Cloud 9🌈
"DAILYN YOU DID NOT JUST HIT ME WITH A FLYING FUCKING SHELL?!" Ivy sneered at the boy she once called her forever.
★彡ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴄʀᴇᴇɴ ʜᴀꜱ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴘᴀᴜꜱᴇᴅ彡★
★彡[ᴘʀᴇꜱꜱ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇꜱᴜᴍᴇ]彡★
01:06 =====⬤------------------- 04:05
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
Girl sit your ass down -Kusuo💚
Ivy I said I was sorry! -Dailyn🩵
Ivyyyy ( ╥ω╥ )- Dailyn🩵
This is what happened...... -Kusuo💚
★彡[ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇꜱᴜᴍɪɴɢ]彡★
01:06 =====⬤------------------- 04:05
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
"Sho what do you like to eat?" Ivy asked the boy as she cleaned the kitchen. Getting ready to make an early dinner.
Toshinori was staying for dinner. He and Aizawa had a lot to work on as he was preparing to be a teacher at UA. He was hoping to find his successor there.
Granted, the man wanted to pass down his power to Dailyn. But the boy had refused. Claiming his powers would no longer match with Ivy's. He understood what the kids say when they say the word simp.
"Uh I really like cold soba." He said awkwardly. He knew it was an odd choice but he absolutely loved it.
"I can make that." She smiled lightly to the boy. Asking Kronos to grab certain herbs for her out of her potted garden in her room.
'I wouldn't get your hopes up. Her cooking is shit.' Kusuo hummed as he ate some coffee jelly the girl had made.
Ivy glared at him and let a crow come inside the house and swoop the treat away. The psychic went chasing after the bird screaming and crying.
"Anyways Sho. What's up with the mark on your face? Is it a birthmark?" Dailyn asked carefully incase it was a sensitive topic. He couldn't help his curiosity.
Shoto touched his face lightly. The memory of that day always felt so fresh. He was able to talk about it now but it still made him sad. By this time Kusuo was back. Wheezing as he held his jelly victoriously.
"My mom actually did this to me......" He went on to explain about how his mother and father got together.
The man wanting to create the perfect child to surpass All Might. After multiple children, Shoto was born. Ever since his quirk manifested, he was forced to train day and night. On top of that, his mother started to slowly lose her mind. One day she completely lost and poured boiling water on his face. The side that reminded her of his father. She's been in a mental hospital ever since.
"I'm so sorry. Your dad is a piece of fucking shit. When I see him, I'll give him a good ass beating for you." Ivy mumbled as she hugged the boy. He didn't even realize he started crying. The hug was slightly awkward but he appreciated it. Laughing at the threat that she was deadass about.
"Yeah I can relate to the piece of shit fathers. My sperm donor gave me this." Dailyn chuckled and lifted up his shirt. A deep and gruesome scar ran from the middle of chest down to his abdomen. It was jagged and looked like someone was carving out a pumpkin. Him being alive was already astonishing.
"W-what happened?" The dual quirk male asked with both rage and astonishment. His father was bad and would beat him every once and awhile but the never actively tried to kill him.
"It's a long story that I'll get into another day. But basically he wasn't happy with some choices I made that defied his wishes." Dailyn frowned thinking back to that night. Kusuo had a vision at the last second and Ivy and him rushed to his aide. Ivy had a scar on her side and Kusuo on the back of his neck.
'Don't worry. He and all the other bastards that call themselves parents are long gone. Literally.' Kusuo pat the boys back. Seeing the flickering emotions in the boys eyes.
"Good." Was all he could say. Assuming the parents were dead. The kids snickered as they stared a new conversation. Not paying attention to the adult that happened to overhear.
Shoto enjoyed spending time with the trio. It reminded him of his own siblings. Although his eldest brother was no longer with them. They had a harmonious but chaotic bond.
It wasn't long till the food was ready. Cold soba with extra side dishes and grilled fish.
Kusuo once again snapped his fingers and the two adults appeared at the table. If Toshinori didn't die from his injuries he would die from fright.
