[ 6 ]
As the previous night took a small toll on my senses, I flipped my torso to be laid on my left side, another body interlocked with mine.
My eyes widened at the sight of Benny peacefully sleeping with his arm over my waist. I couldn't find a reason to wipe the mesmeric innocence occupying his features.
Just as I slowly moved out of his embrace to make my way to the washroom, he stirred awake slowly, almost fully recovering from his slumber. I tip-toed slowly to the bathroom to allow sleep to consume him for a bit longer, I figured that he'd be in much more pain hungover again.
As I freshened up quickly by taking a short shower, I somehow managed to escape the room into my once bombarded living room. I was surprised to see my mom wasn't home and that my home phone rung with a voicemail. I scanned the atmosphere to see leftover red cups scattered everywhere, an ash tray on my mom's marble coffee table, and spilled alcohol on our hoary coated carpet.
I continued to scout for anybody that managed to be left passed out on my floor, somehow I didn't find anyone which led me to become nervous as to what the outcome of the party was after I left to take care of Benny.
I ran back upstairs to retrieve my phone, unlocking it abruptly. My eyes widened at the missed calls and spans of text messages I received from people. I started off with my mom, which was her simply alerting me that she didn't have enough time to come home and sleep due to her double shift—which in fact was a blessing.
My eyes scanned an unknown number, I opened the message to see who it was.
"Hey Elena, its Kenny. I got your number off Brandon last night. I just wanted to let you know that I didn't let any of those obnoxious drunk girls destroy your house when you took care of Benny and that Brandon and I made sure everyone got home safe. Call me as soon as you see this."
I smiled at the kindness that persevered Kenny DeNuenz, his genuine nature was adorable and admirable. As for Brandon, I had no idea why he had been so kind to Benny and I.
I texted Kenny back explaining that I got the message and that I'd call him a bit later, assuring him of Benny's well being. I was pleased with the fact that he thanked me for the party and said it was a strange yet different experience for him, granted it'd be an event he'd never forget.
I opened another text which was from Brandon.
"Elena, thanks for the small party last night. I made sure all the drunk and drugged up people made it out of your house in one piece, that DeNuenz kid helped me out. I'll be sure to make the next party we have you and your friends come to more than just getting drunk or blazed up lol. Tell Benny I send my condolences to his head after all that alcohol!"
I laughed as I scanned the text, replying to Brandon with a thanks and a laughing emoji. I checked my calls to see another unknown number, three from my mom, and two from Zara. I didn't bother texting Zara, deciding to clean up so I could serve Benny breakfast.
I retrieved a change of clothing, grabbing a black hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants, also tying my curls in a ponytail. I slipped on a pair of fluffy white socks to avoid the cold that kept piercing the depths of my feet.
Scrambling downstairs, I made my way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Benny and I, my eyes wandering to the fridge to view my options of meals.
My eyes skimmed the fridge, landing on some eggs and vegetables to prepare an omelette. I wasn't the worlds best chef, but I picked up a few tricks from my mom when I was smaller. I could safely handle cooking on my own without turning the entire kitchen into a disaster.
I started off by spilling oil to the sizzling pan and cutting up vegetables, turning up Japanese Denim by Daniel Caesar on my portable speaker, mouthing the lyrics as I danced around in the kitchen, my ponytail flicking around my face.
I was engulfed in the lyrics, my voice belting the song at as best as I could with the emotion as I stirred the cracked eggs in a bowl.
I hadn't heard Benny make his presence known as he stood at the entryway of the kitchen, his torso leaned against the wall with his arms sitting crossed over his chest and a smirk pinching his lips.
I looked up to his humorous gaze, clutching the bowl of eggs to my abdomen in attempts to avoid it from dropping from my grasp.
He laughed due to the bewildered expression that hung from my features, slowly making his way to sit at the island I was cooking on.
"You never told me you can sing, Russo," he chuckled once again.
My cheeks burned in hues of a madder colour, "I can't sing, idiot."
"That's not what I just saw," he spoke with a sudden seriousness, the tone burning nervousness through me.
"Shut up, I don't sing," I dismissed the topic. "Are you hungry? You had quite the night last night."
"Chef too?" his mesmerizing laugh poured from his lips. "And, yes please. I also forgot to ask, what happened after I got all. . . messed up?"
"Oh, they all went home safely, Brandon and Kenny managed to get everyone home okay," I explained as I continued to chop vegetables.
"That's reassuring to hear, but I don't get why Brandon is so nice when he's friends with those assholes." Benny said, throwing a small ounce of shredded cheese into his mouth from the bowl I was gathering for the omelette.
"Benny!" I shrieked, slapping his hand away from the fingers dipping in for more. "Don't touch, it's for the omelette."
"Ugh, I'm starving, please cook faster," his voice groaned in agony.
I didn't take that long to finish, throwing the ingredients together after taking a bit to prepare them when they continued to enter Benny's salvaging mouth. I managed to prepare a good omelette, placing two pieces on plates for him and I.
