[ 4 ]
Benny and I sat awkwardly at the back of the car, listening to the high pitched voices of the girls up front.
I had learned that the drivers name was Zara, and this party was being thrown by her boyfriend Brandon. I glanced at her with my peripheral vision and noticed her gaze from the mirror.
"So, Elena is it?" She asked, a smirk etched on her lips.
"Yeah, I just moved here." I replied awkwardly.
"Well obviously, otherwise you'd already be a permanent guest at my parties." She spoke as though it were a fact.
"And why would that be the case?" I asked curiously.
"Everyone attends my parties, except for the Jet over here, he's too much of a prissy kid when he hangs out with those sandlot
boys," She laughed, causing anger to pulse through me.
"Nah, he's cool and so are those sandlot boys, they just aren't into those things," I defended, seeing Benny appear more uncomfortable than he was before.
"Are you telling me you're apart of that group of baseball block heads?" She asked, amusement spilling from her expression.
"Yeah, they are cool dudes," I simply stated, the girls in the car all erupted in laughter.
I felt Benny squeeze my wrist causing me to look over at him. "Thank you," He mouthed.
I smiled in reply instead of responding to the irritating group of girls. I was just going to this party to see what this new town had to offer, to take Benny to his first party, and for the free alcohol. I didn't want to allow Benny to see the old person I used to be back in my old city, so I'd probably refrain from a majority of my old habits.
We pulled up to a large white house that looked as if it belonged to a rich family. I was baffled as to how Zara's boyfriend was rich enough to afford this. It was most likely his parents house.
We all exited the vehicle accordingly, I fumbled to grab Benny's hand. I looked over at him to see if he was okay with it and was brought comfort when he intertwined our fingers, my hands engulfed by his calloused palms.
The blaring of music pierced my eardrum as I walked into the over populated house. Above the doorway hung a brightly lit chandelier, the house was also decorated in expensive decorations. I scanned the walls for pictures of what I assumed was Brandon's family.
We were greeted by a tall boy with porcelain skin, a messily styled faux cut of dark charcoal hair falling in front of his eyes, and a razor sharp jawline. His eyes coated in hues of cerulean directed his gaze on Benny and I as he grabbed Zara by the waist.
"Who's this?" He quirked an eyebrow toward us.
"This is Elena—she's new to town, and her friend Benny Rodriguez." Zara gestured toward us.
"Hey I know you Rodriguez, I'm friends with your sister, she's in my chemistry class." Brandon said, smiling friendly in his direction.
"Oh, that's cool man, nice place." Benny complimented, appearing out of place.
"Yeah, thanks. You guys enjoy yourselves. You and Elena can join my friends and I in the basement, it's much more secluded than this." Brandon said, gesturing towards a white door next to the large dinning room.
"Alright, thanks man." Benny smiled kindly, appreciating the gesture of the boy. I couldn't help but feel more at ease with Brandon's kindness. I was surprised that he was much kinder than his girlfriend and her friends.
We peered through the crowd of swaying bodies coated in sweat and intoxicated by who knows what, making our way to the door of the basement as we trailed behind Brandon and the rest of the passengers from the car.
Benny looked at a couple on the verge of breaking into lustrous sex and bulged his hazel eyes. I laughed at his expression as the innocence he still held danced upon his features.
We pushed past people guarding the doors, being met with a large basement that contained large leather couches, a large flat screen tv, and a giant bar. My eyes widened at the sight of different types of alcohol being displayed on the bar.
"Welcome to the basement, I only let specific people enter these premises during my parties, I thought I'd welcome Adrianna and Charli's guests." Brandon said, taking a seat on the leather coach that faced the television. The couch was a large set, curved into a U shape in front of a large television and fire place.
Benny and I took a seat on the left side, scanning the atmosphere to see people sprawled on each side of the room.
"Elena and Benny, this is Peter," Brandon gestured to a boy with bronze skin, a buzz cut, and freckles splattered upon his face. He nudged his head in our direction.
