lucifer Says
Everyone looks at Lucifer with distrust and displeasure.
"Come on. Shouldn't you be thanking me? I-I gave Sammy and extra life. Besides, what with my...little bro here." Pointing at Gabriel "being a hot mess, I figured you need me. So, I'm here to join the team." He sidles over to where Jack is standing. "Your name is Jack." Lucifer Says
"And yours is Lucifer." Jack Says
"No. No, no. No. You don't talk to him. And you, don't listen to him." Dean Says
"Um, don't you think that's his choice?" Lucifer Says
"No." Castiel Says
"Are you trying to keep me from my son?" Lucifer Says
"Well, this is Kelly Kline's son. He's nothing like you." Castiel Says
"Don't say he's nothing like me. I'm the only one who understands him. This power he has? I'm powerful, dangerous, ruthless. In the...best sense, though." Lucifer Says
Jack has been silent, assessing Lucifer. Jack seems curious but wary.
"No. Kill him." Dean Says
Dean gestures at Gabriel who looks uncomfortable and doesn't act. Jack seems a bit shocked at Dean's words.
"He can't. He's not strong enough." Lucifer Says
"Dean..." Gabriel Says
"You've got the blade." Dean Says
"Stop it." Jack Says
"He's the devil. Kill him." Dean Says
"Stop it!" Jack Says, with the sound of wings, Jack disappears.
"Well, great. Does that when he's scared. Way to go, Dad!" Dean Says
"I'll go look for him." Gabriel Says, then leaves to go look for Jack.
"I don't understand all the hostility. You...need... me. I am a walking weapon. I know this Michael. Heck, I beat him. So how 'bout a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T?" Lucifer Says
Castiel looks angry and he goes to the bag that Dean has over his shoulder and roughly unzips it. He pulls out warded handcuffs and goes back to Lucifer.
"In case your innate evil overwhelms this new found team spirit, you won't mind wearing these then, will you. You're not at full power. They should hold you." Castiel Says
Dean stares at Lucifer coldly. Mary, Sam and Corinna are watching. Mary seems curious, but Sam seems nervous. Lucifer snaps out his arms smugly.
"Slap 'em on." Lucifer Says, as Cas puts the cuffs on him.
"So if you're here, is the rift closed?" Corinna Asks
"No, it's open. I left Rowena some grace. So you have...I'm thinkin'...31 hours, give or take?" Lucifer Says
Mary, Sam and Corinna look concerned. Dean checks the time on his watch.
In the bunker the rift is sparking, still open, but not strong and consistent. Rowena is hunched over a large spell book. She rubs her fingertip over her forehead and temple as if fighting a headache. We see a shot of the magic bowl, the spell beginning to spark in time with the failing rift.
We see Sam's hands as he sets a countdown timer on his phone for 31 hours. He is standing, still bloody on a small covered porch. He sees Dean come out of the building and turns to face his brother.
"Hey. Listen, I'm sorry about all this." Sam Says
"Are you good?" Dean Asks
"I'm alive. Yeah." Sam Says
"Well, then you got nothing to apologize for." Dean Says
Dean pulls Sam into a hug, grateful to have Sam back. Sam closes his eyes and gains a moment of comfort from Dean.
"I thought I'd lost you, man." Dean Says
They hug for a moment longer, then Dean releases Sam, and they slide back into the problems at hand. Sam still seems hesitant to meet Dean's eyes.
"What are we gonna do about Lucifer?" Dean Asks
"I'll handle him." Dean looks unsure. "I will, Dean. Let me handle him." Sam Says
"Okay." Dean Says
Sam still looks frightened and Dean looks worried for him.
"You seen Elena yet?" Sam Asks
"No..Mom said she stepped out for moment, she should be here soon." Dean Says
"Ah." Sam Says
Sam looks over at Corinna who's standing near a creek, he nods to Dean then walks over to her.
Corinna is leaning against a tree in her thoughts, Sam pats her shoulder.
"Hey." Sam Says
"Hey." Corinna Says
"You okay?" Sam Asks, as Corinna nods.