As I served him, I watched the boy digest the meal in a swift motion, my eyes beaming in a flabbergasted expression to see him instantly swallow the entire meal in one bite.
"Someone was hungry," I muttered. "Want the rest of mine?"
His eyes pleaded with guilt as he shook his head, "No, you eat Elena."
I obliged to his command as I shrugged my shoulders and ate the rest of my meal with his lingering stare, causing me to become
self-conscious. Instead of finishing it, I pushed the rest of the half eaten meal his way and turned to wash my hands in the sink.
"Thank you, Elena," he spoke through his stuffed cheeks filled with eggs.
I turned around and cackled at the sight—his cheeks enlarged with more eggs as they spilled into small pieces all over the area he was eating.
Grabbing my towel, I made my way over to clean him up, dabbing the fabric over his now stained white shirt and his mouth.
He stared at me with such a piercing gaze that I felt my knees drip of the grip that I once had control over. I kept my orbs glued to his quivering lips drenched in hues of pink, the anxiousness of how close our faces were causing me to become stone hard.
I removed the towel from him, slowly returning the intense gaze as I moved away from him in small paces.
"Thank you," vibrated from him as I felt the struggle of attempting to muster a single word bring barricades to drop on my senses.
I nodded as I walked back over to the sink, grabbing both of our empty plates to begin washing them. The steam of the hot water drenched my clammy hands with some kind of warmth that managed to exhale my pulsing anxiety from the close encounter I had with Benny. Thank god he couldn't see the gleaming red burning from my features.
"I texted my sister last night," his voice sputtered, breaking the ice in the atmosphere. "She didn't find out that I got drunk, but she seems kind of sketchy about what happened."
"Do you want me to come over and introduce myself?" I suggested.
"Yeah, if that's cool with you, my sister is just overprotective, especially when my parents are out of town," he elaborated.
"Yeah, its fine, I'll just change and walk over there with you." I declared, finishing the dishes.
Benny stayed seated on the island in my kitchen as I sprung up the stairs once again to change into another outfit, this time keeping my black hoodie but switching the sweatpants for a pair of denim ripped jeans and my own pair of raven PF flyers.
I pulled my hair from the ponytail it was styled in and ran my fingers through the thick curls, bouncing them over my shoulders to look somewhat decent.
Scanning my appearance, I was still displeased but I decided against dwelling on it to waste anymore time as I ran back downstairs to be met with a zoned out Benny.
"Ready?" I chirped, destroying the state of haze he was engulfed in.
His eyes scanned me briefly as his tongue dipped between his lips, parting the two buds of pink with an unreadable expression.
"Yeah, let's go." He stated, getting up to exit with me out the door.
We stood on the porch of the Rodriguez household, awaiting his sister to answer the door. Benny had already alerted his sister of my arrival causing my lingering nervousness to balance between my emotions.
A captivating girl with bronze skin and freckles kissing the depths of her cheeks greeted us, her hair in sprawled curls hanging before her shoulders. I was enchanted at how beautiful she was, but being related to Benny meant that his entire family was probably blessed with infinite genes of beauty.
Her eyes scanned me slowly, a scowl irking from her expression, "Come in."
I felt the self conscious part of me spill from my facade in an overflowing river, drowning all the calm and collected emotions I usually managed to cascade with a mask as we sat upon Benny's couch, his sister shooting daggers my way.
"Selena," he coughed, breaking her from her invasive stare. "This is Elena Russo, our neighbour and my friend."
"I can see that, Ben," she replied nonchalantly. "So Emily or whatever, what kind of friend are you when you let my little brother get drunk with you and those older kids, and managing to involve his best friends?"
My eyebrows shot up in confusion as Benny and I exchanged glances. His sister had somehow found out about the events that occurred the night before, but how?
"It's Elena," I corrected. "And, you're right, I shouldn't have been that stupid, Benny is my friend."
"Damn right you're stupid," she hissed.
"Selena!" Benny shouted at his aggressive sister. "Be nice, it wasn't her fault, both
times were my de—"
She bulged her eyes at Benny's statement, "both times? You got my brother on alcohol more than once?"
"Yeah, it was a mistake that I won't let happen again, I'm sorry for putting you and him in that situation," my words cascading in the bombarding guilt I held in.
"Listen to me," his sister stood up, anger radiating from every part of her body. "My brother is someone I'd give my life up for, so if you get your stupid little hooks into him and destroy him by getting him into that shit, I'll deal with you myself, I know girls like you just by looking at you, you're not the type of people I want my brother hanging around or getting influenced by."
Her words cracked holes through me as I felt the rush of tears build in my eyes, "yeah, I get it, I'd feel the same way."
"Then do him a favour, if you care about him then stay away from him while you can, he has a career of baseball to worry about, not the next party or alcoholic beverage he's going to get his hands on," she cautiously advised.
"Selena, shut up, I took all your shit whenever you'd do stupid stuff as a teenager so stop talking to my friend that way, I'm sixteen years old, not ten," Benny interrupted his intimidating sister.
