ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

β€’ The USJ Incident β€’

S h i g a r a k i :

This won't be pretty. It already wasn't pretty to be completely honest. The attack on the USJ wasn't the most successful thing in the world in fact it was quite a trainwreck.


Maybe the fact Shigaraki had been shot 5 times had something to do with it, he thought snipe was cool too. The nomu was long gone and all the pro heros had shown up. Overall not good.

So here the villian was. Sat stiffly on a barstool while his gun shot wounds bled profusely, the league had no money so bandages were a sweet but distant thought. His favorite black top was soaked in the crimson liquid making the villian shift uncomfortably in his seat, consequently eliciting more pain. It hurt like a biTcH.

The attack was today, Friday, a couple of hours ago. There are two ways the rest of the night would pan out. The heros would not show up to the bar ever again and they could all be proper enemies, with no attachment. Thats the desired option of course.

Option two is a little nastier. The heros would show up to the bar, beat him up further and either leave, hand him in, or act as if nothing ever happened. Deep down Shigaraki knew which option would come true but he's no Sir Nighteye or whatever.

The clock was starting to piss him off, the ticking seemed louder than ever as every second came and went until 10pm finally hit. With a painful grunt Shigaraki swiveled around on his chair to face the door, staring intently for any sign of the heros.

Oh here we go.

The wooden door flew open almost snapping off its hinges as it rebounded off of the wall. A single man walked through, his emerald eyes blazing with anger. Well shit, it was a mediocre life i guess.

Hizashi Yamada. Was he the only one here on this fine day or did he just run ahead of the main group?

"You!" He shouted, loUdLy not with his quirk but jeez was this man noisy.

"Me." The villian replied, if he wasn't currently bleeding to death maybe he would've been scared. Gunshots hurt y'know cut him some slack.

The blonde man scowled at the lack of emotion in the handy mans voice before reaching into his pocket. What would he pull out? A gun to end it all? Pepper spray? Handcuffs?

However it was none of that...It was...

S a L t . . .

The white crystals sat dormant in the voice heros palm as the man smirked triumphantly. Shigaraki choked, this man was literally here to throw salt in the wound, this seems a little extreme.

"Woah there. Surely we can talk this out." The villian rasped.

"The chances of talking flew out the window when your nOmU attacked my husband." Mic chastised, boy was he angry. Shigaraki could lie and say he wasn't absolutely pissing himself when the hero wound his arm behind him, ready to harshly throw the white mineral.

He could lie and say he didn't screech like a pterodactyl when the salt slipped into his gashes. He won't though, he maybe a villian but he definitely isn't a liar. Sometimes he is but we won't discuss that today.

Kurogiri simply sucked in a sympathetic breath before continuing to clean another wine glass. So much for a fucking wingman i guess?

"Don't think your safe either you glorified smog cloud. I saw what you did to Thirteen." Hizashi glared making the mist man shiver.

The salt just kept on coming, it really hurt. Shigaraki was about to cry. However safety came in the form of another pro hero, Midnight. HALLELUJAH. Though she did look pissed, the villian could tell she wasn't about to commit murder unlike a certain loud blonde.

The ravenette narrowed her eyes at Shigaraki. "I thought you were cool but your just another crusty dusty hand job." She sighed.


"Don't change the subject, hand fuck!" The female hero yelled marching angrily towards the injured villian who closed his eyes tightly, waiting for another barrage of salt. However it never came, though what did come was very, very unexpected.

Shigaraki slowly opened a single eye in anticipation, only to see Midnight gently rolling up his sleeve, giving one of his gunshot wounds room to breathe. It stung like hell, was she going pour a whole bucket of salt on him?

Noticing the villians apprehension, Midnight snorted. "Calm down, he who will kill All Might. I'm not going to hurt you anymore than i have too. Promise you won't piss yourself!" She grinned.

"Anymore than you have to? what are you–" The handyman was interrupted by a searing pain in his shoulder, his crimson eyes flickered to the cause erratically. His neck clicking at the sheer speed he turned it.

