||Saturday, oct 12th||
2:27 am
Hello >:) it's very early ik- I haven't gone to sleep yet..I haven't decided whether I'll just stay up late or pull an all nighter- but for now I'm just gonna listen to my audiobook and if I get tired I'll decide then
10:30 am
So yah- I went to sleep heheh, cause I started kinda falling asleep while listening, and I'm awake now! Which kinda sucks because I was in the middle of a fun dream when my mom woke me up 😭 but oh well :p
1:20 pm
Making rainbow loom in Halloween colors :3
4:50 pm
been playing Brookhaven with my friend, trying to decode the new agency rp house- we just gave up tho 😭
5:08 pm
Reading a book with my brother- it's a choose your own adventure FNAF book,
We're doing easy first :3 he's reading aloud and I'm writing inventory down XD
5:17 pm
Damn it he has to leave 😔 for Boy Scouts 😔😔😔 guess we'll continue later
11:11 pm
Just got off sky! I haven't been playing it actively for awhile now- but one of my old friends who I met on there 2 years ago redownloaded it and started playing it, so it's nice getting to see her again :)
Oki that's probably all today, Nighty night! ~Glow
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