Since the age of ten, you've been a full-fledged Pokemon trainer. You hadn't planned on it, but that faithful day at the creek changed everything. It made you realize you needed someone to watch your back, and in turn you'd watch theirs. That someone is a Pokemon, your bestest buddy in the whole wide world, Golurk. You had found them as a Golett in the route outside of your hometown, Icirrus City.
The little guy was stuck in the water and was about to drown. How ironic.
At age thirteen, you secured the title as champion, still holding it to this very day.
However just now as a seventeen-year-old, is Team Plasma up to their evil plans. They had started stirring things up with their leader Ghetsis creating a rally in the middle of Accumula town, claiming his organization was trying to liberate all Pokemon. However that was a lie... A lie that would soon be revealed to be quite the opposite.
Being the champion and all, Officer Jenny appointed you to investigate Team Plasma. You normally would've turned something like that down, but your two younger siblings were terrified and begged you to accept.
You could have sworn after that rally you saw glimpses of that boy from the forest, but you shook it off, telling yourself you were crazy.
As of now, you're in the Dreamyard, face-to-face with Plasma Grunts. The duo were trying to get Dream Mist from a helpless little Munna, who was being kicked as you entered. "Stand down, Grunts. You don't want this to get messy." You stand tall and proud, taking out your badge that Jenny gave you. "We're taking this Dream Mist whether you like it or not. With the Mist, we can show trainers dreams to manipulate them into liberating their Pokemon." The female Grunt said rather aggressively. "Well then, let's get messy." You gritted your teeth, Golurk stepping up from behind you.
Needless to say, you defeated them. The male Grunt growled at you and ran back over to the Munna. "We have to obtain the Dream Mist!" He yelled, kicking the Munna once more. After he did, there was a bright flash of light, their leader appeared next to the four of you.
"What are you two doing goofing off?" Ghetsis's raspy voice yelled. He spoke with power, though he just looked like a crazy old man. As he finished his sentence, another Ghetsis appeared on the other side.
"We, Team Plasma, will separate Pokemon from foolish people!" He said as he and the other Ghetsis disappeared, only for one of him to reappear behind the two Grunts.
"If you cannot fufill your duties..." He spoke, only for the female Grunt to interrupt out of fear, "T-This isn't..." She paused, thinking of how to reply, "Ghetsis when he is gathering followers... Or Ghetsis when he is trying to control people by tricking them with speeches!"
The male Grunt soon added on, "This is Ghetsis when a plan has failed, and he is about to issue punishment..."
"At any rate, let's hurry and say we're sorry so that he forgives us!" The female said with anticipation, ready to sprint for her life.
The other nods as he sprints close behind her.
After they are long gone, a Musharna approached, stopping next to the Munna. "Let me get you patched up." You kneeled, keeping your hands in their line of sight, only taking them out to pull out a Potion from your Boston style bag. You sprayed the Munna's wounds as it cooed softly. When you finished, it jumped to it's mother, nudging and cuddling in relief.
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