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Rewritten on 4th July 2020~
I swear the farm sounds will make senseβ
Also Known as:
β’ moo moo bitch
β’ Nobody has any respect
β’ Dance of love or the dying cat
β’ i cried writing this?? Do i need love? Yes.
β’ Your eyes make the rest of the world melt away...
~~A wild name guide~~
β’ Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
β’ Nishioka Wisteria - My oc
β’ Tensei Iida - Ingenium
β’ Mirai Sasaki - Sir Nighteye
β’ Tsunagu Hakamata - Best JeanistΒ
β’ Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
β’ Emi Fukukado - Ms Joke
β’ Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
β’ Ryuko Tatsumi - Ryukyu
β’ Tashiro Toyomitsu - FatGum
β’ Hizashi Yamada - Present mic
β’ Yagi Toshinori - All might
β’ Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
β’ Rumi Usagiyama - Miruko
β’ Keigo Takami - Hawks
β’ Yu Takeyama - Mt Lady
β’ Kan Sekijiro - Vlad King
β’ Tomoko Shiretoko - Ragdoll
β’ Kazumi Tsuchinoko - Uwabami
β’ Shinya Kamihara - Edgeshot
Tuesday 26th May
Arson. Thats it. Thats the name
18 : 12
Yu Takeyama: Im so mad we just finished the cleaning
Tsunagu Hakamata: i just wanna go sleeep
Anakuro Hirooki: You barely did anything shut up
Rumi Usagiyama: Did Yamada and Shota actually fall down a hole? They barely helped
Emi Fukukado: Probably ran back to the dorms to watch diSnEy mOviEs again.
Keigo Takami: I say we crash their little get together like the absolute bitches we are~
Tensei Iida: Anyone who watches Disney Movies without us is a criminal punishable by death
Shinya Kamihara: Well we have finished the cleaning so i don't see why we can't leave
Ryuko Tatsumi: isn't that them by the tree
Kan Sekijiro: Theres like 10 trees here Tatsumi
Yu Takeyama: I see them. They're under the tree that looks kind of like its flipping you off
Enji Todoroki: Its difficult to walk past it without returning the middle finger
Rumi Usagiyama: No its not your just special
Enji Todoroki: Say it to my face you oversized goblin
Tashiro Toyomitsu: Whatever they're talking about, it looks serious. That means we should leave right?
Tsunagu Hakamata: Quick, get behind the bushes before they see youβ
Tashiro Toyomitsu: Of course, who did i think i was with??
Anakuro Hirooki: How long have they been talking. What could've been more important than picking up tRaSh?
Ryuko Tatsumi: I can name a couple of things
Nemuri Kayama: Wait. Is it me or are they getting closer together..?
Kazumi Tsuchinoko: i have a strong feeling we should not be watching this
Tensei Iida: wAit are thEyβ
18 people are typing...
Ryuko Tatsumi: This is so awkward but i can't seem to look away.
Enji Todoroki: Fucking finally
Anakuro Hirooki: Why is Shota looking so pissed tho lmao
Yu Takeyama: you don't think he could've seen us riiight..
Tsunagu Hakamata: he seems to be staring directly at us~
Tomoko Shiretoko: Well this just got awkward
Enji Todoroki: Like it fucking wasn't already
Nemuri Kayama: i- i feel like we should be doing something instead of staring at Shota as he kisses Zashiβ
Emi Fukukado: When you put it that way we seem like stalkers
Shinya Kamihara: we kind of are
Tsunagu Hakamata: Nemuri my dear, What are you doing.
Yu Takeyama: Why are you dancing like thatβ
Nemuri Kayama: Idk?? It just feels right in this situation
Tensei Iida: Oh? It totally does
Anakuro Hirooki: i feel like we're setting the mood
Enji Todoroki: You all look like a bunch of clowns
Tsunagu Hakamata: Join us in the circus
Mirai Sasaki: I must admit this is way better than staring
Yagi Toshinori: Shota looks even angrier now but this whole interpretive dance thing
is definitely an iconic moment
Tashiro Toyomitsu: You know we've done right when Todoroki and Sasaki join in. Im stunned
Nemuri Kayama: Lets circle them. This is high school musical now bitch β
Yu Takeyama: I knew this sound board app would come in handy again~
Keigo Takami: The music? Romantic. The dance? Devine. Shota? About to kill a man.
