ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

πšƒπš‘πšŽ π™±πšžπšœ πšƒπš›πš’πš™

They do be my main ship in the show πŸ™ˆ~

Also Known as:
β€’ Nobody packed anything useful
β€’ Massive Arguments break out
β€’ The bus ride ended in fire
β€’ Time to wAlK


~~A wild name guide~~

β€’ Oboro Shirakumo - Loud Cloud
β€’ Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
β€’ Tensei Iida - Ingenium
β€’ Mirai Sasaki - Sir Nighteye
β€’ Tsunagu Hakamata - Best Jeanist
β€’ Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
β€’ Emi Fukukado - Ms Joke
β€’ Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
β€’ Ryuko Tatsumi - Ryukyu
β€’ Tashiro Toyomitsu - FatGum
β€’ Hizashi Yamada - Present mic
β€’ Yagi Toshinori - All might
β€’ Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
β€’ Rumi Usagiyama - Miruko
β€’ Keigo Takami - Hawks
β€’ Yu Takeyama - Mt Lady
β€’ Kan Sekijiro - Vlad King
β€’ Tomoko Shiretoko - Ragdoll
β€’ Kazumi Tsuchinoko - Uwabami
β€’ Shinya Kamihara - Edgeshot

Monday 20th July 2099
~ The Circus ~
04 : 31

Anakuro Hirooki: When will Torino get busted for Child abuse? I don't think i can take this torture any longer

Kazumi Tsuchinoko: I don't think this counts as abuse Hirooki

Tsunagu Hakamata: Whats not abusive about dragging us out of bet at 3am, giving us half an hour to pack a bAckPacK and then shipping us off to the woods for a week?

Yu Takeyama: Theres only so much you can fit in a backpack

Ryuko Tatsumi: Torino always labels this type of abuse as hErO tRaiNinG and Nezu is just like "πŸ†—οΈπŸ†’οΈ"

Tomoko Shiretoko: Does anyone actually know how to survive in the wild without ana adult?

Keigo Takami: I pretended to go camping but i just stayed at a hotel

Tashiro Toyomitsu: So we're going to die? Is that what your saying?

Enji Todoroki: Also what the fuck is up with the seats?? Who in their stable mind would put me next to fucking Shittynori

Yagi Toshinori: i hate it just as much as you do, i promise.

Emi Fukukado: People really need to stop putting me near Mirai, one wrong move means he'll wake up

Kazumi Tsuchinoko: Did anyone pack useful stuff

Tashiro Toyomitsu: I packed a shit ton of food but i accidentally ate it all

Anakuro Hirooki: Of course you did. You ate all of our food, now we have to eat horse shit

Oboro Shirakumo: Im pretty sure eating horse shit comes after the poisonous berries

Tsunagu Hakamata: I brought hair stuff, we may be sleeping in bushes but ill be dammed if we look like it~~

Kan Sekijiro: The fact that hair products are the top of your priorities hurts me on all levels

Anakuro Hirooki: Well, while you plebs were running around packing useless shit like fOoD and cLotHes, i brought the ultimate trump card of the wild.

Shota Aizawa: And what would that be?

Anakuro Hirooki: A machete duh

Yu Takeyama: i hate this fucking family

Anakuro Hirooki: no. Don't come crying to me when a bear comes for your teeth.

Enji Todoroki: So none of you dumbass' brought anything of use??

Tensei Iida: Look, we're only here for comedic relief. Ask Mirai or Kazumi

Mirai Sasaki: I didn't pack anything because it was 3am and i should've been fucking asleep.

Kazumi Tsuchinoko: i was too busy trying to get Mirai to wake up, so i didn't pack :/

Tashiro Toyomitsu: Torino should've just handed us our death certificates‐

Rumi Usagiyama: I wanna fight a bear!!!

Anakuro Hirooki: I'll let you use my machete since you didn't cry about me bringing it

Yu Takeyama: i didn't cry i just stated how much i hated you all

Oboro Shirakumo: No you love us shut up.

