𝟷𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
"We shouldn't be doing this." A honey filled voice panted in the silent night. Her voice laced with guilt and frustration. It was slightly slurred, thanks to the alcohol pulsing through her veins.
The male above her hummed as he nipped at her skin. Her soft flesh responding so obediently to his touch. The way her body trembled at the light graze. The way her breath hitched at every peck he graced upon her body. It was captivating; he wanted to see more of this.
"We wanted to forget, right? Let's take our minds off of them." The husky voice of a male whispered. His lips tickled against her skin as the they hovered over the sweet spot of her neck.
The beauty let out a sensual moan. Her legs clenching as he sucked on her neck. The sensation made her stomach sink as she felt that damned throb between her thighs.
The male only became more thrilled about the things to come.
It was a twisted and sickening thing to feel at this moment. He couldn't help it. He had never felt so wanted in a moment of intimacy. Having a person whose body didn't lie about what they wanted was fascinating. Unlocking desires he didn't even know he had.
His fingers that were dragging along her slit were covered in the clear shine of desire. A highlight of their scandalous affair. If you could call it that?
The blue haired male gently slipped his two digits into her dripping honeypot. Soaking in her moans as his mouth moved in sync with hers. The warm walls greeting him, squeezed when he curled his fingers upwards.
She was just as untouched as he was. Her beautiful body craving the attention it so desperately deserved. He could only wonder how much a fool that man had to be to not see what he had before him.
Ironic, when he was a fool that believed he did have someone perfect for him. But he wanted to forget that.
They wanted to forget that. If even for a night.
The artist played around with her lower body. Using his fingers to stretch her out if even slightly. He wanted her body to relax as she was tense from her earlier encounter. He completely understood why.
Slowly pulling his fingers out, they were drenched in her arousal. The girl below him watched with eyes filled with lust and tears. An action so simple and foreign to her had her crumbling in seconds.
She couldn't remember the last time she was touched for her own pleasure. Pitiful.
"You're so wet....is it for me~" The male chuckled as he teased her. The innocence in her eyes was heartbreaking to him. Her doe eyes staring with a sense of wonder that made him want to hold her closer than ever.
"Please stop teasing me....." She softly mewled as she turned to look away. She found this embarrassing but thrilling at the same time. The man could only chuckle before licking his fingers.
"How can I not when you're so sweet?" He breathed out. Her taste invading his senses in all the best ways possible.
He watched as her breath hitched at his actions. He whole heartedly believed if she was any other color, her face would be bright red.
"Luka! T-that's dirty!" She yelled out in fear. Grabbing his hand before he could put it back in his mouth.
Luka sighed, he didn't know whether he wanted to cry or laugh. Her ex deprived her of so much yet he called himself a man? He'd open her to a new world.
"Quinn do you trust me?" He asked softly as he placed a hand on her cheek. Using the pad of his thumb to brush a tear away.
"Y-yes." She mumbled back as she leaned into his touch. It was gentle and caring. A warm feeling she hadn't experienced in a while.
"Then let me take care of you for a change." He whispered before pulling her up for a deep kiss. Expressing every feeling of guilt, love, pain, desire, sadness, fear and whatever else he had swirling in his heart. He let his actions speak the truth and Quinn felt it all.
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𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚢 '𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚗' 𝙰𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚜
𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚊
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If you could think of the worst thing in the world, what would it be?
Your answer would probably be along the lines of war, loss of a loved one, bad hair day, or even hitting a squirrel.
None of these are bad answers of course. It all depends on your perspective on what's bad and what's not. In a social perspective, the worst thing would be anything leading to death.
But what if you don't fear death, but fear the unknown behind it?
Then the worst thing in the world for you, would be not knowing what happens when you die. A question that's been asked many times over the last few centuries and beyond. A question that may never be answered till it's experienced.
A never ending cycle.
But what if you could answer that question?
Instead of fearing what would happen after the death of your soul, why not break it down? Then you could answer what happens after death.
For example, What if the brain dies? The brain loses the ability to function the rest of the body. You'd live with the help of artificial support and more times than not, you'd be unconscious for however long.
What if a nerve dies? You'd lose function of whatever that nerve is attached to. Rendering it useless until repair.
What if you experience mental death? You lose core beliefs and values. You become distrustful and may not feel shame or guilt. You may also alienate yourself from others.