Midnight was humming as she slapped some type of antiseptic on a cotton pad before dabbing Shigaraki's shoulder with it, she was not being gentle. It took everything he had to keep his reflexes at bay and not disintegrate her.

This shit was painful! After she finished pouring her acid into the villians wounds she messily bandaged up his arm, sloppily tying a knot at the end to ensure it would slip off. Shigaraki didn't even notice he had drawn blood from biting his lip until it leaked down his chin slowly.

"Alright!" The hero clapped her hands together cheerfully. "One down, three to go." Her tone became sinister quickly and Shigaraki couldn't help but wonder if he'd actually survive the night.

He blacked out when they got to the wound on his left leg...

H i z a s h i :

Hizashi helped his friend bandage up the villian, who attacked his husband and school might he add. Originally, the blonde hadn't planned on even swinging by the run down bar, he was ready to leave it in the past, maybe burn it down.

It was Shota's idea to go, Hizashi couldn't think of a single reason why this was what his ravenette wanted and Shota didn't say why since he passed out again before he could explain. But if Shota wanted him to go, who was he to deny it.

Plus what was a little revenge in the grand scheme of life?

So he might've grabbed the salt shaker, purposefully ignoring the concerned looks Hitoshi was shooting him, the child needn't know about his dark side. You know what they say: revenge is sweet. Or salty in this case...

He was glad he brought Midnight with him, between the two of them they had a basic grasp of first aid; well, they hadn't killed anyone yet but that counts as something!

Tormenting Shigaraki was fun and all but this villian looked more like a child that wasn't saved, he was still only young too. Damn Hizashi's dad mode! He was not going to adopt this handy man, nope he won't. Unless...

N o p e .

Still, he wasn't about to let a glorified kid bleed out in a dirty bar, Snipe asked Hizashi to apologize to Shigaraki on his behalf, admitting he went a tiny bit overboard. It was necessary, the hand fetish would probably agree.

* * * *

After the heros finished bandaging up Tomura, they opted to help Kurogiri clean up the bar. They dusted and swept for a good hour while they waited for Shigaraki to wake up. The boy was lying on a table, his head resting on a make shift pillow that consisted of a messy pile of Hizashi's and Midnight's hoodies.

It was actually Present Mic himself who noticed Tomura, finally regaining consciousness, for reasons they removed his hands; he was less of a handyman than a crusty boy.

Said crusty boy's eyes flickered open, crimson slits staring blankly at the wooden ceiling. His fingers twitched when he realised he wasn't wearing his hands but quickly calmed down when he saw the two pro heros behind the bar, cleaning glasses with Kurogiri.

His gaze didn't falter from the ceiling as his lips mindlessly moved, his brain finally beginning to function again. He could only murmur a single word:


Midnight chuckled, placing the rag she was using ontop of Hizashi's head. "We can't have our favorite bar keep dying on us now can we?"

"Yeah! Also i think you learned you lesson, don't be too salty about it." Mic joked, as he smacked Midnight with the rag.

Shigaraki hummed musically, like he was deep in thought. "I'm still going to kill All Might though." He managed to rasp out.

"We know. It won't be easy with us around though." Midnight grinned, snatching the rag from Mic and tossing it onto the villians face.

"You could hand me in right now."

"We could, but we have a truce on Fridays right? You could've done in with us the second we walked in here two weeks ago but ya didn't!" Midnight sang.

Tomura snorted, a ghost of a smile printed onto his lips before he passed out once again. Midnight returned the gesture with a genuine smile of her own.

"It's gunna be a crazy year, huh?"

Hizashi didn't answer, instead shifting his own emerald gaze to the passed out villian on the table, a slight smile still on his face even as his conciousness slipped away. Yeah, it was definitely going to be a long and crazy year.

But that's exciting too, right?



Writing this made me really happy because it was so cute, idc what you say. Their friendship is pure.


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