Nishi Wisteria: The music is just a bunch of farm sounds but ok
Tensei Iida: Hizashi needs to use this perfect situation to ask Shota out. Someone knock him out of the confused trance he's in
Tomoko Shiretoko: Its hApPeNinG~
Nemuri Kayama led her group of clowns into a circle trapping the confused teens in the middle. The dance they were doing was trying to depict a love story however it just looked like a dying cat.
Shota was pissed. P i s s e d . He had just confessed to his best friend who in return kissed him right on the lips. However a lot of things were wrong with the picture.
1. Confession under the middle finger tree? Lame
2. Classmates staring directly into your eyes as you kiss Hizashi back? Creepy
3. Kissing to fArM sounds? What the fuck
Either way this was an extremely uncomfortable situation to be in and Shota looked like he wanted to poison all of them with out of date milk. On the other hand, Hizashi was stood there like an idiot. He was stood completely still, the idiotic dance going on around them had absolutely zero effect on the love struck teen
Hizashi was deep in thought, just a couple of minutes ago Shota actually CONFESSED to him and the he kissed the ravenette out of the blue. Wait kissed? Oh thats embarrassing...THATS REALLY EMBARRASSING. Somehow the loud blonde had managed to block out the surrounding circus, instead his own thought pounded in his head growing louder and louder.
This would not do. Myabe it was Nemuri's fault they were trapped in a lovestruck staring contest of awkwardness, it may of been her fault but she wasn't about to let her bestfriend blow the next chance he had because he was zoned the fuck out. Pausing the amazing dance she was performing, Nemuri searched the floor for a blunt object she could throw at Hizashi to break him out of his trance.
A stone? Perfect. Winding her arm back she propelled the stone with as much force as she could muster into the back of Hizashi's neck. Said boys shoulder shot upwards defensively as he started searching for the culprit.
However before he could even turn around he met Shota's eyes. His gorgeous dark eyes, an inescapable prison of admiration and beauty. Like a blackhole they had the ability to capture Hizashi in a hypnotic way, deeming him unable to move away. The same could be said for Aizawa. The emerald gems he was staring into glistened brightly in the warm evening sun, reflecting Zashi's priceless appearance.
The blonde smiled happily at Shota, playing with his fingers nervously by pulling them and such. It was do or die time, it was time to speak, it was time to finally openly love eachother.
A warm breeze danced by, whispering its own encouragement and bringing along cherry blossom petals from the tree Shota originally planned to be under right now. The pink petals gently swayed down, landing on the grass and tangling in the hair of the teenagers.
Hizashi opened his mouth to speak, to ramble until he found the right words however he was soon silenced by the sensation of soft lips meeting his own. He supposed this was better than some stupid words he probably wouldn't even find. Sakura petals continued to gracefully fall around them as the two stood there, with their arms around eachother and their lips locked together.
If Shota told his past self, the one who walked into class 1-A that first day in April, that his first kiss would be the loud blonde he swore to avoid. Of course he would deny it and laugh however this was really happening, he was actually here.
The two parted gently as they once again looked into eachothers captivating eyes, simply basking happily in eachothers presence. Now it didn't matter if they were stood under a tree that flipped everyone off. It didn't matter that their mess of a class were being themselves. It didn't matter if a metaphorical farm surrounded them. None of it mattered
Shota cupped one hand over Hizashi's cheek while he used the other to pick out the delicate cherry blossom petals that littered the boys hair, eventually collecting a good few in his arms. In a moment of good spirit, Aizawa launched the pile back up into the air, watching as Hizashi's face lit up every single time he caught a petal.
Shota couldn't have asked for a better setting in the end. Everything went they way he wanted it to and nothing could possibly ruin itβ j i n x
M o o
However, one can only block out the world for so long. The ambient farm sounds soon snapped both boys out of their perfect world. Most of the class had goofy grins on their faces as they took pictures while simultaneously dancing the dance of 'love'..
"KuMbaYa, mY LorDβ" Nemuri and Tensei seemed to be singing atrociously off key and the oinking of the pig threw off whatever musical element they even had.
Shota glared at the circle, part of him stunned that Mirai and Enji even participated in this complete fucking clownery. He took his thumb and drew an imaginary line across his neck, the class knew what this meant and immediately began to buck it back to the dorms with Shota swiftly following.
Laughs could be heard through the pleas of mercy, some even running backwards giving Shota kissy faces.
It was a perfect day...
BαΊ‘n Δang Δα»c truyα»n trΓͺn: Truyen247.Pro