"Benny, you don't know how to handle any of that, you say you're sixteen yet you're just trying to make me babysit you, stop being stupid," her voice coated in irritation. "And fine make your own dumb decisions, but if I catch her putting my little brother in danger ever again, I'll make sure danger will be the only thing she has to worry about."
She was threatening me with every ounce of anger that spewed from her, but I couldn't help but to respect the protectiveness she held toward her brother. I envied Benny for having an older figure like that.
"Selena," my voice weakly fumbled with words. "I'll make it up to you, I know this isn't exactly the best foot to get off on, but I promise your brother and I won't get into trouble because of me anymore."
Her aggressive demeanour subsided slowly at my words, her once murderous glare replaced with a neutral expression.
"If you don't keep your promise, I'll make sure you regret it," her words burning through the atmosphere. "Until then, I'll give you a chance, which is rare for me, but I care about Benny enough to at least be fair."
"Thank you," I smiled slowly.
"I'm giving you a chance to prove yourself, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna warm up to you so quickly," her commanding exterior radiating from each word that spilled from her lips. "You're really going to have to impress me."
I nodded quietly at her commands, feeling like a spec of dust compared to her intimidating demeanour.
Benny just watched the entire scene in silence, finally grasping my wrist to follow him upstairs as he alerted his sister that she had said enough.
I felt at ease stepping into his room once again, the endless trophies he had piercing my vision. To my own dismay, Selena's words from just a moment ago continued to resurface in my thoughts as I scanned the golden tinted trophies all displaying Benny's achievements.
I knew what I was doing was wrong and
self-fish, because any friendship I'd conjure with anyone wasn't fair when I was a toxic person. I couldn't let Benny fall into the habits I was forced to adapt to at such a young age.
"What's on your mind?" Benny's benevolent voice dismantled my previous thoughts as I laid upside down on his bed with him next to me, seated in the same position of our heads hanging off the mattress.
"You know Benny, you're sister is right," I pointed out.
"No she isn't, I know that you're just into the whole party scene," he interjected between my thoughts. "And besides, I choose what I'm doing, not you or anyone else, so it's my own fault if I'm being stupid."
"Yes, but as your friend I'm supposed to advise you not to do all that stuff, not to advertise it for you,"
"Elena," his honey coated voice exhaled, causing me to shiver slightly. "You're not a bad friend."
"You don't even know me, we've hung out for a week, it started off great and the moment I find about the parties here I fuck up, look at what I've managed to accomplish," I croaked.
He sat up, scanning my face with blood rushing down to my cheeks probably making me look like a tomato.
"I don't need to know you, I have a good judgement on people by instinct, and we are getting to know each other enough to have already had a sleepover silly," he reassured me, chuckling slightly to the last sentence he added. I smiled weakly at his words.
"But Benny, once you get closer to me you're gonna run, it's not all it appears to be, I know how to act," I confessed.
"I don't care, you're different, I just know it," the faith he held for his words punctured my heart.
"No Benny, you're different." I stated, sitting up to be seated directly in front of him.
"No I'm not, I'm boring,"
My eyes almost popped from my sockets at his stupid words, "don't ever say that again Rodriguez, okay?"
I knew Benny would never see it, but he wasn't boring. He was admirable; the amount of passion he had for his friends and baseball was a trait I was enchanted by. His simple yet kind actions made it hard to ever see myself getting angry at him, which terrified me.
He looked into the distance, his thoughts occupying him. I studied the frown pulling his angelic features, causing my heart to clench.
I moved my index fingers on both sides of his pouted lips, moving them back upward. I laughed as his teeth sunk into them causing him too resemble a chipmunk.
"Turn that frown upside down," I chanted, causing him to roll his eyes.
"I have an idea," I exclaimed.
"Shoot," he surmised with his eyebrows briefly shooting up.
"Since I've showed you my way of fun, lets go back to playing with the boys at the sandlot for fun?"
"That—" he grabbed both my cheeks, harshly squeezing them— "is a great idea, Russo."
We continued to sit in his room till evening, throwing around stupid jokes and playing countless rounds of eye spy. I felt like I could actually grasp the childhood I didn't have when I hung out with Benny, a quality I adored.
I'd never let Benny change, his pure heart being rare and too precious for this cruel world. I knew I was telling myself that I couldn't fall for him, but it'd get extra hard when I got to know him more everyday. I couldn't do it to him though, every love story was meant for disaster.
So I'd just keep my thoughts to myself, the feelings I hadn't quite fully developed but surfaced in the pit of my abdomen. I'd contain it all until it got too much, no matter how bad it got.
Okayish chapter, I edited a bit of it but beware of small grammar or spelling errors.
To anyone reading, tell me what you think of the plot, any predictions? Any feedback on the actual plot?
I'm trying so hard not to rush but sometimes I get ahead of myself omg. I have a lotttt planned for this book so I'm excited to showcase it soon enough.
sorry for rambling.
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