They started to eat. The skinny blonde praised the young girl for her culinary skills. Encouraging her to open a restaurant or catering business one day. She only snorted at him.
The dual haired boy took one bite. Memories of the good times he spent with his mother and siblings flooded his head. He felt nostalgic. His sister was a good cook but compared to this. Hospital food.
"Hey Sho, are you okay man?" Dailyn asked the boy knocking him out of his daze.
'Way to go Ivy. It was so bad you made him cry.' Kusuo teased the girl. Quickly apologizing when her eyes started to water.
"No! No! No! Ivy it's actually really good. It reminded me of the old days. Thank you very much." The boy bowed slightly. He felt guilty for making her cry although it wasn't his fault.
"Ivy, take a breath and pick your words carefully." Shota said calmly as he ate his food. He could tell she was embarrassed so her body flared up with anger. He really should get her some therapy.
She did as she was told. Dailyn rubbed her back soothingly.
"I'm happy you fucking liked it." She said slowly. Trying to adjust her tone as best as she could.
"Can I have seconds." The male asked as he ate his last bite. She snorted and nodded her head.
The eldest Aizawa smiled.
"DAILYN YOU DID NOT JUST HIT ME WITH A FLYING FUCKING SHELL?!" Ivy sneered at the boy she once called her forever.
It was late in the night and the adults were called in for an emergency patrol. The father figure told them to stay home but if they needed to go somewhere, to let him know and to stay together. He trusted them to be able to handle themselves.
The teens were playing video games in the living room. It was this world's version of the Mario franchise. But of course it was with All Might and the other hero's. So they were playing All Might Kart.
"I love you mamas but alls fair when you're trying to win." He tried to kiss her thigh as he was sitting between her legs. She made a Venus fly trip grow there. The plant blushing when it locked lips with the boy.
"Are we not going to talk about how Kusuo is on lap three when we just started." Shoto asked perplexed as the little Nezu on a cloud dropped him back on the track. He had fallen into the water for the 5th time since they started.
"He's a cheat." The two scowled in the pink psychic's direction.
'Don't hate the player. Hate the game.' The boy shrugged his shoulders. They snorted at him.
"We got any more of those brownies?" Dailyn asked no one in particular.
Mirko had come by to tell the father about the patrol. With her was two trays of brownies. She gave one to the kids who completely devoured them. And another to Mr.Aizawa who took it to his room.
'I don't think so but I know old man took some to his room.' Kusuo replied as he watched the others finish the round. Dailyn asked if he could grab it. They just assumed he was being a fat ass and hogging the other tray.
The boy teleported into their father's room and back. Tray in hand. There wasn't many. Maybe about a dozen. They all took one and left the rest for the man.
"Is it just me or does this taste funny?" Shoto asked as he finished off the square.
'No it tastes a little different.' Kusuo furrowed his brows. Figure it was just less sugar or a different kind of chocolate.
The teens continued to play their games. Slowly they became more and more giggly. With low hazy eyes. They were red and a little unfocused.
"Shooooo! You remind me of a puppy!" Ivy sung as she played in Kusuo's hair. She was giving him tiny little braids with flowers woven into them.
The boy blinked at her confused with a head tilt. Adding onto the puppy facade. Everyone giggled.
"Hey Ku. You wanna put me down?" Dailyn snorted as the psychic had him zipping through the air. It was fun at first but now he was dizzy.
Kusuo dropped him mid air. Lucky for him the dual quirk boy made an ice slide. It was cold and kinda wet but it was exhilarating.
"ME NEXT!" Ivy jumped up wanting to play on the ice slide.
"I just had the best idea!" Shoto buzzed with excitement. The other teens jumped at the idea and rushed out the house. A sleepy Kronos following along.
Aizawa's pov🩶
"That was not a fucking emergency." I glared at no one in particular.
When Rumi rushed us out the house for the 'emergency patrol' it was literally just a surprise party. The worst part about it was the banner.