"I think so.." Corinna Says, sighing.
"Hey I'm right here okay, I'm not going anywhere." Sam Says
"You promised me that you would come back Sam.." She sighs "I saw that vampire rip your throat apart, and seeing that..broke my heart. Dean and I couldn't get to you in time, and wanted to save you save you so bad..because I couldn't just let them drag you away." Corinna Says, tearing up.
"It wasn't your fault don't blame yourself." Sam Says
"But I still feel sad Sam, because I thought that I wouldn't get the chance to tell you how you really mean to me." Corinna Says
"What are you saying Corinna?" Sam Asks
"If you never would've survived I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, for not telling that..I love you." Corinna Says, as Sam's expression changes.
"What.." Sam Says
"Yeah..I love.." She exhales "And I've loved you for a long time now, and I'm.." She chuckles, "I'm not afraid to say it out loud because I know now for sure, and I get it if you don't love me back-" Corinna Says
Sam leans closer and cuts her off with a kiss, Corinna is left speechless at this. He pulls away, and she looks at him.
"Wha-" Corinna Says
"Of I do, I've loved you for a long time as well. I love that you can make me laugh even when I don't want to." Corinna smiles at him. "I love that you listen more than you talk, especially when we can just sit in silence..I love that you let me take care of you when Denny died, Corinna Stark..I love you." Sam Says
A single tear slips down Corinna's eye as Sam leans in and pulls her in for another kiss, meanwhile Katherine and Dean looks on from a far.
"Took them long enough." Dean Says
"Happy she finally said it." Katherine Says, Mary approaches her.
"So you're a..demon right?" Mary Says
"Yeah." Katherine Says, Mary looks over at Dean.
"Don't worry she's good now, she's an ally." Dean Says
"Okay, that's new..so why do you look like Elena?" Mary Asks
"A knight of hell used a the doppelgΓ€nger spell,
and created this vessel." Katherine Says
Mary nods as the bell rings again, she walks towards the entrance area. While Marley and Elena enters with bow and arrows.
"Nice work today Marley, you've definitely gotten way better than a few months ago." Elena Says
"Thanks Elena, hey you think that you could cook those baked beans no offense I rather eat yours than Jerry's." Marley Says, as Elena chuckles.
"Sure no thing." Elena Says
Elena and Marley looks over at Maggie who's sitting on the porch of one of the mini houses, Mary approaches the girls.
"Elena." Mary Says
"Hey, who's that?" Elena Asks
"She's new, she came with some survivors." Mary Says
"Who?" Elena Asks
Mary looks ahead and Elena follows her gaze, and looks ahead and sees Dean talking to Katherine.
Dean looks over and see's Elena, their eyes finally meet.
"Lena." Dean Says
Dean walks off the porch and Elena walks past Mary, she rushes towards Dean in slow motion. Sam and Corinna see's them and watches on, Elena reaches Dean, and she jumps in his arm and the two embraced.
Dean lifted her off the ground as he closes his eyes, holding onto the woman he loves tightly. A few tears slip from Elena's eyes, Dean puts her down and they both look at each other.
"Dean?.." She placed her hands on his face. "How did you, how are you here?" Elena Asks
"It's Long story, but all that matters right now is that I'm here..Hey Lena." Dean Says
"Hi." Elena Says, as she tears up while smiling.
Dean and Elena both leans in and they both share a kiss, the kiss becomes more passionate as they continue. They pull away, and hugged again.
"I missed you so much." Elena Says
"I did too." Dean Says
Elena looks over his shoulders and she sees Sam, Corinna and Katherine. She and Dean walks over to them, Elena hugs Corinna first.
"Oh thank you, your okay." Elena Says, as she hugs Corinna.
"Hey Thelma." Corinna Says
"Hey Louise." She smiles, then moves onto Sam who hugs her back tightly. "Sammy." Elena Says
"Hey Lena, we missed you." Sam Says
"I know.." Elena Says, then looks over at Katherine.
"Hey Bambi." Katherine Says
Elena half smiles then pulls Katherine in for a hug, Katherine is awkward at first then ease into it.