Now what many truly want to know is.......what if the heart dies? Not in a sense of it stopped beating the breath of life.
But it if stopped beating the rhythm of love..........
This is a question that Quincy Adams can answer.........because that's what she is experiencing now.
Standing in the middle of her bedroom doorframe. Eyes welled up with tears. The beautifully distraught woman watched on.
Her breathing seemed to be something of the past as it was caught in her throat. The sound of her heart hammering in her chest thankfully drowned out the sounds around her. She could feel the organ trying to claw its way out of her rib cage. Pleading to be free from the torment it's endured for her.
She wasn't surprised by it wanting to abandon her as it seems nothing else wanted to stay in her life. Obviously.....
Her body felt numb as her throat closed up. Her lungs giving her only mere seconds left. Parting ways as oxygen no longer seemed to be on her side.
She stood there like a damn fool. Watching for herself as an act of infidelity commenced. Something that had never once crossed her mind to be able to happen.
How could it?
For lack of better words, she was perfect. At least that's how she had portrayed herself for him.
Dressing how he wanted her to dress. Modest but revealing enough to be considered classy. It would turn heads of course but also have a sense of purity and innocence.
She talked the way he preferred. Soft spoken and articulate. She didn't use brash language or anything that could insinuate hidden meanings. She rarely raised her voice above that of a library tone. She was docile and approachable.
She'd only interact with the people he allowed. Never venturing off to speak with new people as much as her curiosity begged. Her friends were his friends. And she liked to believe that she liked his friends. They were.......kind.
She pleased him the way that he wanted. If he wanted to be intimate, she'd be at the ready. Keeping her body clean and bare. Whether she wanted it or not, she aimed to please him. Her body molding into an item that focused on his satisfaction.
There was so much more that she did to be considered........perfect.
But what was the point?
What did it mean to be perfect if the person you did it for would care less?
A fear stricken sob rippled through the air. Pulling Quincy out of the trance her mind had built to protect what little of her heart remained. I feeble attempt but an attempt nonetheless. She subconsciously found comfort in the fleeting seconds of bliss due to oblivion she felt.
Quincy didn't even feel her feet move as they made their way over to the bed. Nor did she remember her hands yanking the soft yellow blanket she had picked out, off the scandalous couple. So of course the part where she had grabbed a woman by her deep blue hair and practically throw her off the bed was nothing but a blur.
Her fist stung as she flexed her hand. Surprised by the drops of blood on her skin that didn't seem to belong to her. Her other hand subconsciously dropped the tussles of hair from its grasp. A hard thud to the ground followed yet she couldn't care less.
"Quinn what are you doing here?! I promise it's not what it looks like!" A masculine voice rung in her ears.
She could only stare at the blonde man before her. He was her supposed fiancé. Adrien Agreste.
She heard his yelling of course. But his question struck a chord in her being.
The two sentences seemed rhetorical. He questioned why she was here but also wanted to convince her that she didn't see what she did. It was almost humorous. Almost.
"I live here?" She mumbled to no one in particular. But her sentence was phrased more as a question. It was as if she was reminding herself.
"Adrien it hurts!" A shrill cry interrupted her thoughts. Her honey brown eyes merely glancing at the girl. They were dull and clouded over, a look she's never sprouted before.
The girl in her bed....well on her floor......was none other than her best friend. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
"Quinn, how could you raise your hand—" *SLAP* The males sentence couldn't even be finished. The sound echoing off the walls as crisply as the sound could.
Her hand stung but she ignored the pain. It wouldn't be the first time she ignored her pain. But deep down she prayed it would be the last.
The room was drowned in another silence. The three rooted to their spots as everything was being processed. No one knew if they should speak first nor how.
"w-why......." The lone girl sniffled feeling the hot tears cascade down her cheeks. The clear liquid pooling in her eyes as she stared at the man towering over her.
His eyes were wide as he could only stare back at the young beauty.
"I-it was an accident." He stuttered in response. His tone was as if he was testing the words. Seeing if she would believe him.
Adrien wasn't expecting her to hit him again. For whatever reason......
"w-was it me? d-did I do s-something wrong?" Quinn chocked as her breathing became more labored. Her chest felt tight as she questioned herself. Not caring about the girl who had crawled her way out of the room.
Adrien bit his lip seeing the girl draping the blanket around her body. Her hand covering her bloody nose. The worry in his chest was stronger than the concern for the situation with his fiancée.
