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(Edit by me, credits to artists used)
Also known as:
β’ Nemuri Kayama had a Terrible Childhood
β’ Anakuro Hirooki is Protective of their Stolen Tea Set
β’ Tomoko Shiretoko Knows About the Supernatural
β’ Shinya Kamihara is Way Too Calm
β’ Nishioka Wisteria Goes Through a Crisis
β’ Anakuro Hirooki is WAY Out of Character, oops
~~A wild name guide~~
β’ Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
β’ Nishioka Wisteria - My oc
β’ Tensei Iida - Ingenium
β’ Mirai Sasaki - Sir Nighteye
β’ Tsunagu Hakamata - Best Jeanist
β’ Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
β’ Emi Fukukado - Ms Joke
β’ Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
β’ Ryuko Tatsumi - Ryukyu
β’ Tashiro Toyomitsu - FatGum
β’ Hizashi Yamada - Present mic
β’ Yagi Toshinori - All might
β’ Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
β’ Rumi Usagiyama - Miruko
β’ Keigo Takami - Hawks
β’ Yu Takeyama - Mt Lady
β’ Kan Sekijiro - Vlad King
β’ Tomoko Shiretoko - Ragdoll
β’ Kazumi Tsuchinoko - Uwabami
β’ Shinya Kamihara - Edgeshot
Saturday 16th May
'Arson. Thats it. Thats the name'
- 18: 32 -
Anakuro Hirooki: ShIt, tashiro give it back
Tashiro Toyomitsu: ???
Anakuro Hirooki: Don't play dumb you worm.
Tashiro Toyomitsu: zero clue what your insulting me over this time.
Anakuro Hirooki: The. Tea. Set. Give. It. Back. Now.
Tashiro Toyomitsu: If i had that fricking tea set right now id be rubbing it in your face and making you beg for mercy, Anakuro.
Shota Aizawa: Who would want that absolute fucking disgrace of a tea pot in their room. Its actually the ugliest thing I've ever layed eyes on.
Tsunagu Hakamata: ^^ That is so very true~
Rumi Usagiyama: I prefer coffee
Anakuro Hirooki: SOMEONE took it and when i find out who, i will not hesitate to take a hammer to your kneecaps.
Tomoko Shiretoko: Maybe it was the dorm ghost.
Nishi Wisteria: Ghosts don't exist Shiretoko
Nemuri Kayama: Yes they do ive seen one when i was little. Hizashi you were there tell them.
Hizashi Yamada: Muri, there was no ghost that day.
Nemuri Kayama: Exsqueeze me?
Hizashi Yamada: You mistook wine for grape juice and hallucinated all night. You even claimed the moon was gently whispering the meaning of life in your ear.
Nemuri Kayama: ah shit. I guess thats why alcohol is bad for 5 year olds huh?
Yagi Toshinori: Don't drink or the moon will whisper some seriously shocking revelations into your ear' sounds like a convincing anti-alcohol advertisement.
Tensei Iida: But what did it say the meaning was tho?
Nemuri Kayama: Probably something profound i was more focused on the Yeti-dragon nibbling my toes.
Emi Fukukado: a Y a g o n t i
Yu Takeyama: I hate this fucking class
Anakuro Hirooki: As riveting as that conversation was, can we please get back to locating my missing TeA sEt??
Tashiro Toyomitsu: weeelll technically it isnt yours sooo...
Tomoko Shiretoko: Maybe it was the floorboard gremlin
Nishi Wisteria: Floorboard gremlins don't exist.
Nemuri Kayama: Yes they do I've seen one before, Hizashi.
Kan Sekijiro: Im feeling some intense deja vu right now...
Hizashi Yamada: Nemuri please stop, its painful for me to reveal your crisis of a childhood to the class.
Ryuko Tatsumi: Sorry Kuro i have no clue where your thefted tea set is at the moment.
Enji Todoroki: Who fucking turned off my light? Own up now and i might be willing to spare your life.
Mirai Sasaki: Your light went off too?
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: common room lights are gone as well
Shinya Kamihara: id say power cut but theres no storm
Yagi Toshinori: Power on the main campus is still working are you guys ok?!
Yu Takeyama: Why are you at school still you absolute swot
Yagi Toshinori: extra training with Torino. Its not like i want to be here either Yu, he makes me fight him til ive broken all my ribs. This is a hostage situation send help. My bones are screaming
Tashiro Toyomitsu: Now the lights are flashing, this is giving me a headacheee
Tomoko Shiretoko: Theres no way your convincing me its not a ghost. Missing items: check, lights having a seizure: check, next thing you know doors will be opening on their own and knives will be floating. Maybe even possession.
Enji Todoroki: Thats a bit of a fucking stretch-
Shota Aizawa: Whoever keeps opening my door can you kindly go away. Me and Zashi are trying to study.
Tsunagu Hakamata: nobody in their right mind would disturb your precious time with dear Hizashi~~ Thats like asking for death
Keigo Takami: tHe KiTcHeN, heLp
Ryuko Tatsumi: The tv is being freaky with static. This is actually very unsettling.
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: uNseTtLiNG??? The tv static is lAuGhinG at us. This shit is straight up something out of a horror film.
Emi Fukukado: Im locked in my room and i need the toilet. Please send Anakuro to pick my lock.
Anakuro Hirooki: You know i really would if i could babes but im a bit busy at the moment. Xxx
Tensei Iida: The bath plug is literally pulling you in and you class that as a bit busy??
Anakuro Hirooki: Yeah but keep texting about it instead of heLping me, Tensei.
Tensei Iida: Kinda hard when im fighting a tOwel deMon, Anakuro.
Shinya Kamihara: Everyone stay calm. Why don't we all regroup in the common room. Whoever can leave now do so then we can work on freeing the others. Anakuro please try not to get warped into the next plane of existence.
Anakuro Hirooki: Will try my best Shinya love.
Hizashi Yamada: Its like playing chicken with Shota's door. Its opening and closing so fast im pretty sure it could take off a limb.
Keigo Takami: Just break it down then help me and Rumi in the kitchen because the knives are flying faster than we can dodge-
Mirai Sasaki: Who the fuck stole my bed cover, im trying to sleep.
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: Please just come to the common room fast the sofa is floating-
Yagi Toshinori: I just walked in to this mess and bad news the door locked itself behind me. Also my ribs are only half broken, no thanks to any of you cursed demons.
Enji Todoroki: I tried breaking the window with a chair but it disintegrated. Don't fucking touch the windows.
Yagi Toshinori: Where's Nishi she hasnt replied in a while, same with Yu.
Yu Takeyama: We were walking down the hallway when the paintings started moving and spewing insults at us. Do you know how damaging it it when a knock off fucking mona lisa calls you ugly. That shit hurts man.
Nishi Wisteria: My hair isn't that bad right?? The pitchfork couple was lying right??
Hizashi Yamada: I think its safe to say we lost Nishi...
Enji Todoroki: Why is weird ass goo covering the walls. Smells like fucking acid mixed with rotten eggs.
Keigo Takami: Permission to use the dining table as a shield? Not only are the knives coming at us but so have the spoons.
Shota Aizawa: Whats so bad about fucking spoOnS?
Rumi Usagiyama: Its actually something you don't want to know. Please its becoming a disaster in the kitchen. God forbid the food starts attcking us
Tashiro Toyomitsu: the food hasnt been attacking you???
Tsunagu Hakamata: So we're the only ones dealing with the anguish of destroying the thing we love most in the world.
Emi Fukukado: your destroying the food??!
Behold the arc that keeps one upping itself with bad cliches. I wonder what comes next? Where's Nemuri at ππ
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