Enji Todoroki: have i ever said how much i fucking despise buses??

Ryuko Tatsumi: probably

Enji Todoroki: its impossible to be threatening when your sat directly next to the person you want to confront. You can't even face them since your fucking sTrapPed in.

Yagi Toshinori: why do you want to confront me today

Enji Todoroki: Because your Gran Torino's secret love child and i wanted to out your dirty fucking secret

Yagi Toshinori: No

Ryuko Tatsumi: Please don't have children. If your spawn are as bad as this then ill drown them

Keigo Takami: Are you aware that 'illegitimate' is a word that exists

Emi Fukukado: Can someone stop Todoroki from thrashing in his seat, if Mirai wakes up nobody will like it

Kazumi Tsuchinoko: We can't start a fire on a bUs children~

Shota Aizawa: Well if we never make it to our destinationn-...

Hizashi Yamada: Shota nO

Rumi Usagiyama: I agree. If we can stop this bus we can get a hotel and pretend we were camping

Kan Sekijiro: I refuse to help you pull a james fucking bond on this poor bus driver

Nemuri Kayama: Not if i knock him out.

Enji Todoroki: Just let me burn the fucking bus and we can let Shittynori burn with it

Yagi Toshinori: I don't like you

Emi Fukukado: If you wake Mirai up ill deface your face

Tsunagu Hakamata: We know darling, its all you've been crying about since we started dRiVinG

Enji Todoroki: All everyones done on this fucking bus is bitch.

Yagi Toshinori: You literally complain the most

Enji Todoroki: Im this close to giving you an irrational fear of eggs

Anakuro Hirooki: Todoroki you just said its impossible to be scary when your sat side by side with the person your threatening. Shut up

Shota Aizawa: Kuro stop munching your food in my ear. I will throw it out the window

Anakuro Hirooki: Back off i have a machete

Hizashi Yamada: Your a fool if you think that stops him

Emi Fukukado: Nemuri, Tensei, Oboro if you don't stop singing the wheels on the bus right now i will toast your eyes in a toaster and feed them to Mirai to satiate his need for violence after waking up

Tomoko Shiretoko: He isnt going to wake up

Mirai Sasaki: I am infact awake and i do crave violence

Oboro Shirakumo: If you come anywhere near my eyeballs i will shove my cloud down your throat. Okay :)

Shinya Kamihara: This bus ride suddenly got dangerous

Keigo Takami: This journey was dangerous the minute we set off.


Kazumi Tsuchinoko: wait nO-

Nemuri Kayama: Hotel it is then?

Kan Sekijiro: Ok off the flaming bus. The rain should put out the fire

Yagi Toshinori: Its lovely that we escaped that hellhole but does anyone know where we are

Yagi Toshinori: This silence means no. Doesn't it?

Rumi Usagiyama: Theres a road sign up the road, chill

Tensei Iida: Ill run over and check what it says

Yu Takeyama: Make it quick, the rain is freezing

Shinya Kamihara: We have one whole flaming bus just go stand next to it

Tsunagu Hakamata: I wouldn't...

Anakuro Hirooki: Wheres your stuff Tsu??


Oboro Shirakumo: Now im not the smartest but hairspray and fire seems like a killer combo-


Anakuro Hirooki: Damn that was an awsome explosion. I can't hear a thing, at least i don't have to hear Todoroki anymore. :))

Tensei Iida: You are not gunna like this sign...

<Tensei Iida sent a photo>

Ryuko Tatsumi: .....

Oboro Shirakumo: Imagine having to actually walk, amirite flight gang?

Keigo Takami: Sucks to be you guys

Shota Aizawa: Its literally only you two

Tashiro Toyomitsu: The problem we actually have is figuring out wHerE we're goiNg..

Kazumi Tsuchinoko: No we won't be hitchhiking.

Tensei Iida: Looks like Torino left notes all over the place.

Yu Takeyama: we should've just stayed on the bus.

Oo we have a mini arc about class 1-Arson trying to survive in the wild for 5 days. Its not going to end well~~

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