A couple moments later Sam, Dean and Cas come bursting through the doors all three with angel blades drawn and are faced with Ketch.
"Heheh, it's only you." Ketch Says
"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean Asks
"Do we really have to do all of this again? Last time we were together I saved your lives and you shot me. Doesn't that make us even?" Ketch Says
"No, I guess not." Dean Says
"Dean asked you a question. What are you doing here?" Sam Asks
"My sources tell me Lucifer's back, he's weak and he's or was in this wonderful little slice of Americana. I was going to try and kill him. As
were you, I assume." Ketch Says
"Okay, who are you working for?" Sam Asks
"Isn't it possible that I am simply trying to strike a blow for the good of humanity?" Ketch Says
"No. That's not possible." Castiel Says
"Truth be told, taking out Lucifer would be an enormous feather in the cap. My business model is very, um, word of mouth." Ketch Says
"Alright, so if Lucifer isn't here, where is he?" Sam Asks
"Ah, excellent question. I propose we team up. Share intel. Cover more ground. Hmm? Huzzah!" Ketch Says
Castiel reaches out and touches Ketch on the forehead knocking him out. He then gets loaded into the trunk of Impala.
"Alright, I say we take dickbag back to the bunker and find out what he knows, put a bullet in him and burn his bones and flush his ashes." Dean Says
"I like that plan." Castiel Says
"Hey, check this out." Sam Says, he shows video of Sister Jo on his tablet.
"That's Sister Jo, the faith healer?" Dean Says
"No that's not a, she's an angel. Her name is Anael." Castiel Says
"Alright, so say Lucifer drained her and killed her, where's her body?" Sam Says
Dean's driving while Sam sits in the passenger seat, and Castiel sits in the back. Suddenly Sam gets an alert on his phone.
"No way." Sam Says
"What you got?" Dean Asks
"So I set an alert up on my phone. It looks like Sister Jo just used her credit card." Sam Says
"Where?" Castiel Asks
Lucifer and Sister Jo are sitting on the bed, he reaches over and tries to take more grace from
Sister Jo.
"We don't have to rush." She puts her hand on the angel blade stopping him "We can do this slowly." Sister Jo Says
Sister Jo helps him slice her neck and he takes some grace, This is done several times til they lay on bed.
"It's always so strange, that final moment. When I've lost just enough grace that I'm almost.." Sister Jo Says
"Human?" Lucifer Says
"I feel emotions, sensations, things they must feel." Sister Jo Says
"Yeah, I had that experience. I didn't like it. Hunger, cold, loneliness. I don't know how they keep going." Lucifer Says
"I do. When I'm in that place, I can see how there'd be pain, but there's also hope, love even. Angels can only imagine. Sometimes I envy humans. They can be anything. Do you know what my job was upstairs? I pushed a button. A soul would come in, I'd push a button, they'd be counted and I'd wait for the next. So..." Sister Jo Says
"Boring?" Lucifer Says
"Eternal. I mean, I had ideas. I saw how heaven was running and I knew how to fix it and no one would listen to me. Not Michael, not Raphael. Not Naomi. They would just send me back to push my button." Sister Jo Says
"So up there you're nobody. Down here, you're somebody." Lucifer Says
"After the fall, when we lost our wings, I wasn't devastated. I was liberated I was finally free, but
you must know how that feels." Sister Jo Says
"No. No I always wanted to fit in, please a father I couldn't please. And now I'm gonna be a father. Probably screw it up like he did." Lucifer Says
"Lucifer, the great and terrible." Sister Jo Says
"I don't know why I said that. Stupid. I mean it's like pretty soon I'm not going to feel anything. I mean the more I do this the stronger I get, the more "me" I become. Lucifer, Prince of Darkness, King of Lies. I'm back baby." Lucifer Says
"Then what?" Sister Jo Asks
"And then I find my son and then the fun really starts." Lucifer Says
Asmodeus is busy sitting on throne, then his minion demon enters the room.
"This better be good news." Asmodeus Says
"It is, my lord. The prophet, we found him." He Says
Donatello is seen leaving with a bucket of wings, Castiel is behind him.
"Ohh Hey! It's you. I thought I felt a presence." Donatello Says
"I sensed you as well. Sam and Dean are still tracking Lucifer but they asked me to check in on you." Castiel Says
"Oh, well, uh, I'm making progress with the demon tablet, but oh my goodness, it's a challenge." Donatello Says
"Really?" Castiel Says
"I have determined though that there is definitely some kind of spell for, uh, you know, opening a door to that other world." Donatello Says
"Well, that would be very useful." Castiel Says
"Yes, the ingredients are very very complicated. I'm just starting to, uh, decipher them." Donatello Says
"Well let me know if there is anything I can do to help." Castiel Says
"I really doubt it. Since apparently I'm the only one on the planet who can read the damn thing. I just hope I'm in time." Donatello Says
"You mean before Michael comes." Castiel Says
"Before anything happens to Jack, Elena or the boys' mom. I couldn't live with myself if they never make it out of that terrible place." Donatello Says, then Castiel becomes Asmodeus.
