β’ The Hero Bar β’
Final Chapter, lets go!
T e n k o :
Exactly one year ago today, Tomura Shigaraki was evily plotting the murder of All Might and eventual downfall of hero society in his dusty bar that was actually a villain base when the entirety of the UA staff knocked on the door looking like they pulled an all nighter. A year ago today, an unlikely truce was formed.
Months after that, the bluenette woke up one Friday as Tomura Shigaraki and went to sleep that same night as Tenko Shimura after assisting in All For One's arrest while simultaneously experiencing the worst identity crisis anyone could ever go through and he watched Todoroki vs Midoriya.
Then the Rat of UA busted down the door to his now less dusty bar, held him at tea point and initiated one of the worst conversations Tenko has ever had the displeasure of taking part in, including the birds and the bees chat with Sensei and Kurogiri.
"You can either start over, become a hero or rot in tartarus for the rest of your pathetic human lives!" The rat had chirped oh so happily, obviously not actually paying attention to the absolute horse shit that spewed out of his mouth at speeds Iida would be jelous of. Three options and every single one of them sucked ass.
But well, he'd wanted to be a hero when he was a kid and he did promise someone special he would, even if she wasn't there with him.
So thats how Tomura Shigaraki became The Underhanded Hero: Ash, a future teachers aid at UA. Ash because he and the kids started brainstorming names after watching a marathon of Pokemon to quell Tenko's nerves about his second licensing exam. That fucker Dabi passed on his first try becoming the Cremation Hero: Dabi because he is just the most creative being on this miserable planet.
Spinner did not get handed over to a pet store like Tenko suggested, instead becoming a public speaker in order to preach Shit Stains views on hero society in a less violent way. Compress said he'd try his hand at acting before becoming fucking famous. He genuinely has a full fanbase of thirsty women because under that mask was one hunk of a man.
Toga and Hitoshi would be transferred to Class A(ss) at the start of the next school year, the same time as some of the now ex league of villains would begin working there. Dabitch was going to be a heroics teacher and Tenko? Tenko was stuck on babysitting duty as the new supervisor of the Class A(fuckin nightmare) dorms. His gut is telling him to commit a murder and save himself while he still can.
At least he wasn't alone; Twice was going to babysit Class B(ootleg class A) and Magne was learning cooking so she could help Lunch Rush with food because she is the sweetest. Kurogiri was whisked away to some lab for some tragic reason nobody wants to tell him about, apparently he's ill or something.
Anyway that was Tenko's guide to the League of Uneducated Clowns: Where are they now.
More importantly, not even a month after miraculously earning an actual hero license, Tenko was whisked away on a raid to retrieve a toddler from the clutches of an evil man who actually thought the 1500's plague doctor aesthetic was cool. During that raid, he totally saved Nighteye from becoming a kebab and became bestfriends with the man (Nighteye just doesn't know that yet) as Izuku Midoriya vibe checked Overhaul right back into relevancy with a toddler on his back.
And if Tenko reflected on all the times he was mean to Midoriya while watching green electricity dance through the air and shivered, well, nobody needed to know aside from his bestie Sir Nighteye who also had a similar revelation. Bestfriends i tell you. Bestfriends.
That was a lovely throwback but the most pressing issue was occurring right now.
Tenko shivered, pulling his coat further over his shoulders in futile hope of protecting himself from the cold March air. A crowd had amassed in front of his fancy bar, chattering excitedly amongst themselves, Tenko wondered if publically dissing Stain or Midoriya would make him happier. He dismissed the thought. Maybe another time.
Why in all nine circles of Hell was Tenko standing in the cold in front of a crowd of restless civilians and several pro heroes? Well, he's not sure either; Kayama said he suggested something when he was blackout drunk and it was like he discovered the meaning of life or some shit because when he sobered the next day, he was hailed as a genius.
Drunk Tenko had apparently suggested they renovate the musty bar into an actual functioning bar exclusively for heroes. Heroes. Sober Tenko thinks Drunk Tenko needs to work through some shit or just die. Believe me when i say the bluenette tried to dismiss the idea with everything he had. He begged, he bribed, he used violence and he used Midoriya as a hostage; his heroes were hellbent on opening a hero bar though, so his pleas fell upon deaf ears.
