β’ Whats up with Friday? β’
Uhm new headers? Yes please!
In this chapter I'll introduce a friendship group you didn't know you needed so enjoy~
Also guess who can't be assed to proof read? Me! So sorry if theres any mistakes.
H i t o s h i :
"This is getting ridiculous, now." Shinso groaned as the front door closed with a click. His parental units had once again left to get piss drunk. It started in march and then it just never stopped, honestly, what bar was so good that it was hogging his dads?
"I take it that there won't be monopoly on this fine Friday night." Kaminari's voice drifted out of Shinso's phone with a snort. What? You really expected him to catsit in a house alone?
He would vary between calling Midoriya, Kaminari and even Monoma. Once the had a group call where they promised to study but it just ended in two separate house fires as they tried to make cheese sandwiches. The two arsonists will remain anonymous...
"We haven't played Monopoly since I was seven, Kaminari."
"Are you saying you've grown out of Monopoly?!"
"Exactly what i thought." Kaminari laughed triumphantly. Shinso just rolled his eyes, stealthily making his way towards his cat sleeping on the sofa. "But seriously." The electric blonde started as he came down from his laughing fit. "Why don't you just follow them?"
Shinso was about to reply with something sarcastic when another voice joined the conversation. "Yes Kaminari, he should as a minor, follow his dads to a bar." You could practically hear the eye roll in Monoma's voice.
"Oh hey Monoma! I definitely missed your unyielding sarcasm." Kaminari replied with a laugh.
"Hypocrisy!" Monoma gasped in fake offense. The trio laughed for a couple of seconds. "Where's Midoriya today then?" He hummed.
"Probably breaking more bones." Shinso snorted as he gently stroked his cat who had moved to his lap.
"Didn't he say he sorted that out though?" Kaminari asked though he couldn't hide the quick snort that escaped his lips.
Monoma was quiet for a second before he had an evil thoughtβ’. "Kaminari you say you sorted out your walking into doorknobs problem but guess what?"
Denki murmured something inaudible into the mic; Shinso grinned his best Aizawa grin. "What was that Kaminari?"
"I HAD A BRUISE ON MY FOREHEAD TODAY. THERE, I HATE IT WHEN YOU BOTH TAG TEAM ME." The blonde cried making the other pair laugh manically at his suFfEriNg.
"My point is." Monoma started with an attention grabbing cough. "Midoriya probably couldn't unlock his phone due to his 10 broken fingers or something."
"Maybe his hands just left."
"If i were his hands, i too, would just file a restraining order."
A sharp offended gasp came floating out of the speakers. "I did not just join the call to this SLANDER!" Midoriya yelled.
"Are your hands still connected to your body?"
"YES!" Midoriya grumbled. It wasn't often the boy got angry but when he did Shinso was sure he could level Tokyo. "Can we PLEASE change the subject before i violently cry at you."
Monoma hummed with a fake mocking tone. "3/10 threat, do better next time or I'll fold you like my newly washed gym uniform."
"MOVING ON!" Midoriya insisted with a cry, Shinso could tell there would be tears in his eyes. "I can always call Uraraka and Iida instead you know! Heck I'd even take Kacchan over this!"
Kaminari laughed at the boys distress before deciding it best to change the subject before the green bean actually murdered one of them. "We were just discussing howΒ Shinso's dads are probably in a satanic sex cult!"
"I'm sorry, mcscuse me wHAT?" Monoma choked on his food as his brain quickly registered this information; a similar gurgling sound could be heard from Midoriya's end too.
Its best to note that, nobody knows who Shinso's parental units actually are. Shinso would tell them if they asked but hey. Its not his fault they're as blind as the author without her glasses~
Shinso was quick to correct his electric friend before this misunderstanding could escalate further. "No, nobody said anything like THAT. They just leave every Friday, the exact same time every week. Even when dad was injured, pops still went." His voice dropped to a sigh, his friends were nice enough to listen at least. "I just don't get it, whats so spectacular about this place and what aren't they telling me?"
It was quiet on the other end for a couple of seconds, maybe even a minute as each of them mulled over this new information. Shinso would be lying if he said he didn't feel embarrassed. These phone calls were always so lighthearted and he just sank the mood like the fucking Titanic.
"I'm coming over."
"Me too! I'll be there in about 10 minutes."
The violette didn't even try to mask his sputter. "W-what? What the hell no you can't come over."
"If your dads leave you home alone on a Friday night then they must expect things to get a little out of hand at least once." Monoma scoffed, audibly slipping his shoes on with a grunt.
Wind was whipping past on Kaminari's end of the line as his footsteps skipped, kicking up loose gravel. Midoriya was hurrying through his house telling his mom he would be gone for a couple of hours.
