πππππ πΏπππ πΌπππππππππππ
I love her like alot. Best girl in Black Clover βπΆ
Also known as:
β’ Tuna With Fabulous Legs
β’ How did you get lost?
β’ The Rollercoaster incident
β’ A happy ending
β’ important shit at the end ---->
~~A wild name guide~~
β’ Oboro Shirakumo - Loud Cloud
β’ Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
β’ Tensei Iida - Ingenium
β’ Mirai Sasaki - Sir Nighteye
β’ Tsunagu Hakamata - Best JeanistΒ
β’ Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
β’ Emi Fukukado - Ms Joke
β’ Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
β’ Ryuko Tatsumi - Ryukyu
β’ Tashiro Toyomitsu - FatGum
β’ Hizashi Yamada - Present mic
β’ Yagi Toshinori - All might
β’ Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
β’ Rumi Usagiyama - Miruko
β’ Keigo Takami - Hawks
β’ Yu Takeyama - Mt Lady
β’ Kan Sekijiro - Vlad King
β’ Tomoko Shiretoko - Ragdoll
β’ Kazumi Tsuchinoko - Uwabami
β’ Shinya Kamihara - Edgeshot
β’ Rei Shirogane - Rei Todoroki
β’ Mitsuki Kirameku - Mitsuki Bakugou
β’ Inko Raimura - Inko Midoriya
15th August 2099
~ Family Outing ~
10 : 21
Tsunagu Hakamata: Ok part two of our happy summer escapades. Theme park time lets go.
Mitsuki Kirameku: Yes because last time went so well. I never want to see another tuna in my life.
Rumi Usagiyama: Unlucky for you because the Theme Parks mascot is a tuna with fabulous legs.
Shota Aizawa: your shitting meβ
Emi Fukukado: Literally look up Umi World. Its a Tuna with fabulous legs.
Shinya Kamihara: Why is everyone so insistent on the tunas with fabulous legs?
Hizashi Yamada: Because the tunas fabulous legs need to be acknowledged as fabulous legs. You haven't seen real Tuna so don't speak.
Kan Sekijiro: Whats the Tuna with fabulous legs' name tho
Rei Shirogane: Ive heard its the 8th wonder of the world... That damn tuna with fabulous legs.
Keigo Takami: I think thats enough social media for a year...
Tashiro Toyomitsu: The car is literally still movingβ
Rei Shirogane: and she jumped out.
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: Lets have fun today. We don't need to worry about causing a fire since i brought a fire extinguisher!
Yu Takeyama: Smart thinking but couldn't you have hidden somewhere instead of brandishing it on your back? We've been getting death glares.
Mirai Sasaki: We've had about 62 dirty looks since we arrived. Its not like I'm counting though.
Rumi Usagiyama: Suuure
Yagi Toshinori: Shh he's sensitive about things like this
Enji Todoroki: Well then you don't know him at all then
Tomoko Shiretoko: Even you?!
Keigo Takami: Oh we've fucked up. We fucked up BIG. The empire state building is crumbling at how large our fuck up is
Yu Takeyama: What are you talkin...β OH FOR FUCKS SAKE
Ryuko Tatsumi: Where the hell did THEY go?
Nemuri Kayama: We have a name you know...
Tensei Iida: ...We are the Sextet of chaos,
Oboro Shirakumo: Minus Toshinori because he currently has the brain cellβ
Hizashi Yamada: Now please help because we're lost.!
Shota Aizawa: I want to go home.
Yagi Toshinori: How could i have missed the absence of bad luck in our group. Dammit
Anakuro Hirooki: How did you even get lost in the first place? Its not like we're a plain group of people
Nemuri Kayama: I wanted a balloon but everyone just ignored me when i asked.
Tensei Iida: I noticed she was gone so i went to find her but~~
Mitsuki Kirameku: Please don't tell me all 5 if you are separately lost or i might run into the path of an oncoming rollercoaster.
Shota Aizawa: When i open my eyes i either want to be at home or have Hizashi. If i have neither i might just scream.
Tashiro Toyomitsu: HoW oLd arE yOu?
Enji Todoroki: Im surprised your perfect boyfriend senses haven't fucking kicked in yet.
Hizashi Yamada: im working on it!