"Yes, yes that would be very tragic. Forget this" he places his hand on Donatello's forehead "Whatever you find on that tablet you will report to me, Understand?" Asmodeus Says
"Yes." Donatello Says
"Good boy. Run along now." Asmodeus Says
At the Motel where Sister Jo and Lucifer are staying.
Dean, Sam and Cas pull up in Impala and get out.
"This is it?" Dean Asks
"Yep, last place Jo or someone used her credit card. Checked in last night." Sam Says
"Do you think Lucifer is with her?" Castiel Says
"Or she's dead. One way to find out." Dean Says
Inside the room Lucifer is sitting on the bed reading a Bible.
"Would you look at this? Wrong, that's wrong. Does anybody fact-check this stuff?" Lucifer Says, The phone rings and Sister Jo answers.
"Hello? My card? Of course it's good." Sister Jo Says
"Yeah, okay. You know what, our system must be screwy. Do you mind bringing the card back so I can run it again?" Sam Says
"Okay, just a minute." Sister Jo Says
"Sure I'll be here that's great. Thank you. Well, good news, she's alive." Sam Says
Moments later Sister Jo walks toward the hotel office, Castiel steps out
"Anael." Castiel Says
"Castiel. What are you doing here?" Sister Jo Asks
"We're going to ask you the same thing?" Dean Says
"We're looking for Lucifer. Have you seen him? Do you know where he is?" Sam Asks
"Yes, he's in the room." Sister Jo Says
"Has he hurt you?" Castiel Asks
"Not yet. He's threatened. He wants to drain my grace." Sister Jo Says
"So he's still weak?" Sam Says
"Very. You have to help me." Sister Jo Says
"We will. But first you're going to have to help us." Dean Says
"Dad's been stealing my best lines, man." Lucifer Says, while still reading the Bible.
There's a knock on the door, Lucifer sits up.
"Lord Lucifer? Can you let me in? Sorry, I forgot my key." Sister Jo Says
"Lord Lucifer... I likey." He opens door "Booya." Lucifer Says
"Morning sunshine." Dean Says
"Sup, Gents? Hehehey.. ah.. oh Cas.. You're alive. That's awesome." Lucifer Says
"They made me. They forced me to tell them how weak you still are." Sister Jo Says
"Well, great seeing you..It's been a long time. Eh, nice jacket there, Dean. Your hair, Sam, it's magnificent. Is that a leave-in conditioner you have there?" Lucifer Says
"We got this. Go." Sam Says
"So what do we do now? You gonna kill me?" Lucifer Says
"Mmm, eventually." Dean Says, then holds up angel cuffs.
Sister Jo then attacks Sam by sending him across the room, and Lucifer sends Castiel flying across the room and then sends Dean crashing into the closet.
"We need to go." Sister Jo Says
"I just want to enjoy this for just a minute." He clenched his fist together, squeezing Dean, Sam and Castiel insides "That's good. That's really good." Lucifer Says
Ketch then shows up at door with a demon bomb, Lucifer and Jo vanish. Out on a field Lucifer and Jo appears.
"I have got to get in better shape, this is ridiculous." Lucifer Says
Back at the motel Sam, Dean and Castiel gets to their feet.
