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{Edit by me}
~~A wild name guide~~
β’ Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
β’ Nishioka Wisteria - My oc
β’ Tensei Iida - Ingenium
β’ Mirai Sasaki - Sir Nighteye
β’ Tsunagu Hakamata - Best JeanistΒ
β’ Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
β’ Emi Fukukado - Ms Joke
β’ Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
β’ Ryuko Tatsumi - Ryukyu
β’ Tashiro Toyomitsu - FatGum
β’ Hizashi Yamada - Present mic
β’ Yagi Toshinori - All might
β’ Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
β’ Kan Sekijiro - Vlad King
'Class 1 - A'
- 6:57 -
Nemuri Kayama: Call me a genius because i have an idea
Anakuro Hirooki: Call me terrified because you have an idea
Kan Sekijiro: damn Hirooki, why are you so salty all the time
Anakuro Hirooki: fuck off, Sekijiro
Nemuri Kayama: back to me people. I have what could quite possibly be the best plan of all time.
Tensei Iida: it actually is the best plan of all time
Shota Aizawa: shut up you biased bitch
Tashiro Toyomitsu: whats your idea Kayama-san?
Nemuri Kayama: thank you for asking, Tashiro-kun. I think that tonight we should stay at school for the whole night without getting caught. How about it, huh?
Nishi Wisteria: absolutely not, do you want Gran Torino to expell us?
Yagi Toshinori: He won't expell us, he'll give us all intense one on one training. Don't test him, please don't test him. I'm begging you it WILL hurt.
Nemuri Kayama: thats why if we get caught, I'll spin some lie about it being stealth training or some shit. It works all the time on Nezu. Come onnn, think of how fun it'll be~~
Ryuko Tatsumi: well if one on one training would be the punishment then it doesn't seem that bad of an idea? Better than expulsion
Yagi Toshinori: its really not but go off-
Tsunagu Hakamata: I say we do it~
Mirai Sasaki: It will be enjoyable, I'll tell you that.
Nemuri Kayama: see Nishi, we got the all clear from the fortune cookie.
Yagi Toshinori: I really think its not worth Torino's wrath..
Mirai Sasaki: don't worry Toshinori-kun it will be really fun, i wouldn't lie to you.
Nishi Wisteria: I don't like it but if Mirai says it'll be fine, i guess we could...
Yagi Toshinori: does interesting really equal fine?
Nemuri Kayama: Perfect, after school ends you need to hide. Its easier than it sounds actually, me and Tensei sleep in Ikea more than im willing to admit.
Tensei Iida: at least twice a week, no less. The best hiding places are the fridges it just hurts trying to contort your body to squeeze inside cos of the shelves. I reccomend hiding in fridges made by foreign companies, they have more room.
Anakuro Hirooki: oK wHaT?
Nemuri Kayama: moving swiftly onwards. Its best to hide somewhere unexpected like a cupboard or something. You're all part of 1A so you must be somewhat smart to figure out a spot. Remember your life is on the line.
Tashiro Toyomitsu: not really but proceed.
Yagi Toshinori: it really is Tashiro, it really is
Nemuri Kayama: i have a contact in general studies who can tell us when Nezu decides to leave. We just have to pay him right.
Tsunagu Hakamata: ex-fucking-scuse me. What do you mean pAY?? We don't have mOnEy, NeMuRi??
Nemuri Kayama: cALm your tiTs Tsunagu he's not after money. He wants Mirai to tell him if he at least passes his exam.
Mirai Sasaki: that can be arranged
Nemuri Kayama: great see you all after school
Yagi Toshinori: this is a bad fucking idea. Excuse my french.
'Class 1 - A'
- 17:16 -
Nemuri Kayama: where are you hoes hiding
Tensei Iida: fridge in the faculty room.
Anakuro Hirooki: I think its time we got you counseling for that Tensei, my boy. Its becoming (a p r o b l e m).
Tensei Iida: fuck off its not (a p r o b l e m).
Hizashi Yamada: me and sho are in a cupboard together!
Tsunagu Hakamata: oh~ ππ
Shota Aizawa: fuck you and your jeans Hakamata. It's not my fault Zashi can't stay quiet for longer than a millisecond. Someone has to keep him quiet.
Tsunagu Hakamata: i see, i see. remember to come back up for air. Xxx
Shota Aizawa: your dead to me.
Kan Sekijiro: this is already a shit show
Enji Todoroki: a fuck fest
Ryuko Tatsumi: Wow aren't you two just a ball of beaming fucking sunshine and positivity!