"This is Adam," Brandon spoke up once again, this time gesturing to a guy with raven quiffs of hair standing upon his head and blazing hazel eyes that almost looked like Benny's, the only difference being that his were filled with a golden tint to them.
"Hello," He greeted politely in a British accent. I was amazed at how unique his accent was.
"Then here's Hailey, and you've met Adrianna and Charli." Brandon said, all three girls turning to us in unison. Hailey was lazily seated with her torso up on the couch and a cigarette spilling from her red coated lips. She smiled at us, her aurburn hair in waves cascading past her shoulders and a red tank top hanging loosely off her torso.
As for Charli and Adrianna, they were devouring bottles of alcohol and laughed as they lazily smiled at us.
I diverted my eyes to Benny; his attention was on the alcohol Brandon began to pour in a red cup and being placed in his grasp. I inhaled a sharp intake of breath as he brought the cup a bit closer to his lips.
"I've—uh I don't really drink, man." He spoke to Brandon, embarrassment blazing from his features.
"Come on man, it's your first party I assume, why not just take a swig, it's pretty good once you get used to it." Brandon explained, curling his arms across his chest as he stood in the centre of the room awaiting Benny to take a sip of the drink.
Benny slowly raised the substance to his pouted lips, and slowly drained the cup of its contents. He made a sour expression as the drink vanished into his system, causing everyone in the room to erupt in laughter.
"Man, that shits nasty, how do you drink it like it's water?" Benny asked, a scowl placed on his face.
"You get used to the small burn, trust me," Brandon laughed while taking a swig of his own cup. "You want a cup, Elena?"
"Yeah, please." I replied as he made his way to the bar to prepare me a drink.
Benny gazed at me as he watched me effortlessly drain the cup of alcohol as though I were inhaling air. He stared at me in amazement as my face didn't scrunch in disgust.
"How do you drink that shit?" He asked once again, I just chuckled lightly.
"It's good when you add a screwdriver, try some Smirnoff." I suggested, pointing to the translucent bottle with bolded red letters.
"What's uh. . . screwdriver?" Benny asked innocently.
"You add a type of juice to the drink, with that vodka I suggest you add lemonade, I tried it with Pepsi once and it tasted like ass." I explained, walking over with him to the bar.
I asked Brandon if he had any lemonade and he pointed to the mini fridge next to the bar. I grabbed a red cup and poured the vodka and lemonade, mixing both substances together.
I handed the glass to Benny, making sure to not give him too much to handle. He took a sip and managed to get through it without a disoriented expression.
"Like it?" I asked.
"Yeah, it tastes less shitty," he laughed, causing laughter to bubble from me as well.
We took our places back on the charcoal leather couch, facing the people who Brandon introduced us to with an awkward atmosphere. I didn't feel that weird, just a bit uncomfortable due to my shyness.
"So, are you two together?" asked the girl named Hailey as she pulled her torso up in a seated position on the couch, crossing her long legs.
Benny's eyes widened, his cheeks also darkening.
"No, I just met him like a week ago, we're just friends." I spoke up, the silence becoming an overbearing elephant in the room.
"Awe, you guys would be cute together." She smiled. I couldn't help but feel as embarrassed as Benny.
"Stop harassing them Hails, they just met." The boy with the British accent said, causing Hailey to roll her eyes.
"Shut up, go back to talking to your bong Adam." She chuckled, causing him to send an irritated glance in her direction.
After a couple hours and few drinks later, the atmosphere wasn't as though it was engulfed by glass that was at its mere breaking point. The fact that I had been used to drinking had made it possible for me not to feel much from the cup of vodka I digested, Benny however was a new drinker, causing him to become slightly buzzed.
I sparked a conversation with the small group, becoming more acquainted with both Adam and Hailey. Peter however, laid in the corner of the room sparking a joint to himself.
