||Sunday, oct 6th||
4 am
Awakeeeee but kind of tired gonna try to fall back asleep
5:22 am
Yeah so that didn't work I'm fully awake now
7:34 am
Having breakfast because I actually woke up early enough to have it 🤩 (before noon)
Tbh early mornings are peaceful, but only when everyone else is asleep. Which seems rare cause at least a few people here wake up early, so I think I'll stick with late nights instead of early morning
10:09 am
Making loser, baby Kandi :3 I'll show when it's done
10:34 am
1:31 pm
Going to this uhhh idk what to call it- big garden thing :) I won't say the name so I don't dox myself 😎
9:10 pm
I'm home! The gardens were cool, they were having a Japan festival :3 saw a lot of pretty things!
Smth happened with parents and we had to go to later mass- so ermmm my brother and I were late to youth group, I was considering not going tbh but likeee 🙄🙄 I looked really cute today and it's annoying when you don't look like a busted rat for once and then you don't go anywhere- 👺 so anyway they were doin this like race thingy :( where you got a clue and you kept having to go to the next place, and do your task to get your next clue. Which isn't so bad but.... WE WERE LATE TO THE RACE, AND WE HAD TO RUN ACROSS THE FUCKING CHURCH MULTIPLE TIMES 😭 and to the connecting school, AND outside. Which is cool and all for athletic ppl but I'm not athletic and I'm asthmatic 🤗 my lungs were BURNING. And when I say burning I mean BURNING. And for one of the activities, (also for context, if you've never been to a church/ Catholic Church, some of them have schools connected to them.) So we ran all the way from the parish center to the cafeteria of the school- which is also down a flight of stairs QwQ- AND THE ACTIVITY WAS HAVING TO USE STRAWS TO SUCTION M&MS FROM ONE PLATE TO ANOTHER PLATE A FEW FEET AWAY- WHICH MEANT INHALING THE WHOLE TIME TO KEEP SUCTION. (Hehehe when I told my mom about this later when she came to pick us up and ask how it was- she told me I should've had my inhaler with me XD or called her to bring it- or ask an adult to call her 💀 cause I also left my phone at home lmao, will I learn from this mistake? Hell nah I ain't carrying anything with me but the clothes I'm wearing and my MASSIVE GYA- ego :3/silly/J) imma put a devider cause this is getting long and it's hard for me to read long rants so I don't want yall to have trouble :<
After the activity, we split up into small group which is usually my brother, my friend, and his friends. But my friend wasn't there this time :p so I was just with my brother and his friends- and thankfully we got a good small group leader who wasn't annoying and allergic to fun like last week 🙄 basically in small group they gave you a little worksheet of some questions and then they discuss those.
Finally it was time for food- I didn't eat there because I'm scared of food that I don't know where it came from or what's in it 😨😨 but I sat with my brother and his friends- AND WE SOMEHOW GOT INTO A DISCUSSION 😭😭 ABOUT THE CARS/PLANES UNIVERSE, and how there's a pope car, and a queen of England car- which means every historical figure and things that happened in our universe happened in the car universe 💀 I'm not gonna go into detail but it was uhhh interesting 🤩 we slightly terrorized one of the youth ministers 🤗 also I seem to disturb a lot of adults for some reason 🤨 ALSO HHEHE ONE OF MY BROTHERS FRIENDS SAID I SCARE HIM IN LIKE A UNSETTLING SLIGHTY CREEPY WAY 😎 LMAOO
Now I'm sitting down to watch the final episode of the k-drama
11:27 pm
SOMEBODY SHUT HER UP SHE IS ON A YAPPING ROLE TODAY DAMN 💀 anyway guys that's probably all for today :3 Nighty night! ~Glow
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