Emi Fukukado: I'm in Torino's office with Toshinori lmao.
Tensei Iida: How the hell did you manage to make him hide in there. He's scared of one thing and thats Gran Torino himself.
Yagi Toshinori: I was tricked. She said he 'wanted to meet me in his office before he went home' but when i went inside she freaking kNoCkED mE oUt? I woke up 5 minutes ago handcuffed to the radiator.
Tsunagu Hakamata: thats kinky~
Nishi Wisteria: how are you texting?
Yagi Toshinori: wiTh gReAT fUcKing DifFicULtY.
Tensei Iida: how much longer do we have to hide for Muri? The shelves in this fridge are hurting my ribs.
Anakuro Hirooki: (a p r o b l e m) Tensei, (a p r o b l e m).
Nemuri Kayama: any minute now. Just waiting for Tsukauchi to give me the all clear then we're ready to party~
Tsunagu Hakamata: Hizashi and Shota haven't been on for a while. I bet that cupboard is getting hot. ππ
Tashiro Toyomitsu: It was nice knowing you man.
Anakuro Hirooki: don't lie to yourself Tashiro, the mans a walking nightmare in skinny jeans.
Ryuko Tatsumi: ^^
Enji Todoroki: ^^
Tensei Iida: ^^
Tsunagu Hakamata: oK hOld oN-
Yagi Toshinori: When Shota's mad he's scarier than Enji, faster than Tensei and pretty sure he's stronger than all of us combined...
Shota Aizawa: I'm not mad
Tsunagu Hakamata: I don't know what your talking about Yagi~kun
Shota Aizawa: im fucking pissed. Where are you at the moment, you denim motherfucker
Nishi Wisteria: He's in the clothing section in the support lab.
Tsunagu Hakamata: NiShi you tRaitoR
Anakuro Hirooki: Damn can that hobo run. You weren't exaggerating Toshinori. Holy shit.
Ryuko Tatsumi: Fuck him up Aizawa!
Nishi Wisteria: remember Tsunagu, don't scream too loud we aren't meant to be here! It would be bad if you alerted a teacher or something.
Shota Aizawa: I'll keep him quiet.
Tsunagu Hakamata: T H A T S S U G G E S T I V E S H O T A ~ K U N
Tsunagu Hakamata: No reGreTS!
Tashiro Toyomitsu: I'm reporting you for suicidal behavior, Tsunagu.
Anakuro Hirooki: WHy is SHOTA smiLinG?
Hizashi Yamada: He's smiling!!? Sho, think of your hero career its not worth killing Tsunagu?
Tsunagu Hakamata: WHY IS THAT A QUESTION?!
Ryuko Tatsumi: Does anyone have popcorn?
Tsunagu Hakamata: shIT, hes just stood at the door smiling? His smile is not cute, not cute. What the fuckkkkke4fr5r
Kan Sekijiro: Holy shit
Tensei Iida: I'm not sure if i should be laughing or crying or-
Tashiro Toyomitsu: That was brutal, man
Enji Todoroki: wOW, do you not know how to hold back Aizawa?
Yagi Toshinori: What happened, Emi left me tied to the radiator.
Anakuro Hirooki: Shota burst through the door and started like kickboxing Tsunagu, while shouting and i quote: 'Jesus did not die for you to be like this, you crusty pair of fucking jeans'. It was simultaneously the funniest and scariest thing thats ever happened to me.
Nishi Wisteria: It's the first time I've seen his facial expression change and i can safely say i hate it with my whole being.
Anakuro Hirooki: Shota then proceeds to somehow stuff Tsunagu in a weird tube thing which he is currently rolling towards the staircase.
Emi Fukukado: Don't worry Toshinori, im recording EVERYTHING. Haha
Yagi Toshinori: Im guessing those loud bangs are Hakamata?
Nemuri Kayama: He's gaining rapid speed and heading straight for the wall. I'm not Mirai or anything but i foresee this will not end well.
Mirai Sasaki: You would be right.
Yagi Toshinori: and I'm guessing that sound was the wall, correct?
Anakuro Hirooki: based on the fact he's now telling a wall to 'fuck off' im pretty sure he received a slight concussion.
Yagi Toshinori: as much as i love hearing about Hakamata's declining health, it would be nice if Emi could fUcKinG rELeAsE mE?
Emi Fukukado: no lmao. We'll come to you.
Ryuko Tatsumi: Someone collect Tsunagu. please.
Tashiro Toyomitsu: On it !
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