Hailey popped another cigarette from her pocket, sparking it in her mouth. She grabbed her pack and offered me one. I hesitated, not really sure if I wanted to expose that part of myself to Benny. I realized that he probably wouldn't really remember it if he was already on the verge of being drunk.
"Thanks," I smiled at the girl that returned my gaze with a beautiful smile. She was extremely pretty.
"No problem. You're pretty cool Elena, much more laid back then most of the people Brandon invites," She complimented.
"Actually, Adrianna and Charli invited me, I had no idea who they even were, I honestly came for the free alcohol," I laughed, she replied with a pit of laughter as well.
"That's why we all come to be honest," She continued laughing at the statement.
I felt contempt, but got worried as I turned to an almost passed out Benny.
"How many drinks did he have?" I asked, almost forgetting that he continued to drink while I was stuck in conversation.
"He's really not a drinker to have passed out so quick, it's actually kinda funny." She said, glancing at the unconscious boy laying upon the cushion next to me.
I placed his head in my lap and started shaking him slightly to wake him up, "Benny, you okay?"
Immediately, his eyes fluttered open. Swirls of hazel spun in his pupils as he glued his eyes to mine.
"Yeah, I am now." He laughed. I felt a vibration of electricity pulse to my heart as I wrapped my fingers in his curls.
"Elena, you're really pretty. . ." He slurred, a lopsided grin staining his face.
"You're pretty too Benny." I laughed.
"Boys can't be pretty, silly." He snorted, his eyes lighting up as a wider smile broke through his grin.
"But you're not like all the other boys." I explained, his face scrunching in confusion.
"What do you mean? How could you think that when you don't even know me yet." His eyebrows rose in pure confusion.
"I just know." I simply stated rubbing his head so he'd fall back to sleep for a bit.
I watched sleep consume him as a vulnerable and peaceful expression washed itself upon his delicate features. He looked so adorable as he fell asleep with a small smile still balanced on his peach lips.
As the night dove into darkness, I awoke Benny so I could bring him home. He hadn't sobered up yet so I had to find some way for him to get home without being intoxicated.
I formed a plan as I got him up and began saying bye to the newfound friends I had slowly formed.
Hailey and I exchanged numbers, as did Adam and I. Zara approached me before leaving asking for my number as well, surprising me due to her lack of involvement with me tonight.
"Thanks for the invite guys, I'm gonna get him home." I declared, placing Benny's slightly conscious body to balance on mine, his arm casted over my shoulders. I wrapped my hand around him in order for him to stand up, but his head was tilted downwards and was swaying from side to side.
"No problem Elena, I hope to see you soon." Hailey waved back as I trudged up the stairs carrying the intoxicated boy.
I exited the house and glanced at the sky. It appeared to be surfacing around midnight, the stars aligning the sky casting a luminous shine upon the boy balanced on my shoulders.
"Benny, wake up please, I need help with directions." I whispered, skimming his cheek in attempts to awaken him.
With no response, I pulled up my phone and glanced at the address I was currently located on in order to find directions to our houses. It said that it wasn't too much of a journey—a fifteen minute walk at most.
We began our journey as we strode down the street, Benny diving in and out of consciousness. He'd ask me where we were every so often I'd reassure him that we were almost home.
I felt the pang of guilt as I realized I was the reason for his first time being so intoxicated at a place he didn't know about himself. I didn't want to lead him down a dangerous road, or to become like me.
We approached a stop light and an idea sparked my thoughts as I spotted an abandoned cart parked on the sidewalk. I quickly made my way to the cart with Benny still glued to my side, and grabbed the object, pulling it up from being tossed on the ground.
I pulled Benny and placed his torso to sit in the cart, it was a struggle as he'd sway into objects managing to bump into them. He awoke for a few seconds and sat himself crossed-legged in the centre. I watched him begin to laugh with his eyes still swollen shut.
"Why am I in a cart, Elena?" He slurred with humour present in his tone.