"You actually missed me?" Katherine Says
"Yeah believe or not I did." Elena Says
"This is is weird, but a good weird." Katherine Says, as Corinna, Sam and Dean half smiles at the two.
Meanwhile Jack is leaning against a large tree. He seems distressed and is remembering his mother's video seeing her speak to him.
"Hi, Jack. I'm your mom. I daydream about...my baby, you. I wish I could see you grow up. No one would blame you if one day, you went looking for your dad."
Jack has flashes of Lucifer with red glowing eyes in the cage and smiling with his eyes closed in Crowley's captivity.
These are images that Lucifer would have sent to Jack before he was born. Jack sways on his feet and drops to sit among the giant tree roots, his back to the trunk.
"Jack, don't let anyone tell you who you're supposed to be. You are who you choose to be."
Jack remembers a talk he had with Sam at the bunker.
"Maybe I'm not worth all this." Jack Says
"Your mom thought you were. So did Cas. So do I." Sam Says
Jack remembers when he inadvertently tossed the tattoo artist across the room. He looks distraught as he remembers these events and conversations. Jack then remembers another time in the bunker when he and Sam were talking.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Jack Says
"Because I know what it feels like, to feel like you don't belong." Sam Says
Jack remembers when he accidentally killed the security guard. Then he remembers when the Apocalypse World version of Kevin Tran killed himself. Kevin Tran, alt version in Jack's memory.
"I'm sorry." Kevin Says
"Don't!" Elena and Mary Says
Jack leans back against the tree, eyes closed as he tries to deal with his memories. Mary is loading a gun in a building when Cas escorts Lucifer, still in handcuffs past the door. Elena sees Castiel, he smiles happily when he sees her.
"Cas!" She embraces her, Cas hugs her back. "Hey." Elena Says
"Elena..oh you're alright, you, Mary and Jack were deeply missed." Castiel Says, as Elena hugs him again.
"Hey Blair Witch, nice seeing you again." Lucifer Says
"Lucifer nice to see you again, such a shame Michael didn't kill you." Elena Says
"Oh I wished the same for you." Lucifer Says, as Elena rolls her eyes.
"Come on." Castiel Says
Lucifer looks from Elena, to up at Mary with a smile as he walks by. Then Lucifer pops his head back into the door frame.
"Hey, mama. Miss me?" Lucifer Says
Mary says nothing but delivers a powerful jab punch to Lucifer's face, knocking him back on his heels as Elena smirks.
"That's a yes?" Lucifer Says
"Let's go!" Castiel Says
Castiel drags Lucifer away, Sam and Dean entered from the other side of the building in time to see Mary punch Lucifer.
"Nice shot." Dean Says
"Yeah. No kidding. Hey, um, we really should go look for Jack and get back home before it's too late." Sam Says
"I, uh..." She looks at Elena "Boys, um...About that." Mary Says
Dean and Sam look at their mother, confused then at Elena, Mary sighs.
"I'm not going back." Mary Says
"I'm sorry. What?" Dean Says
"I fought beside these people, Elena, Jack and I both did. Look I respect them. I respect their cause. You can't expect me to just abandon them." Mary Says
"No, Mom, that's not-you heard what Lucifer said. We have 31 hours-" Sam Says
"Sam...Dean...I know what you went through to come find me." Dean scoffs at that. He is obviously upset. "But these people are being slaughtered. They need me here, they need us here." Mary Says
"No, we need you, Mom. We do." Dean Says
"Dean.." Elena Says
"No, and I just got you..I don't want to leave you here."
Lucifer and Cas are standing talking in the doorway of one of the buildings.
"Come on, Cas, old sport." Lucifer Says
"I'm not your sport, and I will not broker a relationship between you and your-" Castiel Says
With the sound of wings, Jack appears in the building behind Cas and Lucifer, he looks over.
"Speak of the Not Devil." Jack walks towards the two angels. "Son." Lucifer Says
"It's Jack." He Says
"Jack, talking with Lucifer, it's--it's not a good idea." Castiel Says
"I'm not going to talk. I'm going to listen." Jack Says, as Cas sighs in frustration while Lucifer looks smug.
