。⋆。˚ ʚ𝟿ɞ ˚。⋆。
Adrien sat in the Deans Office as he boredly listened to the Dean talk about some new girl.
He had gotten the email yesterday afternoon but didn't see it till after his patrols. Dean Damocles was asking if he was willing to be a guide for a new student. They were in the same classes so it was really just showing her the way and didn't interfere with his schedule. So he showed up early to put on a good front.
Adrien was a kind boy in the eyes of most. He was helpful and filled in where asked. So he didn't necessarily mind. But he had a more darker side to him when prompted.
He could be obsessive........
The blonde student mindlessly eyed the bookshelf next to him. His fingers moved along the spines of books that haven't been touched in who knows how long.
*Knock Knock Knock*
"Come in." The older man said loudly to whoever was on the other side of the door. The model turned when he heard the door creak open. His eyes widened in shock.
"Sorry I'm late. I got held up." The familiar beauty murmured as she stepped into the room. She had yet to look around and only looked at the Dean.
He couldn't help his eyes that roamed her body. Taking in her new hairstyle and the way her outfit complimented her body. Her dress seemed to make her ass look bigger than when he saw it in her track pants. And her thighs......he could feel himself hardening just thinking about how soft they probably felt.
He snapped out of his perverted fantasy when he heard his name. His eyes locking with beautiful dark black eyes. There was a sparkle of happiness in them.
Was it too early to overthink that look?
"It's you!" They both smiled.
"Not you copying my color palette!" She laughed eyeing his outfit of choice. He looked at her clothes then down at himself.
"What do they say? Great minds think alike, beautiful." He smirked as he folded his arms and leaned on the bookshelf. He heard it creak and ignored how embarrassing it would be if it fell.
Dakota giggled at that.
"Be careful there Mr.Smooth. That doesn't sound too stable." She teased him as her eyes gestured to the furniture. She would've let him have it by not saying anything but the blush in his face was worth it.
"Haha." He dryly laughed as he smoothly pulled away from the shelf.
"Oh, do you two know each other?" The owl like man asked as he eyed the two sophomores. Amusement danced in his eye.
"I mean not necessarily but I'd like to get to know him." The girl shrugged as she fixed the bag on her shoulders. Adrien felt his heart flutter.
'She wants to get to know me?! ME?!'
"Well I'll leave you two to it. Ms.Spade if you have any questions or concerns just let me know." Dean Damocles stood up and held his hand out. Dakota shook it politely with a small smile on her face. Turning back to Adrien she smiled brightly.
"Shall we then, Twin?" She fixed her bag once more as she gestured to the door. Adrien nodded as he couldn't seem to get words out when looking at her.
He held the door open for her which she thanked him for.
"Here, let me carry that for you." He gently slipped her bag off her shoulder. Holding it so delicately as if it was going to break. Dakotas lips curled up as she looked at him.
"Such a gentleman~ If I knew I'd get my own cute little butler, I would've moved here long ago." She teased him as she pushed her braids off her shoulders.
In Adrien's head, he wanted to scream that he'd be anything she wanted him to be. He'd be the carpet beneath her feet if she asked.
He didn't know why he was so down bad for the girl he knew nothing about.
"So, uh what made you move to Paris?" He asked trying to start conversation. Punching himself for stuttering as that wasn't something he did. Dakota pursed her lips for a second.
"It was my parent's decision. They wanted a change of scenery so I just followed." She shrugged as she explained why she was here.
They had quite literally took a globe, spun it, and threw a dart at it. By whatever coincidence it landed exactly on Paris, France. Dakota didn't care as she could transfer schools anywhere. Luckily, France has a rich history of art.
"Well we're happy to have you here. I hope you enjoy it, beautiful." He smiled down at her. Dakota felt her legs squeeze just a little bit at his smile and the compliment.
She's been complimented by a lot of people but it felt different when he said it.
"Beautiful? You flirtin with me, Mr.Agreste?" She teased as she stood in front of their first class room door together. Adrien's eyes scanned her face again, taking in everything it could. Roaming down her body as he admired how she presented herself. And fuck those legs.......he may just be a thigh guy.
"If I was, was it working?" He smirked as he stepped just a little bit closer. His body towering over her shorter frame. She had to look up just to see his face.
Dakota definitely had her moments when she was shy or quiet, but momma ain't raise no bitch. She always spoke boldly about what's on her mind.
"Keep it up and you may just get whatever you're looking for~" She purred as her hand trailed down his chest ever so slowly. Adrien's lips were agape as he stared at her. A mix of emotions flooded his eyes.
"Are you doing something later today?" He breathed out as his eyes never left hers. Her smile only becoming brighter.
"It depends. Did you want to take me somewhere, Mr.Agreste~" She batted her eyes putting on a shy girl look. He chuckled at that as he put a finger under her chin.
"Of course I do. You just have to say yes..." He moved his face a little closer. Getting lost in her jasmine and peach scent. It was sweet and addictive.
Dakotas eyes fluttered as she looked down at his lips. Her throat going dry as her mind yelled at her to abort mission. But the mind between her legs that's gone so long without was throwing a fucking festival.
