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"A-Adrien? What are you doing here?" Marinette asked as a blush creeped up onto her cheeks. Her heart hammering against her chest.
Adrien turned around in what felt like slow motion. The sun seemed to hit him just right as the birds sung their last song of the day. She stared dreamily as his jade green eyes sparkled and his pink lips curled up into a smile.
"Oh, hey Mari. I happened to be nearby so I stopped to get something." The blonde waved at his friend. Considering his lady held no hard feelings against the girl at the moment, he was still friendly with her.
He had noticed her snarky attitude all day but she was also in a bad mood before Dakota showed up, according to Nino that is. Dakota also didn't want to come in between their friendship as the girl really didn't do anything to her but stare.
Didn't mean she wouldn't put the girl in her place if it came down to it.
"You should've told me you were coming. I would've made you something fresh." Marinette laughed softly as she played with the end of one of her ponytails.
"Ha my bad, I'll let you know next time I plan to stop by. This time was just a spur of the moment." He smiled the same friendly smile he always did. It's not as if it was forced but it wasn't the most genuine. It was the type of smile that kept people at bay.
"Here's that order for you sweetie." Marinettes mother smiled sweetly to the young man she was so fond of. She knew her daughter liked him and wished they'd get together, but he knew the look of someone that only saw you as a friend. It's not as if she could force him to like her only child, she could only console her daughter when the time came.
Which was any second now.
"Ah, thank you Mrs. Dupaing-Chan." Adrien took hold of the large bag of baked treats. It was enough to feed three to four people. He thanked the father also before turning to leave.
"Ah wait Adrien. How about you come upstairs, I want to show you something." The bluenette asked sweetly. Her shy look gave an innocent type of cute to it.
"Oh, sorry I can't. I'm actually kinda—This place is really cute." His sentence was cut short by the sound of the bell. Indicating someone opened the door. A soft voice cut through as she admired the small bakery.
Marinettes breath hitched. If it wasn't for the girl showing up, she would've completely forgotten that they were hanging out after school. If anything, she figured it was something the brown skin girl made up. Finding her delusional for thinking Adrien would want to hang out with a total stranger.
Her mind tuned out the noise around as she watched Dakota look around. Her parents, being the kind people they, enthusiastically told her about each pastry. Giving her samples of things and blushing when she complimented them. Adrien leaned against the counter as he watched. A loving smile danced on his lips.
"Alright Mari, I'll see you tomorrow at school." Adrien waved the girl off. Dakota smiled offering a small wave as she munched on a macaron. Being ushered out by his hand on her back.
Marinette simply blinked, turned around and ran upstairs.
Adrien watched as Dakota happily ate her treats in his car. A privilege he only gave her considering he doesn't even eat in his own car.
After their heartfelt moment, he felt bad for discarding their ice cream. He just so happened to remember the family bakery nearby. So he made a quick stop. When he went inside, Dakota was on the phone with her family that had called about her whereabouts. He ordered everything he'd think she'd like.
"Ugh, the flavors are melting on my tongue~" Dakota let out a deep moan of delight. Her eye doing that little twitch as it rolled to the back of her head.
"Girl." Adrien laughed at her. She sucked her teeth and swallowed what was in her mouth.
"Like have you tasted this?! This is why I came to Paris." She nodded her head with her finger curled in front of her lips.
"Yeah? Let me try it." He opened his mouth for a bite. She looked between him and her pastry. Sucking her teeth once more she pushed it towards him with a look of unwillingness.
The blondes eyes held amusement seeing her frown so deeply. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward, making Dakota gasp. Sadly she dropped the pastry onto the floor. Her surprise was flooded out by lips pressing onto hers.
Adrien licked her bottom lip lightly. Pulling away as soon as hers parted.
"You're right, it did taste good." He licked his lips as he eyed her. A sly grin on his face. Dakota just stared at him with a stank face.
"That shit would've been cute if you didn't make me drop my croissant." Her top lip twitched as she huffed at him. Adrien let out an ungodly laugh.
"Mamas I will buy you another one." He grabbed her chin gently. Her eyes lit up with excitement.......like she didn't still have a box of them left.
"Of course, if I get to see that pretty smile."
"Okay.....that was some cute shit." She playfully rolled her eyes before breaking out into a smile.
"I'll pick you up in the morning?" Adrien asked as he leaned against his car. His arms wrapped the girls waist.
"That depends~" She looked up at him with her hands behind his neck. Her fingers playing in his hair.
"On?" He asked amused by the mischief in her eyes. Her smile only growing wider.
"Let me paint you after school. You are supposed to be my muse." She stood on her toes to get closer to his face. Her eyes became lidded as she looked up through her lashes.
Adrien pursed his lips as he looked at her face. He was kinda glad she never decided to go into modeling. Only he had the luxury to stare at her beauty. But at the same time he wanted to brag and show her off.
"Okay." He pressed his lips onto hers once more.
After a few minutes, Dakota finally waved goodbye to the male. Closing the door behind her. She looked up and screamed.