How a crowd had amassed was beyond him. Hitoshi probably started a rumor like the two-legged fucking newt he was. People were really expecting him to give a speech before cutting a shiny red ribbon? Suddenly tartarus wasn't looking so bad, maybe Sensei would forgive him if he grovelled. Tenko always knew he'd be a great boot lickerβ
A (not so) gentle shove from Kayama broke Tenko out of his spiraling thoughts, sending him stumbling up the wooden steps to the makeshift stage someone sadly built. His legs automatically stopped at the microphone and his crimson eyes skimmed over the hundreds of people in front of him.
If he has to make a fucking speech then he's going to be dramatic.
"Firstly i would like to profess my hate for the heroes stood behind me as well as their spawn who i hate even more." The crowd laughed. "I'm not even kidding, they have all the appeal of a mutated house fly." The crowd stopped laughing, as they should.
"Anyway. This is my bar that is exclusively for heroes meaning if you don't have a hero license you can fuck off. If you try and fake a hero license? I have a hero fanboy guard dog who'll blast you into an alternate reality where i am the second coming of All For One. If you have your license and your underage? Get creative like Hitoshi Shinsou."
Hitoshi waved sleepily at the crowd who were all collectively grimacing now, Tenko was enjoying this one. Some plebs left when he said the bar was hero exclusive while others perked up, thirsty for some hero drama that would undoubtedly go down. Distantly, Tenko saw Hawks perched on a rooftop waiting for the moment the bar officially opened. God, how many heroes were hidden among the crowd hungrily waiting to get in?
Can't keep them waiting or else they'll probably mug him.
"So, for a change i am going to lie and say I'm proud to introduce my new hero exclusive bar to the world: The Sinners Market. If you hate the name then thats a you problem and you probably have a piss kink." With that Tenko snipped the ribbon in one movement. "COME AT ME YOU FUCKING HEROES!" He yelled hysterically as various figures from the crowd lurched forward, hero licenses in hand.
Objectively, that couldn't of gone any better because now his bar was full of lairy drunk heroes that were obviously taken with Tenko's beautiful way with words and not the promise of alcohol. Kurogiri was still getting treated in a lab which meant there was no competent bartender aside from the angel herself Magne. Oh and Spinner was decent too.
Luckily he had child slaves who were put to work as waiters in an act of unpaid labour. Yes, while they were working their annoying little asses off, Tenko had perched on a barstool beside Dabi, absently swirling around the whiskey in his glass.
"Debbie." Tenko started. "I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but Today i wanted to be the bigger person and just say." He downed the rest of the whiskey because hot damn did he need it for this; Dabi blinked owlishly. "Hawks has totally been ogling you for the past two hours."
"Well shit Tenko, a fucking blind person could've told you that."
"Then why are you here acting out a sad scene in an old western movie? Are you waiting for a cowboy to burst through the doors of the saloon Dabs? Do you want me to hire snipe, I'm sure he's drunk enough."
Dabi scoffed, placing his own glass down on the bar top loudly. "Oh yeah? It's a bit hypocritical of you. Mirko has been throwing shit at you since you walked into the building with escalating size." He was cut off by a plastic bowl slamming into Tenko's back, the bluenette winced. "Better fuck off before she hoys a table half way across the room and gives you brain damage."
"Ok ok. If i go see Mirko you go chat up hawks. Deal?" The ice in Dabi's glass shifted with a satisfying clink as the pair were locked in what seemed like an intense and endless staring contest. Tenko blinked and in response Dabi stood up, downing the rest of his drink.
"Don't just sit there then, fucker." Tenko grinned triumphantly and the pair parted ways, leaving two empty glasses that were quickly collected by Toga and delivered to be washed and refilled.
Midoriya was excitedly chatting with a very much alive Sir Nighteye and All Might instead of doing his job and distantly Bakugo and Monoma could be heard flaming fakers in a small Friday truce of their own. The Sinners Market was alive with friendly chatter and the League of Villains had never felt so accepted and loved.
I did tell you, that the butterfly effect would create something spectacular, but you're a fool for thinking this is where it ends...
The End.
:: The Sinners Market, i think is a fitting name for the bar. You have no clue how long i was researching names for bars. I really wanted it to surround the theme of villainy and shit. You can psychoanalyze it yourselfβ
Some small Hotwings and Dustbunny at the end simply because i said so. It's not anything major and will probably never be explicitly mentioned again, i just thought it fit for the bonding moment.
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