"He's gonna listen." Lucifer Says, then winks at Cas who just shakes his head.
We rejoin Dean, Sam, Elena and Mary mid conversation.
"We have been mopping up the world for years. Years. We have been knocked down. We have been possessed." Dean Says
"Dean." Mary Says
We've lost friends. We've lost family. We've lost each other. And we never walk away, ever. And sometimes, we should've, because not every fight everywhere can be won. It just can't. Right? Tell them." Dean Says
"I think Mom and Elena made up their mind." Sam Says
"See? Wait. What?" Dean Says
"Mom and Elena doesn't want to leave these people. So let's take 'em with us." Sam Says
"They'll never leave their home. They'll never leave their cause." Elena Says
"I'm not saying abandon the fight. I'm saying we get them somewhere safe, then we all figure out a way to take down Michael. Then once we do, they can come back and save their world." Sam Says
Dean looks slightly skeptical but is considering what Sam is saying. He looks for a reaction from Mary and Elena who smiles at him, obviously impressed with Sam.
"You'd do that for them?" Mary Asks
"Well, we got...what, nine busting out? What's a few more. How many are we talking?" Dean Asks
Mary and Elena shared a looks, letting out sighs doing some quick math.
"Twenty.." Elena Says
"Twenty-five." Mary Says
Sam clears his throat, a bit surprised by the number, but Dean just closes his eyes and seems resigned.
We rejoin Jack, Cas and Lucifer.
"Jack..." Castiel Says
Jack somes to stand facing Lucifer. Cas is hovering over Jack's right shoulder protectively.
"Wow. I have been waiting for this moment for so long, I almost don't know what to say. This...this dad thing is sort of new to me. So, um...Do-do you have any questions that you wanna ask? Don't let my status as a legend hold you back. Now just...fire away." Lucifer Says
"Why does everyone hate you?" Jack Asks
"Huh. Wow, he just got right to the-right to the point. That's good. That's good Good question. Um...So you've, uh, probably heard the stories. Right? Anything ugly happens, any evil befalls the world, it's my fault. Fake news." Lucifer Says
"And that's not entirely tr-" Castiel Says
Lucifer interrupts Castiel, Jack looks between his two Dads with a contemplative expression.
"Well, I mean, yes, I have done things that I am not entirely proud of. I have led the occasional soul to ruin. This is true. But, Jack, it's because humans are so messed up. They're-they're so willing to be led." Lucifer Says
"My mother was human." Jack Says
"Awesome lady. Incorruptible. Not like that. You know, great kisser. And, uh, lost my virginity to her." Lucifer Says
Cas gives Lucifer an incredulous look and shakes his head at him. He obviously doesn't want Jack to hear that sort of thing about his mom. Lucifer sees Cas's signal to stop.
"No? Too soon?" Then turns back to Jack and continues. "I mean, the point is...humans are not perfect. They're hardwired to fall. And when they do, they need a fall guy." Lucifer Says, then points his fingers at his own chest.
"That's a vast oversimplification." Castiel Says
"Okay, so true or false, Cas-um, for almost, like, ever, I've been locked away in a Cage?" Lucifer Says
Lucifer leans forward smugly, trying to prove a point. Cas flaps his arms, reluctant to technically agree and give Lucifer leverage.
"Yes." Castiel Says
"True! It's true. So how did I do all this evil for all these centuries, I wonder?" Lucifer Says, as Cas is exasperated by the semantics.
"Who locked you up?" Jack Asks
"My dad, cause I told the truth. See, he loved humans so much, He couldn't see their flaws. And I told Him about it, and He got mad. He got-He felt like I was...personally dumping on His masterpiece, and so He kicked me out. No time-out, no 'go in the corner,' you know, anything like that. Just ...gone, banished. And yes, as Cas says, I have done some bad things. I had my reasons, and I just want the opportunity to get better. Doesn't everybody? Don't you?" Lucifer Says
Jack is clearly considering Lucifer's words. Cas looks both worried and disgusted and walks away. We rejoin Dean, Sam, Elena and Mary.
