||Wednesday, jan 29th||
9:15 am
Awake! I swear I keep waking up earlier and earlier- I'm not really sure why. ANYWAY. I'm gonna yap about last night's shifting attempt because why not. So I went to bed at around- 2 am? I laid down FLAT 👹 as one does ☺️ and started saying affirmations RIGHT away 👺 because I feel like trying to get into a meditative state before starting your method always makes me fall asleep and lose focus. Anyway, I started out with the typical affirmations when I decided to try something new, this wasn't a shifting affirmation persay, but anyway I kept repeating "my body is asleep and my mind is awake." Because I often struggle with falling asleep whenever I try to get into like a sleep paralysis type thing (wild never works for me chat 😔) so once I started doing that, my body rapidly started to feel numb. Once I could barely feel my body and felt focused on the dark plain that in my mind (help that sounds emo- I mean like when your eyes are closed and you see the dark, except from a further back perspective of that makes sense) I switched to saying shifting specific affirmations, after a bit of that my mind started to drift off to sleep too, when suddenly it was like I snapped awake, EXCEPT- instead of my usual snapping awake where I'm like fully awake. My body was still numb but my mind was alert, and my heart started beating REALLY fast, which is a shifting symptom I've gotten before while being close to shifting (with a guided meditation) . I kept saying affirmations and then after awhile I fell asleep....AND HAD SMTH VERY SHIFTING RELATED IN MY DREAM LAST NIGHT..so that was a very good attempt in my opinion :3
12:22 pm
School time xp
6:03 pm
Just got back from a walk! It's the first time I've been able to walk outside in a whileee- it's been so cold but now it's like 50 degrees.there were some crunchy leaves :3 so ofc I stepped on them- AND FOR SOME REASON IT SMELLED LIKE LAUNDRY DETERGENT OUTSIDE...EVERYWHERE.
6:28 pm
Bullying the devil on c.ai :D (this was prompted by a Lucifer simp please don't hate me 😔)
7:00 pm
Dinner timeee :3 we're having grilled cheese and tomato soup yippie yippie (skibidi)
10:21 pm
What the skibidi chat I promised to post this at 10:30 but I doubt imma have any updates in 10 minutes so :3 gooodnight! -Glowy
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