Oh shit, we're at the ending already? I swear i only wrote the forst chapter last week wtf. I feel like my own kids are graduating, the world isn't ready for Class Arson to debut. I also want to thank everyone who read this, voted on this and commented. Im sure you have something better to do with your life lmao.
This took years to write omfg, 3600 words of pAiN.
Anyway, without further ado, lets get this shit show started!
~~A wild name guide~~
β’ Oboro Shirakumo - Loud Cloud
β’ Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
β’ Tensei Iida - Ingenium
β’ Mirai Sasaki - Sir Nighteye
β’ Tsunagu Hakamata - Best JeanistΒ
β’ Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
β’ Emi Fukukado - Ms Joke
β’ Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
β’ Ryuko Tatsumi - Ryukyu
β’ Tashiro Toyomitsu - FatGum
β’ Hizashi Yamada - Present mic
β’ Yagi Toshinori - All might
β’ Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
β’ Rumi Usagiyama - Miruko
β’ Keigo Takami - Hawks
β’ Yu Takeyama - Mt Lady
β’ Kan Sekijiro - Vlad King
β’ Tomoko Shiretoko - Ragdoll
β’ Kazumi Tsuchinoko - Uwabami
β’ Shinya Kamihara - Edgeshot
β’ Inko Raimura - Inko Midoriya
β’ Rei Shirogane - Rei Todoroki
β’ Mitsuki Kirameku - Mitsuki Bakugou
Monday 3rd March 2102
Class 3-Arson's Last Rodeo
~[10 : 55]~
Sorahiko Torino:
Are you finally ready? We're already running late.
Nemuri Kayama:
Its not my fault i accidentally put on Toshinori's gown instead of my own, calm down..
Satoshi Kurosawa:
Its okay, we all do it.
Sorahiko Torino:
God, i can't wait to get rid of you all and retire.
Yu Takeyama:
And i can't wait until your no longer in charge of me so i can cuss you the hecc out.
Sorahiko Torino:
Anyway. I'm sure you were watching the business course graduate so you know what'll happen.
Keigo Takami:
I was distracted by Rumi pretending to be snow white. Can i have a refresher?
Tensei Iida:
I just wasn't watching. No point in lying about it.
Rekka Kurosawa:
I'm worried for the world when you debut as heros.
Sorahiko Torino:
You will each be called up, shake Nezu's paw? Then your yearbook photo will be displayed on the screen with what your most likely to achieve. Don't burn down the stage, don't attack teachers and don't embarrass yourself infront of your families. Are we clear?
Tashiro Toyomitsu:
Tsunagu Hakamata:
Quick question though. We never had our photos taken so...??
Rekka Kurosawa:
We know ;)
Yagi Toshinori:
Im sCaReDβ
Satoshi Kurosawa:
We know ;)
Lets Get Graduating!!
Nezu stood idly on the stage in front of his little rat microphone while the other staff sat on creaky chairs behind him, all wearing smug expressions. It was honestly a little unsettling. With a low whir of the projector, Graduation finally commenced after 3 painfully long years...
The photo situation? Well due to the lack of professionally taken photos, the staff had to scrounge around for anything they could get their hands on so when they found Nemuri's old camera; oh boy were they prepared to ruin this classes reputation before they even debuted. An evil plan indeed.
1. Mirai Sasaki as Sir Nighteye
(Most likely to sleep through the apocalypse)
Mirai's photo was slightly blurry, obviously taken mid laughing fit. It depicted the time he literally wore his mattress to school, it was huge and he barely made it through the hallway, Emi was in the background mid fall down the stairs after being hit by the boy's curious choice in apparel.
Monday 3rd March 2102
Class 3-Arson's Last Rodeo
~[11 : 00]~
Nemuri Kayama:
Sorahiko Torino:
Yu Takeyama:
Im sorry mom but this is where my road to villainy begins, by murdering EVERYONE AT UA
Yagi Toshinori:
This is a whole new low.
Mirai Sasaki:
As embarrassing as this is, i don't regret that day one bit.