Hizashi Yamada: Found him! He's at the arcade
Ryuko Tatsumi: Im not sure if i should say 'Wow' or 'Ew'
Yu Takeyama: I may not have perfect girlfriend senses but i do know the first line of All Star
Nemuri Kayama: You get me π₯Ίβ
Oboro Shirakumo: What about us single pringles? Do we just live under rollercoasters now?
Yagi Toshinori: No i can find you using our connected brain cell. Im coming.
Tensei Iida: Thank god for brain cells
Anakuro Hirooki: Then we can finally go on something fun
Anakuro Hirooki: When i said something fun i did not in fact mean the fucKinG TeAcupS
Tsunagu Hakamata: You gotta ease into the extreme rides. Theme park rules don't come for me
Anakuro Hirooki: I won't come for you. Instead I'll come for your family, your pets, your friends and even your mild acquaintances. They'll know pain as i place a single pinch of sand in their rooms each day. Suddenly there's a shit ton of sand littering the floor and your vacuum cleaner is mysteriously broken and shipping will take a minimum of 5 weeks. Do you know how much of a difference 5 weeks makes? Thats 35 days, 35 piches of sand. Did i mention that with each coming day a pinch turns into a handful and so on. One day your parents will wake up to the intense suffocation of the motherfucking beach. Next time you say "don't come for me" be prepared to lose everyone you know to Psamathe. Can i get an Amen?
Tashiro Toyomitsu: I ordered you a lock from Amazon. It should be nere in 5 weeks ;)
Ryuko Tatsumi: I think we should go on a rollercoaster next...
Rumi Usagiyama: Sounds like the safest option
Little did they know...
Keigo Takami: Who's going on this very intense rollercoaster that would be a death trap if it broke down? Im not because im afraid of heights.
Tashiro Toyomitsu: b-buT yoUr a bIrD
Rumi Usagiyama: I'm going! I hope it breaks down, thats on my bucket list~
Nemuri Kayama: Me, Oboro and Tensei are coming too
Shota Aizawa: I'll watch the bags n shit. Don't be shy everyone
Hizashi Yamada: I need to watch Sho otherwise he might commit tax fraud.
Enji Todoroki: Go on then Toshinori. You came first in the Sports Festival so some measly Rollercoaster shouldn't phase you.
Yagi Toshinori: I don't exactly see you running over to the queue yourself Todoroki, self proclaimed braveheart of UA.
Enji Todoroki: I'm going but its polite to let your ELDERS go first
Yagi Toshinori: Who am i to tell you what to do. We're the same age.
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: Just go at the same time, your making a scene
Mirai Sasaki: Neither of them wanted to go on, i have a feeling they'll regret going...
Anakuro Hirooki: Me n Ryuko are coming too. She needs to stop me from using my quirk on the loop de loop
Ryuko Tatsumi: Id much rather die in plane crash than a rollercoaster.
Inko Raimura: Im going as well then οΌ―(β§ββ¦)οΌ―
Mitsuki Kirameku: R-Really ..?!
Rei Shirogane: It seems we have to go with her, right Suki
Mirai Sasaki: Another one who doesn't want to be there...
Short Intermission~
On the Rollercoaster...
β’ Enji Todoroki
β’ Yagi Toshinori
β’ NemuriΒ Kayama
β’ Tensei Iida
β’ Inko Raimura
β’ Mitsuki Kirameku
β’ Rei Shirogane
β’ Rumi Usagiyama
β’ Shinya Kamihara
β’ Oboro Shirakumo
β’ Anakuro Hirooki
β’ Ryuko Tatsumi
A special thanks to the people who
always comment! You know who
you are, i appreciate you~
Hizashi Yamada: My best decision in life is staying right here
Tsunagu Hakamata: Who would willingly get on a triple loop de loop; double corkscrew; 4 steep dropped rollercoaster??
Shota Aizawa: Todoroki looks like he's about to piss himself and they haven't even moved yet
Tashiro Toyomitsu: Looking at this death trap makes you wonder how its even legal like its gotta be breaking some laws right
Keigo Takami: I think its one of those situations wheretheres left over jellybeans from the person who just dispensed them. If you eat it is it illegal or not. Your kinda dipping your toes in the pool of illegality.
Kan Sekijiro: Can't say thats ever happened to me before..
Yu Takeyama: I have to film this. I'm setting Enji's screams as Torinos alarm clock to mess with him.
Emi Fukukado: Enji's screams are ugly too, just like his laugh. Why does he sound like he eats razor blades for breakfast. We will never know, its the 9th wonder of the world just after the name of the tuna with fabulous legs.