"Wait wait wait wait did you just..." Dean Says
"No, they vanished before it went off. But you're welcome." Ketch Says
"Alright, so why did you...you know?" Lucifer Asks
"Like I said, I help you, you help me." Sister Jo Says
"Right. Cool. Okay, so where on earth do we go now?" Lucifer Asks
"Congratulations, you just helped Lucifer escape." Dean Says
"Put another way, I opted out of my own escape and put myself in harm's way to save your lives. Again." Ketch Says
"Alright, alright. How did you get out of the trunk?" Sam Asks
"I'm Ketch. I found the demon bomb in your weapons cache and I thought with Lucifer's weakened state it might make a dent." He Says
"Well, it seems his weakened state may have been greatly exaggerated." Castiel Says
"Yeah, exactly, and Jo? What's the deal with her?" Sam Asks
"I don't know. In heaven she was nothing. she was a low level functionary." Castiel Says
"Yeah, well, now she's Satan's gal pal. That's awesome." Dean Says
"Gentlemen, this may once again fall on deaf ears but I shall have another go. Clearly, Lucifer is more dangerous than we thought. I propose we pool resources and go after him together." Ketch Says
"Dude, why would we ever trust you?" Sam Says
"Fine, as proof of my sincerity, I shall come clean. I'm working for Asmodeus. Happy?" Ketch Says
"Whoa, what? How is that supposed to make us feel better?" Dean Says
"It's not. It's supposed to present an opportunity. If I'm working for him then I can pass information on to you." Ketch Says
"Oh right. And you would do that for us?" Castiel Asks
"For everyone. I know you think I'm a monster." Ketch Says
"Because you are." Dean Says
"But even I must draw the line somewhere. And letting Lucifer free upon the earth? Well, as it turns out, that's my line. Not to mention the whole Michael situation. I know you want to kill me. I know you can't forgive me but if you think about it I'm the lesser of, well, at least three evils. All I ask is that you wait to murder me until after I prove useful. Hmm?" Ketch Says
Lucifer and Sister Jo arrived at heaven's gate, where there are three angels waiting.
"I know we've had our problems in the past, little family squabbles, minor little disagreements, ya know, kids being kids kind of stuff, but right now you need me." Lucifer Says
"Kill him." Dumah Says
"Whoa, hey now. Hold on. Hold on. Number one, it's true, I am powered down, but you can't kill me." Lucifer Says
"We could try. Repeatedly." Dumah Says
"Look, number 2, I happen to know heaven is in short supply of angels. Alright, let's face it. After Pop took a powder, your only strength, your only defense, was in numbers. Yeah? And now with the Prince of Hell physically running... hell, if the dark side makes a move, y'all are screwed. You need more you. With Dad gone and everything, I mean, who's still up for birthing angels? Yo! Yo!" Lucifer Says
"You can't." Dumah Says
"He can, Dumah." Sister Jo Says
"Who are you to speak to me?" Dumah Says
"Okay, she's with me and you're going to listen to her. Hey, look, I was here when you, when all of you were born. I saw how the old man did it. I can make angels. Okay? And I'll do it if..." Lucifer Says
"Enough games, Lucifer." Dumah Says
"If for my incredible act of generosity you name me the undisputed and unquestioned ruler in heaven." laughter is heard from other angels "Yeah funny. Oh come on!! Let's face it. You don't want to run the place. Angels were designed to follow, not lead. Don't give me the stink eye. It wasn't my idea. The point is you need me. And icing on the cake, guys how'd you like your wings back?" Lucifer Says
At the Bunker in the library Dean, Sam and Castiel are sitting at a table while Dean cleans his gun, Sam looking over some of Donatello's notes.
"So, Ketch, can we trust him?" Castiel Asks
"Not even a little." Dean Says
"Of course not, but we need him. For now." Sam Says
"Right. And when we don't?" Castiel Says
"Guess..." Dean Says
"Donatello? You're doing great. It looks like you made a lot of progress." Dean Says
"It's like pulling friggin' teeth!!" they all sit in an awkward silence, he sighs "I'm working my way through the ingredients." Donatello Says
"Right. Okay. At least we know the spell we need is in there and we have a plan." Sam Says
In the throne room of heaven and Lucifer sitting on throne, while Sister Jo standing beside him and all the other angels kneeling.
"Hail to the king, baby." Lucifer Says, as his eyes glow red.
Asmodeus is pouring himself a drink while Ketch explains what happened.
"Missed him by seconds. Rest assured, Lucifer will be found." Ketch Says
"And killed. Before he causes any more problems. Or those idiot Winchesters use him to open up a gate to Michael land. Another stick up his ass archangel is the last thing I need." Asmodeus Says
"Yes, well Lucifer is getting stronger, and as good as I am, and I am very good, I don't think even I can beat the devil at full power." Ketch Says
"About that...you recall the important errand I had mentioned? Word had got back to me that a certain artifact I thought had been lost forever, resurfaced. And now it's mine." He opens a case to show a blade "Beautiful, isn't it?" Asmodeus Says
"Oh yes." Ketch Says
"The only known weapon capable of destroying an archangel, the archangel blade." Asmodeus Says
"You'll forgive me, but my reading of the lore suggests that the blade is only effective if wielded
by an archangel." Ketch Says
"Really? Thanks for the news flash." Asmodeus Says
He and Ketch walks over to one of the prison cells, he opens up a window in a cell.
"Allow me to make an introduction. Mr. Ketch, meet the archangel, Gabriel." Asmodeus Says
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