Emi Fukukado:
Wasn't fun for me though. I missed out on training cos i was with Recovery Girl, damn. Im feeling nostalgic :"(
Tsunagu Hakamata:
Sorahiko Torino:
Todoroki. You're up next get ready.
Enji Todoroki:
2. Enji Todoroki as Endeavour
(Most likely to be arrested for assault)
Enji's photo was taken in the dorms common room. The redhead was completely unconscious but still aflame, the class was huddled around his sleeping, flaming body roasting marshmallows and shit. Its important to note Enji still looked angry even asleep.
Monday 3rd March 2102
Class 3-Arson's Last Rodeo
Anakuro Hirooki:
Oh shit i remember that! It was second year right, when i accidentally hit him with a frying pan.
Hizashi Yamada:
Im not sure if im happy or not that our families don't know the context to these pictures. On one hand, they are really embarrassing and on the other the stories are eVen MorE sO.
Enji Todoroki:
Yagi Toshinori:
We already established this. Stop being a baby Endeavour.
Rumi Usagiyama:
I still think your hero name should've been Fuck Off.
Kazumi Tsuchinoko:
Not the most approachable hero name.
Tensei Iida:
When is Enji even approachable in the first place?
Sorahiko Torino:
Iida, you're up. Don't trip over this time.
3. Tensei Iida as Ingenium
(Most likely to Tokyo drift off of a bridge without a car)
Tensei's photo was taken from afar but you could still see his main features. He was on a highway, wearing heelys the engines embedded in his elbows glowed blue though upon closer inspection, you could see the boys ankle twisted. This was a photo taken seconds before disaster.
Monday 3rd March 2102
Class 3-Arson's Last Rodeo
Tensei Iida:
My parents are so disappointed in me :^)
Keigo Takami:
Where is the context? I can't live life without the context for this image.
Oboro Shirakumo:
We bought him heelys for his birthday and Nemuri suggested testing them on a highway while he used his engines. Yeah...
Shota Aizawa:
He got hit by three cars. They say its a miracle he even survived.
Tomoko Shiretoko:
Our plot armour is unbreakable! I could literally jump off a 7 storey building and survive.
Tashiro Toyomitsu:
Still, don't try that okaay?
Rumi Usagiyama:
I already proved that theory to be correct, i jumped from U.A and lived.
Keigo Takami:
Don't flatter yourself love. You only survived because i caught you at the last second or did you fOrGet?
Sorahiko Torino:
Swiftly ignoring that. Toshinori, your turn.
4. Yagi Toshinori as All Might
(Most likely to be assassinated)
There was a guest appearance in Toshinori's photo, Tenko Shimura. It was taken at Nana's house when the sextet was babysitting the child, Tenko was somehow strapped to the ceiling while Toshinori and the Sextet threw tomatos at him. Its good to note Tenko wasn't wearing his gloves.
5. Tomoko Shiretoko as Ragdoll
(Most likely to be affiliated with a cult)
Tomoko's photo was of her holding a book of curses as she stood over a pissed off Enji who was being held down by a cackling Nemuri and Yu. Kan was in the background face palming aggressively.
Monday 3rd March 2102
Class 3-Arson's Last Rodeo
Rumi Usagiyama:
You heard it here first folks, All Might hits children.
Yagi Toshinori:
Enji Todoroki:
Probably to make a point.
Yagi Toshinori:
Hizashi Yamada:
Now isn't the time to be fighting! Your literally on stage
Enji Todoroki:
My wise words are "fuck off, i hope you fall in a pond and get eaten by frogs."
Kazumi Tsuchinoko:
Of course they aren't listening :)
Yagi Toshinori:
I have the power to literally send you to Australia. Please sit down.
Enji Todoroki:
And i have the power to turn you into the ash i use as COMPOST
Kan Sekijiro:
Oh they're actually, physically fighting. Right in front of everyone's parents. This class is so embarrassing, i hate it here.
Anakuro Hirooki:
6. Emi Fukukado as Ms. Joke
(Most likely to get asthma)
Emi's photo was of her chasing various class members around the dorm trying to duct tape their mouths as Mirai slept peacefully in the background. It was all in vain though, since Nemuri was already graffiting his face with markers.