"Good lord! Yall scared the cunty out of me!" Dakota held her chest as her heart beat wildly.
The young ladies family all stood in the foyer. Most staring at her with knowing looks. One had a look of anger but she knew he wasn't mad.
"What happened to not being here to hook up, lil sis?" Olive was the first to break the silence. A smug look on her face as she spoke. Dakota side eyed her.
"I'm not....." She mumbled as she felt her phone vibrate.
"Oh? So you just walked to a bakery on your own? Because Jeffery went home for the day hours ago and you weren't here." Shalona tilted her chin at the white bag with the bold label on the front. Dakota looked at for a second.
"It was a welcome to school present......." She pushed the bag behind her back. It did nothing to hide it.
"How sweet. Lemme guess who bought it.......perhaps the boy that had his tongue down your throat?" Dallas snickered as Dakotas face got warm. Once again thanking the lords for making melanin.
"I wish I knew what you were talking about but I'm just as clueless as you." She shrugged, turning to walk up the stairs.
"Then let me jog your memory. Does this look familiar?" Olive showed her a photo on her iPad.
It was a photo of a girl and a guy kissing on the other side of a car. Their faces were covered but you could obviously see the outfits. Dakota squinted her eyes.
"Nah, still not sure what this is. Her hair is cute though. Kinda reminds me of mines but the parts are crooked." She pointed at the photo. Olive whipped her phone around to scrutinize the image. She knew for a fact her parts were flawless.
Dakota snorted inwardly as she tried to sneak away.
"Not so fast young lady!" Her father's voice boomed behind her. The bass of his tone shook her to her core as she froze. Cursing herself for not running when she had the chance.
"Daddy........" She smiled cutely as she slowly turned around.
Her innocent act did nothing to fix the scowl on his face. If anything, she could see the vein pulsing through his bald head. She bit her tongue to hold back whatever comment she had on it.
"Who was that?" He glared at her. A tone of absolute authority evident in his words. Meaning he wasn't putting up with her little snarky responses. He wanted the truth.
"His name is Adrien...." She muttered as she looked down.
Morris was a fool for his wife and kids. He has never punished them nor has he ever said no to them. In all reality, no one remembered the last time he was mad at them.
This didn't mean he wasn't terrifying when he was upset.
Shanola, Olive, and Dallas looked at each other. This was all meant to be in good fun to pick on the girl. They weren't aware the father was actually upset. The guilt was gnawing at them.
"Honey I— My baby! You're supposed to stay away from those icky boys! Don't you remember that they have cooties?! Stay home with daddy! Daddy will protect you from those bad men!" Morris interrupted his wife by throwing his arms around his youngest daughter. He was bawling his eyes out.
Taking everyone by surprise...........
I did mention that he was a big teddy bear right? His tough guy act could only go so long in front of his loved ones.
Dakota blinked in surprise. Well more like in fear.
She could hear her bakery bag being crushed and became concerned for her treats. She cried silently in her heart.
"When are we gonna meet this boy?" Dallas crossed his arms as he leaned on Olive. The two were similar in height.
The 19 year old patted her old man's back. Asking him to let her go so she could at least breathe. He did; begrudgingly so.
"Uhhhhhhh no time soon. I want to let the relationship develop a little more before anything happens." She hummed as she pulled out her phone. Smiling seeing the boy had blown up her phone worried. She let him know she was okay and there was no need to break her door down.
Shanola and Morris smiled.......well one more than the other.
This reminded them of when they first got together. Shanola was 15 and Morris had just turned 17. They were only a grade apart; Morris had a late birthday while she would turn 16 in a few months.
When they had first laid eyes on each other, the young male asked the delinquent of a girl to marry him. They had only exchanged three sentences prior to that. Shanola thought he was bat shit crazy but yet she liked it.
So of course she kissed him and had him wrapped around her finger. One thing lead to another and here they are now.
"As long as he treats you well. That's all we ask for." The mother walked up and placed her hand on her daughter's cheek. Giving her forehead a small kiss. Dakota hummed in response.
"I have a feeling he will. He's not like Nico." She smiled at her family, her eyes wander to her sister who tensed up.
The only thing that's important from this is that Nico showed who he was when they first met. He was just so manipulative that Dakota was easily blind sided. She always had a feeling about him but he had this way of making her doubt herself and feeling guilty about her thoughts.
"I can't go to jail again, I don't have the Kaitlyn Jenner status to get my legal documents changed." Olive chuckled at her own joke. Although her old identity is dead, she understood how the law worked. They'd detain her as male before separating her.
Dakota snorted before nodding.
"Okay now if you'll excuse me, I need to check on Maui." The young woman smiled at her family who weren't exactly looking at her.
She looked down to see them eyeing her baked goods bag. She grittier her teeth before letting out a long sigh. She didn't even say anything before handing the bag over. They pounced on it like hyenas finding a fresh carcass.
She hated it here.
I'm still on vacation😭 I just miss yall
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