π΅πππππ ππππππππ
I hope the mAnGa readers are happy with what they brought on. Smh, im violently crying into a pillow.
β οΈβ οΈI'll put a little thing at the end of the chapter if any of the manga readers wanna talk about chapter 281, because im sure we all need therapy now.β οΈβ οΈ
Also known as:
β’ i literally had to listen to lofi hip hop to calm myself down
β’ i need jesus pls
β’ Also trying out a new layout so see if you like itt
β’ Fucking car crash
β’ you've heard of bees, get ready for ants.
This is 2000 words what the hell-
~~A wild name guide~~
β’ Oboro Shirakumo - Loud Cloud
β’ Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
β’ Tensei Iida - Ingenium
β’ Mirai Sasaki - Sir Nighteye
β’ Tsunagu Hakamata - Best Jeanist
β’ Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
β’ Emi Fukukado - Ms Joke
β’ Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
β’ Ryuko Tatsumi - Ryukyu
β’ Tashiro Toyomitsu - FatGum
β’ Hizashi Yamada - Present mic
β’ Yagi Toshinori - All might
β’ Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
β’ Rumi Usagiyama - Miruko
β’ Keigo Takami - Hawks
β’ Yu Takeyama - Mt Lady
β’ Kan Sekijiro - Vlad King
β’ Tomoko Shiretoko - Ragdoll
β’ Kazumi Tsuchinoko - Uwabami
β’ Shinya Kamihara - Edgeshot
Saturday 28th May 2101
Sextet of Chaos
~[22 : 40]~
Nemuri Kayama:
I have some spectacular news.
Shota Aizawa:
For some strange reason i highly doubt that?
Tensei Iida:
Nemuri what the fuck? Your not even on your phone at the moment, how are you texting?
Oboro Shirakumo:
I can clearly see Hizashi failing to play temple run on your phone. Am i on drugs? Did somebody spike the tea again?
Nemuri Kayama:
Im glad you asked my good disciples~
Nemuri Kayama:
Basically, i got the ever fabulous Mitsuki to connect my phone and my brain. Now i can text any time, anywhere.
Yagi Toshinori:
Oboro Shirakumo:
You can dO tHaT?
Nemuri Kayama:
She said it shortens a persons lifespan by 30 years but hey. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Shota Aizawa:
You have ascended to a whole new level of stupid where it can actually be used as a weapon.
Yagi Toshinori:
Nemuri Kayama:
A brilliant segway into todays outing!
Hizashi Yamada:
Aren't we supposed to be on house arrest for lyric pranking the principal? The furthest we can go is the Mount Everant out the back?
Tensei Iida:
Oml I forgot about Mount Everant! I've been busy helping Anakuro move the Antfell Tower into Enji's room.
Shota Aizawa:
Its so obvious that this class has a problem? When did we start keeping ants as pets?
Oboro Shirakumo:
After Tashiro accidentally caused an infestation last year? Have you been living under a rock, we have a whole antcosystem
Yagi Toshinori:
Putting the word 'ant' in different words doesn't make you smart and being smart doesn't make you interesting.
Hizashi Yamada:
Im smart and interesting so eat an ant.
Tensei Iida:
Im proud of you finally gaining confidence Hizashi. Im guessing it was the air guitar on the table the other week?
Hizashi Yamada:
Its was very therapeutic.
Nemuri Kayama:
Nemuri Kayama:
I finally got my drivers license sooo~ ROADTRIP
Shota Aizawa:
As if you actually passed a drivers test, even if you did im positive you did it illegally.
Nemuri Kayama:
Whether it was legal or not is none of your concern, hobo. Just know we're sneaking out in about 10 minutes to find the nearest beach.
Yagi Toshinori:
House arrest??? Did you forget about that
Oboro Shirakumo:
Who the heck gave you a car? Who is the person stupid enough to gift you a metal death box?
Nemuri Kayama:
I knew you'd all be a bunch of piss babies about it. I've taken precautions so we don't get caught
1. Anakuro is going to cover for us if a teachers should investigate the dorms. They shouldn't though since they're also on house arrest lmao.
2. My mother gave me a car so shUt uP OboRo. I mean she didn't want to but i have some killer puppy eyes.
3. We can get out through the whole in the wall behind the discarded Nezu statue, that hole has been a godsend since first year.
So pack your shit and leTs gO.
Shota Aizawa:
I still refuse to believe you can drive.
Hizashi Yamada:
Wait did you get this phone implant so you could text and drive?
Oboro Shirakumo:
Thats iLLeGaL Nemuri,,,
Nemuri Kayama:
Technically im not texting, i just have to think really hArD.
Tensei Iida:
Someone wise once said: "If you have to say technically, you're already in trouble."
Lets Drive I Guess...
Oboro Shirakumo:
So, i already hate it here?
Tensei Iida:
Nemuri this isn't even a car. This is an electric box on very flimsy wheels. Now, i don't want to jump to conclusions but i think your mother wants you dead.
Hizashi Yamada:
I tried to roll down the window and the window fell off. I think its on the road about 3 miles back-
Yagi Toshinori:
There wasn't even enough seats, how come i was voted into the boOt?
Nemuri Kayama:
All im hearing is waa waa waaa
Oboro Shirakumo:
Accurate portrayal of the noise I'll be making when i fall out this moving vehicle.
Nemuri Kayama:
What are you saying?
Oboro Shirakumo:
Im saying that your car door came off its hinges and ive been holding it in place for the last 20 minutes. I can only hold this door for so long.
Hizashi Yamada:
Its terrifying that Shota actually managed to fall asleep in this death trap?
Tensei Iida:
I think he passed out from inhaling too many of the funky fumes coming through the air conditioning. Fun times.