7. Yu Takeyama as Mt. Lady
(Most likely to backhand a politician)
Yu's photo was a mess, theres so much to unpack here. The girl herself was mid fall down the stairs after Torino jelly legged her with a baton? She's flipping him off as she falls backwards, Tsunagu is next in the line laughing his ass off.
8. Tashiro Toyomitsu as FatGum
(Most likely to fake amnesia to escape)
Tashiro's picture was of him sat in the common room's coffin while eating a whole tub of chocolate icecream, tears in his eyes at 12am as Enji and Toshinori have a full on sword fight with wooden spoons. That sentence literally one upped itself wtf.
Monday 3rd March 2102
Class 3-Arson's Last Rodeo
Tashiro Toyomitsu:
What the hell even are these Most likely too's?
Yu Takeyama:
Idk seems pretty accurate to me :)))
Anakuro Hirooki:
Important question. Who gets custody of the coffin when we graduate?
Shota Aizawa:
Me. I paid for it, its my comfort coffin.
Keigo Takami:
From that picture it looks like Tashiro's comfort coffin.
Anakuro Hirooki:
That coffin lived in my room for a year and a half before we moved it to the common room. Its mine.
Tensei Iida:
Oboro Shirakumo:
Yeah, we can each have it on different days. Ill even buy a van just to transport it.
Enji Todoroki:
Think of how easily we'd be able to transport dead bodies without suspicion.
Satoshi Kurosawa:
Im so worried for this class of heroes, on god.
Yagi Toshinori:
Why ever would you be concerned for us? Is it abnormal to own a whole coffin and an actual electric chair.
Anakuro Hirooki:
The electric chair will always be mine. Back off.
Tashiro Toyomitsu:
Suddenly my 'Most Likely To' isn't so farfetched...
9. Ryuko Tatsuma as Ryukyu
(Most likely to achieve world domination)
Ryuko's photo is one of the more tame ones but still chaotic nonetheless. She has the most deadpan expression while the dorm is literally on fire behind her, the class are also being crackheads fighting. This is the face of a person who has lost the will. Its obvious Shinya took this one.
10. Shinya Kamihara as Edgeshot
(Most likely to assist in world domination)
Shinya's photo was taken during prom, during the finale of the limbo championship. The bar was literally touching the floor but he was going for it and it was working. He was up against Mirai who looked like he was about to hit someone with a chair.
11. Kazumi Tsuchinoko as Uwabami
(Most likely to buy a country)
Kazumi's photo was of her in her dorm room putting up a peace sign. However the concerning part is that her walls and floors were covered in mOnEy, actual cash. Oboro was in the background scraping notes off the wall stealthily.
Monday 3rd March 2102
Class 3-Arson's Last Rodeo
Emi Fukukado:
There goes all the sane people in the class. Im worried for the next batch of photos, rip.
Kan Sekijiro:
Hold up, im sane what are you talking about.
Ryuko Tatsuma:
Suure you started off sane but i think you progressively lost it over the years. It happens to the best of us.
Nemuri Kayama:
We tainted you Kan, need u remind you of the elevator incident? Who was the person who suggested using Tensei as sacrifice to the elevator Gods? In fact i think i have a photo of thatβ
Kan Sekijiro:
Bye. Im crying into my knock off gucci.
Hizashi Yamada:
In Sekijiro's defense, Tensei was more than willing to fall down an elevator shaft for the crack. I'd sacrifice him too.
Rumi Usagiyama:
Id sacrifice Tensei for a half eaten carrot tbf.
Enji Todoroki:
Id just murder him.
Tensei Iida:
Im feeling β¨U n s a f eβ¨
Keigo Takami:
Literally all i just got from that is Shinya and Ryuko taking over the world together and giving Kazumi a country? Is there a story to these achievements?
Tomoko Shiretoko:
When the sane become the unhinged dictators.
Ryuko Tatsuma:
Hell yeah we'd take over the world.
Shinya Kamihara:
Our first rule would be a ban on fire. This is how Enji becomes a wanted fugitive along with the Sextet of Flames.
Mirai Sasaki:
The fact you've mapped this out.
