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Bnha smash is a masterpiece. Look at it, its great
I was wondering if you'd rather i keep to publishing chronologically or just randomly? Like one chapter would be from 2nd year and the next from when they're pro heros?
Also known as:
β’ everyone just argues for 900 words
β’ im not funny so i just use abstract insults
β’ i think im having a crisis tbh
β’ catch me crying but im not in the club
β’ o i o i o i
~~A wild name guide~~
β’ Oboro Shirakumo - Loud Cloud
β’ Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
β’ Tensei Iida - Ingenium
β’ Mirai Sasaki - Sir Nighteye
β’ Tsunagu Hakamata - Best JeanistΒ
β’ Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
β’ Emi Fukukado - Ms Joke
β’ Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
β’ Ryuko Tatsumi - Ryukyu
β’ Tashiro Toyomitsu - FatGum
β’ Hizashi Yamada - Present mic
β’ Yagi Toshinori - All might
β’ Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
β’ Rumi Usagiyama - Miruko
β’ Keigo Takami - Hawks
β’ Yu Takeyama - Mt Lady
β’ Kan Sekijiro - Vlad King
β’ Tomoko Shiretoko - Ragdoll
β’ Kazumi Tsuchinoko - Uwabami
β’ Shinya Kamihara - Edgeshot
25th December 2099
I'm ill, sorry if this succs
~[08 : 02]~
Shota Aizawa: Merry Crisis
Enji Todoroki: Everyone get outside right now or ill clip your eyelashes off and throw them off the roof.
Yagi Toshinori: Jokes on you. Mine still haven't grown back from last time haha.
Anakuro Hirooki: I'm only coming because i know your serious.
Mirai Sasaki: Why am i being dragged out in the snow at 8 in the morning?
Emi Fukukado: Stop crying. Waking up at 8am on Christmas is pretty decent.
Nemuri Kayama: Hizashi woke me up at 1am. The one day i actually decided to sleep.
Hizashi Yamada: Don't act like we didn't have fun waiting for morning or are you salty i decimated you in monopoly~
Enji Todoroki: We're having a snowball fight. 3 2 1 go
Ryuko Tatsumi: Sis I'm still in my pajamas. Fuck off
Tashiro Toyomitsu: There is also a very fine line between snowballs and iceballs and you seem to have crossed it.
Keigo Takami: You will knock someone out with that shit
Yagi Toshinori: Enji, come near me with that iceball and i will fill your room with uncooked rice and blast All Star on a saxophone made from your sPinE.
Rumi Usagiyama: Jesus fucking christ, c h i l l o u t
Shinya Kamihara: Oh that was a pun. You poured snow over him.
Emi Fukukado: Explaining a joke makes it less funny ninjahoe
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: Why is everyone arguing its Christmas
Shota Aizawa: Might be due to the fact we've all been locked out the dorm in the middle of a blizzard all wearing nightwear
Tensei Iida: I'm sorry we're what?
Shota Aizawa: Locked out. Didn't you hear the door click
Mirai Sasaki: F U C K Y O U A L L
Oboro Shirakumo: I'm not even wearing shoesβ
Keigo Takami: If i die on Christmas by hypothermia i might just slap a bitch
Yagi Toshinori: Might help if Enji stopped trying to deck me with a ball of ice. Come one step closer and I'll send a flurry of cold air towards you in hopes it freezes your tonsils so you choke,
Enji Todoroki: Imagine being cold right now. Bunch of piss ants
Hizashi Yamada: If i dont get back inside right now ill start cutting off hair for a fur coat.
Nemuri Kayama: Come near my hair and ill gut you
Shota Aizawa: Im going to start hiding razor blades in peoples food, Keigo why can't you just fly to the staff dorms?
Keigo Takami: Uh don't know if you remember but Rumi decided she wanted to use my wings as fuel for her "campfire"
Yu Takeyama: If Toshinori stopped playing tag with Enji we could just bust tthe door down
Yagi Toshinori: You won't like it when i start speaking broken English and accidentally summon a demon, Yu.
Nemuri Kayama: I feel like Elsa in this blizzard, i want to carol
Anakuro Hirooki: When you sing you sound like a goose who swallowed an object to big for its skinny throat and is trying to regurgitate it.
Ryuko Tatsumi: Kuro you hypocrite. Once i walked in on you singing and i thought aliens had abducted me, probed me in the ass and thrown me out of the spaceship while i had a fever dream.
Rumi Usagiyama: Is this one of those insult battles. If i win can i sock someone?
Yagi Toshinori: You know what. Some people need to be put in their place, lets do it.
Oboro Shirakumo: Ok me first. Anakuro, your yellow shoes are crusty and you need to wash them without having a meltdown on the washing machine
Anakuro Hirooki: Fuck you Oboro, i used your back scratcher to clog the kitchen sink with hair
Shota Aizawa: That was my back scratcher you parcel-tounged, cold-blooded left ass cheek looking bitch
Rumi Usagiyama: Keigo your face looks like a younger version of the KFC guy
Tashiro Toyomitsu: his NAME is Colonel Sanders, keep it out your unwashed mouth, rabbit stew.
Tsunagu Hakamata: You're built like the bed from the princess and the pea. Next caller~
Keigo Takami: Rumi don't even come for me when you look like something a cow stood on during a tornado
Mirai Sasaki: I think your all equally stupid. Your intelligence added together is that of a mushed pea a duckling choked on. Not to mention your unnecessary thirst to set fires that end up ravaging the dorms. Why do i wake up to fire alarms instead of an actual alarm? Ive taken out the batteries and i will continue to do so until you've either learnt your lesson or have burned to death.
Tomoko Shiretoko: Just take the goddamn win
Rumi Usagiyama: You throw a pretty hard punch Sasaki. Whats your secret?
Mirai Sasaki: I own a punching bag with everyones faces on it.
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: Lets all build a snowman while we wait for Torino to save us.
Oboro Shirakumo: I am the snowman. The snowman is me.
Enji Todoroki: Well we needed a base for it anyway, stay still.
Tsunagu Hakamata: Who's clothes are we sacrificing for our Obosnowman?
Emi Fukukado: Haha stay the fuck away. Im losing bidy heat faster than Enji lost at the sports Festivalβ
Enji Todoroki: Oh come the hell on. You literally cried when Aizawa smiled at you. What a loser
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: Please try get along now or i might just casually get trapped under a avalanche for several hours
Keigo Takami: Is it just me or did it get really reallh hot
Kan Sekijiro: That would be a sign of Hypothermia
Anakuro Hirooki: Id say resist the urge of taking of your clothes but our Obosnowman is lacking.
Nemuri Kayama: Wait a second, i have the key to the dorms isn't that funny. Haha
Tensei Iida: Nemuri.
Yu Takeyama: Id run girl. Id run far but not before you give me the keyβ
Did anyone laugh? Am i funnyβ’
Tomorrow is Midoriyas birthday, how we feeling Izuku nation? I have a special chapter ready for tomorrow, set in 2123 so its a quite a bit in the future
Again, should i just start posting chapters from random parts in the story rather than in time order?
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