"Look Quincy......it was an accident. I promise it won't happen again." The male placed his hand on her cheek. Giving her one of his award winning smiles she used to desperately love.
Looking at it now, her heart felt cold.
Her hand raised to slap him again. A blank expression on her face as he caught her hand.
"I let you hit me twice already. I won't allow a third." The model snapped as he glared at her. Annoyed with her persistence to smack him in the face. His grip on her wrist was tight but she didn't care.
"Let me go!" The young woman screamed as she yanked her arm back.
She stumbled away from him. Turning on her heel she walked towards their shared closet. Pulling out a large bag and stuffing whatever she could in it.
"Quincy what are you doing? Stop acting like a damn brat. I already fucking apologized!" Adrien yelled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He found the girls dramatics to be too much.
She ignored him as she continued stuffing her bag with clothing. Yanking whatever off of the hangers and throwing open some drawers. She turned and pushed past him to get other necessities.
"QUINCY— Do you think I'm fucking stupid?! How the hell do you have sex with my best friend on accident?!" She interrupted his yelling. Her eyes red as she screamed back at him.
Adrien's brows furrowed. A look of disgust on his face at her choice of words.
He never liked when she cursed. He found it to be, in better words, ghetto. He always preferred when she spoke softly. The only time she'd raise her voice or use profanity was during times of intimacy.
"Watch your— I AM NOT DONE! I have been nothing but perfection for you! I did and do EVERYTHING for you! Yet you have the audacity to cheat on me?! We're supposed to be getting married Adrien! YOU proposed to ME!" Quincy screamed as she threw whatever was in her hand.
The blonde pursed his lips as he looked at her with narrowed eyes. He praised himself for his ability to keep calm.
He knew she was just throwing a tantrum. Therefore he held himself back from chocking the girl. Her attitude was something he wouldn't tolerate for much longer.
This wasn't who she was.
Quincy continued to pack angrily. Not even sparing a glance at the half naked man watching her. She could tolerate a lot and trust, she has. But cheating was not it for her.
From what she knew, her father had cheated on her mother. The woman became depressed and almost contemplated suicide during the height of her career. Luckily she pulled through by the skin of her teeth.
When her suitcase was filled, she headed straight to the front door. Adrien followed after as he pulled at his hair.
"Baby it was an accident! Lemme make it up to you!" The man groaned in frustration. He felt as if she was overreacting. Shit happens and they need to learn how to move on if this marriage was going to work.
"Meow!" A soft mewl pulled Quincy out of her thoughts. She looked down to see her black kitten at her feet. Rubbing against her in a way to comfort her. His name was Plagg. They had picked him out together a couple of months ago.
She could feel the warm tears pool in her eyes again.
"Adrien Agreste....... I hate you. You promised to love me and keep me safe. You've done none of those things! I honestly thank you for showing me your true colors before I tied my life to yours." She picked up her kitten before turning to him. Her tear stained face looked so lifeless. You could see the color fade from her honey brown eyes.
She pulled the diamond ring off her finger. It was too large and clunky in her opinion. He had obviously picked out something that showed off his money and took zero effort to think if she'd like it. When she received it she was a little disappointed but still happy nonetheless.
"Please continue living your life without me." She dropped the ring onto the floor. No care for if it became scratched or damaged.
Adrien sucked his teeth as he watched the expensive jewelry hit the floor.
"Quincy, stop being a bitch. It wasn't that big of a deal. I'm a man, sometimes we need a little more to satisfy us. But I still love you. So I'm willing to forgive your little outburst." He pushed his hand through his hair. Calming his breathing as he spoke.
Quinn's breath hitched at his words. A pang of hurt struck her chest. He truly didn't care that his actions had hurt her...... And to tell her that he still loved her was like rubbing salt on the wound.
She kept her mouth closed. She truly didn't know what else she could say. She pulled the door open and left with her cat and bag.
"You'll be back! When you do it's going to take a lot for me to forgive you so you better be ready! Cause where the hell are you even going to go?! Quincy! Don't come crying back to me!" Adrien continued to yell. Neither caring about the audience it seemed to draw out.
She continued to walk to her car as the tears streamed down her face.
"Oh, Quinn.........you look like shit."
Forgot to mention this isn't going to have miraculous cause I didn't feel like it. But yeah, first chapter done.
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