Tomoko Shiretoko: That god damn tuna with fabulous legs...
Tsunagu Hakamata: All right. Approaching the last loop, everythings going well aaand
Mirai Sasaki: Called it. I knew they'd get stuck upside down, i didn't even need my quirk because fate is too fucking predictable now
Hizashi Yamada: What are the chances of getting stranded upside down. Again im so glad im on the floor right side up.
Nemuri Kayama: Yo this is wild as fuck
Tashiro Toyomitsu: Question of the day: Why do you have your phone?
Tomoko Shiretoko: .....Aliens...?
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: Aliens aren't real
Nemuri Kayama: i obviously brought it with me because as Mirai said, fate is too fucking predictable
Shota Aizawa: Let me guess, voice to text?
Nemuri Kayama: I never turn it off~
Tsunagu Hakamata: So whats it like being upside down?
Nemuri Kayama: Crazy man. I feel all the knowledge coming to my brain but that might be because Toshi lost the brain cell as soon as we set off..
Keigo Takami: Yeah.. how are they fairing
<Nemuri Kayama sent a video>
Video shows Rumi bouncing in her seat shouting about how this is great and saying she wants to jump out to see if she survives.
Enji and Toshinori are in the background, pale and muttering their last will and testament
Mitsuki fully passed out; Rei is looking at Enji with amusement and something else?; Inko is trying to calm Toshinori down.
Oboro and Tensei are sat with Nemuri playing rock paper scissors while posing for the video
Anakuro is whispering doom predictions in Enji's ear making him panic more, Ryuko is talking to Shinya while flipping off the camera.
<End of Video>
Hizashi Yamada: Yeah sucks to be you
Nemuri Kayama: Its not actually that bad to be fair
Tsunagu Hakamata: I think you should tell Enji and Yagi that dear~
Tashiro Toyomitsu: What kind of grip strength do you have to video while upside down. Respect
Nemuri Kayama: Ive trained to be able to use my phone in the most unlucky situations. Its skill
Hizashi Yamada: She's always been a child of misfortune it only makes sense she would adapt
Tomoko Shiretoko: Luckily for the chickens, help has arrived
Yagi Toshinori: Im never going on a rollercoaster again but the guy who saved us was cool. He rose up like an angel a yelled confidently 'I am here' i think im going to cop it
Anakuro Hirooki: Please don't
Hizashi Yamada: Where's Shota?
Nemuri Kayama: Hes fighting a three year old for a cat toy. He's losing baad.
Rei Shirogane: Suki keeps trying to drown herself in the hook a duck stall. I think shes still delusional
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: I just saw Anakuro, Ryuko, Rumi and Keigo sneek off to the log flume
Tensei Iida: Oh hell no. Thats the ride we were going on as a class
Tsunagu Hakamata: Im sorry we wErE??
Oboro Shirakumo: Not were my friend. We ARE
A nice wholesome ending~
Next Chapter ------> Why is there a Coffin here?
I'm not giving you anymore than the title, feel free to speculate hehe
You won't regret reading this bit:
I've already mentioned that we're going to start picking up the pace when second year hits but what i didn't say is that ive already started writing the graduation chapter, a reason why this took so long.
And i feel like i should give you a sneak peek without context, so please enjoy:
π΅ They're gonna clean up your looks, with all the lies in the books, π΅
The screen flickered over to a picture of the class sat grimly in the classroom all wearing obnoxious clown makeup except Tsunagu who was basically glimmering with perfection. The caption read: 2 weeks. An obvious throw back to the time Tsunagu graffitied everyones face with semi permanent markers...
This was not good...
π΅ To make a citizen out of you, π΅
A video of the class finding Tensei after he accidentally walked into a brothel on a school trip thinking it was a gift shop. There was a lot of laughter. Tensei's parents looked mortified, while Tensei himself screamed at the memory.
π΅ Because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you, son π΅
Next, A video of Toshinori trying to drown Enji with a water gun before the camera suddenly glitching to a scene of Toshinori unconscious in a kiddie pool, Enji standing over him with an evil expression..
Where were the teachers getting these videos??
I hope that confused you. That chapter is probably going to be very long the way it looking at the moment~
Quick Question:
Does anyone want me to make another note chapter on the kiddies of the book because theres a ton of shit to get you excited about with them~
Okbye π
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