"Okay, well, getting an extra 25 through that rift, that might not be possible." Dean Says
Castiel walks up from behind Mary and Elena, joining the Winchesters.
"Cas, hey. Any update on Jack?" Sam Asks
"He's back." Castiel Says
"Great. Where is he?" Sam Asks
"He's with Lucifer." Castiel Says
Cas looks slightly desperate as he shares this news, Sam looks alarmed and Dean looks angry. The camera pans over the lake in the middle of the camp as we heard Lucifer speaking, Jack and Lucifer are sitting shoulder to shoulder on the on the steps now.
"So I want you to think about this. Your Grandfather is God. Think about that-Of all the powerful families in history....Forget the Tudors, Trumps, Jackson Five. We're numero uno." Lucifer Says
"What's he like? God?" Jack Says
Dean begins shouting as he, Sam and Cas arrive "Hey! Hey!"
"Well-" Lucifer Says
"I told you no talking!, and I told you no listening." Dean Says
Jack stands up as the three newcomers join them, Lucifer stays casually sitting.
"Dean, he's in chains." Jack Says
"His mouth isn't. Shoulda gagged him." Dean Says
"No, I need to know about my powers, my family." Jack Says
"Jack, we are your family. We've been protecting you. We've been honoring your mother's wishes. We're your family." Castiel Says
"Jack, you have no idea who Lucifer really is." Sam Says
"And I never will unless I talk to him." Jack Says, Lucifer looks pleased at Jack's words.
"Jack..." Dean Says
"Dean! He's my father." Jack Says
Dean looks frustrated and unhappy at being snapped at. Lucifer looks up at Dean with a smug smile. Sam looks concerned as Jack continues to stare at him defiantly. Meanwhile Elena joins up with Corinna and Katherine, who's near Marley.
"Hey." Elena Says
"Hey." Katherine and Corinna Says
"So I see you've met miss Marley Perez." Elena Says
"Yeah, and she's something." Katherine Says
"This is so trippy...I haven't seen twins in a long time." Marley Says
"We're doppelgΓ€ngers, that's all." Elena Says
"Aka twins." Marley Says, as Elena chuckles.
"So where are the boys?, did they find in Jack?" Corinna Asks
"Yeah he's talking his father." Elena Says
"Uh oh that can't be good." Katherine Says
"No jacks a smart kid, he won't buy into Lucifer's bs." Elena Says
"Let's hope." Corinna Says
Meanwhile the door opens to the house, out comes Kelly.
"Elena oh your back, she just woke up I think it's time for her feeding." Kelly Says
"Thank you Kelly." Elena Says, as Kelly walks away.
Corinna and Katherine exchanged confused looks, then looks back at Elena.
"Uh feeding?" Corinna Says
"Yeah there's something I need to show you." Elena Says
Elena opens the door to the house and they follow behind her, she walks into her room and looks at the bed. Wren is up and cooing, her mother picks her up and kisses her.
"Hey baby girl." Elena Says
"Elena?" Corinna Says
"Corinna. Katherine I'd like you to meet my daughter, Wren." Elena Says
Corinna's eyes get teary eyed, Katherine's mouth drop in shock.
"You had a baby-you you were pregnant?!" Corinna Says
"Mhm." Elena Says
"Wow, she looks like you and Dean." Katherine Says
"I'm so happy for you." Corinna Says, as she hugs Elena.
"Thank you." Elena Says
"Wait did you tell Dean?" Katherine Asks
"Not yet, I'm going too trust me." Elena Says
"So did she tell you about the Sam thing?" Katherine Asks
"No what Sam thing.." She looks at Corinna, who's smiling. "Are you and Sam?" Elena Says
"Mhm, yup." Corinna Says
"About Damn time." Elena Says
A few moments later Dean is seen walking to the house Elena stays in, Corinna and Katherine walks out and meets him.