12. Kan Sekijiro as Vlad King
(Most likely to physically fight Shota Aizawa)
This photo was taken from outside, through the window of the local dog cafΓ©. Kan was lying down as all the doggo's sat on and around him. It was 100% wholesome if you didn't count the fact he was definitely trying to steal them.
13. Tsunagu Hakamata as Best Jeanist
(Most likely to be runner up at the Best Jeanist award)
Tsunagu's photo was taken in the classroom by Anakuro. The whole class was sat glumly with their heads down all donning the obnoxious clown makeup they had at the Sports Festival. Tsunagu himself was actually sparkling in beauty.
Monday 3rd March 2102
Class 3-Arson's Last Rodeo
Tsunagu Hakamata:
Rumi Usagiyama:
But like what are you going to do if you don't win the Best Jeanist award? Would that make you as a hero invalid?
Emi Fukukado:
The fuck even is a Best Jeanist award. Is it who has the superior taste in jeans
Shota Aizawa:
Why would that even exist.
Yu Takeyama:
Would Shota win the Best Hobo award?
Tsunagu Hakamata:
Kan Sekijiro:
Why would i fight Aizawa..?
Oboro Shirakumo:
You are the living embodiment of Dogs vs Cats. Im a cat person myself!
Nemuri Kayama:
In my own humble opinion. Cats are the equivalent to raccoons after you accidentally spray window cleaner on them.
Enji Todoroki:
Why the fuck? What the fuck? How the fuck? WhEn tHe fUcK?
Tomoko Shiretoko:
Doggos are cute and cats are devils spawn. :)))
Hizashi Yamada:
The cutest devil spawn you've ever seen!
Anakuro Hirooki:
No, im the cutest devil spawn. UwU
Tashiro Toyomitsu:
Do that again and I'll tear off your ugly ear piercings with chopsticks dipped in vinegar.
Yagi Toshinori:
I just like rabbits????
14. Rumi Usagiyama as Miruko
(Most likely to skydive without a parachute)
Rumi's photo was from the time the class went rock climbing, some how this bitch managed to sneak in without a harness. She was almost at the top when she fell, she was grinning like an idiot as she fell since falling off a cliff is on her bucket list. Keigo was a blur as he swooped in to catch her.
15. Keigo Takami as Hawks
(Most likely to actually be a robot)
Taken outside a pet shop. Keigo had released all the birds in the shop but they started attacking random people on the streets, including Enji. Keigo knew he was about to get arrested so he embraced the carnage.
16. Anakuro Hirooki as Thirteen
(Most likely to be rejected from both Heaven and Hell)
This was a famous photo from 3rd year, the rising of Non-binary Anakuro. The space person was stood ontop of Nemuri's π ±οΈroke car, draped in the Non-binary flag. The rest of the class were all happily cheering in the background letting of party streamers and shit.
Monday 3rd March 2102
Class 3-Arson's Last Rodeo
Anakuro Hirooki:
Fuck yeahh. I was hoping they'd use that one.
Keigo Takami:
The only professionally taken photo on that cameras gallery π₯Ί
Tsunagu Hakamata:
Enji Todoroki:
Why are you crying like a baby? You should be happy we're finally leaving this hell hole of a school.
Ryuko Tatsuma:
The mems Enji. The fucking mems
Nemuri Kayama:
Tensei Iida:
Fuck off Nemuri. If you start crying i will too.
Shota Aizawa:
Why are you all acting like we won't see eachother ever again after we leave?
Tashiro Toyomitsu:
I guarantee you won't be seeing me again :))
Rumi Usagiyama:
Promise we'll all stay friends. If not i can track you down and murder you with a straw.
Enji Todoroki:
Yagi Toshinori:
Its okay to cry Enji, just let it out.
Kazumi Tsuchinoko:
Lets just wrap this up? Im ready to go fight crime and become famous.
Sorahiko Torino:
Yes please shut up until we finish. Im shaking with anticipation to see you off.
