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~Question at the end~
Also known as:
β’ Ryuko vs Enji
β’ Bees: The Sequel
β’ Enji Todoroki and the Bear
~~A wild name guide~~
β’ Oboro Shirakumo - Loud Cloud
β’ Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
β’ Tensei Iida - Ingenium
β’ Mirai Sasaki - Sir Nighteye
β’ Tsunagu Hakamata - Best Jeanist
β’ Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
β’ Emi Fukukado - Ms Joke
β’ Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
β’ Ryuko Tatsumi - Ryukyu
β’ Tashiro Toyomitsu - FatGum
β’ Hizashi Yamada - Present mic
β’ Yagi Toshinori - All might
β’ Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
β’ Rumi Usagiyama - Miruko
β’ Keigo Takami - Hawks
β’ Yu Takeyama - Mt Lady
β’ Kan Sekijiro - Vlad King
β’ Tomoko Shiretoko - Ragdoll
β’ Kazumi Tsuchinoko - Uwabami
β’ Shinya Kamihara - Edgeshot
Wednesday 22nd July 2099
~ The Circus ~
02 : 33
Mirai Sasaki: I can't sleep.
Rumi Usagiyama: Holy shit. You may as well be telling me pigs can fly
Tomoko Shiretoko: I wish flying pigs existed
Yagi Toshinori: I can't stop thinking about those forest creatures Nana mentioned.
Tsunagu Hakamata: Same, i keep hallucinating things and hearing growls n shit.
Keigo Takami: Im also hallucinating growls haha...ha
Hizashi Yamada: How many people have to hear the same thing before it stops being a hallucination...
Tensei Iida: So everyone else has been hearing those little goblin laughs
Ryuko Tatsumi: I think that ones just you friend.
Nemuri Kayama: Enji we all nominate you to go and check outside
Enji Todoroki: And why the fuck would i go and do that
Yagi Toshinori: Because your so strong and a small forest creature is is no match for you?
Enji Todoroki: fine
Rumi Usagiyama: I really like anger holding Enji~~
Nemuri Kayama: Hizashi, me and Tensei would join you in your tent but im lowkey terrified of whats outside.
Enji Todoroki: Its a bear.
Ryuko Tatsumi: Thank God its just a bear
Tensei Iida: Yeah i was worried it would be something like a Wendigo
Yagi Toshinori: Enji's screams are telling me the bear isn't here to give us fruit cake and a warm welcome.
Tashiro Toyomitsu: Fruit cake sounds really nice right now
Shinya Kamihara: Such a shame we're in a life or death situation x
Emi Fukukado: Omg i love sarcastic Shinya. He's the bestt.
Rumi Usagiyama: Your screams are girlier than i thought, Toshi
Yagi Toshinori: You All Must Suffer With Me.
Oboro Shirakumo:
Anakuro Hirooki: Toshi, stop trying to get the bear to attack my tent. It won't work
Anakuro Hirooki: Never mind it worked-
Anakuro Hirooki: im not letting you use my machete to kill a bear
Kan Sekijiro: I swear that was the exact reason you brought it.
Tensei Iida: We promise we won't kill the bear. We'll just slice its achilles tendon. :)
Keigo Takami: calm down Levi, its a bear not a Titan.
Ryuko Tatsumi: Just use the blunt end to knock it out.
Tashiro Toyomitsu: Don't say it so nonchalantly, do you know how difficult that is??
Yagi Toshinori: I agree with not hurting it. We might've gotten too close to its cubs or something.
Yu Takeyama: of course Torino wouldn't check for a bear nest
Hizashi Yamada: i don't think bears live in nests..
Anakuro Hirooki: I left it by the river
Ryuko Tatsumi: What were you doing with a machete by the river
Oboro Shirakumo: I don't think anyone wants to know
Shinya Kamihara: I think we should all leave the angry bears murder zone.
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: Im trusting the sextet of chaos to get the machete.
Shota Aizawa: A massive mistake really
Nemuri Kayama: Come on gang. To the river!
Keigo Takami: What should we do about the bear?
Tsunagu Hakamata: Im not sure what your doing but ill be climbing up a tree~~
Ryuko Tatsumi: Rumi, if you get mortally wounded we have no choice but to let you bleed out
Rumi Usagiyama: Thats just the way i like it.
Mirai Sasaki: Have you all forgotten about your quirks?
Emi Fukukado: No, i just don't want to know what a laughing bear sounds like
Anakuro Hirooki: uhM i do thouGh
Tashiro Toyomitsu: Todoroki, if you don't move you'll get hit by Emi's quirk too-
Keigo Takami: Holyyy shit
Tomoko Shiretoko: Imagine having the same laugh as a bear...
Enji Todoroki: FUCK OFF
Anakuro Hirooki: The words on the screen don't match the face your making
Ryuko Tatsumi: I don't think ive ever wanted to die more.
Kan Sekijiro: The fact actual blood is coming out of your ears is more than concerning
Ryuko Tatsumi: Its not my fault his laugh is literally the sound resurrected roadkill makes
Enji Todoroki: Thats not my fucking fault either. Go cry about it some more
Ryuko Tatsumi: Or maybe i should do the world a favor by ripping out your vocal cords and turning them into a mediocre hair accessory?
Enji Todoroki: My fucking vocal cords would make a fabulous hair accessory, your crusty ass vocals couldn't even compare
Ryuko Tatsumi: You don't get off calling my voice crusty when you sound like how my eyes look after i sleep for a full weekend.
Enji Todoroki: You disgust me more than bugs do
Nemuri Kayama: Don't wanna ruin this family moment but we have the machete, also some friends
Shota Aizawa: Don't fucking sugar coat it you witch
Tashiro Toyomitsu: my mind comes up with the worst scenario but the news you deliver seems to be worse than that
Tensei Iida: Nemuri needs glasses, we'll get you glasses if we survive thisβ
Keigo Takami: What have you done???
Hizashi Yamada: We thought it was the bear but it wasn't
Oboro Shirakumo: Nemuri hit a beehive with the machete. No point in prolonging the news
Yagi Toshinori: Who wants bees??
Yu Takeyama: Im having flashbacks. We should not have to deal with bEes agAin.
Oboro Shirakumo: This is my first bee rodeo and im so glad to be here with you all as we get stung
Tomoko Shiretoko: If you come to camp with a swarm of bees, i WILL use your dead bodies as sacrifice to the Wendigo
Nemuri Kayama: S u r p r i s e
Ryuko Tatsumi: Deal with the bees later just knock out Enji and the bear. Please
Enji Todoroki: what the fuck don't kno
Anakuro Hirooki: now that you mention it, everything sounds nicer without his hellish laughter
Tashiro Toyomitsu: Okay what about the bees. I don't fancy being stung beyond recognition again
Tsunagu Hakamata: I found a cave while sitting in this tree. Yu can block up the enterence with her giant ass
Mirai Sasaki: how convenient
Yu Takeyama: I don't wanna get stung in the ass!
Keigo Takami: You gotta take one for the team girl.
Yagi Toshinori: The prospect of sleeping on a stone floor without pillows or blankets scares me...
Rumi Usagiyama: We'll live~
Tashiro Toyomitsu: Im not so confident we will...
Next time on The lives of Class 1-Arson: The Tribes
Watch them all turn savage on eachother as they revert to cavemen.
Ok, question time. What other ships would you like to see in the class. I already have Enji x Rei planned out but i feel like we need at least one more relationship. Maybe a Yu x Nemuri moment, idk.
Suggest here please~~
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