The black cat slowly gets better, slowly being able to walk and play again.
As the weeks passed...I recovered. Alastor kept me fed and my bandages clean...
The black cat sits on the counter, watching Alastor cook, her mouth watering.
Living with Alastor was quiet nice, actually...
The scene changes and it shows the cat following Alastor around the house as he does daily chores.
He lived alone, which didn't surprise me. Trying to hide the fact that you're a murderer from a roommate wouldn't be the easiest thing to do...
The next scene shows Alastor carefully taking the bandages off the cat.
The cat's ears perk, seeing that her wounds are, for the most part, healed. She looks up at Alastor with a happy purr, flicking her bobbed tail.
"You seem to be all healed, little one... " Said Alastor with a small grin.
The stray meows, then noses her head under his hand so that he's petting her.
All thanks to you, Alastor!
Alastor chuckles, stroking her head a few times, then sighs softly.
"...that means that you can go back outside and be free again."
The black cat stops purring and looks up at him, head tilted questioningly.
Thinking the cat doesn't understand what he's talking about, Alastor steps away from the table and opens the door.
"I'm not going to keep you here against your will..."
He pulls the door so it's wide open, a soft breeze blowing the scent of outside towards the cat.
Her orange eyes widened, looking outside beyond the door.
She looked back at Alastor, ears perked.
But what about you?
Alastor met her gaze and they stared at each other for a few seconds.
He then jerked his head towards the door.
"Go... you can leave, I'm not going to stop you." He said.
Flicking an ear, the cat jumped down from the table and stood facing the door.
I'm not sure if I want to go...
The cat looked back up at Alastor.
Here I'm fed and I'm safe...
The cat then looked back outside.
Out there I'm free...but I'm not guaranteed the things I need to survive...
The cat flicked her bobbed tail and made a decision. So she started walking.... right towards Alastor.
Alastor was stunned as he watched the cat sit next to his feet, rubbing against his leg with a purr.
"What are you doing?" Alastor asked. "The door is that way."
The cat looked up at him and meowed.
I'm not leaving, you're stuck with me.
Still confused, Alastor huffed.
"I'm gonna close the door now, this is your last chance."
The cat flicked an ear, still sitting at his feet and looking up at him.
Alastor slowly shut the door, looking at the cat. As the door latched shut, he was still surprised.
"So you want to stay then?"
The black cat meowed then reached up with her paws, standing on her hind legs and her front paws resting on his shin. Her bobbed tail flicked.
Of course I do!
Alastor chuckled, reaching down to pet her on the head.
"I'll take that as a yes."
With another playful flick of her tail, the cat scampered off towards the living room.
With an amused grin, Alastor followed her, getting slightly startled when the cat pounced on his feet as he walked past a chair.
"Ha! You seem to be a lot happier now."
The cat meowed then stretched, eventually rolling onto her back, exposing her belly to Alastor.
She flicked her bobbed tail playfully, hoping he would dare to try and touch her belly fluff.
Alastor laughed.
"I'm not falling for that trick, my friend, I know what you're trying to do."
He sat down in the cushioned chair, watching the cat.
"Now that I'm thinking about it, you're gonna need a name..." He said, resting his head on his hand, his elbow propped up on his knee.
The cat jumped up, darting forward and diving under the chair Alastor was sitting on, batting a shiny object out from under the chair so it rolled across the floor.
The cat, doing a little butt wiggle, pounced on the object, making Alastor chuckle.
"What's that you got there?" He said, causing the cat to stand back up and look at him.
Alastor reached down and grabbed the object. It was a thimble, slightly dusty, but in good shape overall.
He smiles sadly, turning it in his hand with his thumb.
Noticing the change of emotions, the cat sat up, looking at Alastor with her head tilted.
"This was my mother's....it must've fell out of her sewing kit." Said Alastor, chuckling sadly.
With a little "mrrp" the cat reared up onto her hind paws, resting her front paws on Alastor's knee.
Alastor smiled, gently petting the cat's head, causing the cat to purr.
"She would've loved you..." He said.
Looking back to the thimble, he got an idea.
"You know..... that's not a bad name.." He said, setting the small object to the side.
The cat tilted her head to the side, not exactly sure what Alastor meant. Alastor looked at her with a grin.
"What do you say..."
He gently picks up the cat and holds her in front of him.
So now Alastor officially has a cat!
And now you figured out how Thimble got her name :)
Sorry about the wait, procrastination is a bitch lol. The chapters WILL get longer, I promise!
Stay tuned and don't forget to vote! ☆
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