✨Congrats on not dying alone! Now you have kids that will either take care of you or put you in a nursing home!✨
It was fun for sure. So many people were giving me advice on how to raise kids. But I work with teenagers everyday. How much different can it be?
Everyone seemed excited about meeting my teens. But I declined for now. Knowing they weren't found of too many strangers at once. Especially when almost everyone is a pro hero. They adapt quickly as it seems but it was still a lot.
Speaking of my brats. I kind of miss them. I haven't gotten any other updates then when Ivy sent a photo of the boys pouting behind her because she beat them in just dance. So I assumed they fell asleep by now.
Speaking of Ivy. She seems to be a lot more starved for parental affection. They all are of course. Kusuo has his moments where he just wants to be around even if it's not doing anything. Dailyn can be seen as touch starved. I do notice the way he flinches slightly but it always seems like a trick of the eye.
Fuck! I rather be home right now if I'm honest.
"Shotaaaaaa! My man! Nemuri said Bunny gave you some extra weed brownies. How about we go back to your place?" Hawks came flying and crashed into my back. I groaned as I caught myself.
"Who's we?" I scowled at him, already knowing who was coming.
"The gang man!" His drunk ass cheesed at me. Rumi, Nemuri, Hizashi and Toshinori wobbling behind him. Don't these fools know we have school in the morning?
I sucked my teeth as I knew nothing I'd say would turn them away.
"I swear to everything I love if you wake up my damn kids......." I narrowed my eyes at them.
"We'll be as quiet as a bunny." Rumi snickered at her own joke.
We loaded my car as I was the only one not wasted. Yes, they were doing drunk karaoke. I turned the music down when I get a call from Tsukauchi.
"What's up Tsukauchi?" I asked the detective.
"Got several complaints of a disturbance near the *** district. That's your place right?" He asked me and my heart dropped.
"Ok. I'm on my way." I quickly hung up and slammed on the accelerator. Not a care in the world for the drunkies in the back.
All noise is blurred out as I make my way over.
About 15 minutes later I come into a view of complete chaos. What looks like a giant ice slide was formed on the hill of the street. Kids of all ages, some with parents, were lined up as far as I could see. They had these giant flowers and used them to slide down.
"Whooaaaaa what is that?!" Hizashi yelled in my ear. The others squished their faces together to look out the window.
I get out the car. Hearing the others stumble out of the vehicle. Emotions flood my body. The only one that was clear was rage. I knew for a fact who was behind this. How could they do this?
I spot the four teens sitting at a table eating snacks. Kusuo was collecting money as Ivy passed out the flower pedals. Dailyn seemed to be giving instructions while Shoto was keeping up the structure. Not going to lie this was kind of impressive.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" I shouted as I made my way over to the giggling teens.
They were startled by the sound. My heart kind of felt tight when Ivy broke out into tears. The eldest holding onto her as she went into a fight or flight mode. Seemingly choosing fight.
"P-pops?" Dailyn asked me confused. I squinted my eyes at him. Was he trying to play dumb.
Kusuo covered his ears and closed his eyes. Seeming to start to rock back and forth. Shoto just froze in fear.
"Why the hell are yall outside? And what is all this?" I rapid fired questions at him. He just started at me seemingly.
I started to examine them all. They seemed to all have red and hazy eyes.
"We were playing games and ate some brownies. We started feeling weird. Next thing I know, we're outside. It's all kind of a blur really." He replied in a slow manner. His face unreadable.
"Brownies? The ones Mirko brought?" I asked confused.
"Yes. We ran out and took some from your room." He replied tightening his hold on Ivy and Kusuo.
It took me a second.
They're high.
And I just sent them into a bad trip.
What the fuck........
"Those were fucking edibles. You guys are high." A ran a hand down my face.
I don't know whether I should be relieved or concerned.
I call Tsukauchi to update him on the situation. He informed me he'd get someone to come clear the area so I can take the kids home. The drunk ones can find their own way over there.
"Come on everyone. Let's get home." I sighed for maybe the hundredth time tonight.
I actually had no clue where this was going when I wrote it 👍🏽 but just a few more chapters before a time skip to school lol.
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