"Hey guys, oh we're about to leave.." Dean Says
"Elena explained it to us, we know." Corinna Says
"All right is she in there, we gotta go." Dean Says
"Yeah she's in there, good luck." Katherine Says
Katherine and Corinna walks aways smiling, Dean looks at them confused then walks inside the house,
Elena has her back turned to him, carrying wren in her arms.
"Lena come on we gotta go." Elena turns around, he looks at the baby. "Whoa what's the baby?" Dean Says
"Dean remember that case we did about a year ago, with the goat masked man?" Elena Asks
"Uh yeah.." Dean Says
"And remember the night before the case we got really drunk in the hotel, and we had some fun that night." Elena Says, as Dean slowly approaches her.
"Yeah.." He chuckles. "I remember, but what does that have to do with?" Dean Says
"It has to do with her, because about five weeks later I found out that I was pregnant with her." Elena Says, as Dean's eyes widen.
"What?...are you telling me that she's-" Elena nods her head yes. "That's my baby." Dean Says
"Mhm, we had a baby..Wren I'd like you to meet someone, it's your Dad." Elena Says, tearing up.
Elena hands Wren over to Dean, he holds her in his arms and Dean looks into her hazel eyes. Wren waves her little hand, which Dean holds and a smile creeps up on his face.
"I have a daughter." He looks at Elena "She's beautiful, hey Wren..nice to finally meet you." Dean Says, as Elena looks on happily that her daughter finally meets father.
Sam opens the door and sees Dean and Elena, and him holding Wren. Dean looks up at Sam, teary eyed a bit. Sam realizes what's going on, and he smiles realizing that he has a niece. He looks down at her, and smiles at the innocent baby who's now asleep in her dad's arm.
Mary, Dean, Sam, Elena, Corinna and Sam are walking in front of the large group of survivors. While Katherine, Lucifer and Jack are slightly behind with the rest of the group following after. The group is armed, but fairly
casual as they walk.
"We should reach base camp in a couple of hours." Mary Says
"Elena are you okay, is the baby okay?" Dean Asks
"Yes Dean she's fine, she's just sleeping." Elena Says
"Okay, Sam, go back there and check out what Helter Skelter's sayin' to the damn kid." Dean Says
"Yep." Sam Says
Sam drops back to walk with Lucifer and Jack, leaving Mary, Elena and Dean together at the front. Dean is obviously annoyed and on edge.
"Take it easy on Jack. He's been fighting a war. He's trying so hard to prove himself, but...he's lost people, friends. He'll take him a minute to get through it." Mary Says
Dean listens and considers what his mother has said. We join Lucifer, Jack and Sam a few feet behind Dean and Mary.
"I was just telling my dad that, now that he's here, we have enough power to kill Michael." Jack Says
"Jack, that's not really the plan.." Sam Says
"But...this is our chance." Jack Says
Sam says nothing, just looks at the ground as he walks. We rejoin Mary and Dean, Mary is offering some motherly advice.
"Dean, like it or not, Lucifer is Jack's father. He's going to take an interest in him." Mary Says
"So what, we're supposed to just let Lucifer drag him over to the dark side?" Dean Says
"Jack isn't going to the dark side. He'll see Lucifer's true nature. And he'll see through his own eyes and not yours." Mary Says
Cas comes around the corner of the road, walking quickly back towards Dean, Mary, Elena and the rest of the large group who come to a stop.
"Hey. Find him?" Dean Asks
"No. Gabriel went ahead to scout, but he should be back by now." Castiel Says
The camera shows us Gabriel, frantically running through the forest. He breaks out onto the road about 15 feet in front of the group. There are some of Michael's angel warriors hot on his heels.
"Angels!" Gabriel Says
"Hey, right there!"
Gabriel runs to join Mary, Cas and Dean. Dean, Mary and Sam who has moved up to the front again, Elena moves back towards Corinna and Katherine, as they instantly draw their guns.
Gabriel and Cas have their angel blades and the whole group arms themselves. Lucifer just cranes his neck to see the action. The lead Angel warrior holds up a fist bringing his squad to a halt.
