Name— Icepaw/Briar
Name Reason— Ice- She was born in the middle of the winter and for her pale colouring
Briar- For her sometimes prickly personality
Gender— Female
Pronouns— She/her
Sexuality— Lesbian, demiromatic and asexual
Age— 8 moons (new apprentice)
Rank— Apprentice
Future Rank(s)— Warrior
Past Rank(s)— Kit
Clan— Oakclan
Allegiance appearance— A grey and white she-cat with amber eyes
Detailed Appearance— Icepaw has short, spiky white fur, fading darker on her ear and tail tips, dapple markings of dove grey over her back, flank and shoulders. Her paws are all pure white. She has amber eyes, flecked with yellow. Her nose and pads are a washed out dark pink, with the inside of her ears a little lighter. She has a scuffed looking mark of grey on her nose, listing to the right side, with another on the left side of her muzzle, just under her nose. She has more grey marks on her head, as if she brushed against some grey snow and it rubbed off.
The only scar she has is a small nick in her left ear, gained from a fall from a tree and a sharp branch. She is long limbed and lean, erring on the skinny side.
Personality— Sarcastic, sly, intelligent, bluntly honest when she wants to be, hypercritical, often accidentally harsh, she cannot deal with feeling of any kind - she gets embarrassed and often makes stuff worse by panicking and blurting put something inappropriate. If a friend is sad, or down, she'll not really know what to do, and will attempt to alleviate the mood by either sitting down with them, or trying to joke. She likes to sit quietly in trees, watching all who come by and judge them. Icepaw also loves to get up at the crack of dawn, often dragging along reluctant friends to watch the sun come up. She is a picky eater, so often she'll have to hunt for herself if there is no prey she likes. Icepaw has a reason for this; when she was young, only just starting to eat solid food, she ate a diseased wren, and got bad food poisoning. Due to this, she always inspects what she eats very carefully, and will not eat stale prey.
Likes— Snow, ice, cold, small spaces, climbing, mornings, water voles, squirrels
Dislikes— Kits, heat, birds (to eat)
Strengths— Speed, intelligence, agility, eyesight, climbing
Weakness: Heat, raw strength, melee fighting, hearing, stamina
Fears: The Clan dying, fire, getting sick
Parents— Firshake (father) and Driftsnow (mother)
Parents status— both alive, now split up, mother left Oakclan to become a kittypet
Siblings— Mosskit
Status- Stilborn
Mate/crush: Martenpaw (she-cat)
Kits— none
Backstory— Her mother and father fell in love as apprentices and became mates as soon as they got their warrior names, she and her sister were born, but Mosskit was a stillborn. Her mothers milk didn't come so she was nursed by one of the other queens, Rabbitpuff. She became very close to her adopted mother, and still has a very close relationship with her to this day. As well as her, she grew up with Rabbitpuff's daughter, Martenpaw. She was sometimes blamed for Mosskit's death and she also feels like it was her fault. Adding to this, shortly after she became an apprentice, her parents relationship became too strained, and they split, and a moon later her mother left the Clan to become a kittypet.
From picrew - Felidaze
Both of these are done by the amazing ASillyBanana !!
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