||Tuesday, sep 17th||
3:56 am
Finally going to bed, :3
10:50 am
Good morning! Got woken up by parent who apparently woke me up 40 minutes ago but idk how that's possible because I've literally been dreaming? Anyway I wrote it down in my dream journal if you're interested in reading it lmao, I think im gonna start posting there again as well.
1:18 pm
Starting on schoolwork now! Hopefully we don't have a repeat of yesterday where I can't focus so I was doing school at 9 pm 😃🔫
5:06 pm
Painting rocks! I have the base white layer on and I'm waiting for that to dry before I began with color :3
6:38 pm
Two rocks painted!
7:38 pm
Yippie! Done with all my stuff for the day
School ✅
Rocks ✅
Eated✅ (yes ik it's ate)
So now it is officially time of the night where I mess around on my phone and continue to do so until it's time for bed 😎
9:41 pm
Watched episode two of a Korean drama my dad and I just started, it's very good so far >:3
12:17 am
That's all for today!! See ya tomorrow, ~Glow
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