The two groups face off and the camera shows the serious faces of our heroes Gabriel, Dean, Mary, Cas and Sam.
"Kill them, on my command."
We see Maggie gripping her baseball bat, Corinna taking out her gun and Jack beginning to draw on his power. Then the Angel warriors' eyes glow briefly and they suddenly all explode into clouds of grey dust. Cas, Gabriel and Sam turn to look and we see Lucifer.
He is still in the warded cuffs, but he has his arm up post finger snap. He looks bored. Dean and Mary turn around and the cuffs glow red and melt off.
"Oh yeah, about the cuffs I knew they wouldn't hold me in this world. Long story short, I didn't want your impotence to get awkward, so I just went along." Lucifer Says
As Lucifer speaks, Dean stares angrily at the archangel and Sam looks worried. Dean and Sam exchange a significant glance.
"You're welcome. Welcome. Right? Don't...thank me at once." He nudges Jack with his elbow. "See. Team player." Lucifer Says
The camera pans the camp showing piles of tires and other junk, a variety of vehicles including a rusty sedan and an old white school bus covered in vines. The camera shows us a sign for Singer Auto Salvage. We zoom in on Sam's face as he stares at the sign.
"Take a look at this place." Corinna Says
"Home sweet home, I guess." Elena Says
"Creeps me out. You know?" Sam Says
"Yeah, but it's no Sioux Falls." Dean Says
This world's Bobby Singer walks up behind the brothers bringing mugs with something to drink.
"Why should it look like Sioux Falls?" Bobby Says
"Uh, just our, uh, our Bobby back in our world, he, um..." Sam Says
"He liked to freeze his ass off every winter?" Bobby Says
"Yep." Elena Says
"Yeah, well, this Bobby's gonna pass on that. Anyhow, it's good to see you boys again, I knew you couldn't stay away." Bobby Says
"Yeah. You know where we can find Charlie? Or Ketch?" Dean Asks
"Oh, they ain't back yet. They got a tip on an angel kill squad lookin' to execute some, uh, resistance. They went to head 'em off at the pass." Bobby Says
"You let Charlie go with Ketch?" Dean Says
"She let Ketch go with her, It's her operation." Bobby Says, as they nod on impressed.
"Way to go Charlie." Corinna Says
Dean acknowledges his words with a nod, unhappy, but realizing that this world's Charlie is not the same as the one they knew.
"Bobby, we're gonna have to hit the road soon. We're running out of time." Sam Says
"Now about that. Mary said you wanna take a bunch of our people back to this Other Earth?" Bobby Says
"Yeah. Yeah, that's the idea." Dean Says
"Well, no offense, but that may be the dumbest friggin' idea in a landfill of dumb ideas."
Lucifer and Jack are strolling among the junk cars somewhere else in the camp.
"So there's Michael, your other uncle. Sort of a studly type. You know, warrior guy." Lucifer Says
"I met Michael here. He tortured me." Jack Says
Lucifer laying a hand on Jack's shoulder "Same. We owe him one, right?" He slaps Jack's shoulder in solidarity. "High five."
Lucifer holds up his hand for a high five, but Jack just looks confused. Lucifer grabs Jack's arm and shows him how to slap palms together.
"Right here. Yeah." Lucifer Says
Lucifer points over to where Gabriel is tossing stones into the junkers.
"That's your Uncle Gabe." Lucifer Says
"We sort of met." Jack Says
"Let's go say hi." Lucifer Says
Lucifer had his hand on Jack's back as they stroll over towards Gabriel.
"So...thing about Gabe class clown." Lucifer Says,
As Gabe hears him and turns around.
"And you're an assclown." Gabriel Says
"Ha. You hear that? He's such a cut-up. I mean, I can't...Yeah, uh, I guess your time with Asmodeus didn't do you any favors, did it, bud?" Lucifer Says
Gabriel looks irritated and uncomfortable. And Jack looks confused.
"Yeah, well my time with you was worse. You recall-" Gabriel Says
"I recall, uh, nothing. I don't recall anything at all. Happy endings. All good, happy endings. Uh, meet Gabriel, your uncle." Lucifer Says, Jack holds up a hand in greeting.