"We are doing on an adventure," I explained. "I'm gonna sober you up."
"So-burr. . . It's so burr? ha, get it, I'm so cold I'm so burr," Benny went on with telling me the terrible joke, causing me to laugh hysterically.
"Shut up, Rodriguez," I managed to say in between catching my breath.
As I pushed the cart across the street when we were alerted that we could cross, I sped up slowly building up enough stamina to run with Benny past the dark rows of houses.
We laughed, the kind of laugh realizing that freedom was in this very moment and that we were lost in the midnight stars that lit our way home. I felt like a child, hysterically crying in pits of laughter as Benny raised his arms in the air and began dancing.
I'd only felt this way a few times in my life; this contempt feeling of being a child and discarding the worries that processed through me. We both screamed as I let go of the cart for fun, allowing the small gusts of wind to push him.
"Elena, I'm gonna kill you!" He shouted in between his radiant pitch of giggles.
I ran back to the speeding cart and directed us on our way home.
The night sky intoxicated me more than the alcohol, creating an adrenaline rush to rage through my senses.
Benny was enjoying this just as much as he turned to me with a toothy grin. He was sobering up and was able to actually stay awake.
When I laughed loudly, he turned to me and kept his eyes locked on me causing me to feel slightly insecure. He appeared to be trapped in a labyrinth of thoughts as his eyes stayed glued to my childish expression.
"What?" I asked as he smiled to himself.
"Has anyone ever told you how nice your smile is?" He asked, my senses being clouded by his words.
"I—uh no, not really," a nervous chuckle vibrated from my lips.
"If I could, I'd take all of my jokes and tell them to you just to make you laugh for the rest of your life," he stated, my heart pounding faster than the speed of light.
I didn't respond as my gaze met my shoes, my hair casting curtains around my face to mask my embarrassment. He laughed, turning back to face his gaze to the night sky.
I had known the boy a week, yet I couldn't deny the feeling of comfort and nervousness that engulfed me within every moment I spent in his presence. I could already see that I was going to fall for the cheesy lines that poured from his lips in the future.
Until then, I wouldn't let myself. I'd contain the euphoric feeling of my heart being on fire and my lungs drowning in desire. I couldn't break him nor could I let myself be broken. Not again.
We eventually reached our destination after we slowed down so I could catch my breath. Benny was doing much better as he climbed out the cart and was able to hold himself up on his own.
We stopped at his house, leaving the cart behind at the front of the street. We walked side by side in comforting silence.
I knew this night would never leave my thoughts, a memory I'd cherish for the rest of my life as images of his beautiful smile stained my thoughts.
"Thanks for tonight Elena, I'm sorry about how wasted I got, I'd never drank before so I probably looked pretty stupid." He sighed, a small laugh exhaled from his tongue.
"No Benny, you were fine, I get it," I smiled. "You think you'll be okay getting upstairs?"
"Yeah, I'm just a little buzzed I think. I'll be able to survive until I see my sister, she's gonna kill me," he explained, a small worried expression forming on his face.
"I'm sorry, I hope you don't get into too much trouble," I frowned sadly.
"No, it was worth it to be honest, I didn't think I'd have fun in the beginning, but it honestly wasn't that terrible," he said, glancing at his house that now lit with lights from the downstairs living room.
"I'm gonna go, thanks for tonight Elena." Benny said, grabbing me to engulf me in a hug. I placed my head on his chest, the beating of his heart penetrating my ear drum. I was intoxicated in the scent of his boyish cologne as he hugged me for a bit longer.
I exited his embrace with a smile still planted on my face. He returned the smile and ran home, leaving me at his doorstep with a small emptiness that plagued my heart from the loss of his embrace.
Zara Evans is played by her;
Brandon Leons is played by him;
Peter Aldrich
Adam Bennett played by Zayn Malik
Hailey Maddox as Lucy Hale
Sorry for the slight un-edited chapter and the lengthy pages!
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