Thimble opens her eyes with a gasp, still laying in the same position she was in when she died.
The cat takes a few breaths, trying to process what's going on.
She sits up partially, blinking a few times and shaking her head.
I'm....alive? But how?
Opening her eyes fully, she looks around the alleyway, it seeming slightly......off.
Where...am I? I thought....
The closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths.
Suddenly her eyes popped open.
Alastor's handkerchief!
She whirled her head around, frantically scanning the alleyway for the piece of cloth.
No...no no no! Where is it?!
She stood up, wandering around the alleyway a bit.
She sat down, ears drooped, saddened by the loss of Alastor's handkerchief.
....that was all I had left of him..
The cat sat with her head dipped, eyes closed, mourning her loss.
As she opened her eyes, a marking in her fur caught her eye, making her jump to her paws.
What is that?!
She appeared to have stitches on her chest.
Spotting a puddle in the alleyway, Thimble heads towards it, not realizing she's floating above the ground slightly.
The cat's ears perked in surprise seeing her reflection in the puddle.
She looked younger, and still had her coal colored fur, but now also had white stitches running from her chest to her belly. She also had white stitches running down her back as well as small Xs on her shoulders and her upper hind legs.
Her face had the what appeared to be the upper half of a white cat skull on it, with two small horns poking from it. In the middle of her forehead, where her white diamond marking used to be, was now a black diamond marking with a glowing red X overtop of it.
Thimble's eyes were no longer orange, but black, with glowing red pupils. Her fur appeared to be wispy, made of shadows.
What the-?
Thimble reaches up and runs a paw over her small set of horns.
Well that's new...
There's a sudden loud noise, making the demon cat jump, ears laid back and hackles raised.
Shaking herself off, the cat starts to creeps towards the end of the alleyway.
Looking down, Thimble's tail flicked in surprise, seeing her paws barely skimming the ground.
I can float? That's cool!
With an amused purr, she floated to the end of the alleyway, coming to a stop and landing back on her paws.
Peeking around the corner, Thimble's jaw dropped.
She wasn't in New Orleans anymore, that's for sure.
The sky appeared to be shades of red and maroon, casting over the city.
The city itself had many buildings, also in shades of red, maroon and purple., all of them looking in rough shape.
There was debris spread through the street, some of it from buildings themselves, while a lot of it was trash.
Broken glass and bottles littered the filthy street.
What the-?
Odd looking...people...dare she call them, populated the city, some of them having horns or tails.
As Thimble looked around in astonishment and slight fear, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.
A demon was coming towards her, brandishing a knife and grinning evilly.
With a terrified meow, Thimble whirled around and raced back into the alleyway.
It was at this point I learned that I needed to stay out of alleyways...
Her heart pounding, she dived under a dumpster, hoping the demon didn't see her.
Covered in grime and cobwebs, Thimble trembled, panting, her ears laid back in fright.
Please tell me he didn't see me.... please tell me he didn't see me...
Thimble froze as she heard footsteps enter the alleyway, slowly walking towards the dumpster.
I'm not here... I'm not here...just go away..
Thimble held her breath as the demon stopped in front of the dumpster.
Suddenly, she was yanked out of her hiding spot by her scruff, making her yelp in fright.
"Gotcha you little maggot!" The demon said triumphantly with an evil grin.
Thimble was frozen in terror as she was lifted up by her scruff to the demon's eye level.
"I've always hated cats..." The demon spat, lifting his knife to Thimble's chin, poking it.
The slight pain snapped Thimble out of her frozen state.
Still terrified, the cat clamped her teeth onto the demon's hand holding the knife, hard.
The demon yelled in pain and threw her to the ground, cursing and clutching his now bleeding hand.
That's what you get!
Thimble tumbled slightly against the concrete with a wince, landing on her paws.
She immediately stood up and scampered towards the end of the alleyway, claws gripping the concrete.
Suddenly, the demon's knife whizzed past her, slicing tge top of her right shoulder before it stuck to the ground in front of her, handle quivering.
With a cry of pain and her shoulder now bleeding, Thimble bolted down street, terrified.
The cat ran as fast as she could, dodging chunks of debris, demons and cars alike, her heart pounding and her shoulder throbbing.
Buildings became blurs as she ran, breathing hard.
A bright sign caught her attention, and Thimble skidded to a stop. In bright neon letters, the sign read Welcome to Hell!
I'm in Hell?!
Suddenly, a horn blares and Thimble is blinded by the headlights of an oncoming car.
Frozen and eyes wide, Thimble could only cower in horror as the car came barreling towards her.
Thimble squeezed her eyes shut, but at the last second, she was jolted aside as someone grabbed her.
Slowly, Thimble opened her eyes, blinking a few times, realizing she had been saved from being hit by the car and was now in someone's arms.
Heart still racing, she looked up and saw she was being held by a female with long blond hair, red cheeks and a friendly face. She wore a red suit, a bowtie and a pair of matching black shoes, and was currently scolding the demon driver of the car.
"..Need to be more careful!"
Still terrified, Thimble wriggled out of the female demon's grip, landing on the sidewalk and immediately scampering away, not even looking back.
The female demon, Charlie, takes a half-hearted step in Thimble's direction.
"No wait!" She calls after her. "I'm just trying to.. help.. you." She trailed off as Thimble disappeared around a corner.
Back with Thimble, she's still running as fast as she can, her shoulder throbbing, heart pounding.
Spotting a piece of sturdy debris, the she-cat dives under it, breathing hard.
"I can't trust anybody here, I'm in Hell for God's sake!"
After managing to catch her breath, she slowly peeks out from under the piece of debris, looking around cautiously.
Her eyes widen and her ears perk as she spots an abandoned car.
"That seems like a better place to hide.."
Taking another brief look around, Thimble dashes out from under the debris, across the street and dives under the car.
Letting out a breath, she dips her head and licks at her shoulder, cleaning up the knife wound as gathered her thoughts.
"Why am I in Hell?" She asks herself.
"Well, let's see, you were a serial killer's pet cat, what would you expect?" The she-cat thought, answering her own question.
She winced as she accidentally licked the wound itself, sending a sting of pain through her shoulder.
Thimble sighed, briefly jumping as she heard a loud noise, her ears perked and fur fluffed up slightly.
Looking around one more time, the cat curled up under the car, making herself as comfortable as she could.
"I need to find safety... this won't due for long" She thought, yawning briefly.
Worn out from the day's events, the cat's eyes drooped shut, succumbing to her exhaustion.
Man, Thimble just has the worst of luck with alleyways lol
Sorry for the long sudden hiatus on this story! Life got busy, I moved to another state for college purposes and I got a new job.
I'm semi-adulting now.. I guess TwT
I don't know if anyone is even reading this story, but if you are, I appreciate it!
Things may be a bit slow, but we're jumping into the action soon! I promise!
Comment your thoughts! I love to hear from you guys.
Stay tuned and don't forget to vote ☆
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