When you speak in your first language
Situation: (member) and you are having a specific situation. You get a call from a family member back in your home country. You and that person obsiviously talk in your first language and (member) is listening to you no matter if he doesn't undstand a word.
Chen and you are cuddled up in his bed. You talk about all kind of stuff and he tells some jokes that make you both laugh. Suddenly your phone rings. You excuse yourself and answer your family member in German. It's your mother. You both talk about your health, your life with Chen and the members. Chen is listening you with a huge smile even all he understands is his name and the name of his group. Before the call ends you both say I love you in German and then you put away your phone and cuddle with Chen. Suddenly he says "I-ich liebe dich" (German; english: I love you). You smile at him and say it back.
"Oh it's my dad." You say and then answer the call. Your dad and you talk in Dutch because you're from the Netherlands. You two talk about the weather, the health of you two, the family back in your home country and about your lovely boyfriend and his band members. Xiumin halfly listens two your call and halfly to the TV which is not that easy so he just listens to the both of you. He smiles because he learned a bit of your language and understands a few words.
Kris and you are watching your favorite movie and then suddenly your phone rings. You excuse yourself a few times before you hang on the call. You happily talk to your brother in English with your british accent. Kris obsviously understands everything and just keeps smiling like an idiot because you can't stop talking so nicely about him and the members but mostly him. After the call Kris kisses you passionate and then has a grin on his face. Then finally you two continue with the movie.
The two of you are on a date in your favorite restaurant. You both have so much fun. You talk alot, laugh alot and of course eat alot. Suddenly your phone rings and as you see it's your mom you excuse yourself . You're from South Korea so obsiviously talk in Korean. Lay is really trying to understand everything but he is misunderstanding a few things so starts giggling but he even giggles more if it makes no sense in his head and it has to do with him or the members. You really try to resist his sweet little giggles but after you end the call you start laughing and ask him why he had to laugh.
Luhan and you are having a romantic dinner in the exo dorm. Luckily he got all the members out of the house. After you finished eating Luhan puts on classic dance music and starts dancing with you. You two are dangerously close. You can't take off your eyes of each other. Luhan puts you even closer and then starts kissing you passionatly. Suddenly and obsivously in the wrong moment your phone rings. Barely wanting to end it you let off from your boyfriend and answer your phone. Like in a rush you fastly say hello in your first language which is French. Luhan can't stop grinning and having his eyes on you. After the call he says: "I understood nothing but you did sound so sexy talking like that."
The two of you are having a great day in a zoo. Tao obsivously wanted to see the pandas so you both are rushing the them. Your boyfriend is watching them like a little child and takes lots of photos. Suddenly your phone rings and you excuse yourself. Tao just focuses on his relatives. You hang up and start talking with your older sister -inGerman- about the life in Korea, about Tao and the members and also the food as you both love food alot. Suddenly your boyfriend is about to climb in the area to the pandas so you fastly end the call and run to Tao. After you got him away from that you don't know if you should be worried or if you should start laughing but you can't hold yourself but just laughing at him. Tao looks at you like a little pissed child but with an ashamed grin.
Your boyfriend and you are in the practise room because he still pictures in his head the way you moved to their music and called these dance moves. As he thinks otherwise and as he told you to learn some moves you both are finally here and he showes you some moves. Currently he just shows you what he has and shows you his best dance moves. You can't take off your eyes of his body and as he realises he can't stop blushing. But after a while you have to stop because your phone rings but you haven't realised that at first because you are busy staring at your boyfriend. But after you realised you fastly hang up and firstly answer in Korean but as soon as you also realise that it's your mom you start talking in your first language which is Spanish. Kai doesn't understand a word expect his name, exo, the name of the other members and names of food. He just stares at you and after you finished he gives you a smile and asks you to tell him what you both were talking about.
The two of you are having a lazy day. That means just you two, the couch, pizza and movies. You both are cuddling while watching TV. Baekhyun and you are often ex-changing loving eye contact. Then suddenly he couldn't hold himself but putting you on his lap and start kissing you with such a lust. You both wanted to do more but in an absolutely wrong moment your phone starts to ring and barely wanting to but hardly letting off him you hang up your phone and start talking with the person who called you which is your dad. You both start talking about literally everything. About the weather, the health of you two, about your family back in your home country Italy and about your boyfriend, his members and the life with them. Everytime he hears his name or the word exo he has to smile and after the call he asks you what you said about him.
Suho and you are cooking together. You cook something easy because you both aren't the best cooks. While you are busy right now Suho is just watching you and then hugs you from behind. You both start blushing as you never are that close that often because you aren't in a relationship for so long. Still both of you are enjoying it. As you don't have to do anything at the moment you turn around and look at him with a smile. The both of you are just staring at each other and Suho sees that as a good moment for the both of you having your first kiss but as soon as he leans over your phone rings. You quietly sighed because of that. You excused yourself and then hang up the phone. It was your mom. Your mom and you talk about your life, Suho, EXO and your health and of course about everything about your family back in the United States. Suho stares to the ground but listens to you and smiles alot.
Chanyeol and you are having a fun day in a theme park. All those roller coasters and just the two of you - you have a huge fun. You both walk hand in hand through the park. It's been a while since the two of you had such a date because he has been a while on tour but now he's free so you both use that time. Suddenly your phone rings and you stop walking so he stops too. You excused yourself and hang up your phone. It's your sister. You start talking in Swedish. Chanyeol just stands there smiling at you even all he understands his name which you said very often which makes him even more smiling like an idiot. You are actually really often using the name of your boyfriend because he's your one and only you could non-stop talk about. After the call he kisses you and then you continue with walking the the next roller coaster.
You two are on a walk through Seoul with Vivi. Sehun and you are talking about god and the world. You both aren't together that long and you never do anything more than holding hands or hugging and Sehun is about to do a little more today because he had planned your first kiss. You two sit down on a park bench and let Vivi play around. As you two stop talking and just watch Vivi Sehun sees that as a chance to kiss you so he gets slowly closer but then suddenly your phone rings. Sehun fastly sits back and you take out your phone. You answer the call and start talking with your mother in German. She asks you about your health, Sehun and about EXO. Sehun blushes alot as he hears his name. After the call he says I love you in German and as it is the first time he says that you smile unsure but say it back. Then Sehun kisses you softly.
Just another day in the life of you two. As often you both just lazily lay on the couch watching movies. The two of you are wrapped in two blankets together and share the warmth of each other. The movie starts showing a romantic scene where the male character is about to kiss the female character. Soo sees that as a initation for himself and is about to be as romantic as in the movie but suddenly your phone rings and you lean forwords to the living room table. You take your phone and answer the call. Your mother from Florida calls you so you start talking in English. Kyungsoo is really good at English so he smiles to himself as you talk so nicely about everything that happens in Korea and how you talk so lovely about him and the food he makes. After the call he cuddles you and you both continue wacthing the movie.
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