"yes..." She whispered as she was surprised she could even get any words out. He smiled at her soft voice. She became so submissive and all he wanted to do now was kiss her.
'Too soon Adrien.'
"Ahem, if you two are done now, I'd like to teach my class." An amused feminine voice interrupted the two. They quickly separated from each other. Adrien's face turning red from embarrassment while Dakota was thanking the lord for her melanin.
The professor was Caline Bustier. Yet another pale red head with freckles. She looked at the two with a smile. Finding them to be a cute couple.
"You must be Dakota Spade. I'm Mrs.Bustier, I teach literature and history." The beautiful older woman introduced herself. For the first time Dakota understood why people fuck their professors, because damn.
"It's nice to meet you." Dakota held out her hand. Not a single trace of her lewd thoughts could be detected. Point for her!
"Sabrina! Nate baby!" Dakota hugged the two sitting near the bottom of the stairs.
She had been texting both a lot, especially when Nate got a lot of attention for his work. He tripled in followers and it was still going.
"I'm going to sit here. I'll see you after class." The brown beauty looked at Adrien, gesturing to her bag.
He was slightly disappointed that she didn't want to sit with him. Considering she knows them more, he couldn't be too upset. He handed her, her bag.
"Promise you'll sit with me in the next class?" He put his pinky up. She snorted and hooked her pinky with his.
"Sure." She whispered softly as she looked up at him. He smiled and brought their still hooked hands up. Kissing the back of hers lightly before walking away.
All eyes were on them.
They already had eyes on them because they were two extremely good looking people and the fact that Dakota was new. But seeing this little interaction threw everyone into a frenzy.
Dakota sat between the two red heads and met their friends. Answering the insane amount of questions they had.
Meanwhile, Adrien seemed to be walking on cloud nine. There was goofy grin on his lips as he walked up the stairs to his seat. His friends could only watch shell shocked.
"DUDE?! Who is that?!" Nino was the first to come out of his shock. He practically yanked the poor boy down into his seat.
"Huh, oh that's Dakota. She's new here." Adrien responded to him as if it wasn't a big deal. Casually grabbing things out of his bag. He noticed Plagg seemed to still be out of it. Laying down with his back facing him. He made a mental note to try to talk to him again.
"Well no shit Sherlock! We meant what was that just now?!" Chloé threw her pen at him out of frustration. She wanted to know so badly what that was all about.
"I was just giving her, her bag is all. Then I was asking her to sit with me in the next class." He spoke so calmly as if it was a normal conversation. But the way his lips were turned up spoke volumes.
"Dude, I can't believe you got a girlfriend and didn't tell me!" Nino shook him as he whined.
Marinette's breath hitched in her throat. Her mouth ran dry and her eyes turned red. It was hard to tell if she was about to start crying or if she was mad. She squeezed Alya's hand to release some stress, the light skin girl winced at the sudden pain.
"Oh, sorry Alya!" The bluenette apologized immediately. Eternally she rolled her eyes. She didn't even use that much strength.
"You good girl. Just calm down, it might not be what you think it is." The glasses wearer offered a small smile. Marinette just nodded her head.
"She's not my girlfriend. I technically just met her and was asked to guide her to her classes." He shrugged his shoulders.
Marinette felt a breath of relief leave her body. She had to remember that Adrien didn't do serious relationships. He was most likely going to play around with her and then toss her to the curb. She believed that it's because he hasn't met the right girl yet. If he just opened his eye he'd see that one that really understands him was right here.
She could change him.
"If you're so worried, why don't you just confess already?" Alya whispered to the girl.
"I can't do that!" The mixed girl whisper yelled. A blush coating her face as she looked embarrassed. Alya just shrugged.
"If you don't say something soon, you may just lose him." She turned back to the conversation as the other three were picking on the blonde male.
Marinette simmered in her head. She mocked Alya for being so close minded. The reason she couldn't confess to Adrien was because she was a prize. As the woman, it was unladylike to chase after a man. He was supposed to come to her and confess first.
That's just how it was.
"Hey man, if you're not trynna get with her I will definitely try to shoot my shot. She's fine as fuck." Luka whistled as he looked at the girl that was showing off her outfit to the people she met. They clapped for her as they were obviously hyping her up.
For some reason that didn't make Marinette happy either. She was aware of Luka's crush on her. And she couldn't lie when she said she liked the attention just not the guy. But she sure as hell didn't want him moving his attention elsewhere.
She silently fumed as she glared at the new girl.
Adrien on the other hand let out a dry laugh. His hand clenched until he felt the snap of his metal pen. The thought of other men hitting on her stepped on a certain nerve that made him have some particularly dark thoughts.
His eyes roamed over to the girl that seemed to be laughing at something. Her eyes opened and she looked at him. She waved and he felt like time stopped.
"You should go for it, you only live once." Nino shrugged as he winked at his girlfriend. The light skin beauty rolled her eyes as she smiled.
"We'll see." Adrien brushed him off as he continued staring at Dakota that just seemed to be glowing.
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