Hizashi Yamada:
Oboro Shirakumo:
I'm funky too you loud cockatoo
Shota Aizawa:
Your about as funky as out of date cheese.
Nemuri Kayama:
I love that we're all bonding but im starting to think my car isn't the safest thing in the whole world.
Yagi Toshinori:
The fact thats all we've been discussing for the past 20 minutes yet you've only just noticed is sad.
Tensei Iida:
Come talk to me when you have an actual seat in the car, boot boy.
Nemuri Kayama:
Seriously though. One of the wheels keeps doing that thing shopping carts do. Y'know when one of the wheels suddenly gains sentience and starts having a seizure?
Hizashi Yamada:
Nemuri Kayama:
Surprise? I mean its been fine for the past 2 hours like you said so i think we're good..
Oboro Shirakumo:
You idiot. Have you not watched anime? The second you acknowledge your missing limb it'll hurt.
Shota Aizawa:
Your TV privileges have been revoked
Nemuri Kayama:
ShiT youR riGht-
In the Midst of One Spicy Crash...
Oboro Shirakumo:
Where is jesus and why wON'T HE TAKE THE WHEEL?
Nemuri Kayama:
If i somehow manage to kill you all im not that sorry. If i go down your all coming with me.
Hizashi Yamada:
Thats so toxic im getting radiation poisoning. Wth
Yagi Toshinori:
Shota Aizawa:
Drive into a ravine. No balls.
Tensei Iida:
ShoTA nO
Meanwhile With Class 1-Arson...
Tsunagu Hakamata:
Enji stop trying to set fire to the Ant Mahal.
Enji Todoroki:
Rumi Usagiyama:
The ants are gaining intelligence, they need structures
Kan Sekijiro:
That makes no sense at all.
Anakuro Hirooki:
Take your dog and cry about it.
Tashiro Toyomitsu:
There is zero need to be this hostile at this time of night. Go to sleep.
Keigo Takami:
If we go to sleep Enji will set fire to our Antcosystem, Great Fire of London style.
Mirai Sasaki:
Im starting to think that wouldn't be so bad. Playing God with a bunch of feral ants would never end well.
Yu Takeyama:
My ants aren't feral Mirai. I trained them, nay, I RAISED THOSE ANTS
Nemuri Kayama:
Ok so uh. Funny story..
Ryuko Tatsuma:
Do i need to call an ambulance? Ive had them on speed dial since you left.
Nemuri Kayama:
Yes pLeAse. I accidentally drove into a ravine near the beach we went to in first year, i mean Shota MAY have prevoked it but yeah. Ambulance.
Anakuro Hirooki:
Lmao. Are the others okay?
Nemuri Kayama:
Tbh, the one thing ive learnt from my 18 years on this planet is that im immortal, so are the other 5.
Keigo Takami:
Did you perhaps hit your head when your car flew off a cliff?
Nemuri Kayama:
Think about it Keigo. How many times have we almost died? Specifically in a fire but details aren't important.
Nemuri Kayama:
Im 100% sure that we aren't wanted by the greater beings. I thought the ruler of hell would be braver than this.
Anakuro Hirooki:
Yeah you definitely have a concussion luv.
Enji Todoroki:
Did Shittynori finally kick the bucket? I'm asking because i definitely hope he did, yep thats it. Fuck you.
Rumi Usagiyama:
T s u n d e r e
Nemuri Kayama:
My point is proven when you see that all six of us are in fact ok. We just need a lift home. Also i broke my leg but that happens every Saturday night woOt.
Oboro Shirakumo:
I found my phone! Call me Nagito Komaeda because im very lucky that its still functional after falling out the window~~~~~
Yu Takeyama:
Oboro you sound sane right now, is Nem ok?
Oboro Shirakumo:
Yeah she's great, i think Shota got the worst of it but we all know he wanted this. Infact i believe he knocked himself out on purpose to avoid consequences. Good plan really
Tensei is crying because his phone has been split into 7 pieces. He keeps trying to fix it but its very pathetic.
Hizashi went to get help but he isn't really a climber. Remind me to take him rock climbing one day because this is painful to watch.
Nemuri probably has a light concussion even though she had and airbag. Like it takes a special skill to give yourself concussion through and airbag
Oh Toshinori is still in the boot, ill check.
Yeah he's fine too, a bit salty we forgot about him but fine.
Tashiro Toyomitsu:
Shame isn't even the right word.
Ryuko Tatsuma:
I can't wait to see how your explaining this to Torino.
Nemuri Kayama:
Easy we were kidnapped. The kidnappers had beef with my family on my mothers side after she went into debt. They shoved us into a dodgy self driving car that was set to drive off a ravine, the signal was blocked until we reached the bottom of the ravine, we had to play dead until the kidnappers left. The kidnappers were two women and a man. The man had a panda quirk so he was the most recognizable out of the three. But i swear one of the females looked similar to my aunt. It was such a terribly traumatic experience that will haunt us for the rest of our lives.
Tsunagu Hakamata:
Jesus fucking christ. Thats scarily specific, are we sure you didn't actually get kidnapped.
Oboro Shirakumo:
Nemuri you're a pathological liar which is both great and terrifying.
Kan Sekijiro:
First your uncle now your aunt? Its only a matter of time before yohr disowned.
Nemuri Kayama:
Ambulance is here! Places everyone, its time to put on a performance of a lifetime~~
Tashiro Toyomitsu:
Why do these things always work, im crying.
No clue where i went at the end uHH. Don't text and drive unless you wanna end up in a ravine. :^)
β οΈ If anyone wants to talk about the bnha manga go for it here --->
Chapter 281 be like:
Okay have a nice day/night, drink water, wear a mask, get some sleep if your schedule is trash. I mean it SLeeP.
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