Satoshi Kurosawa:
He's actually really emotionalhdgwnn
17. Nemuri Kayama as Midnight
(Most likely to be a Stripper)
Nemuri's photo featured her throwing it back on a school desk right in front of the window, for all the press to see. Hizashi and Tensei were cheering her on as they threw money at her. Torino could be seen in the background with the most disgusted face.
18. Hizashi Yamada as Present Mic
(Most likely to be a star)
Hizashi's photo was taken at night from outside the dorm building. The loud blonde was strumming a guitar as he smiled at Aizawa who was grinning at him as he hung out his window. Nemuri was twirling around Hizashi as ne played, narrowly avoiding a shoe being thrown by Enji's room.
19. Shota Aizawa as Eraserhead
(Most likely to move to Brazil under a fake name)
This was more of a screenshot than a photo. It was from the first year sports festival, Nemuri vs Tensei. You can see many people passing out from Nemuri's quirk however if you squinted you could see Shota bucking it out of the stadium, carrying Hizashi bridal style.
20. Oboro Shirakumo as Loud Cloud
(Most likely to be a villian)
A photo taken from the time the class switched hero costumes. Oboro was stood in Yu's costume, doing her iconic pose. He was honestly pulling it off like a queen. Yu was next to him laughing her ass off.
By now the whole class was stood behind the rat principal on the stage. They had just been finished getting exposed to their families yet they were all beaming with joy. Of course there was the odd teary eye amongst the class of chaos.
"And with that, i can gladly pronounce that Class 3-A, the 23rd hero course has officially graduated and are fully fledged heros. Even though this class has been the most troublesome in terms of keeping their destructive tendencies in check..."
The class let out a tearful laugh as they watched the teachers shake their heads in a certain type of fondness. Nezu continued. "But im quite sure. No, im certain that this class will go on to do great things in the future."
"I do hope you'll keep out of mischief, Class 3-Arson." The principal grinned at the crying heros as the audience applauded their future protectors. Even Tenko was begrudgingly clapping, he totally didn't want to go hug his older brother nope, Toshinori could fall in a ditch for all he cared.
A chapter of life has been closed, i do hope you'll eagerly await the next one to open...
Monday 3rd March 2102
Some how pro heros?
Nemuri Kayama:
Shit what now. We can't exactly go back to the dorms.
Anakuro Hirooki:
Lets go punch some villians in the face. Legally this time :D
Rumi Usagiyama
Hell yeah, class trip!
Yagi Toshinori:
Uhm, would now be the best time to tell you I'm going to America for a couple of years with Nana, Torino and Tenko.
Oboro Shirakumo:
Your leaving...?
Tensei Iida:
yEaRs? Thats a long fucking time amigo.
Enji Todoroki:
We just fucking graduated and your already skipping out? Fuck you.
Hizashi Yamada:
Yagi Toshinori:
Don't make it harder than it already isss.
Keigo Takami:
Nemuri Kayama:
What time are we going?
Yagi Toshinori:
Around 5am tomorrow.
Yagi Toshinori:
Wait. We?
Enji Todoroki:
Yeah. You can't shake us that easily you golden piece of shit.
Rumi Usagiyama:
Anakuro Hirooki:
Im going to seduce a politician there and make the economy cRumbLe like sand
Tsunagu Hakamata:
Im going to beat everyone in New York fashion week with my jean suit. Catch me on the front cover of vogue darlings~~
Yagi Toshinori:
Your seriously coming?? What about tickets and that.
Yu Takeyama:
Ill just seduce someone important, no sweat. My bags are already packed!
Mitsuki Kirameku:
Im coming too! Its a great place to kickstart my career, Inko and Rei are coming too!
Inko Raimura:
Ive never been abroad before.
Sorahiko Torino:
As much as i hate the idea of this, i have a feeling i won't be able to stop you. Please keep your nuisances to a minimum.
Tenko Shimura:
Fuck yeah, lets create carnage together in America Anakuro!
Keigo Takami:
Language bitch.
Rumi Usagiyama:
Lets get this class trip on the go! Vite vite
Nana Shimura:
I think its more like a family trip :)
If you actually read all of this, have a golden star. I think this is a happy enough ending~
Once again thank you for reading, have a great day/night.
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