Shinso could only sit dumbfounded as he stiffly looked around his living room. His living room which was covered wall to wall in family photos spanning from when he was 5 to just the other week. He didn't think his dad would appreciate his students seeing him with an actual smile.
Which is why he hastily covered every picture up.
S h i g a r a k i :
Shigaraki was convinced he was having a fever dream as he slinked behind the U.A staff who were leading him somewhere that was definitely not his bar. Not only did they strip him of his hands and dare he say dignity, the also lathered his lips in chapstick.
Kayama also insisted on preforming a useless skin care routine on him that he will definitely not start using religiously. She said something about "making a good impression." On who? Shigaraki still didn't know.
He felt anxious walking so blatantly around the streets of Musutafu, Yamada assured nobody would bother them but a life of crime makes a guy nervous, yo.
Dragging him out of his safe space was: Yamada, Aizawa, Kayama and Vlad King. The villian had learned that they went to U.A together along with Ingenium and their other friend who remained a mystery to Shigaraki. Everytime the subject was brought up they would tip toe around it like it was a sleeping tiger.
Thats a problem for another day; because today's problem was the fact he was stood outside of a cozy looking house labelled as the "Yamada-Aizawa residence." Tomura Shigaraki isn't as stupid as he looks, he remembers them accidentally slipping they had a son.
For some strange, strange, strange reason the villian thinks he's going to meet their kid. He β a villian may i reiterate β is going to come face to face with their son who also happens to be a first year at UA. huh, what a wild day.
"May i ask what the fuck I'm doing here? I should be plotting All Mights death!" He grumbled, careful not to raise his voice too much.
Yamada shot him a sympathetic look. "Sorry Tomura, we just felt bad about lying to Hitoshi all the time. Its easy to tell when he's not feeling super good and honesty is the best policy, Yo!"
"And we're the emotional support." Kayama cheered while Vlad King nodded in the background.
The bluenette mate a grunt in acceptance as Aizawa unlocked the door. At least their son wasn't in the hero course, that would be awkward, especially after he essentially choked out Izuku Midoriya at the mall yesterday. Good times.
And so Tomura Shigaraki, feared villian boss, stepped into the house of two heroes expecting to find a quiet boy slumped on the sofa or whatever the fuck kids did.
However that was not what he saw...
No. What he saw was four little gremlins all looking like the just drank a whole ass vat of coffee at once. Two of them, a kid with yellow hair and β is that fuccing Izuku Midoriya? β were having a handstand competition as they both teetered around the room in attempts to not flop. There was a blonde kid too, laughing maniacally at the pair as he flung random objects at them with the goal of sabotage
Finally was the purple haired kid who looked like the evil minions from Despicable Me 2. He was sat at the kitchen table eating one whole cake while filming his friends antics.
Yamada and Aizawa looked positively mortified while Kayama and Vlad King barely suppressed a snort. The purple boy didn't even startle when he looked at the adults, all clustered together in the door, granted he couldn't actually see Shigaraki who was being hidden, ready to be unveiled as a surprise.
"Oh shet, you're home early." He said through a mouthful of delicious looking chocolate cake, Yamada and Aizawa continued to stare at him like he grew an extra head, their mouth hanging open. "Do you like, want some cake or something?"
Kayama made a move towards the offer but was stopped by Aizawa's firm hand, he still hadn't stopped staring at the scene unfurling before him.
The other three teens briefly looked up from their upside down position as they tried not not to break their focus, though it instantly went to shit when they saw who exactly was standing over them. They crumpled to the floor with a startled: "SENSEI'S??"
'Ah so that makes the purple one the son' Shigaraki thought.
The villian also decided to take advantage of this momentary confusion and reveal his self to the world! He strutted past the heros with his life savings of confidence and with a quick finger snap he said: "Surpriiised?" He knew he made Kayama proud by her howling laughter.
Neito Monoma locked eyes with his homeroom teacher, Vlad King...
Denki Kaminari gaped at his homeroom teacher, Eraserhead...
Hitoshi Shinso continued to eat his chocolate cake soundlessly...
Izuku Midoriya look into Shigaraki's eyes, face drained of colour as his mind replayed yesterdays encounter at the mall. Put it on record that Tomura thinks its hilarious that he told the greenette that "next time i see you is when i have to kill you." Yet bere he is, wearing chapstick might i add.
The son swallowed his bite of cake before his eyes glazed across the facial expressions of everyone in the room, he narrowed his eyes at Shigaraki in recognition.
"I feel like we're missing a drastically important detail here."
I love this chapter so much ughh. This book is honestly my favourite to write since its just lighthearted all the time, it really helps me relax.
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