"Hello." Jack Says
"Hello." Gabriel Says
Gabriel turns away from the two, done with Lucifer's act. Lucifer urges Jack to go with him as he follows Gabriel.
"So I was just shaking up the old family tree for, uh, young Jack here. You know, talking about the good old days. How tough Pop was. Righ, G? I mean, we -- we butted heads a lot you know. But, uh...you now, I think -- I think, in hindhight, I should've given Him some slack 'cause, He's uh. You know, being a dad is tough." Lucifer Says
"Okay, you think Dad was the 'bad guy,' and you were a victim? You were not a victim. That was just your excuse." Gabriel Says
"My excuse for what?" Lucifer Says
"For it all, Lucifer. For it all." Gabriel Says
Gabriel says the last line over his shoulder as he walks away from Jack and Lucifer. Jack looks at Lucifer, puzzled by Gabriel's words and actions.
It's daytime. A group of three armed angels are escorting a person who has a hood over their head. They are walking along a path in the forest beside a derelict speed boat, shoving the hooded figure along.
"For high crimes against the realm and its exalted ruler Michael, the prisoner is condemned to death." He Says
Ketch and Charlie jump out from behind the boat, guns raised.
"That will do." Ketch Says
The angels stop at gunpoint and Charlie steps forward to pull the hood off of the person.
"Easy." She pulls off the hood while Ketch covers her. "We're gonna take you outta here." Charlie Says
We see an angel blade drop out of the prisoner's sleeve. He grabs Charlie and holds the angel blade to her throat, It was a set up.
"No you aren't." He Says
Ketch still points his gun at the four angels who have Charlie.
"Drop the gun. You're coming with us." He Says
Ketch having no choice, removed his weapon and drops it, exchanging a significant look with Charlie.
It's night, and we're in a room. Three group leaders of the survivors are sitting in chairs across from Sam, Dean, Elena and Mary one man named Andy, one bald man and one woman.
Sam, Mary, Elena and Dean have obviously just outlined their plan to bring the survivors through the rift. Bobby is standing in the shadows behind the seated leaders. Across from the seated leaders Mary is standing, but Dean, Elena and Sam are sitting against the edge of a table.
"So, let me get this straight. You want us to follow you through a magic door that's gonna blast us the hell outta here and into some kind of Fairy Tale World where everything's pretty?" Andy Says
The body language of the three group leaders is very skeptical.
"Okay, that's-that's not what I-what I was t-t-trying to say, but..." Sam Says
Mary puts a hand on Sam's arm to stop him and interrupts.
"Andy, look, I get that you don't know my sons, but you do know me, and you know Elena. And That world does exist." Mary Says
"So Hear them out, please." Elena Says
"No one here is runnin' out on their buddies, runnin' out on the fight." Andy Says
"Nobody's saying run out. Guys, I don't know if you've noticed, but you're losing. Okay? You're outmanned, you're outgunned." Dean Says
"My brother and I...back home we're sitting on the biggest collection of lore and--and weapons in our world." Andy looks more interested. "Now something in there, it-it might be enough to even the odds." Sam Says
"So we find that, then you come back here with a plan, a plan to beat Michael and his armies. And then you win." Dean Says
"Exactly." Sam Says
While Dean was talking a soldier came in and whispered something to Bobby. The three leaders exchange speculative looks.
"You may think you don't know us, but you do. We've been where you are. Hell, we are you." Sam Says, as Mary, Elena and Andy share a glance.
"We'll talk to our people, take a vote." Andy Says
"That's all that we ask." Dean Says
"Thank you." Sam Says
Mary smiles at her sons, but Dean tosses his hands, not certain how the vote will go. Bobby walks up.
"Just got news about Charlie and Ketch. Goin' after the execution squad went sideways." Bobby Says
"What?" Elena Says, as Sam, Dean and Mary are shocked and upset.
"They're the ones who got ambushed." Bobby Says, Elena and the three Winchesters exchange glances.
"Where did they hear about this execution.?" Sam Asks
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